How to write an odata filter in a logic app where field has date time and I just want to use date portion - salesforce

There is a record in the Salesforce Stay Information which has the following information. "Booked_Check_in_Date_Time__c": "2022-11-05T00:59:00Z"
When I try the following oData filter it does not work.
Booked_Check_in_Date_Time__c eq 2022-11-05
What do I need to change to bring back this record.

This is because you are not using the complete query to filter the results.
What do I need to change to bring back this record.
In your case you need to use the below query format to get the filtered results.
Booked_Check_in_Date_Time__c eq `2022-11-05T00:59:00Z`

It looked like I needed to use Local_Booked_Checkin_Date__c to achieve what I needed. If I used Booked_Check_in_Date_Time__c I would have to add time to the filter which I did not want to.


Alternative for a Nested Aggregate as a group filter SSRS

I have a report that needs to get only the top 10 of that category and sort it from highest value to lowest having this kind of expression:
=Sum(Sum(Fields!Measure.Value, "RowGroup1"), "RowGroup2")
But the problem is, the only filter that SSRS accepts is the simple aggregate:
Not using the nested aggregate will give the wrong top 10.
Another thing, the client is using Analysis Services as the connection for the report so I cannot tweak the dataset by using a query. The fix should be inside SSRS. Is there anyway to do this? Please help me.
Please try using Top N filter from the chart properties. You might want to sort the values before using the filter.

import old data from postgres to elasticsearch

I have a lot of data in my postgres database( on a remote). This is the data of the past 1 year, and I want to push it to elasticsearch now.
The data has a time field in it in this format 2016-09-07 19:26:36.817039+00.
I want this to be the timefield(#timestamp) in elasticsearch. So that I can view it in kibana, and see some visualizations over the last year.
I need help on how do I push all this data efficiently. I cannot get that how do I get all this data from postgres.
I know we can inject data via jdbc plugin, but I think I cannot create my #timestamp field with that.
I also know about zombodb but not sure if that also gives me feature to give my own timefield.
Also, the data is in bulk, so I am looking for an efficient solution
I need help on how I can do this. So, suggestions are welcome.
I know we can inject data via jdbc plugin, but I think I cannot create
my #timestamp field with that.
This should be doable with Logstash. The first starting point should probably be this blog post. And remember that Logstash always consists of 3 parts:
Input: JDBC input. If you only need to import once, skip the schedule otherwise set the right timing in cron syntax.
Filter: This one is not part of the blog post. You will need to use the Date filter to set the right #timestamp value — adding an example at the end.
Output: This is simply the Elasticsearch output.
This will depend on the format and field name of the timestamp value in PostgreSQL, but the filter part should look something like this:
date {
match => ["your_date_field", "dd-mm-YYYY HH:mm:ss"]
remove_field => "your_date_field" # Remove now redundant field, since we're storing it in #timestamp (the default target of date)
If you're concerned with the performance:
You will need to set the right jdbc_fetch_size.
Elasticsearch output is batched by default.

How to get rid of the #func! appearing in a query table in ms access?

I created a field called Expr1 in a query to extract a particular string using the mid function from another field called HOME_CARD.
This HOME_CARD field has data like for example:
This is what I've tried to extract only the IA portion in my Expr1 field and it works.
Expr1: Mid([HOME_CARD],InStr(1,[HOME_CARD],"IA"),2)
My issue is, I am getting the #func! error in my query results besides the data like:
In MS Excel I could handle this issue by using an IFERROR in front of my formula so where IA is not found, the cell would just be blank.
Please help me friends, I rather want my query result for those without IA to be blank(empty) than return a #func!
Thank you in advance.
You can use Left:
Expr1: IIf(InStr([HOME_CARD],"IA")=0,Null,Left([HOME_CARD],2))

QuickBooks Online 1000 results issue

QuickBooks Online only supports retrieving 1000 results of a query as per Currently I am specifying toDate and fromDate parameters to get around this. Is there any other way to get around this?
You need to use pagination to traverse the full record set:

How to filter data in ng-grid on the basis of date range

Using $scope.gridOptions.filterOptions.filterText i am able to filter my data. For example to filter on the basis of Destination Country, i am setting the filterText as:
$scope.gridOptions.filterOptions.filterText += 'DestinationCountry:' + $scope.filter.DestinationCountry + ';';
However i am unable to figure out how to filter a date column on the basis of date range i.e. between from-date and to-date.
I recently researched this same issue. I don't believe it is possible to filter a date column by range using filterOptions.filterText as of ng-grid v2.0.7. The reason is that ng-grid runs a regex filter on the string representation of the data. If you take a look at the code here, ng-grid executes the cellFilter for the given column and then searches the resultant string. There would be some cases where you could construct an appropriate regex given that you know the cellFilter date format (e.g. "201[01]" to search for 2010 and 2011), but this wouldn't work for every date filtering case you would have.
That leaves your best option as server-side filtering. Of course you could always open an issue on github and request this functionality in a future version. Also, it might be possible to write a plugin to filter the rows with a custom function, but I haven't dug into this yet.
