Dots Animation Causing innerHTML Error in React Component - reactjs

I am trying to create a very basic loading animation inside a react component that displays while my API is loading. I found a solution that does what I want, but once my API is loaded and the component is no longer displaying, I start getting this error:
"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'innerHTML')"
I have read something about clearing the interval but couldn't figure it out.
Here is the component I built:
const LoadingData = () =>{
var dots = window.setInterval(function() {
var wait = document.getElementById("wait");
if ( wait.innerHTML.length > 5 )
wait.innerHTML = "";
wait.innerHTML += ".";
}, 200);
<p>Loading<span id="wait">.</span></p>
I also get a warning the "dots" is declared, but not used. I am not as concerned about that, but if someone could help me find a better solution I would love to hear it.

Correct way of doing it:
const LoadingData = () => {
// use state to control the dom
const [dots, addDot] = useReducer((state) => (state + 1) % 6, 1);
// set your intervals inside useEffect
useEffect(() => {
const interval = window.setInterval(() => {
}, 200);
// remember to clear intervals
return () => clearInterval(interval);
}, [addDot]);
return (
Loading<span id="wait">{".".repeat(dots)}</span>
live example


How do I test for DOM changes created by a setInterval function when using Jest/React testing library?

I created a simple countdown component that I would like to test is working correctly with React testing library. Everything works as expected in a browser but when testing the rendered output never advances more than one second regardless of the values used.
Component (custom hook based on Dan Abramovs blog post):
import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"
import TimerButton from "../TimerButton/TimerButton"
// custom hook
function useInterval(callback, delay, state) {
const savedCallback = useRef()
// Remember the latest callback.
useEffect(() => {
savedCallback.current = callback
}, [callback])
// Set up the interval.
useEffect(() => {
function tick() {
if (state.isOn) {
let id = setInterval(tick, delay)
return () => clearInterval(id)
}, [state])
const Timer = () => {
const initialState = {
minutes: 25,
seconds: 0,
isOn: false,
const [timerData, setTimerData] = useState(initialState)
() => {
if (timerData.seconds === 0) {
if (timerData.minutes === 0) {
setTimerData({ ...timerData, isOn: false })
} else {
minutes: timerData.minutes - 1,
seconds: 59,
} else {
setTimerData({ ...timerData, seconds: timerData.seconds - 1 })
const displayedTime = `${
timerData.minutes >= 10 ? timerData.minutes : `0${timerData.minutes}`
}:${timerData.seconds >= 10 ? timerData.seconds : `0${timerData.seconds}`}`
const startTimer = () => {
setTimerData({ ...timerData, isOn: true })
const stopTimer = () => {
setTimerData({ ...timerData, isOn: false })
const resetTimer = () => {
return (
<div className="timer__container" data-testid="timerContainer">
<div className="timer__time-display" data-testid="timeDisplayContainer">
<div className="timer__button-wrap">
<TimerButton buttonAction={startTimer} buttonValue="Start" />
<TimerButton buttonAction={stopTimer} buttonValue="Stop" />
<TimerButton buttonAction={resetTimer} buttonValue="Reset" />
export default Timer
And the test (there is a beforeEach and afterEach calling jest.useFakeTimers() and jest.useRealTimers() respectively above):
it("Assert timer counts down by correct interval when starting timer", async () => {
render(<Timer />)
const initialTime = screen.getByText("25:00")
const startTimerButton = screen.getByText("Start")
expect(initialTime).toBeInTheDocument() // This works fine
act(() => {
await waitFor(() => expect(screen.getByText("24:55")).toBeInTheDocument())
Output of the test:
Unable to find an element with the text: 24:55. This could be because the text is broken up by multiple elements. In this case, you can provide a function for your text matcher to make your matcher more flexible.
Ignored nodes: comments, script, style
24:59 <--- This value is always the same
{ ... }
Id like to assert that the correct time is being displayed after moving the time forward by different increments, if I can do this then it will allow for a much more comprehensive set of tests.
I have tried using many of the timing methods in Jest including advanceTimersByTime(), runOnlyPendingTimers(), runAllTimers() to no avail, I can never get the time to advance by more than 1 second. I have also added console.log()s in at various points in the useInterval function and can verify that the function is being called a varying number of times depending on how much I try to advance the time by (it gets called numbers of seconds + 1 times as expected).
When logging out the state data I have seen that the timerData state does not update except for the last run through:
callback {"minutes":25,"seconds":0,"isOn":true} // Every time but the last
callback {"minutes":24,"seconds":59,"isOn":true} // The last time only
Im thinking it must be something to do with how Im referencing the state values during update, or how Jests fake timers interact with state updates though I really dont know at this point
So, after a lot of playing and trying many different methods I have a solution for this.
Further investigation into the calling of the useInterval() function called showed that:
the correct lines to update state were being reached, but the component was only re-rendering once after all these loops of the setInterval function despite the number of updates to state that were supposedly triggered (verified using console logs)
altering the time passed to setInterval (i) to be less than 500ms showed that the time was advancing by amounts roughly equivalent to 1 % i
the component only re-renders once for each tick of the setInterval function that occurs under the time passed to jest.advanceTimersByTime()
From this it appears that for each call of jest.advanceTimersByTime() only one iteration of the setInterval function can be moved through, and so the only way I found to move the interval forward by the correct amount of time is to call advanceTimersByTime() repeatedly via a helper function:
const advanceJestTimersByTime = (increment, iterations) => {
for (let i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
act(() => {
Test updated to:
it("Assert timer counts down by correct interval when starting timer", async () => {
render(<Timer />)
const initialTime = screen.getByText("25:00")
const startTimerButton = screen.getByText("Start")
advanceJestTimersByTime(1000, 60)
await waitFor(() => expect(screen.getByText("24:00")).toBeInTheDocument())
This passes and allows for assertions to be made at any point for the countdown

Why doesn't useRef trigger a child rerender in this situation?

I'm running into an issue where my hobbies list is not being displayed if it was previously undefined.
The goal is to cycle through a list of hobbies and display them in the UI. If one hobby is passed, only one should be displayed. If none are passed, nothing should be displayed.
Basically, setHobbies(["Cycling"]) followed by setHobbies(undefined) correctly turns off the hobbies render, but then the next setHobbies(["Reading"]) doesn't show up.
Using a debugger I've been able to verify that the relevant code in the useEffect hook in EmployeeInfoWrapper does get triggered, and hobbiesRef.current set accordingly, but it doesn't cause EmployeeInfo to rerender.
const Container = () => {
const [hobbies, setHobbies] = React.useState<string[]>();
setLabels(["Board games"]); // example of how it's set; in reality this hook is passed down and set in lower components
return (
<SpinnerWrapper hobbies=hobbies otherInfo=otherInfo />
export const EmployeeInfoWrapper = (props) => {
const { hobbies, otherInfo } = props;
const [indx, setIndx] = React.useState<number>(0);
// this doesn't work due to, shouldn't matter though because it's handled in the useEffect
const hobbyRef = React.useRef(hobbies?.length ? hobbies[indx] : "");
useEffect(() => {
if (hobbies?.length > 1) { // doubt this is relevant as my bug is with 0 or 1-length hobbies prop
hobbyRef.current = hobbies[indx];
setTimeout(() => setIndx((indx + 1) % hobbies.length), 2000);
if (hobbies?.length == 1) {
hobbyRef.current = hobbies[indx]; // can see with debugger this line is hit
if (!hobbies?.length) { // covers undefined or empty cases
hobbyRef.current = "";
}, [hobbies]);
return (
<EmployeeInfo hobby={hobbyRef.current} otherInfo={otherInfo} />

Redux useDispatch Hook on click event of nodeListOf<HTMLElement>

I have a component that renders a grid. I'm trying to count the moves made (onclick of each grid box).
But when I include dispatch on the eventListener it returns an error. The moveCharacter function is supposed to move the character around those boxes and its working well. I just need a way to be able to count the moves made (onclick of each box) and store in general state to use in another component.
function GridBoxes():JSX.Element{
const gridValue: number = useSelector<IStateProps, IStateProps["grid"]>((state)=> state.grid);
const totalMoves: number = useSelector<IStateProps, IStateProps["totalMoves"]>((state)=> state.totalMoves);
const history = useHistory();
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const boxElements = document.querySelectorAll('.box');
boxElements.forEach(element => {
element.addEventListener('click', (e)=>{
moveCharacter(, getCharacterPosition(boxElements));
dispatch({type: "COUNT_MOVES", totalMoves: totalMoves + 1});
useEffect(()=> {
let t = setInterval(()=> {
const timeSpent = document.getElementById("time-spent");
const indicator = document.getElementById("indicator");
let countDown = Number(timeSpent?.innerHTML);
countDown = countDown - 1;
let timeTakenPercent = ((gridValue*3) - countDown) / (gridValue*3) * 100;
dispatch({type:"SET_TIME", payload: (gridValue*3)-countDown});
(indicator as any).style.width = timeTakenPercent+"%";
(timeSpent as any).innerHTML = countDown.toString().length < 2 ? countDown.toString().padStart(2,"0") : countDown;
if(countDown < 1){
}, 1000);
const [emptyBox, characterBox, foodBox]: string[] = ['<div class="box"></div>',`<div class="box"><img src=${assets.character} /></div>`, `<div class="box"><img src=${} /></div>`];
const generatedGrids: string[][] = gridPattern({grid: gridValue, box:emptyBox, character: characterBox, food: foodBox});
return (
{, i)=> {
box = setElementId(box,i);
return <div key={i} className="col">{ReactHtmlParser(box.join(" "))}</div>;
export default GridBoxes;
Error gotten
The error does not really come from Redux, but from some manual DOM manipulation you are doing.
Your dispatch call only surfaces it: when calling dispatch, redux state will change which will trigger a React rerender - while you are manually fiddling around with the DOM and the two things collide.
My question is: why do you do all this? The whole point of React is that is builds the DOM for you and attaches event handlers for you. At no point should you be using something like react-html-parser, manually concatenate html strings, manually call addEventListener, modify innerHTML, style or anything else on DOM elements.
Let React build your DOM for you and this error will go away.

React.js - Using one component multiple times with different settings

I'm trying to create a re-usable component that wraps similar functionality where the only things that change are a Title string and the data that is used to populate a Kendo ComboBox.
So, I have a navigation menu that loads (at the moment) six different filters:
context && context.Filters && => getComponent(item))
GetComponent gets the ID of the filter, gets the definition of the filter from the context, and creates a drop down component passing in properties:
function getComponent(item) {
var filterDefinition = context.Filters.find(filter => filter.Id === item.Id);
switch (item.DisplayType) {
case 'ComboBox':
return <DropDownFilterable key={item.Id} Id={item.Id} Definition={filterDefinition} />
return null;
The DropDownFilterable component calls a service to get the data for the combo box and then loads everything up:
const DropDownFilterable = (props) => {
const appService = Service();
filterDefinition = props.Definition;
console.log(filterDefinition.Name + " - " + filterDefinition.Id);
React.useEffect(() => {
console.log("useEffect: " + filterDefinition.Name + " - " + filterDefinition.Id);
appService.getFilterValues(filterDefinition.Id).then(response => {
filterData = response;
}, []);
return (
<div className="row" title={filterDefinition.DisplayName}>{filterDefinition.DisplayName}</div>
id={"filterComboBox_" + filterDefinition.Id}
style={{zIndex: 999999}}
dataItemKey={filterDefinition && filterDefinition.Definition && filterDefinition.Definition.DataHeaders[0]}
textField={filterDefinition && filterDefinition.Definition && filterDefinition.Definition.DataHeaders[1]}
Service call:
function getFilterValues(id) {
switch(id) {
case "E903B2D2-55DE-4FA3-986A-8A038751C5CD":
return fetch(Settings.url_getCurrencies).then(toJson);
return fetch(Settings.url_getRevenueScenarios).then(toJson);
What's happening is, the title (DisplayName) for each filter is correctly rendered onto the navigation menu, but the data for all six filters is the data for whichever filter is passed in last. I'm new to React and I'm not 100% comfortable with the hooks yet, so I'm probably doing something in the wrong order or not doing something in the right hook. I've created a slimmed-down version of the app:
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
It's because you are using filterData incorrectly - you defined it outside of the DropDownFilterable component which means it will be shared. Instead, set the value in component state (I've shortened the code to include just my changes):
const DropDownFilterable = (props) => {
// ...
// store filterData in component state
const [filterData, setFilterData] = React.useState(null);
React.useEffect(() => {
// ...
appService.getFilterValues(filterDefinition.Id).then(response => {
// update filterData with response from appService
}, []);
// only show a ComboBox if filterData is defined
return filterData && (
// ...
Alternatively you can use an empty array as the default state...
const [filterData, setFilterData] = React.useState([]);
...since the ComboBox component accepts an array for the data prop. That way you won't have to conditionally render.
For filterDefinition you also need to make sure it is set properly:
const [filterDefinition, setFilterDefinition] = React.useState(props.Definition);
// ...
React.useEffect(() => {
}, [props.Definition]);
It may also be easier to keep filterDefinition out of state if you don't expect it to change:
const filterDefinition = props.Definition || {};

Leafet setLatLng unmounts and mounts markers continuously, preventing events from firing

I'm trying to visualise 500+ vehicles using leaflet. When the position of a marker (vehicle) changes, it will move slowly to reach the destination (using requestAnimationFrame and leaflet's 'native' setLatLng since I don't want to update the state directly). It works well, but I also have a click listener on each marker and notice that it never fires. I soon realised that leaflet has been updating the marker continuously (the DOM element keeps blinking in the inspector). I attempted to log something to see if the component actually re-renders, but it doesn't. Seems like leaflet is messing with the DOM element under the hood.
const Marker = React.memo(function Marker({ plate, coors, prevCoors }) {
const markerRef = React.useRef();
const [activeVehicle, handleActiveVehicleUpdate] = useActiveVehicle();
const heading = prevCoors != null ? GeoHelpers.computeHeading(prevCoors, coors) : 0;
React.useEffect(() => {
if (prevCoors == null) return;
const [prevLat, prevLong] = prevCoors;
const [lat, long] = coors;
let animationStartTime;
const animateMarker = timestamp => {
if (animationStartTime == null) animationStartTime = timestamp;
const progress = (timestamp - animationStartTime) / 5000;
if (progress > 1) return;
const currLat = prevLat + (lat - prevLat) * progress;
const currLong = prevLong + (long - prevLong) * progress;
const position = new LatLng(currLat, currLong);
const animationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(animateMarker);
// eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return
return () => cancelAnimationFrame(animationFrame);
}, [coors, prevCoors]);
React.useEffect(() => {
if (plate === '60C23403') console.log('re-render!');
// eslint-disable-next-line
return (
icon={createIcon(plate === activeVehicle, heading)}
position={prevCoors != null ? prevCoors : coors}
onClick={handleActiveVehicleUpdate(plate, coors)}
How do I prevent this behaviour from leaflet? Any idea is appreciated. Thanks in advance :)
