How to work with an object array in powershell [duplicate] - arrays

This is how my current script looks like:
$cpu = Get-WmiObject win32_processor | select LoadPercentage
logwrite $cpu #this fuction writes $cpu into a .txt file
The output of the file is:
I want it to be only the number so that I can make calculations.

qbanet359's helpful answer uses direct property access (.LoadPercentage) on the result object, which is the simplest and most efficient solution in this case.
In PowerShell v3 or higher this even works with extracting property values from a collection of objects, via a feature called member-access enumeration.
E.g., ((Get-Date), (Get-Date).AddYears(-1)).Year returns 2019 and 2018 when run in 2019, which are the .Year property values from each [datetime] instance in the array.
In cases where you do want to use Select-Object (or its built-in alias, select), such as when processing a large input collection item by item:
To use Select-Object to extract a single property value, you must use -ExpandProperty:
Get-WmiObject win32_processor | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LoadPercentage
Select-Object by default creates custom objects ([pscustomobject] instances[1]
) that have the properties you specify via the -Property parameter (optionally implicitly, as the 1st positional argument).
This applies even when specifying a single property[2], so that select LoadPercentage (short for: Select-Object -Property LoadPercentage) creates something like the following object:
$obj = [pscustomobject] #{ LoadPercentage = 4 } # $obj.LoadPercentage yields 4
Because you use Add-Content to write to your log file, it is the .ToString() string representation of that custom object that is written, as you would get if you used the object in an expandable string (try "$([pscustomobject] #{ LoadPercentage = 4 })").
By contrast, parameter -ExpandProperty, which can be applied to a single property only, does not create a custom object and instead returns the value of that property from the input object.
Note: If the value of that property happens to be an array (collection), its elements are output individually; that is, you'll get multiple outputs per input object.
[1] Strictly speaking, they're [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject] instances, whereas type accelerator [pscustomobject], confusingly, refers to type [System.Management.Automation.PSObject], for historical reasons; see this GitHub issue.
[2] There's a hotly debated request on GitHub to change Select-Object's default behavior with only a single property; while the discussion is interesting, the current behavior is unlikely to change.

That is a pretty simple fix. Instead of selecting the LoadPercentage when running Get-WmiObject, just select the property when calling your function. This will write only the number to your log file.
$cpulogpath = "C:\Monitoring\$date.csv"
function logwrite
param ([string]$logstring)
add-content $cpulogpath -value $logstring
$cpu = Get-WmiObject win32_processor #don't select the property here
logwrite $cpu.LoadPercentage #select it here


How do I sort an array of objects by one of their property values in Powershell?

For example, I have a variable, which returns the line with several arrays:
#{sourceDSAcn=B; LastSyncResult=0} #{sourceDSAcn=A; LastSyncResult=9} #{sourceDSAcn=C; LastSyncResult=0} #{sourceDSAcn=M; Last SyncResult=10}
I want to sort this line alphabetically by one of parameters. In this case - by sourceDSAcn, so result must be like that:
#{sourceDSAcn=A; LastSyncResult=9} #{sourceDSAcn=B; LastSyncResult=0} #{sourceDSAcn=C; LastSyncResult=0} #{sourceDSAcn=M; Last SyncResult=10}
How can I do that?
Your output format suggests two things:
The objects aren't arrays, but custom objects ([pscustomobject] instances).
You've used the Write-Host cmdet to print these objects to the host (display), which results in the hashtable-literal-like representation shown in your question (see this answer).
If, instead, you want the usual rich display formatting you get by default - while still sending the output to the host only rather than to the success output stream - you can use the Out-Host cmdlet.
Conversely, to produce data output to the pipeline, use either the Write-Output cmdlet or, preferably, PowerShell's implicit output feature, as shown below; for more information, see this answer.
In order to sort (custom) objects by a given property, simply pass the name of that property to
Sort-Object's (positionally implied) -Property parameter, as Mathias R. Jessen helpfully suggests:
# Using $variable by itself implicitly sends its value through the pipeline.
# It is equivalent to: Write-Output $variable | ...
$variable | Sort-Object sourceDSAcn # same as: ... | Sort-Object -Property sourceDSAcn

Unexpected variable type returned by Receive-Job

I'm trying to execute the Invoke-Sqlcmd command (from the SqlServer module) to run a query as a different AD user. I know there's the -Credential argument, but that doesn't seem to work.
Thus, I thought using Start-Job might be an option, as shown in the snippet below.
$username = 'dummy_domain\dummy_user'
$userpassword = 'dummy_pwd' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $password)
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {Import-Module SqlServer; Invoke-Sqlcmd -query "exec sp_who" -ServerInstance 'dummy_mssql_server' -As DataSet} -Credential $credential
$data = Receive-Job -Job $job -Wait -AutoRemoveJob
However, when looking at the variable type that the job returned, it isn't what I expected.
> $data.GetType().FullName
> $data.Tables[0].GetType().FullName
If I run the code in the ScriptBlock directly, these are the variable types that PS returns:
> $data.GetType().FullName
> $data.Tables[0].GetType().FullName
I tried casting the $data variable to [System.Data.DataSet], which resulted in the following error message:
Cannot convert value "System.Data.DataSet" to type "System.Data.DataSet".
Error: "Cannot convert the "System.Data.DataSet" value of type
"Deserialized.System.Data.DataSet" to type "System.Data.DataSet"."
Is there a better way to run SQL queries under a different AD account, using the Invoke-Sqlcmd command?
Is there a way to get the correct/expected variable type to be returned when calling Receive-Job?
When I run $data.Tables | Get-Member, one of the properties returned is:
Tables Property Deserialized.System.Data.DataTableCollection {get;set;}
Is there a way to get the correct/expected variable type to be returned when calling Receive-Job?
Due to using a background job, you lose type fidelity: the objects you're getting back are method-less emulations of the original types.
Manually recreating the original types is not worth the effort and may not even be possible - though perhaps working with the emulations is enough.
Update: As per your own answer, switching from working with System.DataSet to System.DataTable resulted in serviceable emulations for you.[1]
See the bottom section for more information.
Is there a better way to run SQL queries under a different AD account, using the Invoke-Sqlcmd command?
You need an in-process invocation method in order to maintain type fidelity, but I don't think that is possible with arbitrary commands if you want to impersonate another user.
For instance, the in-process (thread-based) alternative to Start-Job - Start-ThreadJob - doesn't have a -Credential parameter.
Your best bet is therefore to try to make Invoke-SqlCmd's -Credential parameter work for you or find a different in-process way of running your queries with a given user's credentials.
Serialization and deserialization of objects in background jobs / remoting / mini-shells:
Whenever PowerShell marshals objects across process boundaries, it employs XML-based serialization at the source, and deserialization at the destination, using a format known as CLI XML (Common Language Infrastructure XML).
This happens in the context of PowerShell remoting (e.g., Invoke-Command calls with the
-ComputerName parameter) as well as in background jobs (Start-Job) and so-called mini-shells (which are implicitly used when you call the PowerShell CLI from inside PowerShell itself with a script block; e.g., powershell.exe { Get-Item / }).
This deserialization maintains type fidelity only for a limited set of known types, as specified in MS-PSRP, the PowerShell Remoting Protocol Specification. That is, only instances of a fixed set of types are deserialized as their original type.
Instances of all other types are emulated: list-like types become [System.Collections.ArrayList] instances, dictionary types become [hasthable] instances, and other types become method-less (properties-only) custom objects ([pscustomobject] instances), whose .pstypenames property contains the original type name prefixed with Deserialized. (e.g., Deserialized.System.Data.DataTable), as well as the equally prefixed names of the type's base types (inheritance hierarchy).
Additionally, the recursion depth for object graphs of non-[pscustomobject] instances is limited to 1 level - note that this includes instance of PowerShell custom classes, created with the class keyword: That is, if an input object's property values aren't instance of well-known types themselves (the latter includes single-value-only types, including .NET primitive types such as [int], as opposed to types composed of multiple properties), they are replaced by their .ToString() representations (e.g., type System.IO.DirectoryInfo has a .Parent property that is another System.IO.DirectoryInfo instance, which means that the .Parent property value serializes as the .ToString() representation of that instance, which is its full path string); in short: Non-custom (scalar) objects serialize such that property values that aren't themselves instances of well-known types are replaced by their .ToString() representation; see this answer for a concrete example.
By contrast, explicit use of CLI XML serialization via Export-Clixml defaults to a depth of 2 (you can specify a custom depth via -Depth and you can similarly control the depth if you use the underlying System.Management.Automation.PSSerializer type directly).
Depending on the original type, you may be able to reconstruct instances of the original type manually, but that is not guaranteed.
(You can get the original type's full name by calling .pstypenames[0] -replace '^Deserialized\.' on a given custom object.)
Depending on your processing needs, however, the emulations of the original objects may be sufficient.
[1] Using System.DataTable results in usable emulated objects, because you get a System.Collections.ArrayList instance that emulates the table, and custom objects with the original property values for its System.DataRow instances. The reason this works is that PowerShell has built-in logic to treat System.DataTable implicitly as an array of its data rows, whereas the same doesn't apply to System.DataSet.
I can't say for question 2 as I've never used the job commands but when it comes to running the Invoke-Sqlcmd I always make sure that the account that runs the script has the correct access to run the SQL.
The plus to this is that you don't need to store the credentials inside the script, but is usually a moot point as the scripts are stored out of reach of most folks, although some bosses can be nit picky!
Out of curiosity how do the results compare if you pipe them to Get-Member?
For those interested, below is the code I implemented. Depending on whether or not $credential is passed, Invoke-Sqlcmd will either run directly, or using a background job.
I had to use -As DataTables instead of -As DataSet, as the latter seems to have issues with serialisation/deserialisation (see accepted answer for more info).
function Exec-SQL($server, $database, $query, $credential) {
$sqlData = #()
$scriptBlock = {
Import-Module SqlServer
return Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $params.server -Database $params.database -query $params.query -As DataTables -OutputSqlErrors $true
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("credential")) {
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -Credential $credential -ArgumentList $PSBoundParameters
$sqlData = Receive-Job -Job $job -Wait -AutoRemoveJob
} else {
$sqlData = & $scriptBlock -params $PSBoundParameters
return $sqlData

How to have a Powershell validatescript parameter pulling from an array?

I have a module with a lot of advanced functions.
I need to use a long list of ValidateSet parameters.
I would like to put the whole list of possible parameters in an array and then use that array in the functions themselves.
How can I pull the list of the whole set from an array?
New-Variable -Name vars3 -Option Constant -Value #("Banana","Apple","PineApple")
function TEST123 {
param ([ValidateScript({$vars3})]
Write-Host "$Fruit"
The problem is that when I use the function it doesn't pull the content from the constant.
TEST123 -Fruit
If I specify the indexed value of the constant then it works.
TEST123 -Fruit $vars3[1]
It returns Apple.
You are misunderstanding how ValidateScript ...
ValidateScript Validation Attribute
The ValidateScript attribute specifies a script that is used to
validate a parameter or variable value. PowerShell pipes the value to
the script, and generates an error if the script returns $false or if
the script throws an exception.
When you use the ValidateScript attribute, the value that is being
validated is mapped to the $_ variable. You can use the $_ variable to refer to the value in the script.
... works. As the others have pointed out thus far. You are not using a script you are using a static variable.
To get what I believe you are after, you would do it, this way.
(Note, that Write- is also not needed, since output to the screen is the default in PowerShell. Even so, avoid using Write-Host, except for in targeted scenarios, like using color screen output. Yet, even then, you don't need it for that either. There are several cmdlets that can be used, and ways of getting color with more flexibility. See these listed MS modules)*
Find-Module -Name '*Color*'
Tweaking your code you posted, and incorporating what Ansgar Wiechers, is showing you.
$ValidateSet = #('Banana','Apple','PineApple') # (Get-Content -Path 'E:\Temp\FruitValidationSet.txt')
function Test-LongValidateSet
if ($ValidateSet -contains $PSItem) {$true}
else { throw $ValidateSet}})]
"The selected fruit was: $Fruit"
# Results - will provide intellisense for the target $ValidateSet
Test-LongValidateSet -Fruit Apple
Test-LongValidateSet -Fruit Dog
# Results
The selected fruit was: Apple
# and on failure, spot that list out. So, you'll want to decide how to handle that
Test-LongValidateSet -Fruit Dog
Test-LongValidateSet : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Fruit'. Banana Apple PineApple
At line:1 char:29
Just add to the text array / file but this also means, that file has to be on every host you use this code on or at least be able to reach a UNC share to get to it.
Now, you can use the other documented "dynamic parameter validate set". the Lee_Daily points you to lookup, but that is a bit longer in the tooth to get going.
function Test-LongValidateSet
# Any other parameters can go here
# Set the dynamic parameters' name
$ParameterName = 'Fruit'
# Create the dictionary
$RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
# Create the collection of attributes
$AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
# Create and set the parameters' attributes
$ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
$ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true
$ParameterAttribute.Position = 1
# Add the attributes to the attributes collection
# Generate and set the ValidateSet
$arrSet = Get-Content -Path 'E:\Temp\FruitValidationSet.txt'
$ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($arrSet)
# Add the ValidateSet to the attributes collection
# Create and return the dynamic parameter
$RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection)
$RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter)
return $RuntimeParameterDictionary
# Bind the parameter to a friendly variable
$Fruit = $PsBoundParameters[$ParameterName]
# Your code goes here
# Results - provide intellisense for the target $arrSet
Test-LongValidateSet -Fruit Banana
Test-LongValidateSet -Fruit Cat
# Results
Test-LongValidateSet -Fruit Banana
Test-LongValidateSet -Fruit Cat
Test-LongValidateSet : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Fruit'. The argument "Cat" does not belong to the set "Banana,Apple,PineApple"
specified by the ValidateSet attribute. Supply an argument that is in the set and then try the command again.
At line:1 char:29
Again, just add to the text to the file, and again, this also means, that file has to be on every host you use this code on or at least be able to reach a UNC share to get to it.
I am not sure exactly what your use case is, but another possibility if you're using PowerShell 5.x, or newer, is to create a class, or if you're using an older version you could embed a little C# in your code to create an Enum that you can use:
Add-Type -TypeDefinition #"
public enum Fruit
Function TestMe {
Write-Output $Fruit

Sort Hashtable with Arrays as values

Description: I'm building a PowerShell-script that searches for files, then gives them unique names, copies them and then verifies them via hash-calculation - I chose to split the script in functions for each step, so it's easier to maintain the whole thing.
To get all values from one function to the other, I chose to use [hashtable]$FooBar - inside $FooBar, there are multiple arrays, such as FullName or OutputPath (which may change per file as they will be copied to subfolders named yyyy-mm-dd). All arrays are correlating with each other (meaning that index 1 contains all values of the first file, index 2 the values for the second file,...) and this works fine as of now.
A short simplified visualisation:
$FooBar = #{}
$FooBar.FullName = #()
$FooBar.Size = #()
$FooBar.Ext = #()
Get-ChildItem | ForEach-Object {
$FooBar.FullName += $_.FullName
$FooBar.Size += $_.Length
$FooBar.Ext += $_.Extension
However, I now need to sort them all by one value-set of one of the arrays, e.g. the size. Or, visualised again:
# From:
Name Value
---- -----
fullname {D:\AAA.XYZ, D:\BBB.ZYX, D:\CCC.YZX}
size {222, 111, 555}
extension {.XYZ, .ZYX, .YZX}
# To:
$FooBar = $FooBar | Sort-Object -Property Size -Descending
Name Value
---- -----
fullname {D:\CCC.YZX, D:\AAA.XYZ, D:\BBB.ZYX}
size {555, 222, 111}
extension {.YZX, .XYZ, .ZYX}
I tried $FooBar.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Size, but this does not change anything. Google turned up suggestions on how to sort an array of hashtables, but in my case, it's the other way round, and I can't get my head around this because I don't even understand why this is a problem in the first place.
So my question is: is there any way to sort all arrays inside the hashtable by the value-set of one of the arrays? I can't get my head around this.
Disclaimer: I'm a PowerShell-autodidact with no reasonable background in scripting/programming, so it might well be that my "include everything in one hashtable"-solution isn't going to work at all or might be extremely inefficient - if so, please tell me.
The easiest way to go about what I believe you are trying to do is Select-Object
$fooBar = Get-ChildItem | Select-Object FullName, Size, Extension
This will create an array of new objects that only have the desired properties. The reason this works and your method doesn't is because Sort-Object works on properties and the property you are specifying is behind a few layers.
If you need more flexibility than just exact properties, you can create your own like this
$fooBar = Get-ChildItem | Select-Object #{Name = 'SizeMB'; Expression = {$_.Size / 1MB}}
Or manually create new properties with the [PSCustomObject] type accelerator:
$fooBar = Get-ChildItem | ForEach-Object {
FullName = $_.FullName
Extension = $_.Extension
Size = $_.Size
If you need to add additional properties to the object after it's initially created you have a few options.
The most common method by far is by using the Add-Member cmdlet.
$object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name NewProperty -Value 'MyValue'
Something important to keep in mind is that by default this cmdlet does not return anything. So if you place the above statement at the end of a function and do not separately return the object, your function won't return anything. Make sure you either use the -PassThru parameter (this is also useful for chaining Add-Member commands) or call the variable afterwards (like the example above)
You can select all previous properties when using calculated properties to add members. Keep in mind, because of how Select-Object works, all methods from the source object will not be carried over.
$fooBar | Select-Object *, #{Name = 'NewProperty'; Expression = {'MyValue'}}
This one is my personal favorite, but it's restricted to later versions of PowerShell and I haven't actually seen it used by anyone else yet.
$fooBar.psobject.Properties.Add([psnoteproperty]::new('NewProperty', 'MyValue'))
Each member type has it's own constructor. You can also add methods to $fooBar.psobject.Methods or either type to $fooBar.psobject.Members. I like this method because it feels more explicit, and something about adding members with members feels right.
The method you choose is mostly preference. I would recommend Add-Member if possible because it's the most used, therefore has better readability and more people who can answer questions about it.
I would also like to mention that it's usually best to avoid adding additional members if at all possible. A function's return value should ideally have a reliable form. If someone is using your function and they have to guess when a property or method will exist on your object it becomes very difficult to debug. Obviously this isn't a hard and fast rule, but if you need to add a member you should at least consider if it would be better to refactor instead.
For all practical purposes I'd strongly suggest you just store the objects you need in a single array, sort that once and then reference the individual properties of each object when needed:
$FooBar = Get-ChildItem |Sort-Object -Property Length
# Need the Extension property of the object at index 4?
To answer your actual question:
Array.Sort() has an overload that takes keys and values arrays separately. You could make a copy of the array you want to sort on for each other property you want to sort:
# Create hashtable of correlated arrays
$FooBar = #{}
$FooBar.FullName = #()
$FooBar.Size = #()
$FooBar.Ext = #()
# Types cast explicitly to avoid Array.Sort() calling .CompareTo() on the boxing object
Get-ChildItem | ForEach-Object {
$FooBar.FullName += [string]$_.FullName
$FooBar.Size += [int]$_.Length
$FooBar.Ext += [string]$_.Extension
# Define name of reference array property
$SortKey = 'Size'
# Sort all arrays except for the reference array
$FooBar.Keys |Where-Object {$_ -ne $SortKey} |ForEach-Object {
# Copy reference values to new array
$Keys = $FooBar[$SortKey].Clone()
# Sort values in target array based on reference values
# Finally sort the reference array
The above only works as long as the reference array is made up of value types
PowerShell makes working with objects ridiculously easy.
$FooBar = Get-Childitem
$FooBar | Get-Member
This will tell you that $Foobar actually contains objects of FileInfo and DirectoryInfo type, and show you the Properties available.
$FooBarSortedBySizeDesc = $FooBar | Sort-Object Length -Descending
$FooBarFullNamesOnly = $FooBar.FullName

Selecting certain properties from an object in PowerShell

The ADSI query works fine, it returns multiple users.
I want to select the 'name' and 'email' from each object that is returned.
$objSearcher = [adsisearcher] "()"
$objSearcher.searchRoot = [adsi]"LDAP://dc=admin,dc=domain,dc=co,dc=uk"
$objSearcher.Filter = "(sn=Smith)"
$ADSearchResults = $objSearcher.FindAll()
$SelectedValues = $ADSearchResults | ForEach-Object { $ | Select -property mail, name }
$ gives me the email address
When I omit the 'select -properties' it will return all the properties, but trying to select certain properties comes back with nothing but empty values.
Whenever working with ADSI I find it easier to expand the objects returned using .GetDirectoryEntry()
$ADSearchResults.GetDirectoryEntry() | ForEach-Object{
Note: that doing it this way gives you access to the actual object. So it is possible to change these values and complete the changes with something like $_.SetInfo(). That was meant to be a warning but would not cause issues simply reading values.
Heed the comment from Bacon Bits as well from his removed answer. You should use Get-Aduser if it is available and you are using Active Directory.
Update from comments
Part of the issue is that all of these properties are not string but System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollections. We need to get that data out into a custom object maybe? Lets have a try with this.
$SelectedValues = $ADSearchResults.GetDirectoryEntry() | ForEach-Object{
New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property #{
Name = $_.Name.ToString()
Mail = $_.Mail.ToString()
This simple approach uses each objects toString() method to break the data out of the object. Note that while this works for these properties be careful using if for other and it might not display the correct results. Experiment and Debug!
Have you tried adding the properties?
