If I modify the content of USIM/SIM EFs programmatically (using a SIMToolkit applet for example), then can the USIM/SIM force the ME to update its state based on the new content of the SIM EFs?
Have a look at REFRESH proactive command. It does exactly what you need.
Good luck with your project!
I'm using the following code to create a custom SoundCloud player:
What I have done is:
What I would like to do is have the track listing appear when the user clicks on the info button...I would like to save space and I don't really need to display what's being shown in that window anyway. What would I need to change in order to do that? I assume something in the JS file, but I'm not sure what to move around to make it work.
I know there is a widget that works similar here: https://soundcloud.com/pages/widgets - but it's flash based so Apple devices would not be able to use it and by creating a track listing that appears when the Info button is clicked, increases mobile compatibility by allowing the user to click because you can't hover with mobile devices.
You can use HTML5 widget, which is the default option for embeds from SoundCloud now – https://blog.soundcloud.com/2011/11/03/html5/
These will work fine on iOS and Android.
I was trying to resize an image to fit into a timeline template. (if it matters, I'm using the html attribute of the timeline) However, it was not rendering it properly. I got frustrated. Then I figured out that glass is using the same image. I just changed the name of the image and the url and it worked. Is there a way to clear the cache ? There might be a scenario where you change images on the server side and have the same timeline item (say a pinned item) access them at some other time interval. Thoughts ?
Request submitted in issue tracker
There's no built in feature that triggers the timeline to clear it's cache, but it does respect the cache headers that you set. During development, use cache control headers to prevent the image from being cached.
If this isn't possible, you can work around this by adding a random GET parameter to the end of the image URL when you insert the card into your user's timeline.
All that being said, this seems like a useful development feature. You may want to request it in the API issue tracker.
put the same answer on your g+ but here it goes:
If you can enable adb, try using "adb reboot recovery" and see if you can get the option to pop up there.
Usually to get a menu up in recovery you have to press power and the up volume key (which i would assume would be the only other key on glass in this case) at the same time. then the volume key(s) scroll through options and the power button selects one.
Let me know if it works out.
i am currently working on a issue where i need to get location of the file downloaded.First let me explain the scenario.
I placed a link in my page and when user clicks the link it shows file download dialog with open/save/cancel options in IE.Now when the user clicks on the save button and choose a location to save the file i need to get that file saved location using whatever options possible.
I do not think you can... at least not easy. This runs on the client, and for security reasons you can not acces the client's filesystem with javascript.
Maybe it is however possible using a flash or silverlight plugin, as the user can allow access from within these applications to the local filesystem. It might be very difficult tho...
The browser will not allow you to access information about the clients filesystem.
This might not be possible but I thought I'd check with everyone.
Is it possible to load a WebBrowserTask on WP7 but to have the url entry box collapsed? I'd also like to set IsHitVisble to false?
The reason I want to do this is to load a url (through databinding) but ensure that the user can't browse to other links on the page. I also need to keep the phones share control in the tool bar so I can't just use a webbrowser control and set the source to the url.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Not possible. You can use a WebBrowserControl inside your own app, but it's not recommended.
Basically such odd/weird limitations as this, don't belong in any modern day craftsmanship. And thus why it isn't a possibility (thanks Microsoft!)
I want to show the result of a WebClient-Postback in an new Browser-Popup-Window. As the "Navigate" and "Popup" methods of HtmlPage only support Get-requests, I issued an POST-request to an REST-Service via WebClient. But now I want to show the result (e.g. application/ms-excel or application/pdf) in an new Browser-Window.
Therefore, can I open an new BrowserWindow and set its contents as well as some corresponding http-headers with on-board means of Silverlight 4? Or even better, is an easier way to trigger the browser to do the POST-request to the service?
Best Regards
I tried going this route but the WebBrowser control is not opened to the developer. What I did as a temporary workaround was to open my webpage http://www.xyz.com/default.aspx inside the WebControl and let the page drive the rest.
Mike Taulty had an example for somthing like this, how you can use javascript to communicate back to the silverlight app through InvokeScript:
I hope it helps!