Access value in expand and use it in filter (Graph API) - azure-active-directory

I'm trying to get generate a list of users that has the same manager in the Azure AD using the Graph API.
Using$expand=manager($select=id)&$select=userPrincipalName,manager will give be the necessary id for the managers set for the users.
I would now like to get all users with a certain manager id. I can't figure out how I use the id from manager field. This query doesn't work, it returns all users.$expand=manager($select=id;$filter=manager/id eq '<manager id>')&$select=userPrincipalName
If I instead have the filter after the select I get the manager object itself since it seems to take manager/id as the id for the manager.$expand=manager($select=id)&$select=userPrincipalName,manager&$filter=manager/id eq '<manager id>'
Any clues?

To get all the users with specific manager id use below api request:
XX- It is Manager Id

I'm afraid you need to write your custom logic in your code to filter the users who have the same manager. According to official document,
$expand is not currently supported with advanced queries.
And per my test, when we used expand in graph SDK, it will return null property when a user doesn't have a manager, you may try to avoid null reference exception when writing your custom logic to do a filter.


How to dynamic add users to AccessPackages in AzureAD under entitlement management?

You've got this great new feature in Azure AD under Entitlement management: Access Packages.
Packages including groups and what more for specific users and roles.
The issue I'm struggling with, is how can I add users by dynamic group without them having to request access first?
I feel like I'm overseeing something, but as it looks now you can only add a Dynamic Group & the users in the group can request access to the AccessPackages.
Has anyone else dealt with this already?
Please check the references and if below can be worked around in your case.
According to Create a new access package in entitlement management - Azure AD | Microsoft Docs.
If you want to bypass access requests and allow administrators to directly assign specific users to this access package. click None (administrator direct assignments only) in request section to create a policy where users need not request for access. For this group selection is not there.Users won't have to request the access package.
But if you need to select specific dynamic group for policy .
You can create a access package with dynamic groups selected .
You can create a policy separately for the users for dynamic group with require approval disabled and requests disabled.
Then while assignment requests are bypassed and approved even if the policy has request approval.
Even if require approval and requests are enabled in first step, you can set a separate policy by setting the by pass approval to yes.
Note :Dynamic group is to be given the owner role for access packages.
Reference: active-directory-entitlement-management-request-policy | (github)

Is this possible to create a private report filtering in Data Studio embeded report

I created a report in DataStudio and embedded it on my website. I activated the option "anyone with the link can view" so this report will be visible to my website users.
But I need to show my website users different data depending on their user ids and more important I don't want users would be able to see other users' data so if I used URL filtering users would be able to breach and search another user id to see his data.
Does anyone have a solution for this scenario?
In Google documentation I saw an option to limit the report to users in my domain, I assume this will solve this issue, but I don't find how to restrict other domains.
Users are logged onto Google
If users of your website are already logged onto Google, use the Filter by email address guide from Data Studio help center. This requires you to setup FILTER BY EMAIL and then have a field in your data can be directly used as an email filter.
Users are not logged on to Google
If you want a solution where the users don't have to be logged onto Google, you will need to:
Create a Community Connector to pass the filtered data to your users. The connector should accept a short lived token as part of the config.
Create a dashboard with your connector and pass unique short-lived tokens for each user.
You should have an endpoint that returns the current user's data based on the token provided. Alternatively, the endpoint can return only the user's identify and you can query a secondary data source with a service account filtering for the user's identity.
Your connector should call your endpoint to fetch data only for the user/for the user's identity.
This official guide demonstrates how to implement this in more details.
Disclaimer: I work in the Data Studio team and wrote the above guide.
First option is to add extra 2 fields to your data source.
For example:
Data, User_ID, Password
In your dashboard, you need to create two parameters:
Both parameters can set the default value to null, and accepts any values.
Then create a new calculated field:
WHEN REGEXP_MATCH(User_ID,USER_ID_Parameter) AND REGEXP_MATCH(Password,Password_Parameter) THEN 1
Then create a new filter to the chart that you want to hide:
To include the above calculated field Equal to 1
Second option is to use the Data Studio default Row Level Security
The only caveat is the users need to sign in before they can view the report.

Microsoft Graph AD Users or people API to search all users?

I'm trying to build functionality into my app for 'admins' to assign users from their AD group to certain groups that are further assigned to app-specific roles. Basically a simple management component.
Adding the user with the oid to a group is easy, the problem I'm facing is finding the actual user.
Currently, the only option I'm seeing is making multiple api requests to v1.0/users (999 items max) and grouping them all in memory and then provide a simple search function to narrow it down.
I have also used the v1.0/me/people endpoint to search for users but this does not reveal all users from the AD group, just relevant users they deal with, so not too useful.
Is there any other api endpoint I could tap into to do a search ONLY on members of the same active directory?
Using the startsWith filter on multiple properties is probably the closest we can get to user search in MS Graph at the moment:$filter=startswith(displayName,'sarah') or startswith(givenName,'sarah') or startswith(surname,'sarah') or startswith(mail,'sarah') or startswith(userPrincipalName,'sarah')
Ended up switching to the old AD Graph API and implementing a query on the endpoint as follows:{ tenant ID }/users?api-version=1.6&$select=mail,displayName,objectId,givenName,surname&$filter=startswith(givenName,'SEARCH TERM') or startswith(surname,'SEARCH TERM')
If a function receives 1 single param, it will search for that parameter in both givenName and surname but you could configure this to search accross any other supported fields.
You could also completely ditch the $select= completely to get the whole data. I didn't want the clutter though and those keys are enough for me.
Instead of going with startswith You may get better experience using search keyword:

Is it possible to update/delete User by externalId

We are trying to develop a SCIM enabled Provisioning system for provisioning data from an Enterprise Cloud Subscriber(ECS) to Salesforce(Cloud Service Provider-CSP). We are following SCIM 1.1 standard.
What are we able to do:
We are able to perform CRUD operations on User object using Salesforce auto-generated userId field
Exact Problem:
We are not able to update/delete User object using externalId provided by ECS.
Tried something as below... But it is not working, Unknown_Exception is thrown...
Please note that it is not possible to store Salesforce userId in ECS's database due to some compliance reasons. So we have to completely depend upon externalId only.
Possible Workaround:
Step1: Read the userId based on externalId from Salesforce
Step2: Update the User object using the salesforce UserId obtained in Step1.
But this two step process would definitely degrade the performance.
Is there any way to update/delete the User by externalId
Could you please guide us on this..
Thanks so much....
I realize this is old thread but wanted to note that you CAN update Users from REST using an external ID. The endpoint in above question is incorrect. Following is how it should be set, send as a PATCH request:
[instance]/services/data/v37.0/sobjects/user/[external_id__c]/[external id value]
Instance = your instance i.e.
external_id__c = API name of your custom external Id field on User
external id value = whatever the value of the user's external Id
Salesforce responds with an HTTP 204 status code with No Content in the body, this isn't usual for patch requests, but it is 'success' response
The external id on user has to be a custom field, make sure it is set
Ensure the profile/permission set of the user that is making the call
has the Manage Users permission & has access to the external id field
It is pretty common pattern for other applications, too, to search first and then perform on update on the returned object. Your workaround seems fine to me. What performance problem are you concerned about? Are you concerned about Salesforce not being able to process more requests or are you concerned about the higher response time in your application because you need to make multiple requests? Have you actually measured how much an extra call costs?

How can I get all groups a user belongs to using Okta's API?

I'm trying to sync users/groups that sit behind Okta in Active Directory. Specifically, I'd like to get all groups a user belongs to, upon login to a third party application.
Looking at the Okta API documentation ( I see that I could accomplish this by performing the following operations (in pseudo-code):
FETCH ALL GROUPS (using List Groups operation)
FETCH A LIST OF USERS (using List Group Members operation)
For my purposes this seems very inefficient, but I can't find a better way of doing this by looking at the documentation.
Ideally, what I would like to do is:
Is there any way I could accomplish this ?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
I found the answer: the Get Member Groups API call does this exact thing. It's under Related Resources here: how about that?
[GET] /api/v1/users/$userid/groups
It's also possible to get this list when the user logs in into an app via SAML.
Add a Group Attribute Statement with filter Matches regex and value .*.
You will get the user's groups as part of the XML.
