make command runs only the first row in Makefile - c

Hi I Have this makefile:
main.o:main.c functionsLab1.c functionsLab1.h
gcc -c main.c
functionsLab1.o: functionsLab1.c functionsLab1.h
gcc-c functionsLab1.c
now when i Run the command "make" it only executes the first command in makefile.
how can I Run all the commands at once?
Thanks in advance :)
I Tried to type "make all" command and it showed an error.

make is able to build what you need, but only if you tell it the right dependencies. In particular, your current Makefile is lying about dependencies, since main.o does not at all depend on functionsLab1.c. Rather, the final executable you are trying to build depends on functionsLab1.o. You can probably make your entire Makefile:
main: main.o functionsLab1.o
(Yes, literally one line.). That ignores the dependency on the header file, but it should work for you. Let make use its default rules; they are pretty good. If you want to include the header dependency, do something like:
main: main.o functionsLab1.o
main.o: main.c functionsLab1.h
functionsLab1.o: functionsLab1.c functionsLab1.h
If for some reason you really want to be explicit (you don't!), you can do:
main: main.o functionsLab1.o
$(CC) -o $# $? # Warning: incomplete. See note below
main.o: main.c functionsLab1.h
functionsLab1.o: functionsLab1.c functionsLab1.h
Again, letting make use its default rules to construct the object files. You can override the default rules, but there is very seldom a reason to do so. Indeed, this is an excellent example where attempting to override the default rule gives you a sub-optimal recipe. The default rule would be something like $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $# $? $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS), and many users would reasonably expect to be able to specify LDLIBS. The example shown above ignores LDLIBS, violating the principal of least surprise.


Makefiles in C language

Hello I'm having a hard time understanding makefiles. I play with them to understand them better but here's the issue:
all: main
main: main.o funcIO.o funcMan.o
$(CC) -o $# $^
funcIO.o: funcIO.c
$(CC) -c -o funcIO.o funcIO.c
funcMan.o: funcMan.o
$(CC) -c -o funcMan.o funcMan.c
This works regardless if everything below the punctured line is there or not. I'm told that this is the right way to write makefiles but why does it work without the targets funcIO.o and funcMan.o and if it works without them, why do we write them? Can you explain it like I'm 5 years old?
Thanks for your time!
Assuming you're using GNU Make (it might be the same for other Makes), this works due to built-in rules. Make already knows how to compile a C source file, and unless you tell it otherwise, it applies this recipe to it:
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(TARGET_ARCH) -c -o $# $<
$# is the target of the rule (the filename of the .o file) and $< is the first prerequisite (the filename of the .c file). The other variables have sensible defaults (mostly empty).
The right way to use Makefiles is to keep them as small as possible. Makefiles are about determining dependencies and only incidentally can be used to build programs. Here's how I would rewrite your Makefile:
all: main
main: main.o funcIO.o funcMan.o
And I only put the all target there because you had it to begin with. Make has a list of builtin rules that know how to build things given certain files as inputs. If you ask it for a .o file, it will look for a file of the same name, but with the extension of .c, .cpp, .f77, etc., and run the rule that builds what you asked for using that prerequisite file. You don't even need to specify how to build those, they come for free! It's the more complex relationships (such as a final binary) that need to be spelled out, as shown in my above example. There's a similar rule for building a binary out of .o files (assuming one of them has the same name as the binary, which yours does), so you don't need to specify any tasks, just the dependencies. You can control how they are run by adjusting special flags:
CFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic
main: main.o funcIO.c funcMan.o
main: LDLIBS += -lm
This version builds every C-compiled file with those CFLAGS, and builds main while linking in the -lm math library.
If you are building normal C programs, I strongly recommend this approach. Specify the prerequisites of the final binary, and control builds through these Make variables.

Why is my very simple makefile not working

When I say very simple I mean it. I have a main.c and a header file called input_error.h.
main.o : main.c input_error.h
gcc -c main.c
When I run the command "make" gcc -c main.c is executed but it's not updating any changes I make to my main.c file. When I manually type in "gcc main.c" it works fine.
EDIT: It seems like I need to add another rule but I'm not sure what that entails
At the moment your makefile only builds the .o file. You can build your binary in 2 ways. Note that make requires the indentation in the targets statements to be a tab and not 4 spaces, as it may have been converted to by the browser.
build .o separately then link binary. Note that using the -c switch causes gcc to build only the object file.
main: main.o
gcc main.o -o main
main.o : main.c input_error.h
gcc -c main.c -o main.o
build in one step
main: main.c input_error.h
gcc main.c -o main
You can also avoid repetition in your makefile by using special variables to denote the target ($#), the first dependency ($<) and all (#^) the dependencies.
e.g. one of the above lines could become
main.o : main.c input_error.h
gcc -c $< -o $#
Which seems a bit cryptic at first but you get used it. The implicit rules in #kaylums answer will also help to cut down on typing.
The Makefile you have only has a single rule to compile the .o file. That is, it does not have any rule to link the final executable.
make has implicit rules for building many common targets. So your Makefile could be as simple as the following:
all: main
main.o : input_error.h
For further explanation:
all: main: Since this is the first target it is the one that will be built by default if no explicit target is provided to the make command line. It depends on a single target main.
There is no explicit rule for main but make has an implicit rule which will build it from main.c.
main.o : input_error.h: Tells make that main.o needs to be rebuilt if input_error.h changes. There is no need to put main.c here as make has that implicit knowledge. There is also no need for an explicit command as make also has that implicit.

gcc permanently change c standard

Is there a way of telling gcc to use the c99 standard when compiling c files as a default?
I want to avoid giving it the -std=c99 parameter all the time.
I assume I can do this by creating an alias in the .bashrc file, but seems to be rather inelegant.
You may call c99 instead of gcc (wrapper for gcc, if it's available on your system) or try to modify your gcc spec file. More information here:
Here's an unexpected answer. Use a Makefile!
Simply type make to build
All options are automatically handled in the build process.
While you're at it, go ahead and enable all warnings, as is good to do. See this.
Easy to scale up to multiple source files
Can handle multi-step builds involving different tools
Another tool to learn, another thing to get wrong.
Consider this source:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int x = 4;
printf("%d\n", x);
return 0;
You could make a Makefile like this:
(Disclaimer, I don't actually know how to write them)
CFLAGS=-Wall -pedantic -std=c99
SOURCES=$(wildcard *.c)
.PHONY: clean
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) -o $#
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $#
rm -f *.o $(EXECUTABLE)
And it builds for me.
Likewise, if you remove the -std=c99, it shouldn't be valid C89 code, and indeed, typing make brings up the build error.
Custom compilation suggests you have at a working knowledge of compilers, standards, and basic flags / options. For that reason, I suggest you set shell variables in your .bashrc, .tcshrc, etc., and use them on the command line.
Since the choice of dialect can have an effect on linking: CC="gcc -std=c99", lets you invoke separate compilation commands using $CC -c -O2 ... foo.c, and is also picked up as the default for configure scripts, etc. Of course, you can always override a configure script with CC="gcc -std=c90" or CC="clang". The same applies to a preferred CFLAGS value, e.g.,
CFLAGS="-pipe -W -Wall -O2 -march=core2"
Allows for $CC $CFLAGS -c foo.c commands, and both environment variables are used by default with configure scripts, unless you explicitly override them. I think this is more useful than aliases. But perhaps I've just grown used to my own setup:)
Both of the proposed solutions are, in my opinion, almost what you want, but neither quite gets there.
Makefile solution
As seen here, by defining variables in your Makefile but not defining targets, you can use the make command like a customized pass-through to GCC. So if you create a Makefile in your "sandbox" directory (or wherever you're compiling outside of a real build system) and define the C*FLAGS vars, you'll essentially get what you want. An example Makefile:
CFLAGS=-Wall -std=c99
CXXFLAGS=-Wall -std=c++14
Now, make foo will turn foo.c into an executable called foo.
If you want to do this trick in multiple directories, put your makefile in a known location--say, ~/sandbox--and create the following alias (or something like it) in your .bashrc:
alias usestdmake="ln -s ~/sandbox/Makefile"
Then you can quickly compile a single file anywhere on your machine:
make foo
This has the added advantage of giving the output executable an appropriate name (foo in this case). It has the disadvantage of disabling tab-completion for your compile command (make fo<tab> does nothing, at least on my system).
Pure bashrc solution
The CC/CFLAGS variables mentioned in Brett Hale's answer are fairly standard, so it might be a good idea to define them in your bashrc. You can then use these variables inside of aliases.
In your .bashrc:
CFLAGS="-Wall -std=c99"
# Use single-ticks to ensure that the variables are evaluated when the alias is evaluated.
alias mycc='$CC $CFLAGS'
On the command line:
cc foo.c # Compile with default CFLAGS
CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -O2" cc foo.c # Compile with modified CFLAGS

Where does the default `make` behavior come from?

I'm pretty new to Makefiles; thus, I encountered a question for which I can't come up with a good google search to help answer.
I am running a virtual OS which has a distro of fedora setup by someone else. If I construct my own Makefile in a directory, I can setup my .c files to compile however I like. Yet, if I simply run make test, whereby in my directory exists test.c, I will get the following : clang -ggdb3 -std=c99 -Wall -Werror test.c -lcs50 -lm -o test.
My question following this observation was where does this default, seemingly universal, make behavior come from? In other words, where does this Makefile, if it is one, sit on my file system?
make has several predefined implicit rules. Two of which are:
Compiling C programs
n.o is made automatically from n.c with a recipe of the form ‘$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c’.
Linking a single object file
n is made automatically from n.o by running the linker (usually called ld) via the C compiler. The precise recipe used is ‘$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) n.o $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS)’.
Note, make is smart enough to effectively concatenate the above two into one rule when it makes sense:
... could be done by using the ‘.o’ object files as intermediates, but it is faster to do the compiling and linking in one step, so that's how it's done.
You can dump the predefined rules with make -pn. e.g.:
$ make -pn -f /dev/null | grep -A3 '^%: %.c$'
make: *** No targets. Stop.
%: %.c
# commands to execute (built-in):
$(LINK.c) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $#
This goes for GNU make, which normally is the default make implementation on linux.
There's no default Makefile on your file system containing the default rules.
There are however implicit rules built into make that are in effect whether you supply a makefile or not, and what make does when invoked
is documented here.
These rules knows e.g. how to build an executable from a .c source file. You can learn about those implicit rules here,
e.g make has this default rule when building an executable:
n is made automatically from n.o by running the linker (usually called
ld) via the C compiler. The precise recipe used is ‘$(CC) $(LDFLAGS)
Meaning if you run make test it will try to create an executable test from the file test.o, and you can set the respective CC/LDFLAGS/etc. variables that will be used when linking.
And as another implicit rule it can build a .o file from a .c file, so the above will look for test.o, and try to rebuild that using the rule:
n.o is made automatically from n.c with a recipe of the form ‘$(CC)
I.e. the implicit rules when running make test will first compile test.c and then link test.o using the compiler you specify with the CC envirnment variable(or the default compiler cc) and the various compiler/linker flags if you set then as environment variables.

Compiling with flags in a Makefile

To clarify things, let's suppose I'm compiling a program (prg) with 3 files, main.c, person.h and person.c.
If I use a concise way of writing the makefile, like this (more specifically the two last lines):
prg : main.o person.o
gcc -Wall -o prg -c $^
main.o : person.h
person.o : person.h
Will the -Wall be applied to main.o and person.o automatically? Or that doesn't even matter?
I know that, as the file says, if person.o needs to be re-compiled, prg will need a re-build too. But, I don't know if specifying -Wall only in the main goal is enough to enable it the other targets so warnings are emitted as the others are compiled.
Maybe I'm missing something really important, or I'm saying something that makes no sense; but take it easy, I'm just a beginner :P
Since you apply the -Wall to the link phase (when collecting the object files into an executable), but the option applies to the compilation phase (converting the source files into object files), it provides no benefit where it is written.
You should modify the compilation by setting macros.
Normally, the rule for compiling an C source file to an object file looks something like:
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c $*.c
There could be other bits in there, and the notation might use something other than $*.c to identify the source file - there are similar (roughly equivalent) methods for specifying that, but it is tangential to the point I'm making. The $(CC) notation is equivalent to ${CC} too.
So, to change the compiler, you specify 'CC=new_c_compiler' and to change to compilation options, you (cautiously) specify 'CFLAGS=-Wall'.
This can be done in the makefile, or on the command line. The command line overrides the makefile.
CFLAGS = -Wall
prg : main.o person.o
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o prg -c $^
main.o : person.h
person.o : person.h
Why cautiously? Because in more complex situations, there may be a complex definition of CFLAGS which build it up from a number of sources, and blithely setting CFLAGS = -Wall may lose your include paths, macro definitions, and all sorts. In your case, it looks like you can simply set it as shown.
If you use GNU Make, you can simply add -Wall to CFLAGS:
CFLAGS += -Wall
This does not necessarily work with all varieties of make.
Your link line may eventually need to collect some library-related options too.
No, the flags will not magically be applied to other targets.
Add a line like this to the top of your Makefile, above the rules:
Then try without the explicit line for prg.
