How to make an AI logo generator - artificial-intelligence

I seen all the logo generators are the same,
they got the same results of logos only have different UI that's why I am wondering how I can make one, We've been trying for a week doing research but we can’t find out how they build these, is there a code we can’t find which all of these are using and than just different UI or ? Would appreciate if anyone got any idea about this any info would be helpful Thanks and hope each one is having a great week


How to control the aligning in highchartjs Venn diagram, with React

I'm using highcharts, the Venn module (highcharts/modules/venn.js), and using the highcharts-react-official package to support it in React, the need to show the Venn diagram circles as shown here:
This is what I have now:
However, I tried to figure out away to do this using legand.layout but did not manage to modify the alignment to get the that results, here's what I get.
Any Idea how to do so, if providing the code for that would help more, I'll be happy to share, but I thing either there's an API that I'm no able to find, or its not supported and I have either to find another solution or find a workaround
Really appreciate your time & help

Building Dashboard within existing website

I'm trying to include a dashboard in my existing website. I have seen multiple themes and github projects but still not convinced with the right framework/theme to go for my project. I can use themes but that gives me lesser flexibility to change things. At same time, I want to build my dashboard faster.
Can anyone out here please help me how to get this done ?
I found following links on searching through internet. But a bit confused.
There are many more I'm sure....
Open questions:
1. Can anyone give me suggestions about how exactly how can I go with
development to make things faster ?
2. Is there any existing framework for same which can help me in rapid development ?
3. If not, then are there any small node.js packages, then can accomplish smaller tasks for me ?
4. Are there any good tutorials/blogs to go about building basic dashboard? Adding/Removing features can be done later.
Your inputs are welcome.

Building search functionality in a web-app

I am currently developing a help section (web-app) using angular.js to represent something pretty close to this
I have several pages which discuss's several aspects of the product at hand. Now, i am stuck with trying to implement a in app search feature so that users can simply search for something that they may be looking for.
Some heads up with where i could start and what i should be doing would be really helpful! Thanks a ton guys :)

how to work with drupal?

i am new to drupal and it is irritating me. i have mastered wordpress and SMF forum software to a near expert level. but drupal as well as joomla have made the admin interfaces so totally confusing i wish there was an answer available for me to use and drop them altogether.
i cant get the slide show to show up on the front page or any other page. i cant find in there a sufficient means of manipulating the content blocks and logging and nav blocks. i am not new to computers and programming, and if this was a programming problem, i probably would have fixed it by now, but the interface is so confusing i cant get the site to do anything im wanting it to do.
i have looked at several tutorials that dont help at all. i found out about a part time job my company is offering and i know for fact i can do it if i can get past the fact that the admin interface is a maze of confusion.
theme demo -
my test -
i beg anyone willing to help. i need to have something presentable, at least a good taste by monday. i could have already been done with it with SMF or wordpress, but they are the wrong type of software for the job.
please help someone.
It would appear that you may have solved your problem. I followed your link and the image rotator was working.
About the only difference was that on the AT demo site I was able to click the dots at the lower right hand corner to select the image I wanted whereas on your test site I was unable to do so.

Proper Font Browser dialogs

The System.Windows.Forms.FontBrowser is a pretty horrible piece of work. I'd like to write a custom one, but before I re-invent banging-two-rocks-together, I figured I'd ask if anyone knows an intuitive, friendly and above all simple Font Picker which has been proven in the cauldron of the real world?
I agree with you about how terrible is Windows default font browser.
Some time ago I started to search for a replacement fontdialog, but could not find any (even after some days searching).
So I started to develop one in VB.NET, but never got time to finish it.
This article can help you (as it helped me) to identify what a good font dialog should have. Hope this helps you somehow. link.
If you manage to make one, please let me know! I`d love to test and use it :)
EDIT1: This link can help too.
