React 17 useMemo create a losted instance of object - reactjs

Thanks to #dbuchet for his anwser. The problem comes from the fact that in StrictMode in dev mode only, everythings is running twice.
I just got a weird beavour in React.
My context :
I want to create an EventSource for work with Mercure. So i created a hook and this hook store my EventSource with a useMemo. Until here everything's is fine. But after some tests, eachtime i call my hook, two connections are created not only one.
The problem is that i am not able to close the first connection. Only the second. This cause memory leak and undesired persistent connections.
My useMemo for the EventSource :
const eventSource = useMemo(() => {
if (topics.length === 0 || !hubUrl || !baseUrl) {
return null;
let url = new URL(hubUrl);
topics.forEach(topic => {
url.searchParams.append('topic', (baseUrl ? baseUrl : '') + topic);
return new EventSource(url, {
withCredentials: withCredentials
}, [baseUrl, hubUrl, withCredentials, topicsHash]);
After some investigations, i can see that if i add some Math.random(), logs and a simple setInterval, i am able to see that two different objects are created :
const eventSource = useMemo(() => {
if (topics.length === 0 || !hubUrl || !baseUrl) {
return null;
let url = new URL(hubUrl);
topics.forEach(topic => {
url.searchParams.append('topic', (baseUrl ? baseUrl : '') + topic);
console.log('opening... ' + temp)
let connectionInterval = null;
connectionInterval = setInterval(() => {
console.log('------------- setInterval ---------------')
onsole.log(topics, eventSource, temp);
let test = { test: temp, eventSource: new EventSource(url, {
withCredentials: withCredentials
return test;
}, [baseUrl, hubUrl, withCredentials, topicsHash]);
The result in the logger is :
So we can see that my useMemo seems to be called only once (due to the fact that 'opening...' log is visible only once). But the random is different of the final object that i have at the end.
Moreover, setInterval is executed twice with both randoms visible.
Maybe something in my project cause this, so i created a simple peice of React and try the code below and same beavour :
const temp = useMemo(() => {
let test = Math.random();
let inter = setInterval(() => {
}, ['for block reloading'])
Result of the console :
Anyone got the same problem ?
Is there a way to avoid this, maybe i made a mistake somewhere or i misunderstood something with useMemo ?
Thanks !


React websockets disappear on refresh

So I have a websocket connection that is open and I notice once I refresh the page the websocket messages disappears. I've read online that this is supposed to happen. What is a good way to persist these messages so that they do not disappear. Right now I have the websocket messages in a react state. I've seen some say localstorage or cookies, but I don't think that is scalable as their can be thousands of messages in minutes that could overload the browser storage? Below I am using react-use-websocket package and I get the last message and store that inside a state array. That is the wrong approach I need a longer storage solution.
const { lastJsonMessage, lastMessage, sendMessage, readyState, getWebSocket } = useWebSocket(resultUrl, {
//Will attempt to reconnect on all close events, such as server shutting down
shouldReconnect: () => true,
reconnectAttempts: 10,
reconnectInterval: 3000
useEffect(() => {
const val = lastJsonMessage ? JSON.parse(lastJsonMessage as unknown as string) : {};
if (val !== null && Object.keys(val).length > 0) {
setMessageHistory((prev) => prev.concat(val));
}, [lastJsonMessage, setMessageHistory]);
// Get Video assets after finishing;
useEffect(() => {
messageHistory.forEach((msg) => {
const { type } = msg;
if (type === 'video.live_stream.recording' || type === '') {
const localPlaybackId =[0];
}, [messageHistory, videoType]);
const connectionStatus = {
[ReadyState.CONNECTING]: 'Connecting',
[ReadyState.OPEN]: 'Open',
[ReadyState.CLOSING]: 'Closing',
[ReadyState.CLOSED]: 'Closed',
[ReadyState.UNINSTANTIATED]: 'Uninstantiated'
if (liveStreamId) {
messageHistory.filter((msg) => { === liveStreamId;
in this case, usually when the app is loaded you should do a GET request to the server in order to load all the last messages. Also since you are talking about "thousands of messages" you should implement a lazy loading aka paginator or infinite-scroll

how to turn off buffering in react-player?

when I try to play the next video it does not start and I guess the problem is buffering.
P.S my url is video.m3u8 files
It works fine, but when i change url nothing happens, i would like to know how can i stop current video and load a new one whe, url changes ?
here's my rewind function
const showVideo = async () => {
const body = new FormData();
const mac = window.TvipStb.getMainMacAddress();
body.append("mac", mac);
let response = await fetch(getVideo, {
method: "POST",
body: body,
let data = await response.json();
if (data.error) {
return 0;
if (_isMounted.current) setVideoLink(data.response.url); };
var goToNext = function () {
playerRef.current.seekTo(0, "seconds");
if (playerInfo.next_id) { = playerInfo.next_id;
} else navigate(-1);};
onProgress={() => {
file: {
forceHLS: true,
I would suggest you build your own player from scratch using just react and a style library.
I had similar issues using react-player and I had to resort to building my own custom player in which I could now ensure that buffering is handled the way I expect it to.
I handled buffering using the progress event as follows
const onProgress = () => {
if (!element.buffered) return;
const bufferedEnd = element.buffered.end(element.buffered.length - 1);
const duration = element.duration;
if (bufferRef && duration > 0) {
bufferRef.current!.style.width = (bufferedEnd / duration) * 100 + "%";
element.buffered represents a collection of buffered time ranges.
element.buffered.end(element.buffered.length - 1) gets the time at the end of the buffer range. With this value, I was able to compute the current buffer range and update the buffer progress accordingly.
I ended up writing an article that would help others learn to build an easily customizable player from scratch using just React and any style library (in this case charkra UI was used).

Have to run function 2 times for setting value to state in react?

const [TimeStampsFromFile, setTimeStampsFromFile] = useState([])
const FilePicker = async () => {
var RNFS = require('react-native-fs')
// Pick a single file
try {
const res = await DocumentPicker.pick({
type: [DocumentPicker.types.plainText],
const filepath =
RNFS.ExternalStorageDirectoryPath + '/' + 'TimeStamps' + '/' +
const file = await RNFS.readFile(filepath)
setTimeStampsFromFile(await file.split('\n'))
console.log('file data' + TimeStampsFromFile)
} catch (err) {
if (DocumentPicker.isCancel(err)) {
// User cancelled the picker, exit any dialogs or menus and move on
} else {
throw err
this function runs on pressing a button in my react native app:-
On pressing the first time, it needs to return value but it simply returns nothing. But on pressing the second time it returns the value. (Why is that??) or Am I making some mistakes in code??
The same thing is also happing with my other button too.
I found this answer : - hooks not set state at first time but not able to get solution of my problem (if you can help from this answer)
TimeStampsFromFile is empty the first time you log it because setTimeStampsFromFile is async. If you want to log TimeStampsFromFile when value will be updated you could use useEffect hook like:
useEffect(() => {
}, [TimeStampsFromFile]);
In this way, every time TimeStampsFromFile changes his value, useEffect will be called and log will show current value.
If you need to get the value of the TimeStampsFromFile from FilePicker function, is not necessary to get this value from TimeStampsFromFile. You could do something like:
const splitFile = await file.split('\n');
console.log('file data' + splitFile)

How can I utilise ApplicationInsights-JS in a service worker?

I am currently using ApplicationInsights-JS in my progressive web app. It works in my react components as I can import what I need from the relevant npm packages.
In my service worker however, I can only import logic using importScripts.
I did manage to find a CDN for ApplicationInsights-JS on their Github page however it seems that in order to initialise app insights using this library you need to have access to window in order to store the appinsights, which you cannot do from a service worker.
I tried to use the web snippet approach since the CDN seemed to be
related to that particular library, but I can't use window and am not sure how else to implement this solution.
This is a copy paste of the suggested snippet to init the app insights object from:
const sdkInstance = 'appInsightsSDK';
window[sdkInstance] = 'appInsights';
const aiName = window[sdkInstance];
const aisdk =
window[aiName] ||
(function(e) {
function n(e) {
i[e] = function() {
const n = arguments;
i.queue.push(function() {
let i = { config: e };
i.initialize = !0;
const a = document;
const t = window;
setTimeout(function() {
const n = a.createElement('script');
(n.src = e.url || ''),
try {
i.cookie = a.cookie;
} catch (e) {}
(i.queue = []), (i.version = 2);
for (
const r = [
n('startTrackPage'), n('stopTrackPage');
const o = `Track${r[0]}`;
if (
!0 === e.disableExceptionTracking ||
(e.extensionConfig &&
e.extensionConfig.ApplicationInsightsAnalytics &&
!0 ===
) {
n(`_${(r = 'onerror')}`);
const s = t[r];
(t[r] = function(e, n, a, t, o) {
const c = s && s(e, n, a, t, o);
return (
!0 !== c &&
message: e,
url: n,
lineNumber: a,
columnNumber: t,
error: o
(e.autoExceptionInstrumented = !0);
return i;
})({ instrumentationKey: 'xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx' });
(window[aiName] = aisdk),
aisdk.queue && aisdk.queue.length === 0 && aisdk.trackPageView({});
I get window is not defined which is expected, but I'm not sure how else I can make use of this library from the service worker.
Has anyone else had a similar implementation in which they successfully logged telemetry using ApplicationInsights from a service worker?
I realised that I was over complicating this.
Since I only needed to track a custom event, and didn't need all the automated page tracking etc that appInsights does, I ended up doing a fetch from my service worker.
I just copied the header and body format from the requests that I made using my react pages.
The below successfully logged telemetry to my app insights dashboard:
fetch(url, {
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Content-type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify([
time: '2019-05-02T15:56:37.589Z',
tags: {
'': 'l6Tey',
'': 'TL+Ry',
'': 'browser',
'ai.device.type': 'Browser',
'': 'HUfNE',
SampleRate: '100',
// eslint-disable-next-line no-script-url
'ai.internal.sdkVersion': 'javascript:2.0.0-rc4'
data: {
baseType: 'EventData',
baseData: {
ver: 2,
name: 'Testing manual event',
properties: {},
measurements: {}
.then(function(data) {
.catch(function(error) {
I've almost managed to use Microsoft Application Insights in our app's service worker.
The key parts are:
Using the lightweight version of appInsights (see this small remark at 4th step) with importScripts('').
Initialize an appInsights object:
appInsights = new Microsoft.AppInsights.AppInsights({ instrumentationKey: "[replace with your own key]" });
when track needed (during onpush event or onnotificationclick), go for appInsight.track({ eventItemFields }) then appInsights.flush().
I've said "almost" because the flush part seems to not working, I've got: "Sender was not initialized" internal error after enabling debugging.
I will publish here a working sample code if I successfully manage this issue.
This response to the question: How to add analytics for Push notifications.
Using the Web SDK in a service worker is troublesome. The full version depends on a window object, while the basic SDK depends on Beacon or XmlHttpRequest for sending the messages (in file
if (!_self._senderConfig.isBeaconApiDisabled() && Util.IsBeaconApiSupported()) {
_self._sender = _beaconSender;
} else {
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== undefined) {
const xhr:any = getGlobalInst("XMLHttpRequest");
if(xhr) {
const testXhr = new xhr();
if ("withCredentials" in testXhr) {
_self._sender = _xhrSender;
_self._XMLHttpRequestSupported = true;
} else if (typeof XDomainRequest !== undefined) {
_self._sender = _xdrSender; // IE 8 and 9
At the moment Application Insights SDK does not seem to support service workers. Rajars solution seems to be the best option for now.
Update: There is an issue in the Github Repo about this:
A suggestion that works is by using the basic/lightweight version of Application Insights (as mentioned by Rajar) and adding a XMLHttpRequest polyfill (that uses the fetch api) before inititializing Application Insights. After that you can use the lightweight version.
An example can be found here:
I was trying to use AppInsightsSDK in E2E tests environment (pupeteer) and when I tried to log event or metric I got with "Sender was not initialized" error.
As #Pkiri mentioned one would need XMLHttpRequest polyfill to solve the issue. Although my scenario is not directly related to Service worker I wanted to mention that #Pkiri answer is not entirely true, because one can also use globalThis, self, window or global to get the same result according to SDK source code function getGlobalInst("XMLHttpRequest"); resolves to
function getGlobal() {
if (typeof globalThis !== strShimUndefined && globalThis) {
return globalThis;
if (typeof self !== strShimUndefined && self) {
return self;
if (typeof window !== strShimUndefined && window) {
return window;
if (typeof global !== strShimUndefined && global) {
return global;
return null;
And for my scenario this was a valid solution
const appInsights = new ApplicationInsights({
config: {
instrumentationKey: 'AppInsights_InstrumentationKey',
global.XMLHttpRequest = require("xmlhttprequest").XMLHttpRequest;
global.appInsights = appInsights.loadAppInsights();

Displaying array-responses in the form of a Nested menus using React

I'm fairly new to React and stuck regarding a very minor problem. I wrote an UI that essentially calls a service that returns the responses in the form of an array. Now, I need those responses from the service to be displayed in the form of a nested menu. For e. g., one of my axios calls returns a response of [1,2,3,4] and the other axios call returns [1.1,1.2,1.3,..]. I want these responses to be aligned in the form of
i. e. the UI should show 1,2,3,4 .. and when the user clicks on 1, then 1.1,1.2 etc. should be displayed.
I'm using React, material-ui's components and redux for this.
I have a function to do the above mentioned.. but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right.
handleMenuData() {
var applist = this.props.menuData;
var appNames = [];
var moduleNames = [];
applist.forEach(app => {
app.moduleNames.forEach(module => {
try {
return axios.get(
'service url' + + '/' + module,
} catch (error) {
moduleNames: moduleNames,
moduleNames = [];
appNames: appNames,
and in my state,
this.state = {
appList: [],
appNames: [],
moduleNames: [],
app names are 1,2,3 and module names are 1.1,1.2 and I was thinking of using ListItemText component from material UI.
I think what you are doing is incorrect. axios.get is an asynchronous function and you are not waiting for the response to come from the server. That's why you get all arrays as empty. Try calling a recursive function like this.
const getModuleNames = (i) => {
axios.get('service url' + applist[i].name + '/' + module)
.then((response) => {
if(i < applist.length){
applist[i].moduleNames =;
name: applist[i].name,
moduleNames: applist[i].moduleNames
else {
// code you want to execute after adding data to appNames
}).catch((err) => {
// error handling
