how did alphago visualize markov decision process? - artificial-intelligence

Does anyone know how to visualize the markov decision process and monte carlo tree search like in this video?
At 7:12 in the above video, each step span is visualized with a new network. Is there a open source package to do that or it is just a custom visual effect?


WPF - Interactive real-time rendering(C#)

I am currently working on a project where i want to display data of a game and my own graphs on a rebuilt minimap.
The data is given as ticks of the game with the entitydata changed in that tick. At first i want to draw the map and then all entities existing at the first tick. Then for every tick i want to update positions and draw lines between entities
My WPF User Interface is set up with the MVVM Pattern.
Now i am struggling with the creation of and techniques for the minimap.
What i want the minimap to support/create:
Click on entities on the field to display more information about them.
Zoom the map
Follow entities(with a zoomed in game field)
Toogle different visuals (disable one team, highlight sth etc)
...(and other interactions like the above)
Graphics should look as smooth as possible(Map,Images, anti-aliasing, no stuttering)
High framerate (at least 30FPS)
At best it should be a solution with most of the above features built in(see 1.)
Exporting screenshots and a video of the whole game(with my own graphs and stuff)
What i already considered(from this post WPF real-time rendering)
Data binding and canvas
Problem: Slow and not least as I implemented it)
- WriteableBitmap(Problem: No funcitionalities built in(see 1.)
Problem: How to realize as MVVM? Is it efficient?
Problem: I have to build the functionality of 1.) on my own. But looks like it is efficient
Before i start implementing a lot of my wanted features myself i wanted to ask if there is anything fitting my needs or if any of the above technologies is not suited.
I hope that my question is clear enough.
Feel free to let me know if anything is missing.
DataBinding is nice for connecting view models to input controls, but not for updating the state of graphic objects in real-time.
I would go with DrawingVisual because it is relative lightweight and supports hit testing. Even if you don't have MVVM support, it is easy to update the visuals "manually".

Visualize graph algorithms (step-by-step) with data binding in WPF

I'm developing an WPF application that models the graph algorithms. I use ListBox with DataTemplates to display the graph by binding it to an ObservableCollection of Nodes and Edges. At this stage, everything is displayed correctly but the algorithm cannot run step-by-step! I have searched and tried many, from BackgroundWorker to Dispatcher, but nothing worked!
So, how can I make the algorithm displayed step-by-step? Is it possible to do with data-binding? Or must I choose another way to render the graph?
In WinForm, there is Sleep() to stop on each Node for an amount of time and do some rendering tasks, then move on. But I think that solution only works if the algorithm and rendering task are mixed together.

WPF real-time rendering

I'm designing a game and thinking about using WPF for making a simple prototype of the basic gameplay.
Is it possible to render basic 2d-graphics in WPF in real-time? By basic graphics I mean simple shapes such as lines, circles, etc. By "real-time" I mean things are rendered based on parameters such as velocity, acceleration, etc. that changes depending on player input - which I assume means I can't use storyboards for the animations.
Check out the previous question High Performance Graphics using the WPF Visual Layer for a good related discussion. While WPF provides a great framework for rich vector graphics, it lacks somewhat for real-time 2D performance.
There are workarounds, for instance, depending on your scene complexity you may get away with using DrawingVisuals or virtualized Shape classes (WPF Vector graphics) to draw your sprites. Going a little lower level, you could cache sprites using the BitmapCache mode available in .NET4.0, or pre-prendering them to Bitmaps and using various optimization patterns to improve throughput.
Going lower level still, you can mix Vector/Raster graphics using the fantantastic WriteableBitmapEx project, or Vector/GPU graphics using the D3DImage.
Regarding how to update your scene, you'll need to write a primitive game engine where on the CompositionTarget.Rendering event (fired on redraw of the screen) you get the updated parameters and compute positions/orientations of your sprites. Something that might help with this is this great codeplex project which integrates WPF/Silverlight and Farseer physics.

Polygons collision detection silverlight

This is not a generic question on collision detection, so please read it till the end.
In my wp7 game, i represent all my objects as rectangles, and use the the Intersect() method to check for collisions between 2 rectangles, which works great.
I was thinking of enhancing the accuracy by drawing the objects as polygons instead of rectangles.
Is there a built in api such as the Rect.Intersect() that works for Polygons ?
More generic question: Is there a better approach other than the Rect.Intersect() one which utilizes .net api's and does not involve implementing collision detection algorithms?
There is no baked in equivalent for polygons collision detection in silverlight. There is a similar question asked here. But there is a Polygon Object JIC you didn't already know

WPF capabilities

In my company we have in mind a redesign of the user interface of an application and we would like to make it ... let say "fancy". We have in mind a simple story board but I doubt between WPF, XNA or DirectX. I prefer WPF so I'd need to know if it support the following capabilities and how difficult to implement are they:
Transparency: We'd like to display information layers on top of the main display.
3D support: We want network nodes (part of the interface is a network graphic) to be simple spheres connected with lines in a 3D enviroment, and the ability to control the camera so rotation of the screen is possible.
Effects: Such as shading, lens flare or glow to "signal" the discovery or deletion of a node.
Text animations: Specifically the ability to display the text as if it's being written... You know, the information text will be "filling" the panel top down, left to right...
Good news. WPF is the technology you want and it can handle your requirements with relative ease.
Transparency is simple.
3D support is good as well. For an example, check out Tim Sneath: Five Great WPF 3D Nuggets. You even get hardware acceleration.
Effects are definitely do-able via timeline animations.
The previous statement goes double for Text Animations.
...the hardest part would be the 3D support, but it's still going to be a lot easier than getting things done in XNA or using DirectX libraries directly.
AFAIK WPF 3.5 supports all of this, and even leverages hardware acceleration to get a decent performance.
It's possible to embed an XNA application in a WPF form so you could use XNA for the representation of your network and WPF controls for the GUI in front of it.
