Why buttons listeners does not work for mobile in exjts - extjs

I'm trying to add a doubleTap/tap/click listener in a button when the application is in a mobile device to fire an event or throw any event but any option is working.
I have this fiddle here: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#view/editor&fiddle/3lab
Extjs Version: 7.5.1
Theme: Triton
Toolkit: modern
I forgot to mention, is this change related with acessibility so need to turn on talkback, voiceOver on phone settings. Also it works for IOS ( SE and Iphone 8 tested ), but does not work for Android device.
Any help with that?


Buttons are not working as intended with touchscreen

I'm just building an application with react JS that should run on a raspberry pi with a touchscreen. I'm running it at chromium in kiosk-mode. The problem is that the buttons are not working 100% as intended. Every few touches, the button will not trigger. It indicates a registered touch with a lightgreyish highlight, but the event is not triggered. Is this a problem with the browser or with react? Does anyone know or can give me advices on how to fix this?

CN1: iOS: Showing ToastBar when virtual keyboard is visible

On iOS (ipad pro) I cannot see the ToastBar showing messages, when the virtual keyboard is visible.
However on Android devices the ToastBar is visible in the same szenario.
Is there way to work around this or do I have to use modal dialogs?
I think I see a problem related to that, it seems we don't handle the special case of iOS VKB's correctly.
I made a fix for this which should be there for the coming update of Codename One this weekend.

How to remove Splash screen for both iOS and Android in Xamarin.Forms?

I'm new to Xamarin.Forms and was looking for a way to remove the Splash Screen and have my custom animated splash screen, does anyone have the idea about how to do it? Any help at all would be great!
There is a blog post here that details how remove the default splash screen and replace this on iOS, Android, and WindowsPhone.
For example on the Android example, they are talking about creating a new Activity, prior to loading the default Activity that will launch the Xamarin.Forms App.
Using that approach will most likely also work in all other platforms. As you can do some platform-specific native animation set, prior to launching your real Xamarin.Forms App in your PCL.

Google maps api not recognising any events on iOS7 (can't pan, zoom, click etc)

I'm implementing google maps api v3 in angularjs. I have two maps on the page: one shows the user's location and sits in the sidebar while the other allows users to add markers. This second map is only used in a form to add entries to the system.
It work fine in everything except mobile Safari on iOS 7. On an iPad running iOS 7 the side map works - ie: you can pan and zoom, but the other map is as if it's an image - no panning, zooming, or clicking to add a marker.
In the iPhone on iOS7 both maps are static, as if they're images. Debugging in Safari doesn't show any errors.
Debugging does show that they don't ever fire the click event to add markers.
The iPad on iOS6 is fine. Android is fine. Desktop browsers are fine.
I'm using Angular-ui ui.Maps to generate the maps.
I can't even think how to debug this further. Has anyone had trouble like this with iOS 7?
Is iOS7 mobile Safari the new IE? I've had quite a few issues now that only crop up on iOS7.
The Doctor was right. Here's the code to fix it:
_.each(document.getElementsByClassName("gm-style"), function(e){
this.addEventListener('touchstart', function(event){});
}, 3000);
I get the sense that iOS7 Safari is a bit buggy when it comes to touch events.
I found this thread which talks about a specific touch event but I think other events have similar issues. `-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch` broken for initially offscreen elements in iOS7

extjs TreePanel dont work with metro webview app

I'm using sencha/extjs 3.4 TreePanel in my web application and when i'v made metro app with webview navigating to my application the problem is that when i click a node on treePanel nothing happens. Is that a common problem or i did smth wrong. Everything works in IE10, just not in the metro webview.
Ok so the problem was that mine application dont work at ie10 with ie10 standards and i'm using emulateIE7, which for some reason dont work at metro webview
