SvelteKit, import type LayoutServerLoad/PageLoad - sveltekit

In layout.server.ts I try to
import type { LayoutServerLoad } from './$types';
but the type can't be found:
'"./$types"' has no exported member named 'LayoutServerLoad'. Did you mean 'LayoutServerData'?
What do I need to do to get the type LayoutServerLoad (or PageLoad or PageServerLoad ...) in ./$types?

The file has to be called +layout.server.ts (or for another load action, one of the other fixed names, see docs)
The Vite dev server has to be running, which watches the files and generates the types when a file is changed
(The tsconfig.json has to extend .svelte-kit\tsconfig.json, which defines rootDirs, so the generated types are resolved. This should already be the case, judging by the suggestion for LayoutServerData.)


React: Cannot find module or its corresponding type declarations.ts

I'm trying to access an asset to use in a css declaration...
import FooterBackgroundDesktop from "../../assets/register-bg.png";
"background-image": `url(${FooterBackgroundDesktop})`
However, although the path to assets and the filename is correct, I get the following error:
Cannot find module '../../assets/register-bg.png' or its corresponding type
Any ideas?
use like this
"background-image": url("../../assets/register-bg.png")
or you can do this
let FooterBackgroundDesktop = "../../assets/register-bg.png";
"background-image": url(FooterBackgroundDesktop)

Slider function while using PlutoUI and CairoMakie

I want to use the Slider function as used in PlutoUI, however I also use the CairoMakie package. When I run my code, I am informed that because the command "Slider" is used by both packages the use of it should be qualified. However, I don't know how to ensure this:
My code:
md"Balance between complete and ring network ``\theta``: $(#bind frac_interaction_interbank Slider(0:0.1:1, show_value = true, default = 0))"
When I run this i get this warning message:
WARNING: both CairoMakie and PlutoUI export "Slider"; uses of it in module workspace#7 must be qualified
Thus: how can I use the Slider function as used in PlutoUI, while using both PlutoUI and CairoMakie?
Try PlutoUI.Slider(0:0.1:1)
The warning means both packages define a function called "Slider". Qualifying (in this context) means specifying which package's definition you're calling.

How can i create a custom object in Salesforce with a '__' in the name?

I am trying to check if a change tables exists in Salesforce by calling
var name = "acme_npsp__Allocation_c__c";
salesforceObject = _service.describeSObject(name);
return sObject;
catch (Exception ex)
error = ex.Message;
but it gives an error:
INVALID_TYPE: salesforceObject type 'acme_npsp__Allocation_c__c' is not
supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the
'__c' after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for
the appropriate names.
(107 - FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION) Cannot create a new component with the namespace: acme_npsp. Only components in the same namespace as the organization can be created through the API.
But if i replace the __ in the middle with a single _ it seems to work , but that isnt my object in salesforce so i cant reference it in other code.
Salesforce doesnt allow to create such an object with '__' in the middle, but it was created using the package Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) which can be downloaded from the store.
How can i create the object with the '__' in the middle , ie after the npsp ?
Salesforce does not allow __ in API names, because double underscores serve a special meaning: they delimit the components of the API name. An API name, for a schema element like this, consists of up to 3 parts:
namespace is the first component, and is the (optional) namespace, which indicates that the component is part of a package. NPSP's namespace is npsp. You cannot create components in a namespace you do not own.
The name element is present on all components. For Account and other standard objects, it's the entire API name.
__c is the suffix, which indicates what kind of entity you have. __c is a custom object; __b a BigObject; __e a custom Platform Event; __mdt a custom Metadata Type. Lack of a suffix indicates a standard component.
Your question does not make much sense as written. You appear to be trying to work with the object npsp__Allocation__c. It's not clear why you are trying to prepend some other value to the namespace and suffix.
Accessing the describe does not create an object, so the behavior of your code is exactly as designed.

Maximum call stack size exceeded when using the new typescript enabled version of reactjs

I use the new typescript supported version of reactjs
along with the redux-orm and when u try to insert a value into the store i get this issue of "Maximum call stack size exceeded" the same works with the old template
Below is the code with new typescript supported reactjs which throws the error and the old github version which works.
I am unable to understand what is different that causes the error with the new version. Thanks for any help.
Properties can't be defined directly on Model classes.
The root cause lies in the create-react-app's babel preset - transpilation output introduces additional property descriptors in Model prototype chain.
These properties interfere with descriptors installed by redux-orm during schema registration, resulting in Maximum call stack size exceeded error.
This can be avoided through declaration merging, specifically by providing a class and an interface with matching names. The interface contains Model properties, the class is almost 1:1 to JS Model definition.
interface Book {
id: number
title: string
class Book extends Model<typeof Book> {
static modelName = 'Book' as const
static fields = {
id: attr(),
title: attr()
I've created a repo with working example:
Mind you, these are custom types, but it's definitely where I'd like to take the #types/redux-orm package to, likely with the 0.14 release of redux-orm.

Sencha Grid Exporter fails when exporting to CSV or any other type other than xlsx?

I am using Sencha Grid Exporter plugin, while it works perfectly fine when exported to Excel, I cant get it to export to CSV or any other types from my app.
It works fine as listed on the KitchenSink example.
KitchenSink Exporter Example
type: 'csv', // What other possible values can go here
title: globals.reportName,
fileName: 'myExport.csv'
Comes with an error as below:
Uncaught Error: [Ext.createByAlias] Unrecognized alias: exporter.CSV
at Ext.Inventory.instantiateByAlias (app.js?_dc=1481916938387:13520)
at Ext.Factory.create (app.js?_dc=1481916938387:23199)
at constructor.getExporter (app.js?_dc=1481916938387:204593)
at constructor.saveDocumentAs (app.js?_dc=1481916938387:204520)
at constructor.saveDocumentAs (app.js?_dc=1481916938387:5355)
at constructor.onMenuitemClick (app.js?_dc=1481916938387:255332)
at (app.js?_dc=1481916938387:19281)
at constructor.doFireEvent (app.js?_dc=1481916938387:20248)
at constructor.doFireEvent (app.js?_dc=1481916938387:65488)
at constructor.prototype.doFireEvent (app.js?_dc=1481916938387:56438)
You are missing a requires.
If you tell ExtJS to use type:'csv', it will try to instantiate exporter.csv. If you tell ExtJS to use type:'excel', it will try to instantiate exporter.excel. To get that one from the file system, you have to include the fully qualified name somewhere, e.g. in your requires section:
The heading in the docs has two parts: First the full qualified class name, which is "Ext.exporter.text.CSV", and then, the short name ("exporter.csv"). If you haven't provided the full name anywhere, the file cannot be loaded, unless the framework itself already requires the exporter by full name. Which it, according to the error message, doesn't.
Background info, before you ask "Why doesn't it?": Since the plugin can work with any of the dozens of exporters, and you wouldn't want to load all just to create one type of export, you have to import the exporter manually.
