Internal styling in react.js - reactjs

In react I have found either inline CSS styling OR separate CSS style sheets and CSS modules etc to import into the component . Is there no way in react of creating an internal tag ie internal styles specific to the component, say on top of the component like we do in HTML


How to use Plane Css to style mui V5 components in react typescript

How can I use plane Css in mui V5 components. I want to call a css classes to mui components and modify the mui styles. I don't want to use styled. Only using a plane Css.
Iam using react typescript and mui v5
Example: I have a mui Button component and want to specify className="editbutton" and the css properties for this class is in css file
And in css file
. editbutton { color:'red'; background-color:'green'}
How do I achieve this, what are the changes that needs to be done in any of the files and what are the things that needs to added

How to apply styling to MapView when using #arcgis/core for imports?

In my React application I'm rendering a MapView. However, the zoom in/out button along with any popup templates are appended below the map in standard html.
When I previously used esri-loader for importing arcgis modules, I could fix this issue by setting a CSS option to true, like so. The styling would match the API examples.
loadModules(["esri/views/MapView"], {css: true})
But I can't find any instance of a CSS or styling property in the MapView class. So how do I apply this styling when using #arcgis/core for imports?
The documentation recommends importing directly from the cdn:
#import "";
Or if you want to import it from your local, you can follow their instructions for referencing local assets, and import from your node_modules:
#import "#arcgis/core/assets/esri/themes/dark/main.css";

Change navigation styles depending on the current path Gatsbyjs

I am pretty new to Gatsby Js, I am quite struggling to understand how I can change my Header component styling based the current path. The Header component is common to all the pages but the styling should change slightly when I navigate to other pages like /portfolio and /team. Due to Gatsby SSR in production on the first page load when the path is "/portfolio or "team" the proper styling for the header doesn't change since the code to modify the className of the header component happens in the browser. Is there any way using the Browser API or SSR API to add/remove the correct className of the Header component? I hope I made it clear enough.
Actually its easy. Gatsby comes with a handy plugin called react-helmet make sure you have it inside your package.json if you don't, check the Docs for installation.
All you need to do is to import helmet inside your targeted page for example portfolio.js
import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet'
After your <SEO> component, add Helmet component and define a CSS class within bodyAttributes element like so:
<Helmet bodyAttributes={{ class: 'portfolio-page' }} />
This will add portfolio-page class to the page body tag, and so, you can target that class like you would with regular CSS classes.
.portfolio-page .your-navigation {
background-color: black;
Here is a codeSandbox for live example. Check page-2.js and components > layout.css

Emotion theme is empty when importing component outside the Gatsby root

I'm building a component library alongside a Gatsby demo website. The component library is styled with Emotion + theming.
Here is the basic folder structure I have:
My problem is that the button doesn't get the theme (the theme appears to be {}).
However, if I move the button to website/src/components, the theme gets to the button as expected.
See repro here.
What am I missing here?

modernizr In react with styles components

I am using nextjs for a site and have my css in
Styles components. I want to import modernizr and use this to detect browser features and change the css in my styles components accordingly. I can see I could just use a script tag in the html file but wanted to see if any way modernizr can be used as import. What’s the best way to use modernizr in react?
