Flink newbie here. I evaluating Flink to detect patterns in the stream. One of the requirements I have is to let the user decide how long to wait for the pattern to match before timing out. So, there can be multiple users each wanting a time window of their own.
Each user can say "I want a pattern to match within time period T" where the time period is defined by the user.
While is is easy to set a static window in Java code, is there a way to let the users decide how long their windows should be?
My Flink job has to compute a certain aggregation after each working shift. Shifts are configurable and look something like:
1st shift: 00:00am - 06:00am
2nd shift: 06:00am - 12:00pm
3rd shift: 12:00pm - 18:00pm
Shifts are the same every day for operational purposes, there is no distinction between days of the week/year. The shifts configuration can vary over time and can be non-monotonous, so this leaves out of the table a trivial EventTime window like:
TumblingEventTimeWindows.of(Time.of(6, HOURS)) as some of the shifts might be shrunk or spanned overtime, or a couple hours break in between might be inserted...
I have come up with something based on a GlobalWindow and a custom Trigger:
LinkedList<Shift> shifts;
where in my custom trigger I attempt to discern if an incoming event passes the end time of the on-going working shift, and fire the window for the shift:
public TriggerResult onElement(T element, long timestamp, GlobalWindow window, TriggerContext ctx) throws Exception {
// compute the end time of the on-going shift
final Instant currentShiftEnd = ...
// fire window for the shift if the event passes the end line
if (ShiftPredicate.of(currentShiftEnd).test(element)) {
return TriggerResult.FIRE_AND_PURGE;
return TriggerResult.CONTINUE;
Omitting the code for state management and some memoization optimizations, this seems to be working fine in a streaming use case: the first event coming in after a shift endtime, triggers the firing and the aggregation for the last shift.
However the job can be run bounded for date parameters (eg: for reprocessing past periods), or be shutdown prematurely for a set of expected reasons. When this sort of thing happens, I observe that the last window is not fired/flushed,
ie: the last shift of the day ends at midnight, and right over should
start the 1st shift of the next day. An event comes at 23:59pm and the
shift is about to end. However, the job is just running for the day of
today, and at 00:00 it finishes. Since no new element arrived to the
custom trigger passing the line to trigger the window firing, the
aggregation for the last shift is not calculated, however, some
partial results are still expected, even if nothing is happening in
the next shift or the job terminates in the middle of the on-going
I've read that the reason for this is:
Flink guarantees removal only for time-based windows and not for other
types, e.g. global windows (see Window Assigners)
I have taken a look inside the org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing package to look for something like a TumblingEventTimeWindows or DynamicEventTimeSessionWindows that I could use or extend with an end hour of the day, so that I can rely on the default event-time trigger of these firing when the watermark of the element passes the window limit, but I'm not sure how to do it. Intuitively I'd wish for something like:
shifts.forEach(shift -> {
datastream.windowAll(EventTimeWindow.fromTo(DAILY, shift.startTime, shift.endTime))
I know for use cases of arbitrary complexity, what some people do is ditching the Windows API in detriment of low-level process functions, where they "manually" compute the window by holding elements as managed state of the operator, while at given rules or conditions they fit and extract results from a defined aggregate function or accumulator. Also in a process function, is possible to pin point any pending calculations by tapping into the onClose hook.
Would there be a way to get this concept of recurrent event time windows for certain hours of a day every day by extending any of the objects in the Windows API?
If I understand correctly, there are two separate questions/issues here to resolve:
How to handle not having uniform window boundaries.
How to terminate the job without losing the results of the last window.
For (1), your approach of using GlobalWindows with a custom ShiftTrigger is one way to go. If you'd like to explore an alternative that uses a process function, I've written an example that you will find in the Flink docs.
For a more fluent API, you could create a custom WindowAssigner, which could then leverage the built-in EventTimeTrigger as its default trigger. To do this, you'll need to implement the WindowAssigner interface.
For (2), so long as you are relying on event time processing, the last set of windows won't be triggered unless a Watermark large enough to close them arrives before the job is terminated. This normally requires that you have an event whose timestamp is sufficiently after the window's end that a Watermark large enough to trigger the window is created (and that the job stays running long enough for that to happen).
However, when Flink is aware that a streaming job is coming to a natural end, it will automatically inject a Watermark with its timestamp set to MAX_WATERMARK, which has the effect of triggering all event time timers, and closing all event time windows. This happens automatically for any bounded sources. With Kafka (for example), you can also arrange for this by having your deserializer return true from isEndOfStream.
Another way to handle this is to avoid canceling such jobs when they are done, but to instead use ./bin/flink stop --drain [-p savepointPath] <jobID> to cleanly stop the job (with a savepoint), while draining all remaining window results (which it does by injecting one last big watermark (MAX_WATERMARK)).
The example is very useful at first,it illustrates how keyedProcessFunction is working in Flink
there is something worth noticing, it suddenly came to me...
It is from Fraud Detector v2: State + Time part
It is reasonable to set a timer here, regarding the real application requirement part
override def onTimer(
timestamp: Long,
ctx: KeyedProcessFunction[Long, Transaction, Alert]#OnTimerContext,
out: Collector[Alert]): Unit = {
// remove flag after 1 minute
Here is the problem:
The TimeCharacteristic IS ProcessingTime which is determined by the system clock of the running machine, according to ProcessingTime property, the watermark will NOT be changed overtime, so that means onTimer will never be called, unless the TimeCharacteristic changes to eventTime
According the flink website:
An hourly processing time window will include all records that arrived at a specific operator between the times when the system clock indicated the full hour. For example, if an application begins running at 9:15am, the first hourly processing time window will include events processed between 9:15am and 10:00am, the next window will include events processed between 10:00am and 11:00am, and so on.
If the watermark doesn't change over time, will the window function be triggered? because the condition for a window to be triggered is when the watermark enters the end time of a window
I'm wondering the condition where the window is triggered or not doesn't depend on watermark in priocessingTime, even though the official website doesn't mention that at all, it will be based on the processing time to trigger the window
Hope someone can spend a little time on this,many thx!
Let me try to clarify a few things:
Flink provides two kinds of timers: event time timers, and processing time timers. An event time timer is triggered by the arrival of a watermark equal to or greater than the timer's timestamp, and a processing time timer is triggered by the system clock reaching the timer's timestamp.
Watermarks are only relevant when doing event time processing, and only purpose they serve is to trigger event time timers. They play no role at all in applications like the one in this DataStream API Code Walkthrough that you have referred to. If this application used event time timers, either directly, or indirectly (by using event time windows, or through one of the higher level APIs like SQL or CEP), then it would need watermarks. But since it only uses processing time timers, it has no use for watermarks.
BTW, this fraud detection example isn't using Flink's Window API, because Flink's windowing mechanism isn't a good fit for this application's requirements. Here we are trying to a match a pattern to a sequence of events within a specific timeframe -- so we want a different kind of "window" that begins at the moment of a special triggering event (a small transaction, in this case), rather than a TimeWindow (like those provided by Flink's Window API) that is aligned to the clock (i.e., 10:00am to 10:01am).
I just started using Flink and have a problem I'm not sure how to solve. I get events from a Kafka Topic, these events represent a "beacon" signal from a mobile device. The device sends an event every 10 seconds.
I have an external customer that is asking for a beacon from our devices but every 60 seconds. Since we are already using Flink to process other events I thought I could solve this using a count window, but I'm struggling to understand how to "discard" the first 5 events and emit only the last one. Any ideas?
There are some ways to do this. As Far as I understand the idea is as follows: You receive beacon signal each 10 sec but You actually only need the most actual one and disard the others since the client asks for the data each 60 sec.
The simplest would be ofc to use ProcessFunction with count/event time window as You said. The type of the window actually depends on Your requirements. Then You sould do something like this:
stream.timeWindow([windowSize]).process(new CustomWindowProcessFunction())
The signature of the process() method of the ProcessWindowFunctionis as follows, depending on the type of the actual function def process(context: Context, elements: Iterable[IN], out: Collector[OUT]). So basically it gives you the acces to all window elements, so You can easily only push further the elements You like.
While this is the simplest idea, you may want also to take a look at the Flink timers, as they seem to be a good solution for Your issue. They are described here.
I have an always one application, listening to a Kafka stream, and processing events. Events are part of a session. And I need to do calculations based off of a sessions data. I am running into a problem trying to correctly run my calculations due to the length of my sessions. 90% of my sessions are done after 5 minutes. 99% are done after 1 hour. Sessions may last more than a day, due to this being a real-time system, there is no determined end. Session are unique, and show never collide.
I am looking for a way where I can process a window multiple times, either with an initial wait period and processing any later events after that, or a pure process per event type structure. I will need to keep all previous events around(ListState), as well as previously processed values(ValueState).
I previously thought allowedLateness would allow me to do this, but it seems the lateness is only considered for when the event should have been processed, it does not extend an actual window. GlobalWindows may also work, but I am unsure if there is a way to process a window multiple times. I believe I can used an evictor with GlobalWindows to purge the Windows after a period of inactivity(although admittedly, I did not research this yet, because I was unsure of how to trigger a GlobalWindow multiple times.
Any suggestions on how to achieve what I am looking to do would be greatly appreciated, I would also be happy to clarify any points needed.
If SessionWindows won't do the job, then you can use GlobalWindows with a custom Trigger and Evictor. The Trigger interface has onElement and timer-based callbacks that can fire whenever and as often as you like. If you go down this route, then yes, you'll also need to implement an Evictor to dispose of elements when they are no longer needed.
The documentation and the source code are helpful when trying to understand how this all fits together.
Does flink only have windows of the same length? How can I use window of variable size to do monthly job in flink stream?
Most of what you need is already there; what's missing is a window assigner that knows how to construct windows of the appropriate (and variable) durations. Assuming you want to operate in event time, you could base this on TumblingEventTimeWindows, and modify the assignWindows method to do the right thing.