Table with multiple search bars and add object logic - reactjs

I have a table with multiple columns that I want to search through with multiple search bars (one for each column). I'm using MUI Datagrid table. You may think- that's filtering not quick search. You are correct, but I need to use the search/filter queries to add that object to the table IF it doesn't exist in the table. So to be clear- user has a table that he filters, he decides the object he searches for isn't there so he decides to add it with the search words. What I think of is- getting the data from my backend, passing it to the fuse.js instance, then somehow passing that to the MUI Datagrid. Is this the correct aproach or am I missing any plugins I could utilize?


Tableau- Filtering based on another element

I have multiple tables with one common element (ID). The first table has is the only one that has the ID and First Name. In a dashboard, I am trying to create a filter where when I type in or select the First Name, all data from all tables relating to the First Name's ID would populate.
FYI, I don't want to join the data. My actual tables are big data from multiple sources I would like to find an alternative route to this.
I also tried to create a parameter for the First Name and then created a Calculated Field with
IF [Parameter]=[Name]
but this didn't work. I am very new to Tableau and I'm thinking that there must be a way where the choosing a Name would trigger the ID and its relevant data.
create multiple sheets with different tables where each sheet will be collected to individual table.
Now create a filter and apply the filter to all worksheets and then go to dashboard and apply filter, Dash board should change.

Filter one column in table in Google Data Studio

I want to filter for unique events based on event category= Landing Page Links for dimensions=campaign and source. The entire table is already filtered for certain campaigns and sources. But on this particular column in the table I want event category filter in google data studio report. Is it possible?
I have tried creating calculated fields using case when but it is throwing error.
Not sure what you want to do but it you want to have different filters for 2 columns in one table, you can use data blending. If you have data source A and wants filter1 on one column and filter2 on the other, blend Source A with filter1 to SourceA with filter2. You just have to configure the Joint Keys properly to make it give the data you are expecting.

How to make title sortable with two different tables whose data coming from same model in cakephp?

I have a view showing two tables which data is coming from same model but based on different column status I divided in 2 tables. Problem is, when I click on top table's column name heading for sorting, it also sort the bottom tables. I'm wanting the bottom table data won't sort when I click on top table column heading title. If any one have a good solution, would highly appreciated.
This highly depends on your setup, but you're going to have to do some custom code.
For example, don't allow Cake to sort for you. See what the links look like when created by Cake, then write your own, and include an additional variable &table=1 or something.
Based on the sort variable and the table variable, build your pagination options for each including the correct sort you want for each group separately.
Another option (depending on how large your data sets are) is to use javascript datatables.

filter data from one table based on second table without duplicates

Note: I'm working with a large complex database, so for clarity's sake I have simplified the set up below.
I struggled a bit with how to title the question since it's a bit of a complex question. I hope it's accurate enough....
A bit of background first:
I have an Access 2010 database that contains a one-to-many relationship between a table Called "Products" and a table called "Datasets" (ie I have a bunch of products, and each product has multiple datasets). Each has an autonumber key field (p_ID and d_ID respectively) as well as numerous other fields.
I have a form (lets call it frm_Main) that has two subforms: sub_Products (based on the "Products" table) and sub_Datasets (based on the "Datasets" table). On the main form I have a control ctrl_SelectedProduct which is linked to [sub_Products]![p_ID] to see which record in sub_Products is selected / has the focus, and the sub_Datasets subform is linked to this control so that it only displays Datasets records that belong to the selected Products record.
On the main form I also have a number of controls that I'm using for filtering the data in the subforms. For example, I have a control ctrl_Category. I have this control coded so that when the user changes the value of the control, a filter is applied that limits the records in sub_Products to only those that have a p_Category value equal to whatever is chosen in ctrl_Category. If the control is blank, it will show all records. All this works great when if comes to filtering based on fields in the Products table.
Now the problem:
My problem is that I also want to be able to filter based on fields in the Datasets table. For example, Datasets has a field called d_Status. I want the user to be able to chose the status in a control (ctrl_Status), and based on this:
1) sub_Products will be filtered to display only those Products records that have an assotiated Datasets record (or records) that has d_Status equal to whatever was chosen in ctrl_Status
2) when a Products record is selected in this filtered sub_Products, sub_Datasets will only show the Datasets records that has d_Status equal to whatever was chosen in ctrl_Status
I know how to do part2. But I have no idea how to get part1 to work. Since sub_Products is currently based on the Products table, which does not have the d_Status field, I have no way to filter it based on that field. Thus, I'm assuming my first step will be to change my setup so that sub_Products is based on a query that combines the two tables (or at least adds the d_Status field).
If I do that, however, I get duplicate Product records. I can't use the query's Unique Values property because if I have a product that has two datasets, one with status "Current" and a one with status "Archived", then those aren't considered duplicates, and the product info is there twice. If I don't have the status field displayed, it shows only unique products initially, but then I can't subsequently apply a filter based on that non-displayed field.
I also tried basing sub_Products on a Totals query in order to utilize the Group By functionality, but I still couldn't get it to work right. Even if I could I don't think that's the best solution, because you can only have 10 fields with Group By, and my Products table has more than 10 fields that I need displayed in sub_Products.
I feel like I'm now just going around in circles and am at a loss of what to try from here. Please help!
Couldn't you add something like this?
Private Sub ctrl_Category_AfterUpdate()
Form_frm_Main.Recordsource = "Select * from Products where p_ID IN(" & _
"Select p_ID from Datasets where d_Status = " & _
Me!ctrl_Category.Value & ")"
End Sub
Alternately, you can access the childform via the parent of the other child form.
This is a non-working snippet just to give you the idea:
Me.Parent.otherChildFormName.Form.Recordsource = whatever

Order data using values stored in another table

I've been using cakephp for a while, but have not learned all the ins and outs yet so I may be missing something simple. Or the problem may lie with my database structure. Either way, if anyone has any idea of what I'm doing wrong, please share.
Is there a way to order the data returned by cakephp's find using values stored in another table?
I am creating custom form fields on a per category basis, so when I choose a particular category to post in, custom fields will be added to my form. I have 3 tables: Posts, Fields, and Answers. The Posts table stores the basic static information for the post, such as id, category_id, title, and description. The Fields table stores the custom field data, such as category_id, field_label, field size, etc. The Answers table stores the values that are entered for particular fields, such as post_id, field_id, value.
I am trying to display the posts for a particular category, and create html table headers on the fly, using select fields, set by a column toggle in the fields table, and also select the answers associated with that particular field and post.
I am able to select all the data I want, and paginate everything just fine, but what I can't seem to figure out is how to order the data using one of the dynamic column values. For example, if I have year, make, and model as 3 custom fields, I would like to click the year column to sort my results by the year values, and if I click the make column, I would like to sort my results by the make values, etc.
I know how to order the results by a particular field inside the posts table, such as id or title, but is it possible to order using the custom fields? Am I setting up the database and/or something else wrong, and if not is there are particular cakephp method or sql command that I need to use in order to sort by the custom fields? I'm not really well versed in complex sql commands.
I'd suggest you pass the field name and sort direction in the URL (GET param). So when you have your table header link, form it so that it links to a URL as so:
Then when you're grabbing the data from the db in your find() query, include the named parameters as the order parameter that can be sent to find.
You'll need to determine a default sorting column and direction. Maybe have that be selectable with a boolean field in the schema -- if there are no parameters sent to the action above, pull the field from your other table that has default set to true in the record.
To clarify: when a user visits a given action, first you'll pull the custom fields from the other table. Then using those fields (either the default as mentioned above, or the named params passed in the URL) form the query for the actual data, using the order parameter.
