Initiate a logged in session by providing a valid access token with mod_auth_openidc - mod-auth-openidc

The scenario I am facing is the following:
My server has acquired a valid access (and refresh) token for the identity provider. I would like to start a mod_auth_openidc session and put it's value in the appropriate cookie.
Is this possible with mod_auth_openidc?


Authentication with JWT in HTTP only cookie without refresh token

The motto of the upcoming question is "I don't know what I don't know".
I would like to know if there are downsides or security risks with an authentication implementation.
Right now, I'm storing a JWT in an HTTP only cookie to send it from the client (React application) to the server (Spring Boot/Kotlin application). This removes the XSS vulnerability.
The JWT follows the basic principles (encoded secret, expiration date, issuer check, etc.). The server has servlet filters that check an existing cookie for validity on every request. When signing in via the client, the server responds with a valid JWT:
The client will send its cookie with every request, which is furthermore checked for validity by the server's servlet filters on every request. When these checks are positive, the user is authenticated with Spring Security.
As described above, the JWT expires after 1 hour, 1 day, or whatever is configured. That's why I need to refresh it some way or another. Now, instead of using a refresh token and placing it in the client's local storage, I decided to just make a small request to the server and create a new JWT, which is send back via the response again:
Again, when the refresh endpoint is called, the servlet filters will check for validity. So only an already authenticated user will receive a new JWT token that way. Some invalid JWT will not receive a new JWT.
I'm calling this endpoint from the client in an interval and therefore regularly extend the expiration date of the JWT inside the cookie.
What I'm aware of:
With the current refresh mechanism, an access token can be valid indefinitely (when the user is signed in regularly).
I also don't persist valid tokens or sessions in the database, so I can't really invalidate specific user sessions "globally" that way, as the cookie is the only source of truth. But this has nothing to do with the refresh token, I could create such whitelist/blacklist via the user ID instead.
If something really bad happens, I could still
...change the expiration date of all JWT to 0, so every authenticated user will be unauthenticated the next time he sends a request.
...or I could change the JWT secret, from which one no request will be authenticated anymore.
My question is: Has what I'm doing (replacing the JWT inside the cookie) any more downsides?

IdentityServer4 - Understanding flows and Endpoints. How is it related to OAuth and OpenIDConnect?

I am integrating the security aspect of webapplication. I have decided to use OAuth,
so we have a REST WebApi in AspNet Core 3.0, the client which is a SPA created in React, and the Identity Server 4.0 app which is also in AspNet Core 3.0.
I read that OAuth is created for Authorization and not for Authentication.
For Authentication, seems that exists something else called OpenIDConnect, so the first question that comes to my mind, and on which I cannot find an easy answer is: are OAuth, OpenIDConnect and IdentityServer related technology?
Which is the best solution for authentication, considering that I would like to create users in a SqlServer Database, and if it's possible I would like to use Entity Framework for the porpose?
The flow for my authentication would be:
User writes Username and Password, if they are right he receive the JWT Token, without redirecting him/her to the authorization page.
At this point the problem are:
which is the right endpoint to do this flow:
is it the /authorize or the /token endpoint?
I have a lot of confusion for the questions above.
The second thing, what is the best way to retrieve the user informations?
For example if my endpoint needs to understand from the logged in user what are his data, I think that or I retrieve from the endpoint or from the JWT token.
Even here I have no clue on which is the best.
I read that OAuth is created for Authorization and not for Authentication. For Authentication, seems that exists something else called OpenIDConnect, so the first question that comes to my mind, and on which I cannot find an easy answer is: are OAuth, OpenIDConnect and IdentityServer related technology?
That's right. OAuth was the first one introduced and allows the person requesting it access to the resources (its handing out access tokens). OIDC (OpenID Connect) on the other-side extends this concept by an identity, the authentication part.
The identity token verifies the identity of the person to your application. Instead of providing identity via username + password (i.e. user creating an account on your website), they get redirected to your authentication provider/app and enter their login there and you get an identity token in return (and/or an access token, depending on the flow and scopes you request).
The identity token is an JWT token (or reference token). The JWT token contains all of the users identity information required for your application (user id, email, displayname, age, etc.) and is cryptographically signed. Only the Identity Server knows the key used to sign it up and you can verify it with the public key from the OIDC (IdSrv here) provider.
Reference token works similar, but claims are requested on the server side and cached.
With identity token you can not access the users resources. Example: Facebook.
When you sign in your application with an facebook account, most page will only request identity token to verify that its the same user (instead of using a username / password combination). But with that one, the application can't access your facebook posts or do posts in your name.
If the application requests an access token (token scope), then also an access token will be returned (if the application is allowed to via allowed scopes). You will be asked to grant the permissions to the resources which the application requests.
With that token, the application can read your posts or post in your name.
Which is the best solution for authentication, considering that I would like to create users in a SqlServer Database, and if it's possible I would like to use Entity Framework for the porpose?
Doesn't really matter. Either one can be used, all you really need is the "sid" (subject id) claim and associate that one with your user.
Identity Server can issue both, depending on what the client asks (if client asks for id_token response type, it will receive an identity token, if it asks for token an access token. Both can be specified or just one).
At this point the problem are: which is the right endpoint to do this flow: is it the /authorize or the /token endpoint? I have a lot of confusion for the questions above.
/authorize is used to authorize the user (have him login, and send back to your website). Its used for so called interactive flows, where the user enters credentials
/token endpoint you can only retrieve a token (resource owner flow (username + password), client credentials (for machine to machine authentication), refresh token (to get a new access token by using an refresh token (if you asked for offline_access scope, which gives and refresh token)
The second thing, what is the best way to retrieve the user informations?
the /userinfo endpoint, see docs:
As the doc says to access that, the client needs to request the openid scope.
For example if my endpoint needs to understand from the logged in user what are his data, I think that or I retrieve from the endpoint or from the JWT token.
Yes you can retrieve it from JWT token, if you use JWT token. If you use reference token, its just an ID.
And last but not least the /introspection endpoint can be used to validate the token (if your consuming application has no libraries to decrypt and validate signature of the token.
If you can, its best to use the Identity Server client libraries (i.e. IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation package for ASP.NET Core or oidc-client for npm/javascript based applications) which should be picking up the correct endpoints, so you don't have to worry about it

IdentityServer4 refresh token never expires

We are using IdentityServer4 and have an issue on using refresh token.
Here is my client configs:
Grant Types:
Access token lifetime:
Identity token lifetime:
Absolute refresh token lifetime:
Sliding refresh token lifetime:
Refresh token usage:
Refresh token expiration:
I am checking access token life time and when it is about to be expired I use refresh token to get new access token. After 240 second the access token life time does not extension and my client goes to Identity Server and it issues new set of tokens for my client.
I want my user enter username/password after expiration the refresh token buy Identity Server issue new tokens instead of asking credential.
Any Idea?
If I'm understanding correctly you want to force the user to interactively authenticate from your client? If so the max_age=n or prompt=login authorize endpoint parameters can be used to trigger that flow and then you can validate the auth_time claim within your client to ensure it's recent enough.
Currently this is happening without prompting because the user still has a valid IDP session via the authentication cookie. I'd recommend using the above method over and above setting the IDP session to be aligned with your client application session lifetime.

Identity server 4 and Angular app authenticate to achieve forever lasting session

Current structure:
I have angular app as Client, API as data source and Identity server as Identity source. In angular I authenticate user against identity server and use returned token to authorize user against API. Which Grant type should I use to authenticate my angular app user against identity server?
According to, I should use Implicit grant type.
Problem is that with Implicit grant type there are no refresh tokens. So my question is, how should I keep my user session alive in angular app (access token valid) ? - without asking user to authenticate himself after every time access token gets expired.
My goal is to have session alive (token valid) until its killed by user (logged out)
Yes, the Implicit flow is the one I would use. If your authentication provider supports sessions, you can use OpenID Connect to get new tokens without user interaction. Before the token expiration, create an authentication request (/auth endpoint) in a hidden iframe with prompt=none URL parameter (id_token_hint=... parameter should be present too according to the OpenID Connect RFC). If the user session is open, you will get new tokens, otherwise error is returned (user interaction required).
There is the OpenID Connect Session Management RFC that describes this process and more (single sign on).

Token Based Authentication - Security vulnerability?

We are doing an Html5 AngularJS application. We are using token based authentication. The authentication process logs the user in then a JWT Token is returned to the application which is stored in sessionStorage.
We requested a security audit on the application and the tester said that it is a big problem that the token is stored in the sessionStorage. Because he can copy the token and impersonate a user from another device.
Where and how should I store this token to make sure that it is secure ? Is it even a risk leaving it in the session storage since the hacker would need access to the actual device to perform this attack
One way to increase security on token storage is to store the token in a Cooke with the HttpOnly flag set. This would mean the token could only be accessed when your app makes http requests.
