i am working with a userscript here and i'm trying to bypass a linkvertise - tampermonkey

im new to coding i dont know how to write javascript i only know how to change a few things like values and stuff i am trying to bypass linkvertise but the website the linkvertise redirects me to is invalid unless i wait 15 seconds i found code to make it think i have waited 15 seconds when in reality its only 1 second (i dont even know if it actually does that or not because i haven't tested it) (function() {setTimeout(() => {console.log("Redirecting")}, 15100);
and i am trying to put it inside of this code !async function(){"use strict";let e=new XMLHttpRequest;e.responseType="json",e.open("GET",https://bypass.bot.nu/bypass2?url=${document.location.href.slice(0,-1)},!0),e.onload=function(n){4===e.readyState&&(document.location.href=this.response.destination)},e.send(null)}(); to make it bypass the linkvertise and make it think i waited 15 seconds and when i try to put it in the code it doesn't work so can someone put it inside for me and fix the code that makes it think i waited 15 seconds if there is anything to fix in it.
this is the link of where i got the code that makes it think i waited 15 seconds that i dont even know if it makes it think i waited 15 seconds https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/450331-krnl-bypass/code
and this is the code i am trying to put it in https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/435099-linkvertise


Warning modal and session timeout

I have a requirement to display warning pop up for 28minutes and auto logout for 30 minutes, so if i click ok on that pop up it should trigger to 30minutes more. I need to achieve this using react.js. If anyone knows a way to do this, please share with me.
I have added to the code sandbox here an implementation of what you are describing. Instead of doing 30 minutes, I have used 3 minutes and I logout at the last second of the three minutes. you can modify these figures to your taste. sample code here

.NET v2 IIS timeout after 30 seconds (not always)

First of all I would like to point out that this is, in my eyes, not a duplicate question, because the timeout as described in the title happens 8/10 times. So not always.
We have a .NET application with Dapper, but all of a sudden the application stops the request after 30 seconds. We have had this issue before and fixed it by updating all limit options in IIS and adding executionTimeout="00:30:00" to the web.conf file of IIS. (In the aspNet section).
The above fixed the issue for one of our applications, including this one. But all of a sudden this problem seems to be back.
The strange thing is that it doesn't always happen. Sometimes the application continues with the request for 40, 50 or more seconds. But 8/10 times it stops after exactly 30 seconds.
We also have a executionTimeout set in the code where we call the query. This is set on 1800 seconds.
In our eyes this must be a IIS issue or perhaps even a database issue (MSSQL)? But we are unsure what to do next, because it doesn't always happen. If it was a IIS problem, wouldn't it always happen even if we test it a thousand times?
If someone could help us with this problem we would really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT code snippets:
var result = await _connection.QueryAsync<Sample>(sql, commandTimeout: 1800);
<aspNetCore ... executionTimeout="00:30:00" ... />
You should try to increase the CommandTimeout while calling the Execute method of the dapper.net.
Refer to these URLs for more details
"requestTimeout" throw an error when there is no possibility to begin the query due to a lock over one resource that is uncompatible with the lock you need to put to begin the exexcution of the query.
So if the 30 seconds have been passed, the query is running, but the execution time can be greater that 30 seconds...

Dart Timer Seemingly Doesn't Fire

For some reason, the timer I made in Dart seems to not fire, as it doesn't change the screen contents. I had it working at one point, but it was gradually getting faster and faster for some reason (ticking more times per second, every second it ticked,) and I had to work on it.
Here's a link to the main.dart file.
Can anyone explain what I did wrong here? My placement of the tick function, perhaps?

Protractor: waiting for an element to become visible

I have a directive in which I show a pop-up after 10 seconds (using setTimeout), and would like to test that it appears correctly. But I don't want to have the test wait an actual 10 seconds. How can I fake the clock moving forward?
I tried using jasmine's Clock.tick() like this:
But that doesn't work. I think I'm missing something.

Trying to track down a Silverlight memory leak that only happens in browsers

This is an odd one. I am making a app that is kind of a game, and I wanted to have a shooting starburst effect. I made it one evening and it all worked well, until I noticed that my browser was eating over 300 megs of ram, eating 1 meg every 5 seconds, mainly when the starburst would happen.
Here is an example stripped down to just the starburst:
First thought, I am not removing the objects or still have references somewhere. I am placing each generated star into a Canvas, but I am removing old starts every 3 seconds. I do have a lot of DoubleAnimations as well, but I even have a callback to set everything to null.
Here is the weird part, if I convert it to WPF it doesnt happen, if I run it inside of Silverlight Spy 3, it doenst happen. If I take a Heap Dump using WinDbg and SOS.dll, it reports that it should only be using between 1.8 and 3 MBs of ram.
I have the GC running every 3 seconds to cleanup, but it never has any effect. I can see in the heapdump that many objects are now deleted, and I always get back to 1.8 meg or so after a GC, but the memory shown in Task Manager just keeps going up.
I dont know what to do, I think I am carefully removing the objects unless my Heap is not being honest.
Are you running Vista or Win7? It sounds like the OS is not reclaiming memory, as it shouldn't unless it needs to.
It may also be that the Silverlight GC doesn't free its buffers, on the assumption that the memory may need to be reallocated soon.
In either case, it doesn't sound like anything to worry about, as long as the profiler says your program only uses 1.8MB after the GC runs.
I just briefly looked over your code. You have a lot of places where you hook into events (+=), but never unhook (-=). These are hard references and therefore won't ever be collected if they are ultimately connected to a root object.
OK I am going to sorta answer my own question. Silveright doesn't have the handy "BeginAnimation" method, so I found online a quick way to add an extension to do basically the same thing, it did this by creating a storyboard and starting it.
However, it just stayed there, I dont exactly know what it was being connected to either. Calling Stop() on it after it finishes fixed my memory issue.
One odd side effect is I have to be careful when I call the stop method, when creating so many storyboards it seemed to get a bit confused and it would cause some of the objects to reappear, even after they were removed from the control.
