I am facing issue while getting data from response and adding data inside loop sometimes it skips data while adding it to roomDB
//below is code snippet
fun subscribeFeed() {
try {
val test =
val callback =
object : ApolloSubscriptionCall.Callback<FeedSubscription.Data> {
override fun onResponse(response: com.apollographql.apollo.api.Response<FeedSubscription.Data>) {
if (response.data?.Feed?.asMessage?.__typename.equals("Message")) {
for (jj in response.data?.Feed?.asMessage?.Ids!!.indices) {
try {
val noteDateAdded = Date()
val newNote = ChatAllMsg(
response.data?.Feed?.asMessage!!.text ?: "",
MainScope().launch {
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("catcherror", e.message.toString())
} catch (exception: ApolloException) {
throw exception
inside maincope.launch{} i am adding data to database after getting reponse.
My main issue is that it skips the data and does not add it to database but i am getting the data in reponse.
Help is very much appreciated.
Basically, this is my code
applySearchFilter(filterValue: string) {
this.values = filterValue.toString().toLowerCase();
this.dataSource.filter = this.values;
with "this.dataSource.filter" I can filter any data out of it, but I want to add an exception to keyId.... See the object below.
my object looks something like this.
keyId: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000010001",
name: "Test 10",
location: "New York"
When I input "10", it filters everything in the dataSource that has a 10. So, not only the name has "10" in it, but the keyId too. I took an hour to realize what this kept happening... and it is because of keyId xD
Allthough I get the whole object with keyId included, keyId is not shown in frontend and should not be search/filter-able. Even if it does not show keyId in frontend, he searches for the object that has that keyid
I am not sure how to fix it right now, since something like this.dataSource.data.name or so does not work...
I'd appreciate if you gals and girls would give me some tips.
Oh and here is where I get my data to that get filtered.
public getObject(): void {
this.service.getObjectMethod().then(data=> {
this.dataSource.data = data;
}, (err: Error) => { console.log(err.message); });
i solved this issue using.
public filterData(): void {
if (this.inputValues.trim().length !== 0) {
this.filteredValues = [];
this.dataSource.data.filter(data => {
if (data.name.toLowerCase().includes((this.inputValues).toLowerCase()) ||
data.opensCategory.toLowerCase().includes((this.inputValues).toLowerCase())) {
return true && this.filteredValues.push(data);
this.dataSource.data = this.filteredValues;
Use the following code to search.
applySearchFilter(filterValue: string) {
this.dataSource.filterPredicate = function (data: any, filterValue: string) {
return data.name.trim().toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(filterValue.trim().toLocaleLowerCase()) >= 0;
I am trying to create a design for tags of entities in PouchDB with ReactJS. I managed to save my design using the put function, but when I query my design, the response is just an empty array and I am getting following error in console:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'emit' of undefined
I think the problem is in my function that I later use as a map parameter to my design variable:
function emitTagsMap(doc)
if (doc !== undefined)
if (Array.isArray(doc.tags))
doc.tags.forEach(x =>
/* Here is probably the problem - this.db is undefined */
this.db.emit(x, null);
this.db is declared in constructor:
constructor(service, name)
if (!service || !name) throw new Error("PouchDatabase initialized incorrectly");
this.name = name;
this.db = new PouchDB(name);
this.service = service;
Please bare in mind that I am completely new to PouchDB.
Any ideas how can I initialize the emit function?
Thank you in advance.
I assume, that your function is a part of a JavaScript class (otherwise you have to explain the idea with this). In ES6, you have to bind this to your regular functions. You have two options:
First - bind it via constructor:
constructor() {
this.emitTagsMap = this.emitTagsMap.bind(this);
Second - declare the function as an arrow one. This way, react will bind it for you:
emitTagsMap = (doc) =>
if (doc !== undefined)
if (Array.isArray(doc.tags))
doc.tags.forEach(x =>
/* Here is probably the problem - this.db is undefined */
this.db.emit(x, null);
You don't need to call emit over the database object.
Try this:
function emitTagsMap(doc)
if (doc !== undefined)
if (Array.isArray(doc.tags))
doc.tags.forEach(x =>
emit(x, null);
According to the PouchDB docs a design document is formed like this:
// first create a new design doc and pass your map function as string into it
var ddoc = {
_id: "_design/my_index",
views: {
by_name: {
map: "function (doc) { if (doc !== undefined) { if (Array.isArray(doc.tags)) { doc.tags.forEach(x => { emit(x, null); }); } } }"
// save it
db.put(ddoc).then(function () {
// success!
}).catch(function (err) {
// some error (maybe a 409, because it already exists?)
//Then you actually query it, by using the name you gave the design document when you saved it:
db.query('my_index/by_name').then(function (res) {
// got the query results
}).catch(function (err) {
// some error
I'm trying to make an input form that will check if the data exists in firebase database, below is the code that I used to check the data :
if(element.validation.codeunique) {
function checkCode(inputcode) {
.then( snapshot => {
let thecode = null;
thecode = false;
} else {
thecode = true;
let checkcode = null;
checkcode = checkCode(element.value);
const valid = checkcode;
const message = `${!valid ? 'Code Exists':''}`;
error = !valid ? [valid,message] : error
in database i have a data :
when I entered data DEM at the form :
console.log(thecode) result is false (which is the result that i want)
and when i entered another data ASD at the form :
console.log(thecode) result is true(which is the result that i want)
so the firebaseUsers actually is giving me the feedback/data that I want, but when I tried to get the data at valid with true/false,
this is the code that I originally used:
if(element.validation.codeunique) {
function checkCode(inputcode) {
.then( snapshot => {
return false;
} else {
return true;
const valid = checkCode(element.value);
const message = `${!valid ? 'Code Exists':''}`;
error = !valid ? [valid,message] : error
the valid shows = undefined,
my goal is to make the valid shows true/false,
could someone help me, and point out, what did i do wrong?
*I make the first code just to point out that the firebase is actually working
*the second code is the one that I originally used
There are a few issues that are standing out to me.
First, the code that you use originally was using return inside of the function's if / else conditional. I believe this is correct, you'll want to go back to doing that.
Second, the firebase.orderByChild() function that you are calling is a Promise as it has a .then() statement appended to it. What this means is that the function does not synchronously finish executing and return a value. The code below that promise is being run while the firebase function is still processing.
Give this a shot and see if it works, and if you have any further errors beyond the promise.
if(element.validation.codeunique) {
function checkCode(inputcode) {
.then( snapshot => {
return false;
} else {
return true;
let message = checkCode(element.value) ? 'Code Exists':'Code Does not Exist';
I've done it outside of the function above and by checking it when the user submit the form, and if the code exists, i direct it to form again :
.then (snapshot => {
if(snapshot.val()) {
alert("Code Exists, Please Choose another");
} else {
//submit the data
hopefully this will help someone
I have this weird scenario which I do not know what the problem is exactly. While troubleshooting I found out that the subscription is published and subscribed to because it's printed on the console. When I executed this on Firefox console it displayed this error SyntaxError: missing : after property id [Learn More]. I don't know what the syntax error is as the same code works on other files.
If I remove fetch() function from it it displayed 2 obects being published. This means the publish and sbscription is working. What am I to do right?
This is the event function
let myslug = trimInput(Session.get('ReceivedSlug'));
if (myslug) {
let mySchoolDoc = SchoolDb.findOne({slug: myslug});
if (mySchoolDoc) {
let arrayModuleSchool = StudentSchool.find({schoolId: mySchoolDoc._id});
if (arrayModuleSchool) {
var arrayStudentIds = [];
let subReadiness = SchoolStudents.find({ _id: {$in: arrayStudentIds}}).fetch();
if (subReadiness) {
console.log('before readiness --- ' +arrayStudentIds);
console.log('after seting --- ' +subReadiness);
return subReadiness;
This is the publish function
Meteor.publish('PaginatedStudents', function (skipCount) {
check(skipCount, Number);
user = Meteor.users.findOne({_id:this.userId})
if(user) {
if(user.emails[0].verified) {
return SchoolStudents.find({userId: this.userId}, {limit: 2, skip: skipCount});
} else {
throw new Meteor.Error('Not authorized');
return false;
Tracker to rerun when things changes
Session.setDefault('skip', 0);
Tracker.autorun(function () {
Meteor.subscribe('PaginatedStudents', Session.get('skip'));
I'm stuck with handling array of objects that contain errors inside my react-native/redux application.
I have a handleResponse function that looks something like this:
function handleResponse (response) {
let status = JSON.stringify(response.data.Status)
let res = JSON.stringify(response)
if (Number(status) === 200) {
return res
} else {
throw new SubmissionError('Something happened')
But instead of plain text passed as argument to SubmissionError function - I want somehow to take out errors from array of objects.
Array of objects containing error messages looks like this:
ErrorMessages: [
{ ErrorMessage: 'foo' },
{ ErrorMessage: 'bar' }
How can I, for example, throw foo and bar errors?
You can't really throw two things at once, unless you wrap them in a Promise or do other tricks, I would just concatenate the errors together and do a single throw:
function handleResponse (res) {
if (Number(res.data.Status) === 200) {
return JSON.stringify(res)
const errors = res.ErrorMessages.map(e => e.ErrorMessage).join(', ')
throw new SubmissionError(`Some errors occurred: ${errors}.`)