NestJS REST api - Only save data to DB after confirmation - database

I'm learning NestJS and was wondering what is the right way to implement the following scenario:
Usually in a basic CRUD API, when doing "Create" the data is sent in with a POST request and then saved into the database. I would like to implement it in a way whereby the data being sent is not committed to the database right away, rather I want to prompt the user for confirmation BEFORE saving it to the DB. I would imagine this requires 2 routes - one for passing in the data and one for confirmation. However, I do not know where to store the data while awaiting the user confirmation. Should I store it in a local variable, or is my approach completely wrong?

I think you don't need to make 2 apis for this case. Only need to action on your front-end or some where you integrate this with an api. Follow bellow to make:
Make a prompt on your front-end. When users click save data then show your prompt to confirm.
If users click to Confirm then call api to save data.
If users click to Cancel then close prompt


What is the most suitable way to save user's actions in react webpage (SPA)?

I'm building a SPA site in React (using redux).
To my site, any user can connect through Google or Facebook.
Each user who logs in to the site receives a personal user_id.
For each user, the system needs to keep a history of documents created by this same user (like the recent docs in Word).
I need to create functionality that whenever the user is logged in he will be able to see a history of the five documents he has created/updated.
In addition, the latest documents will load even after disconnecting and reconnecting to the system.
To load the history into the system I am thinking of using a dedicated index in ElasticSearch.
My question is which way would be suitable the most to use when the user is already logged in and creates several documents one after the other -
Should I need to save everything within the index in ES or is there a smart way to save and update the information locally without producing a lot of calls to DB?
I want that in the end there will be only 2 DB calls that are made in total - one call to load the information on login and one call to update the information when the user logs out. Any other create and update docs will save locally on the client side until leaving the site.

How to architect a flutter app that submits lot of form data to backend API

I am currently building a Flutter App for both iOS and Android and the purpose of the app is to collect data from user via lots of forms and then submit it to a backend endpoint.
I need to consider number of things:
User completes half of the form(s) and wants to save locally but submit it later
User submits the form but gets network error so data should not be lost
user submits successfully. at this point data should be either deleted from local storage or be kept and later should get sync with backend db.
Technical points
I may need to use local db. What's the best approach for it?
Maintain global state until data is either stored or sent
I would like to reach out to stack overflow community where collegues may have run into similar situation and can give me some ideas/hints on how best I can architect the app. And What are the libraries / pub packages I can use.
I need to use Flutter only.
for storing the to be submitted data you might be looking for the shared preferences plugin. this lets you store data locally on the phone and lets you edit and delete this when the sync has been completed.

How to send user data to developer? Xcode/Swift

I'm creating my first application that requires me to update the app based on user input. I've been searching for the best way to send input to me. For example, I have a button that when the user presses I would like to send me the information they've added to a text field. Being new to this, I thought this could be done by simply sending the information to a specified email, but from what I've researched I will need some sort of database. Looking through the Apple Developer Documentation I don't even know which topic I should be looking at to figure this out, any help or direction would be very helpful!
You need to setup a server (using an API) to receive the information.
Usually you will use a webservice to receive the info from the app, although there are other ways to do that.
Sending an email through iOs would require the user to accept the email that is being sent, so doesn't look like a good idea.
Take a look at some options available to create webservices (django rest framework or flask), Google's Firebase also can be handy in this situation, since is only integrating it with your app and storing the data you want to store, with easy integration for Authentication and user tracking.

Correct way to save User-Data in Electron

Hello, StackOverflow Community.
I am currently programming an electron Application which contains a login.
My login is working perfectly but now I do not know how to correctly save the information from the user.
The user should not be able to edit the file or the cookie type of thing so that he cannot abuse the system to be another user without knowing his password.
I hope you can understand my problem and help me out!
When storing user data you shouldn't store it locally at all you should make an authentication key and store it in your database with your user, you then need to store this on the client side too. Normally people store this in memory therefore once the user exists the system they "sign out" if you don't want them to you could save it to some sort of settings file using something like electron-settings or a cookie using the electron API. Once you have this key you should use that to authenticate calls to your API and when doing so you should check that the key is valid for the user who is performing the action.
When UserA sends a message to UserB you should check that UserA's auth key equals the key which represents UserA in your database.
Using this method will make it hard for other users to "guess" other users keys and also keep user data safe from user interaction.
NOTE: Change the users auth key every time they login to prevent someone from stealing it!

What is the best approach to work with data while using token based authentication

I am building an sample application that lets user store comments.
I've created the registration and login process. When the user registers, his details are stored in a MySQL database and a token is returned to the browser. Now he can access the Profile page.
When an existing user logs in he is redirected to the profile page. The profile page is accessible only when a user registers or logs in.
After logging in, I want to show all his comments if he has already added them.
My frontend is in Angular and backend use Laravel. For authentication I use Satellizer.
I want to know, what is the best approach while playing with data, considering the fact that the user will add, edit his comments. Should I use localstorage and store data in a key value pair or should I create a json file which gets updated everytime the user adds a comment or makes a change.
I wanted to know what is the most efficient way to deal with data from server so that the application is fast even when it scales to a 10000 users and lot of data for each user.
You should be updating it on the server when changes are made rather than only relying on localstorage. You can use localstorage to cache, but it should only be for immutable data, it shouldn't really be used for data that is going to change.
So in this case you'll be adding and updating new comments via your API (ideally a RESTful one!). Once you've made a change, you could store the comments locally and only update them when the user makes a new comment, however you'll quickly run into issues where the data is invalid on different clients. (i.e. if you update the comments on a different computer, the other computer won't be aware).
Alternatively, you could cache the comments and then simply ping the server to find out if new comments have been added. This could be using a HEAD request for example to check the last modified date on your comments resource.
You can store comments data locally on user browser, but you should properly manage it.
I don't how much load your server will have and if the time invested now worths it.
You can fetch comments and store them locally
User adds a comment, then you update locally and send a request to the server
You need to track the request response, if requests fail so notify user and remove comments from local.
if request was successful so you can continue on your way.
** facebook uses this "success first" approach
user does an action, and he see it happens instantly, in the background it could take few seconds, only if it fails they will notify you.
** look at their commenting process, when you comment, it appears instantly, no loading... but in the BG the load happens.
