Create React App and TailwindCSS: Background image on div - reactjs

I am working in a ReactJS app and I am using Create React App along with TailwindCSS.
It is recommended to keep images close to where they are used. So I have my image and the component that will use that image in the same folder.
My component looks like this:
import LoginHeroImage from "./niceimage.jpg";
const Login = () => {
return (
<div className="flex h-full w-full">
<div className="bg-red-100 h-full w-full">
<p>Welcome back, log in</p>
<input type="text" />
<input type="password" />
<label>Remember me for 30 days</label>
<input type="checkbox" />
<div className={`bg-[url('${LoginHeroImage}')] h-full w-full`}></div>
export default Login;
I'm aiming for a login screen like this.
I want to use that image as a background for the <div>, how can I do that with TailwindCSS, the above doesn't work. I get the following error:
Compiled with problems:X
ERROR in ./src/index.css (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[1].oneOf[5].use[1]!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[1].oneOf[5].use[2]!./node_modules/source-map-loader/dist/cjs.js!./src/index.css) 9:36-81
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '${LoginHeroImage}' in '/home/j/code/'
I could "hack it" and put the image file manually in the public folder, but that is an auto-generated folder and if I delete it, I have to remember to re-add the image.


Can't import gif into Gatsbyjs

I have a simple site structure using Gatsby.
In my index.js page, which is my homepage, I have the following code.
<div className="heroContainer" onMouseEnter={console.log('enter')}>
<div className="greetingContainer">
<div className="selfieContainer">
<StaticImage className="selfie" src="../images/{path}_Selfie.png" alt="Joshua Aggas selfie" ></StaticImage>
<div className="shortDescriptionContainer">
<img src={theAnyKey} alt="is it working" />
<div className="postContainer">
<div className="postContainerHeadings">
<div className="postListing">
I'm importing the any key gif but I just keep seeing the alt text.
I'm following this official documentation which states not to use the static image component.
Here is my import statement at the top of the file.
import { theAnyKey } from "../images/theAnyKey.gif"
I'm not getting any 404 so I know it's sourcing the file correctly. What am I doing wrong?
Use default import instead of named:
import theAnyKey from "../images/theAnyKey.gif"
<img src={theAnyKey} alt="is it working" />

Trying to fetch data from and external API but code breaks

I'm trying to fetch data from an external API. It shows at first but when I refreshes the browser, it goes blank. The code is in my GitHub repo. thanks
The initial state of data is {}. As a consequence, and data.sys are undefined, so trying to render throws an error before the app can render the input field.
<div className="details">
<div className="country">
{}, {}
I recommend setting the initial state of data to null and wrapping everything other than the input field in a conditional that only allows rendering if data is truthy:
function FetchDataComponent() {
const [data, setData] = useState(null);
return (
<div className="container">
<div className="input">
placeholder="Enter country..."
{data ? (
<div className="details">
<div className="country">
{}, {}

mt-5 h not working for textarea in tailwind css in react

hello i am facing a issue with react tailwind text area , i am tring to apply mt-5 but it is not working. When i added using style={{marginTop:"1.25rem"}} it is working , similarly properties like height margin ... are not applying to text area in react
function (){
return (
<div className=" w-24 m-5">
<input placeholder="name" className="pl-2 rounded-sm" />
<textarea className=" mt-5"></textarea>
<button className="mt-5 bg-gray-300 text-gray-800 px-2 py-1 hover:bg-black hover:text- white rounded-sm hover:underline">
i actually find a problem that the react is adding a additional style to the textarea and that is overwriting the textarea, i find this is inspector, in textarea there is a additional style
how can i avoid this aditional style and who is adding it, is it tailwind or react
this was not problem with tailwind nor react , it was my browser and extensions, i removed those extensions and it is working

Why is there a Cross Origin Error When Declaring Link In React

Thank you for your time. I am having trouble making this Link work in react. I have used BrowserRouter and Passed the router a path and a component. However I still get a cross origin Error and Help would be awesome. Here is the code
class Products extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="container">
<div className="row">
<div className="col-4">
<div className="card">
alt="Card cap"
<div className="card-body">
<h4 className="card-title">Card title</h4>
<p className="card-text">
Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up
the bulk of the card's content.
<Link to="/">
<div className="btn btn-primary">
Go somewhere
<div className="col-4">Product Two</div>
<div className="col-4">Product Three</div>
export default Products;
There was no reason to include Route or BrowserRouter
<Link to="/"><div className="btn btn-outline-primary">Go Somewhere</div></Link>
worked fine after checking indentation
Cross origin resource sharing (cors) is disabled for security reasons, you will need to manually enable it.
I use a package called cors for express based backend.
Step 1
npm install cors
Step 2
const cors = require('cors')
Final step
This will enable CORS for all routes. You can also enable for individual routes. Check the doc on github

classes not being added in React using className

I am learning React on the fly for a project and am having trouble adding classes to already existing components. I have checked other SO threads and looked through tutorials on the react site - it looks like I am doing it correctly with the className but it is not working. For example, in my Event.js:
render: function() {
return (
<div className="row">
{ this.drawOrderError() }
<div className="large-4 columns event-img-div">
<img src={ this.props.image }/>
<div className="large-8 columns event-right-column">
{ this.state.showCreditCard ? this.drawCreditCard() : this.drawTicketing() }
<br />
<div className="event-detail">
<div className="row">
<div className="large-12 column">
<span className="ticket-column-headings">Event Details</span>
<p className="event-details">{this.props.description}</p>
{ this.drawOrderSummaryOverlay() }
I have added the class event-img-div - but when I go to the browser I do not see it added in console, and cannot apply styles to that class. What am I doing wrong? Can provide more code if needed.
I am changing the files in a local directory and running on local host, using gulp to start the server.
