Which framework to use for responsive website with Reactjs - reactjs

Hello Every body I am new to reactjs previously kept using HTML and CSS only I am wondering which framework I could use for styling for example Material UI, Bootstrap or so .....
Note : I need to make my webpage responsive


How to integrate infinite scrolling using lightGallery plugin in react js

I am using light Gallery in my project and I want infinite scrolling feature in my project to load thousands of pictures on mouse scroll.light Gallery infinite scrolling is an example of jQuery, how can I use this example in react JS

react app showing blank when i use material ui

why my react app is showing blank when I use material UI components in it
I use material ui in react but when I use material UI components and save it. it stops working and show nothing, but when I remove material ui it starts working. Does anyone guide please I'm new to development

React WordPress Customizer custom control

I am just doing a demo on the WordPress customizer API to edit the header with custom control.
I have designed a custom control by extending WP_Customize_Control and Jquery to refresh the element, which is working fine.
When I compared this with react based Customizer which is much faster than PHP/JQuery based.
Is there any starter example/doc to start working with React-based customizer controls etc.

Add new button to App Component and display a popup window on button click

I am new to Angular JS and trying to learn this by developing a simple application.
Currently I have developed a simple app to retrieve and show a master table data, front end (Angular JS) and backend (spring-boot). Further I want to implement CRUDS to this app.
I need your help add a button to app component and onClick a popup window be shown.
this is a very basic question....
I suggest you to go over this tutorial.
And in Angular material you will learn how to work with Dialogs (popups)

How can I create native like material Design in cordova angular

I am trying to create an android app using cordova where I want to implement material design for that I have created an app using angular material but. It is not working like an app. I have a slider menu which look like android drawer but it do not work on slide click like an android app do. And one more query top bar how to match it like the color of action bar.
Here my question is is it possible to create a look and feel like actual material desing of android?
