Solr MoreLikeThis for a single document - solr

I'm fairly new to Solr. I'm interested to implement MoreLikeThis feature of Solr for an e-commerce application. When a user clicks a particular product and goes into the Product Detail Page, I want the related products of that one product. I have to then filter out the results for different scenarios (similar color, types, brands, etc.)
I'm able to get the related products of result set by adding the mlt paramter as true in the Solr query.
My question is can a query be generated at runtime when a user enters the PDP page and can filters be applied for the MoreLikeThis result set?
P.S.: I'm in a Java environment


How to search through uploaded documents, mvc?

I am making a website where users can upload documents and search also a search functionality to find documents. My question is, how do i add a search functionality that searches not only the title of the document but also the document itself.
Title: Reaction to The Perl
Text: {Whole Document}
If we search for 'Kino' (Which is appears in {Whole Document}), this document should show up as a result to the search.
Currently I have them uploaded to a folder on the system and the database just contains a title and a link to the file. I have not implemented the search functionality yet.
Also I am using mvc, and sql server, if that matters.
You could use Lucene.Net to implement the search functionality (available for download from NuGet). You just need to add the documents and fields to a search index and then execute the search through the API.
I find this tutorial for Lucene.Net a useful example.

Drupal Commerce Kickstart - allow anonymous users to see disabled products

I have a very simple implementation of Drupal Commerce Kickstart on I do not use the stock modules and I am not planning in use those, as the stock is handled by the customer's ERP (they also sell their products in their real store, using the existing stock management).
What I want to do, however, is to change the "add to cart" button to "product not available" when the product is disabled and still show the product on display and searches, so people will know they exist. I noticed this works the way as expected if I access the product page directly: - there you will see the Product not Available. However, the product will not show under its category ( or in the search results if I search for its name.
Anonymous users already have the permission to see all products.
I have been searching all over and I could not find a way to do this.
All help is welcome.
You will have to create a new view that has disable and enabled products in its filters with products as its relationship.

Wordpress Data Entry Plugin

I am looking to make a database of zoning projects that are searchable by different variables such as date, type of meeting, address, applicant name, type of variance, etc. I would like to do this utilizing the Wordpress framework as much as possible. Is there a way to efficiently do this using custom post types, tags, categories, archive pages, etc such that posts may be assigned a value for each variable, and then filtered appropriately through a search query?
Primarily Search wordpress site for "post search" or "data entry"
If you are not able to choose one, you can try the following :
Advance custom post search link ||| For search
Geo Data Store ||Best for your project!
In addidtion to above you may use this plugin - Ajax search
Above options only cover wordpress plugins which can only be used in wordpress sites.

Best way to implement custom search form

Firstly, I am a Drupal newbie and am still alien to many of Drupal's core concepts. My questions probably seem lame but .... I am trying my best.
I want to implement a custom search form like in the picture attached.
Hotel, flight, etc. are taxonomy terms.
Depending on the taxonomy term selected, the parameters below will also change, like in the picture below:
I came across Drupal Search API. I saw the Munich DrupalCon screencast on search api.
From what I have seen so far, I am not sure whether this can be implemented using Search API.
I know this can be implemted using Forms API (I will create the form manually).
I want to know which way will be faster, Forms API or Search API.
I am using : Drupal 7.26
A simple way is to build a regular view with exposed filters.
To add and configure a views exposed filter:
Go to your views edit page.
Create the filter criteria that we want our users to be able to control, by clicking the "Add" button, in the filter criteria box.
Choose the fields that you want your users to be able to filter through them and click "Add".
In Configure filter criterion, check the option Expose this filter to visitors, to allow them to change it.
Configure the rest of the settings to your liking and click "Next".
After saving the view, this filter should be exposed to your users and they are able to search your view.
For a demo with screenshots; Check this tutorial.

Searching information on pages created by views in Drupal 7

I'm using Drupal Commerce and creating pages with those products through views.
I would like to be able to search for any of the products and any of their descriptions and have the search results link to those views pages.
I'm currently exploring Search by Page and it's kind of working but it only searches on the page title and doesn't search substrings. I'm downloading and trying everything! Maybe i just need the right combo.
Has anyone dealt with this?
You can use the option "Search: search terms" from filter settings. For this option you have to enable core Search module.
Its searches from Title, Description also we can set "contains" criteria to search any matched data.
