Fiftyone with extern image link - dataset

Is this possible to use extern images link (in google image for example) in fiftyone instead of download images and load them ?
If not did you know if an alternative exists ?

Great question. This functionality is available in FiftyOne Teams, with which you can point samples directly to an https:// image (as well as S3, GCS, Azure, MinIO media). If you're using the open source library, then you should download the images first.


download entire folder from a storage service (firebase, S3,....) with react

I have a React app where I need to upload files (pdf files for example), and store them under distinctive folders,
What I need to know, is if there is a way to download or get download link for an entire folder X,
I tried with firebase, but it only offers to get link of a single file at a time, not full folder, does S3, or something else have this option?

Embedded HTML page from S3 bucket via iframe can't load resources and media files

We have an s3 bucket where we have multiple folders with different small projects that contain basic, static webpages with an index.html entry point.
The plan is to integrate those static pages within a react-app through an iframe. When we do that with an example page, the embedding of the HTML document works but none of the resources get loaded (image files + stylesheets), throwing the following error:
DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "BUCKET-DOMAIN" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
When looking up that error I usually find people trying to control some parts of the document rendered within the iframe using the postMessage API. In my case however I only want to make sure that the iframe embeds the website as it is shown on the publically available link with all resources.
I've tried making the S3 bucket specifically serve just one static website, thinking that this might influence the way the embedding works. However it's still the same problem.
Pretty sure there's a very simple solution to this and something I'm overlooking.
One potential option would be to give the S3 bucket a subdomain on our site, but I don't see how that would work for example in local development.
If you bucket is public then you can access with your cdn link . Otherwise You will configure it with aws sdk. I think this link will help you
Access files stored on Amazon S3 through web browser

How to save image assets on Firebase and use their public URLs in my app?

I need to store images on Firebase and display them in my React application using Firebase.
This is not an image upload feature. I am talking about images that will be displayed in information static pages.
The closest resource I found was Firebase's Cloud Storage, however, this aimed at apps that allow users to upload their own content.
I also found Firebase's Hosting page, I followed some of the steps which include installing the firebase CLI. However, it doesn't make it clear how to save my image assets there. Maybe FTP?
The best alternative I found so far was to save my images in my app's public folder, however, from a performance standpoint it would be more interesting to have those images saved on Firebase directly and use their URLs in my application.
The solution was simpler than I thought.
You can simply access your app page on Firebase, go in the "Develop" section and choose "Storage".
In the "Storage" page you can upload files and a default public URL will be generated for them. I chose the "Download URL" for each image that I uploaded.

How should images be saved using express? Database, or just file?

I am using basically the mean stack. I'm also using multer but I am trying to see what the best practices are. Using Angular I can upload photos fine and they are going to a folder on my file system. From here I can just view them. However I'm wondering what the best practices are. Should I save the image url to a database along with the size and other properties or should I just pull them from the client? I've seen some solutions but they were from about 2 years ago so I wanted to make sure I'm current.
I have used ng-file-upload upload on the angular part and Multer on the node.js part to handle images for my system.
The method is appropriate and you can go ahead without any doubt.
Most of the websites on the internet follow the same method, they save the images in the file disk system and then they save it's url in the respective database.
Using multer you can have all information required for a photo and the module is really flexible with a lot many options.
I think you should go ahead with what you have in mind. Best of luck.
You just save the image url from the directory, where image is stored. If you need any information, you can get the information from the image where image is stored (Get image from url). So just save image url into database.

How to embed mxd file to html/php

I have arcgis mxd file, I dont know how to use arcgis, i just have .mxd file and need to embed into html/php to make a maps access via browser ? Maybe using iframe or arcgis have tool to convert ?
Mxd files are published using ArcGIS for Server. But it's not free.
I think there is no other way to directly publish mxd on the web.
I'm not entirely sure why you'd want to host an MXD on the web, but I'm assuming you want to put an interactive map on a website? You can publish services to ArcGIS for Server or ArcGIS Online if you have access to that. Otherwise you can upload a static map. Create a PDF, JPEG, PNG, etc by going to File > Export after opening the MXD file.
