Resource units used for a graph request - azure-active-directory

I have the following code to find the count of users in AAD group:
var requestUrl = _graphClient.Groups[objectId.ToString()].TransitiveMembers.Request().RequestUrl;
requestUrl = $"{requestUrl}/microsoft.graph.user/$count";
var hrm = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, requestUrl);
hrm.Headers.Add("ConsistencyLevel", "eventual");
await _graphServiceClient.AuthenticationProvider.AuthenticateRequestAsync(hrm);
var r = await _graphServiceClient.HttpProvider.SendAsync(hrm);
var content = await r.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var userCount = int.Parse(content);
return userCount;
Is there a way to find out the resource units used for this request (

According to the documentation, the resource unit cost for GET groups/{id}/transitiveMembers is 5.
But using $count affects the cost. If you send the request
and check the response headers there should be header x-ms-resource-unit which indicates the resource unit cost used for this request and it's 1.
Get header x-ms-resource-unit
var r = await _graphServiceClient.HttpProvider.SendAsync(hrm);
var cost = r.Headers.GetValues("x-ms-resource-unit").FirstOrDefault();


Batch request to collect the object ids [C#]

How do I create a batch request to collect the object ids of a list of users?
var roomMail = room.EmailAddress;
var roomUser = await graphClient.Users[roomMail].Request().GetAsync();
var aadObjectId = roomUser.Id;

irregular arbitrarily Cross-Origin request blocked error in Django on Ionos hosting

I am currently making a quiz project for school. The quiz is supposed to evaluate in the front-end, which works perfectly fine, and after that it should send the information to the backend. The backend should save the details to the database and after that it should send the information back to the front-end. The front-end should show a message with some details about how you performed compared to all the others, the information is gotten from the database.
So, the weird thing about all that is that it works sometimes and sometimes not. If I test it on localhost, the code works perfectly fine. The error only occurs on the Ionos server (I got a hosting contract so I do not have access to the console).
Here is the link to my website: . If you click on the upper left corner and then on the quiz button, you will get to the quiz. If I look at the console and network analytics, when the error occurs, the following message shows up:
Cross-Origin request blocked: The same source rule prohibits reading
the external resource on https://api. tor-netzwerk-seminarfach2024.
com/apache-test/. (Reason: CORS request failed). is my backend and is my front-end.
The settings file in Django is not the problem. To make it clear, the error does not occur always. Sometimes you have to go again to the website and try it one a few more times until you get the error.
If I look at the network analytics, then I see that the client request works as usual, but the answer field from the server is completely empty. Let's move on to the weirdest part of all: the Data actually gets saved in the Database, there is just sometimes no response?
It would be way to much for a minimum working product but here is the most important code. If you want to test it you can just visit the link to my Website:
Server side with Django
from rest_framework.response import Response
from .models import Lead
import json
from .serializer import TestingSerializer
def updateDigits():
leadObj = Lead.objects.all()
currentScore = leadObj[0].sumScore; currentRequests = leadObj[0].sumRequests
valueBtnOne = leadObj[0].buttonOne; valueBtnTwo = leadObj[0].buttonTwo;
valueBtnThree = leadObj[0].buttonThree; valueBtnFour = leadObj[0].buttonFour;
valueBtnFive = leadObj[0].buttonFive; valueBtnSix = leadObj[0].buttonSix;
valueBtnSeven = leadObj[0].buttonSeven; valueBtnEight = leadObj[0].buttonEight;
valueBtnNine = leadObj[0].buttonNine;
return [valueBtnOne,valueBtnTwo,valueBtnThree,valueBtnFour,valueBtnFive,valueBtnSix,valueBtnSeven,valueBtnEight,valueBtnNine,currentScore,currentRequests]
def home(request):
body_unicode = request.body.decode('utf-8')
body = json.loads(body_unicode)
result = body["Result"]
isItRight = body["whichOnesRight"]
ip_adress = get_client_ip(request)
queryset = Lead.objects.all()
if Lead.objects.all().exists():
currentValues = updateDigits()
sumScore = result + currentValues[9],
sumRequests = 1 + currentValues[10],
buttonOne = currentValues[0] + isItRight[0],
buttonTwo = currentValues[1] + isItRight[1],
buttonThree = currentValues[2] + isItRight[2],
buttonFour = currentValues[3] + isItRight[3],
buttonFive = currentValues[4] + isItRight[4],
buttonSix = currentValues[5] + isItRight[5],
buttonSeven = currentValues[6] + isItRight[6],
buttonEight = currentValues[7] + isItRight[7],
buttonNine = currentValues[8] + isItRight[8],
currentValues = updateDigits()
obj = Lead()
serializer = TestingSerializer(queryset[0], many =False)
return Response({**, "myResult": result})
The Django model
from django.db import models
class Lead(models.Model):
sumScore = models.IntegerField(default=0)
sumRequests = models.IntegerField(default=0)
buttonOne = models.IntegerField(default=0)
buttonTwo = models.IntegerField(default=0)
buttonThree = models.IntegerField(default=0)
buttonFour = models.IntegerField(default=0)
buttonFive = models.IntegerField(default=0)
buttonSix = models.IntegerField(default=0)
buttonSeven = models.IntegerField(default=0)
buttonEight = models.IntegerField(default=0)
buttonNine = models.IntegerField(default=0)
serializer just serializes _ _ all _ _ ...
Front end with React
function evaluateAndCheckQuiz(){
let countNotChosen = howManyNotChosen()
if(countNotChosen){ answerQuestions(countNotChosen); return }
let points = evaluateQuiz()
document.getElementById("scoreText").style.display = "block"
document.getElementById("scoreNumber").textContent = points
return points
Calling sendAndGetQuizAverage with evaluateAndCheckQuiz as a parameter
function sendAndGetQuizAverage(points){
const myPostRequest = {
method: 'POST',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
body: JSON.stringify({"Result":points, "whichOnesRight": whichOnesRight}),
let data
fetch('', myPostRequest).then(
(response) => data = response.json()).then(
(data) => {showResultAnalyse(data)})
function showResultAnalyse(data){
let averageScore = (data["sumScore"] / data["sumRequests"]).toFixed(2)
let myResult = data["myResult"]
text:`${checkWhichText(myResult,averageScore,data["sumRequests"] )}`,
icon: myResult > averageScore ?"success": "error",
button:"Oki doki",

post xlsx file to flask route with React async/await

I have a project where I was originally using fetch for all of my requests, and my excel upload function was working fine. I recently made a lot of changes to my application because I added user login and authentication, so I am now trying to reconfigure my routes using async await in React. I am getting different errors that I don't know how to solve. Sometimes when I try to submit the uploaded file I get a 400 error for a bad request, usually saying ""The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand.\nKeyError: 'project'". Or I am getting an error on the back-end that says "ValueError: Excel file format cannot be determined, you must specify an engine manually."
I am really confused about where the error is actually occurring because it seems to be reaching the Flask route and then failing.
This is my current request on the front-end:
const onSubmit = async (ev) => {
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append("project", selectedFile);
// let status = 0;
const data = await"/projects", {
body: formData,
if (!data.ok) {
} else {
and the back-end route:
#projects.route('/projects', methods=['POST'])
def request_load_pickle_sim():
fn = save_file(None, "project", "xlsx")
result = process_raw_util_xl_file(fn)
claims = result['claims']
utilities = result['utilities']
weights = result['weights']
maxdiff_scores = result['maxdiff_scores']
data = jsonify(claims)
mdp = MaxDiffProject()
mdp.config = MutableDict({
'claims': claims,
'utilities': utilities,
'weights': weights,
'maxdiff_scores': maxdiff_scores
mdp = MaxDiffProject().query.first()
project_config = mdp.config
claims = project_config['claims']
data = jsonify(claims)
return data
My debugger is printing the instance of the file, so it seems like the backend is receiving the file? But after that nothing is working. The file is passed to the process_raw_util_xl_file function (which is where the ValueError error is coming from). I can't figure out what the core issue is because I'm getting conflicting errors. I guess I'm just confused because it was all working fine when I had fetch requests.
The function on the backend is breaking here:
def process_raw_util_xl_file(xl_fn):
# df = pd.read_csv(
df = pd.read_excel(xl_fn) # read the excel file
row = df.shape[0] # df.shape[0] = Number of rows, df.shape[1] = number of columns
index_col = [col for col in df if 'id' in col.lower()][0]
df.set_index(index_col, inplace=True) # Setting the ID as the index
# weights = df['Weights'] if 'Weights' in df else pd.Series([1]*row) # Creating the weights array if there are weights , otherwise an array of 1's with # of rows
if 'Weights' not in df:
df['Weights'] = 1
weights = df['Weights']
df.drop('Weights', axis=1, inplace=True)
sum = weights.values.sum() # Sum of the weights
# if 'Weights' in df: df = df.drop('Weights', axis=1) # removing weights from df if they are there
rlh_cols = [col for col in df if 'rlh' in col.lower()][:1]
df = df.drop(rlh_cols, axis=1) # removing RLH from df if they are there
max_diff_scores = (e ** df) / (1 + e ** df) * 100 # exp the values of the dataframe with
utils = df
return {
"utilities": utils,
"claims": [col for col in utils],
"maxdiff_scores": max_diff_scores,
"weights": weights
You are posting an object as a body paramter to the server which has a content type as application/json whereas according the HTTP protocol, to post form-data the content type must be multipart/form-data. Here's how you are doing it,
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append("project", selectedFile);
// let status = 0;
const data = await"/projects", {
body: formData,
According to the docs (at page end) you must post form data like this,
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append("project", selectedFile);
// let status = 0;
const data = await"/projects", formData);
Also you cannot post body and form data at a same time within single request.

HTTP request on Zeppelin

is there any way to make an HTTP request inside a Zeppelin paragraph? e.g.
function get_app_name(){
//var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
// "GET", "", true, 'username', 'password');
//xmlHttp.send( null );
URL url = new URL("");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
I cannot import any of the resources (e.g. URL) because the interpreter doesn't allow it (mongodb interpreter). Is there any way to make a simple GET request in Zeppelin? I'm trying to fetch data for my tables that is not in the specified db as the other elements.
From HTTP request inside MongoDB
function wget(url){
var tmp = "/tmp";
var id = new ObjectId();
var outFile= tmp+"/wget"+id;
var p = run("wget", "--user=user", "--password=password", "-o log", "--output-document="+outFile,url);
if (p==0){
var result = cat(outFile);
return result;
} else {
return "";
url = ""
result = wget(url)

How to Create Asynchronous HttpWebRequest in Silverlight( F#)

As I mentioned, because Silverlight HttpWebRequest.Create hangs inside async block, I just created a bundle of callback functions to implement the same async block.
The login process requires two steps :
1) Get request to a page that returns a cookie
2) Form Post to a second page that passes that cookie w/ it and performs the authentication
The following is the src. Any suggestions and discussions are welcome and appreciated no matter about Asynchronous HttpWebRequest or about the F# code style.
module File1
open System
open System.IO
open System.Net
open System.Text
open System.Security
open System.Runtime.Serialization
open System.Collections.Generic
open JsonData
open System.Net.Browser
open System.Threading
module rpc =
let mutable BASE_DNS = ""
let mutable requestId : int = 0
let getId() =
requestId <- requestId + 1
module internal Helper =
///Transfer data from Security.loginToRpc to Helper.FetchCookieCallback
type LoginRequestRecord = {
Request : HttpWebRequest;
UserName : string;
Password : string;
AuthenticationUrl : string;
CallbackUI : (bool -> unit)
///Transfer data from Helper.FetchCookieCallback to Helper.requestAuthenticationCallback
type AuthenticationRecord = {
Request : HttpWebRequest;
UserName : string;
Password : string;
CallbackUI : (bool -> unit)
///Transfer data from Helper.requestAuthenticationCallback to Helper.responseAuthenticationCallback
type ResponseAuthenticationRecord = {
Request : HttpWebRequest;
CallbackUI : (bool -> unit)
///The cookieContainer for all the requests in the session
let mutable cookieJar = new CookieContainer()
///Function: Create HttpRequest
///Param: string
///Return: HttpWebRequest
let internal createHttpRequest (queryUrl : string) =
let uri = new Uri(queryUrl)
let request : HttpWebRequest =
downcast WebRequestCreator.ClientHttp.Create(
new Uri(queryUrl, UriKind.Absolute))
///Function: set request whose method is "GET".
///Attention: no contentType for "GET" request~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
///Param: HttpWebRequest
///Return: unit
let internal requestGetSet (request : HttpWebRequest) =
request.Method <- "GET"
///Function: set request whose method is "POST" and its contentType
///Param: HttpWebRequest and contentType string
///Return: unit
let internal requestPostSet (request : HttpWebRequest) contentType =
request.Method <- "POST"
request.ContentType <- contentType
///Function: Callback function inluding EndGetResponse method of request
///Param: IAsyncResult includes the information of HttpWebRequest
///Return: unit
let internal responseAuthenticationCallback (ar : IAsyncResult) =
let responseAuthentication : ResponseAuthenticationRecord
= downcast ar.AsyncState
let response = responseAuthentication.Request.EndGetResponse(ar)
//check whether the authentication is successful,
//which may be changed later into other methods
match response.ContentLength with
| -1L -> responseAuthentication.CallbackUI true
| _ -> responseAuthentication.CallbackUI false
| Ex -> responseAuthentication.CallbackUI false
///Function: Callback function for user to log into the website
///Param: IAsyncResult includes the information of
///HttpWebRequest and user's identity
///Return: unit
let internal requestAuthenticationCallback (ar : IAsyncResult) =
let authentication : AuthenticationRecord = downcast ar.AsyncState
let requestStream = authentication.Request.EndGetRequestStream(ar)
let streamWriter = new StreamWriter(requestStream)
let responseAuthentication = {
ResponseAuthenticationRecord.Request = authentication.Request
ResponseAuthenticationRecord.CallbackUI = authentication.CallbackUI
new AsyncCallback(responseAuthenticationCallback),
|> ignore
| Ex -> authentication.CallbackUI false
///This is a magic number to check
///whether the first request have got the cookie from the server-side,
///which should be changed later
let countHeadersAfterGetCookie = 8
///Function: Callback function to get the cookie and
///Param: IAsyncResult includes the information of
///login request, username, password and callbackUI
let internal FetchCookieCallback (ar : IAsyncResult) =
let loginRequest : LoginRequestRecord = downcast ar.AsyncState
let response = loginRequest.Request.EndGetResponse(ar)
let request : HttpWebRequest
= createHttpRequest loginRequest.AuthenticationUrl
requestPostSet request "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
request.CookieContainer <- cookieJar
//if the cookie is got, call the callback function; or else, return to UI
match response.Headers.Count with
| countHeadersAfterGetCookie ->
let authentication = {
AuthenticationRecord.Request = request;
AuthenticationRecord.UserName = loginRequest.UserName;
AuthenticationRecord.Password = loginRequest.Password;
AuthenticationRecord.CallbackUI = loginRequest.CallbackUI
new AsyncCallback(requestAuthenticationCallback),
|> ignore
| _ ->
loginRequest.CallbackUI false
| Ex -> loginRequest.CallbackUI false
module Security =
///Function: Use the async workflow around 2 we calls:
/// 1. get the cookie; 2. log into the website
///Param: UserName and password
///Return: unit
let loginToRpc (userName : string)
(password : string)
(callbackUI : (bool-> unit)) =
let sessionIdUrl = BASE_DNS
let authenticationUrl = BASE_DNS + "..................."
let request : HttpWebRequest = Helper.createHttpRequest sessionIdUrl
request.CookieContainer <- Helper.cookieJar
let loginRequest = {
Helper.LoginRequestRecord.Request = request
Helper.LoginRequestRecord.UserName = userName
Helper.LoginRequestRecord.Password = password
Helper.LoginRequestRecord.AuthenticationUrl = authenticationUrl
Helper.LoginRequestRecord.CallbackUI = callbackUI
|> ignore
Normally when creating instances of a record, there's no need to fully-qualify each property as you're doing.
let authentication = {
AuthenticationRecord.Request = request;
AuthenticationRecord.UserName = loginRequest.UserName;
AuthenticationRecord.Password = loginRequest.Password;
AuthenticationRecord.CallbackUI = loginRequest.CallbackUI
As long as the names and types of the properties you're using only match one record type, F# is generally smart enough to figure out what you meant.
let authentication = {
Request = request;
UserName = loginRequest.UserName;
Password = loginRequest.Password;
CallbackUI = loginRequest.CallbackUI
Also, I might be inclined to use sprintf over String.Format here:
sprintf "j_username=%s&j_password=%s&login=%s"
authentication.UserName authentication.Password "Login"
But since the resulting string is being passed to a StreamWriter, which inherits from TextWriter another option would be to use fprintf which writes directly to a TextWriter.
fprintf streamWriter "j_username=%s&j_password=%s&login=%s"
authentication.UserName authentication.Password "Login"
I usually keep local state very local, hiding it inside a closure. So, unless I missed a reference to requestId, I would move it inside getId:
let mutable requestId : int = 0
let getId() =
requestId <- requestId + 1
// changes to:
let getId =
let mutable requestId : int = 0
(fun () ->
requestId <- requestId + 1
In the second version, getId is actually the fun at the bottom, after the let mutable... line. The fun captures requestId and then is given the name getId. Since requestId then goes out of scope, nobody else can change or even see it.
I answered to the orginal "Silverlight HttpWebRequest.Create hangs inside async block", check that...
In your case you of course need the authentication, but this request.ContentType <- contentType may cause some problems.
