How to transform object to array before parsing in Zod - reactjs

I do have an external URL endpoint that returns an array of field object when it is more than 2 and an object when there is only one, see the snippet below:
Return when the field count is one:
"fields": { "fullName": "fieldFullname", "type": "fieldType" }
Return when the field is more than one:
"fields": [
{ "fullName": "fieldFullname", "type": "fieldType" },
{ "fullName": "fieldFullname", "type": "fieldType" }
Currently, this is my schema using zod:
export const sObjectMetadataSchema = z.object({
fields: z.array(metadataFieldSchema).optional()
export const metadataFieldSchema = z.object({
fullName: z.string().optional(),
type: z.string().optional(),
It is configured that it will only accept an array of objects. When it returns only one field it throws an error:
"code": "invalid_type",
"expected": "array",
"received": "object",
"path": [],
"message": "Expected array, received object"
My goal is if it returns a single object it will convert it to an array of objects during runtime. Currently trying to implement using transform but still not working:
An initial implementation using transform:
export const sObjectMetadataSchema = z.object({
fields: z.unknown().transform((rel) => {
return Array.isArray(rel)
? z.array(metadataFieldSchema).optional()
: 'Convert the rel to Array?';

I didn't test that, but seems like should work:
const FieldsSchema = z.object({
fullName: z.string(),
type: z.string()
export const sObjectMetadataSchema = z.object({
fields: z.union([FieldsSchema, FieldsSchema.array()]).transform((rel) => {
return Array.isArray(rel)
? rel
: [rel];

Thanks for the answer #Konrad !
I improved it a little bit in typescript, so it is also typed correctly:
const arrayFromString = <T extends ZodTypeAny>(schema: T) => {
return z.preprocess((obj) => {
if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
return obj;
} else if (typeof obj === "string") {
return obj.split(",");
} else {
return [];
}, z.array(schema));


Can't use the data from API when app just starts

My data is undefined when the app is started but after the refresh, the data comes perfectly.
For startup
It gives me [Unhandled promise rejection: TypeError: Object.entries requires that input parameter not be null or undefined]
But after the refresh, the data comes perfectly and everything working.
This is part of my data
Object {
"attributes": Object {
"htmlName": null,
"id": 0,
"items": Array [
Object {
"htmlName": "r_1",
"name": "m2 (Brüt)",
"numeric": true,
"options": Object {},
"order": 0,
"required": true,
Object {
"htmlName": "r_2",
"name": "m2 (Net)",
"numeric": true,
"options": Object {},
"order": 0,
"required": true,
Object {
"htmlName": "r_164",
"name": "Arsa Alanı (m2)",
"numeric": true,
"options": Object {},
"order": 0,
"required": true,
Object {
"htmlName": "a_137",
"name": "Oda Sayısı",
"numeric": false,
"options": Object {
"12": "1+0",
"13": "1+1",
"14": "1.5+1",
"15": "2+0",
"16": "2+1",
"17": "2.5+1",
"18": "2+2",
"19": "3+1",
"20": "3.5+1",
"21": "3+2",
"22": "4+1",
"226": "0+1",
"23": "4.5+1",
"24": "4+2",
"25": "4+3",
"26": "4+4",
"27": "5+1",
"28": "5+2",
"29": "5+3",
"30": "5+4",
"31": "6+1",
"32": "6+2",
"33": "6+3",
"34": "7+1",
"35": "7+2",
"36": "7+3",
"37": "8+1",
"38": "8+2",
"39": "8+3",
"40": "8+4",
"41": "9+1",
"42": "9+2",
"43": "9+3",
"44": "9+4",
"45": "9+5",
"46": "9+6",
"47": "10+1",
"48": "10+2",
"49": "10 Üzeri",
"order": 0,
"required": true,
export const getData = function () {
return axios
headers: {
Authorization: `blabla`,
.then((json) => {
if (json && json.status === 200) {
.catch((e) => {
const [data, setData] = useState({});
const [roomValue, setRoomValue] = useState(null);
const [roomCount, setRoomCount] = useState([]);
const [isFocus, setIsFocus] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const getDataFunc = async () => {
const res = await getData();
function setDropdown(query) {
const response = query;
try {
const entries = Object.entries(response);
const tempArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
var key;
var value;
(key = entries[i][0]), (value = entries[i][1]);
tempArray.push({ key: value, value: key });
} catch (error) {
How can I fix that ?
Add a seperate useEffect to check wheather the data has been set and then only set the dropdown values
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
if(data && data.attributes?.items[3]){
}, [data]);
const getDataFunc = async () => {
const res = await getData();
It seems like the error is caused by the attributes property being empty when you try to access it. But when you assign them one by one then it loads because the data is loaded per nested property before assigning it to the variable. Means it hasn't fully loaded yet
const response = data.attributes.items[3].options;
It outputs an error because attributes is undefined. So it's not an object, therefore, attributes.items is considered invalid
// sample
const data = {
/* attributes: {
items: {
1: {
options: 'option1'
2: {
options: 'option2'
3: {
options: 'option3'
} */
const specificData = data.attributes.items[3].options
console.log(specificData) //
So one solution would be using the optional chaining operator to avoid the error, it's just basically a question mark (?) after the object you are trying to access.
The response would be then 'undefined'. That way even if the attributes is empty or not, data will be assigned to the response constant then you can just add some more checking outside of that.
// sample
const data = {
/* attributes: {
items: {
1: {
options: 'option1'
2: {
options: 'option2'
3: {
options: 'option3'
} */
const specificData = data.attributes?.items[3].options
console.log(specificData) // outputs undefined instead of an error
Let me know if this works btw. maybe you could provide the actual api or maybe a sample api endpoint so we could test it directly. Or maybe the full code?
I've encoutered this before though I'm not 100% sure this is all I've done. But for the error I'm sure the optional chaining operator will prevent it
Try calling getData inside an async function and wait for the process to complete like this in your App.js
const [data, setData] = useState([]);
const [roomCount, setRoomCount] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const getDataFunc = async() => {
await getData(setData);
const response = data;
const entries = Object.entries(response);
const tempArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
var key;
var value;
(key = entries[i][0]), (value = entries[i][1]);
tempArray.push({ key: value, value: key });
note: The best practice is not to directly pass the setData function to getData api call instead return the response from api and assign the response in main code like below
const response = await getData();
From what I see, your data.attributes has undefined value.
Please double-check everything, it is technically impossible to get data directly if data.attributes is undefined

How to destructure object in React with special characters in key

Backend returns an object, and one of the key-value, I would handle differently, how can I split up object?
useEffect(() => {
const tempUserShortId = getTempUserShortId()
method: 'get',
url: `questionList?tempUserId=${tempUserShortId}&questionIds[]=6f50dbea-196b-4fb6-82ee-fbade62aab98&questionIds[]=6f50dbea-196b-4fb6-82ee-fbade62aab99&questionIds[]=6f50dbea-196b-4fb6-82ee-fbade62aab9a`,
headers: { crossDomain: true },
}).then((res) => {
const {'6f50dbea-196b-4fb6-82ee-fbade62aab9a',} =;
}, [ind])
It says: ':' expected.ts(1005
Found this online:
const removeKey = () => {
setEmployee(current => {
// 👇️ remove salary key from object
const {salary,} = current;
return rest;
It does not work.
Got back from backend a structure like this:
"6F50DBEA-196B-4FB6-82EE-FBADE62AAB99": {
"text": "Mennyire forradalmi az ETH 2.0 bevezetése?",
"options": {
"1CD0D2C0-7494-4BE6-ADE6-E454816B584E": {
"text": "Forradalmi mert PoW helyett PoS lesz. Kevesebb energiát fog fogyasztani a rendszer. Viszont ez még mindig nem skálázható megoldás, a shardingot még nem tudja, és még hosszú évekig nem is fogja tudni, így a tranzakciós díj ugyanúgy magas fog maradni.",
"rating": {}
"6F50DBEA-196B-4FB6-82EE-FBADE62AAB98": {
You have to focus the key of your object and set it to "_" to tell that you will not use it
const obj = {
"6f50dbea-196b-4fb6-82ee-fbade62aab9a": "cool",
name: "test",
value: 3
const {"6f50dbea-196b-4fb6-82ee-fbade62aab9a": _,} = obj // rest equal {name: "test", value: 3}

Pushing data to an array in already existing object with axios

i have a object which looks like this:
"title": "675756",
"release_date": "2022-01-16",
"series": "Better Call Saul",
"img": "",
"characters": [],
"id": 1
to an characters array i want to add the id of characters.
I do it by form and then i handle submit like this:
const handleSubmit = (values) => {
console.log("dodano aktora do filmu!");
the addActorToMovie action:
export const addActorToMovie = (resp) => ({
type: types.ADD_CHAR_TO_MOVIE,
payload: resp,
and the reducer:
case types.ADD_CHAR_TO_MOVIE:
return {
...state, (item) {
return === action.payload.episodeId
? {
title: item.title,
release_date: item.release_date,
series: item.series,
img: item.img,
characters: [...item.characters,],
: { ...item };
It all works, but the problem is that i dont want to do it loccaly. Im using an database with json-server, and I want to do an Axios Request so that it would add a data to the database.
And i don't know how to do this, when i use it adds an object to my episodes array, if im using axios.put it changes an object. Is there any possibility to push the data to an array as i do it with the code above, but with axios so that it would be added to database?
My approach looked like this:
export const addActorToMovieAxios = (value) => {
return async (dispatch) => {
try {
const response = await
} catch (ex) {
but as I said this does add a new object to an array.....
"episodes": [
"title": "675756",
"release_date": "2022-01-16",
"series": "Better Call Saul",
"img": "",
"characters": [],
"id": 1
"episodeId": 1,
"actor": "1",
"id": 2
So just to be clear I understand your question, you have an object that already exists in your DB, and you want to push something onto the 'characters' array in that existing object, without creating a new object, correct?
To do this, I would use Mongo for your DB and define two Mongoose Schemas, one for the existing object (let's call it TVShow) and one for the Characters within that object. Your two Schemas will look like this:
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const CharacterModel = require('./CharacterModel')
const TVShowScheme = new mongoose.Schema({
title: {
type: String,
release_date: {
type: Date,
series: {
type: String,
img: {
type: String,
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Student'
examQuestions: [
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'CharacterModel'
module.exports = mongoose.model('TVShowModel', TVShowScheme )
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const CharacterModel= new mongoose.Schema({
characterName: {
type: String,
actorName: {
type: String,
}) // add any other fields you want here
module.exports = mongoose.model('CharacterModel', CharactModelScheme )
Then, create your Axios post request. Make sure you send when you send the 'value' variable to your server, it contains the id (or perhaps the unique title) of the object you'll be 'pushing' to. Push won't work in axios/react, so we'll use the 'spread' opperator instead.
Your router will look like this:
const CharacterModel= require ('../models/CharacterModel');
const TVShowModel= require ('../models/TVShowModel');
const router = express.Router();'/episodes', async function(req,res){
const tvshow = await TVShowModel.find({title: req.body.title})
// edit as needed
console.log("FOUND TV Show: "+tvshow )
const characterName= req.body.characterName
const actorName = req.body.actorName
const newCharacter = new CharacterModel({
console.log("new character created: "+newCharacter)
tvshow[0].CharacterModel = [...tvshow[0].CharacterModel,newCharacter];
await tvshow[0].save()
.then(()=>res.json('New Character Added to DB'))
.catch(err=>res.status(400).json('Error: ' + err))
} catch(e){
Hope this was clear!

Update Object Inside the Array of object in a mongoose document with projection or select

I am trying to update the object inside the document
Document: Cats
"_id": "5e5cb512e90bd40017385305",
"type": "cat"
"history": [
"id": "randomID",
"content": "xyz",
"id": "randomID2",
"content": "abc",
Code to select and update the object inside the history array:
const editHistory = async (_, { input }, ctx) => {
let query = { _id: input.catId, "": input.historyId };
let update = { $set: { "history.$": input.history } };
let options = {
new: true,
fields: { history: { $elemMatch: { id: "randomID" } } }
let cat = await ctx.models.cats.findOneAndUpdate(query, update, options);
return cat;
Input has following values
input: {
catId: "5e5cb512e90bd40017385305",
historyId: "randomID",
history: {
id: "randomID",
content: "new content"
I tried using Projection, I used select changed it to field, found in mongoose documentation.
I still couldn't update the values. Is there anything wrong with the way i am querying or selecting the subfield.
Found the Solution for it by going through more detail of the operator($set) and option(new, fields).
const editHistory = async (_, { input }, ctx) => {
let query = { _id: input.catId, "": input.historyId };
let update = { $set: { "history.$": input.history } };
let options = {
// using new option would return the new document
new: true,
/* using fields option would select the based on the given key, but using new:
true with fields will throw error: 'cannot use a positional projection and
return the new document'
fields: { history: { $elemMatch: { id: "randomID" } } }
let cat = await ctx.models.cats.findOneAndUpdate(query, update, options);
return cat;
This post below answers that question for *error: 'cannot use a positional projection and return the new document'.
Final Solution:
const editHistory = async (_, { input }, ctx) => {
let query = { _id: input.catId, "": input.historyId };
let update = { $set: { "history.$": input.history } };
let options = {
new: true
let cat = await ctx.models.cats.findOneAndUpdate(query, update, options);
return cat;
Removing field option, since I don't need the unmodified selection before atomic modification, solves the question.

Handling Graphql Mutation update, cache read and writeQuery, if the query is dynamic?

Doing nightlife app on freecodecamp
I am trying to implement 'Go' button, similarly 'Like' button on Youtube or Instagram. Users click the button the number(counting how many users go) goes up meaning users will go there and click again, it revokes, the number decreases, users will not go there.
It seems like working well except the issue, I have to refresh the page and then, the number has increased or decreased and throws the error like below so:
Invariant Violation: Can't find field getBars({}) on object {
"getBars({\"location\":\"vancouver\"})": [
"type": "id",
"generated": false,
"id": "Bar:uNgTjA9ADe_6LWby20Af8g",
"typename": "Bar"
"type": "id",
"generated": false,
"id": "Bar:CwL5jwXhImT_7K5IB7mOvA",
"typename": "Bar"
"type": "id",
"generated": false,
"id": "Bar:mdt1tLbkZcOS2CsEbVF9Xg",
"typename": "Bar"
I am assuming handling update function will fix this issue but unlike the example from Apollo documentation:
// GET_TODOS is not dynamic query
// nothing to pass as variables to fetch TODO list
update={(cache, { data: { addTodo } }) => {
const { todos } = cache.readQuery({ query: GET_TODOS });
query: GET_TODOS,
data: { todos: todos.concat([addTodo]) },
My query is dynamic:
// I have to pass location variable, otherwise it won't fetch anything.
const GET_BARS_QUERY = gql`
query getBars($location: String!) {
getBars(location: $location) {
goings {
I believe I might need to handle to provide location using readQuery and writeQury but not too sure what I should do.
Here's my code:
const GoButton = ({ user, bar }) => {
const { token } = user;
const { id, goings, goingCount } = bar;
const [userGoes] = useMutation(GO_MUTATION, {
variables: { yelp_id: id },
update(proxy, result) {
const data = proxy.readQuery({
data.getBars = [result.userGoes,];
proxy.writeQuery({ query: GET_BARS_QUERY, data });
return (
<Button onClick={userGoes}>
Go {goingCount}
const GO_MUTATION = gql`
mutation go($yelp_id: String!) {
go(yelp_id: $yelp_id) {
goings {
export default GoButton;
Full code here
when you read/write the getBars query, you need to pass the location as a variable
const [userGoes] = useMutation(GO_MUTATION, {
variables: { yelp_id: id },
update(proxy, result) {
const data = proxy.readQuery({
variables: {
location: 'New York'
data.getBars = [result.userGoes,];
proxy.writeQuery({ query: GET_BARS_QUERY, data,
variables: {
location: 'New York'
