Hugo SSG use numbers instead of dates to rank posts - hugo

very dumb/random question but is there a way to just use numbers instead of dates to rank posts?
For example what if I want to build an outline in my post listing
Instead of the normal rank desc date.

It depends on how you are listing out your posts.
You can sort:
So, a front matter param like:
(Pseudo code here)
post_index: 1.0
Then in the template/layout:
{{ range sort .Params.post_index "value" "desc" }}{{ . }} {{ end }}
Your reference is here:
(there are a few ways to do this - so this should at least get you started)


How do I change my multi criteria Index Match formula in such a way that it sorts results closest to today?

How can do I write an array formula in such a way that both following factors apply:
Results give me the names of sales that have either TRUE OR FALSE next to it in a different column/sheet.
Results are sorted chronologically based on the date that is connected to each sale. Each sale has a different date next to it. This can be found in the same sheet as where the "TRUE OR FALSE" result is displayed. Column with the dates is called "AY:AY". I use an indirect formula to target the correct sheet within the spreadsheet.
I currently only have the first criteria implemented, don't know how to do the 2nd one.
Since the raw data is not ordered I need this to happen when I use the Index Match Array formula. So far I have this formula in my Google Sheets spreadsheet.
=ArrayFormula(iferror(index(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!c:c");small(if(TRUE=indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!ca:ca");row(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!ca:ca"))-row(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!$ca$1"))+1);row(1:1)));""))
I know I could use the Index Array formula below with multiple criteria, but don't know how to implement the date component.
INDEX(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!c:c");SMALL(IF(COUNTIF(_______)*COUNTIF("true"; indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!CA:CA"); ROW(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!A:CA"))-MIN(ROW(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!A:CA"))+1); ROW(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!A1));COLUMN(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!A1))
Thanks in advance.
A query like this could help?
=QUERY(INDIRECT("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!C:CA"),"SELECT C,AY WHERE CA = TRUE order by AY")

formatting date in angularJS table

I am creating a web app in angularJS I have a date in the following format
"[0].Date = "/Date(1539887400000)/"
I can convert this date into normal MM-DD-YYYY with moment, like this
but while binding the data into table with ng-repeat I am not able to achieve this
I did something like this
<td>{{d.Date| date:'DD-MM-YYYY' }}</td>
but in table it still showing like /Date(1539887400000)/
what I need to do to convert /Date(1539887400000)/ into DD-MM-YYYY
Your issue is because the date filter you are using is an AngularJS defined one, and is designed to work on date objects, the number of seconds since the epoch, or specifically formatted strings (see: In your case, you are passing in a string "Date(1539887400000)", which doesn't adhere to any of specific formats that the date argument of the filter expects. Here are a few ways I would think about solving this:
You could initialize the date option after you have fetched the data from the database. An example would be: $scope.testDate = new Date(1539887400000);. You can then use the regular angular date filter on this object: {{testDate | date: 'dd-MM-yyyy'}}.
You can use angular-moment (link:, which has more features than the regular angularJS date filter. You can then use the amDateFormat and pass your string in, like so: {{d.Date | amDateFormat: 'DD-MM-YYYY'}}
You could parse out the number from the string that you currently have. Since the regular angularJS date filter can accept a number (seconds since epoch) as it's argument, it will properly format it.
See an example plunker here showing some of these in action:

ValueFilter for DateTime Attributes

I'm working with the Blog app and I see how to filter the Blog posts by year using the Visual Query Designer. I use the querystring value that has the year and in the ValueFilter and my properties are as follows:
Attribute: PublicationMoment
Value: [QueryString:year]-01-01 and [QueryString:year]-12-31
Operation: between
How would I get the posts from a specific month and year, if those values are passed via query string parameters. Because the months of the year have a varying number of days, I'm not sure how you would accomplish this in the Value field of the ValueFilter. Currently I'm passing the 2 digit month as the parameter.
I tried something like: [QueryString:year]-[Querystring:month]
Operation: contains
but the above operation doesn't really work because the datatype is a DateTime object.
I could do it in the razor view but I'm afraid that the paging datasource would have too many pages in it since it would be based on the larger subset of posts for the given year that was passed in the querystring parameter.
Is there any way to do this with the filter?
Basically dates are not perfectly handled yet, but there are a few ways to do it using the visual query:
Use the correct date in the query like between [QueryString:Start] and [QueryString:End] and calculate the correct dates there where you generate the links
Since your main problem with the "between" filter is actually that it would include the last day too, you could also use a two filters a >= first date and another < second date, so the first-date would be the year/month and day 1; the second one is year-month and day 1 as well
Last but not least: if you do it with razor and LINQ you shouldn't run into any performance issues - it's technically the same thing the pipeline does and it's been tested to perform well with tens of thousands of records.

couchdb map / reduce multiple keys filtering by date

I have a view setup with a map reduce. Right now this code works great:
function(doc) {
if (doc.type == 'test'){
if(doc.trash != 1){
for (var id in doc.items) {
emit([id,doc.items[id].name], 1);
return (keys, sum(prices));
I get a return and when using the group parameter, it condenses everything just fine.
My issue/question, I want to add a third key.... DATE, so I may only reduce records from certain dates. So for example:
function(doc) {
if (doc.type == 'test'){
if(doc.trash != 1){
for (var id in doc.items) {
emit([date,id,doc.items[id].name], 1);
My issue is that since date is at the beginning of the array, the reduce groups by date, id etc. I know I use group_level and say just take the first key from the array or the first 2 keys, but that doesn't help either because afaik, group_level goes from left to right in the array. I could put the date on the end of the emit array, but that doesn't help either because I need to have values at the beginning of my startkey and endkey to search on.
Here is an example of the output of data:
I want APPLE to be added up in one row, here it's adding up apples by date first. I was able to successfully just add up all the apples if I remove DATE as the first key in the array, but then I can't search by date range.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
If I correctly understand what you want to do, then you'd want to put the date as the first element of your array, and use group_level as well as start_key and end_key.
Eg. startkey=[1, "someid"] endkey=[1,"someid",{}] group_level=2
Will get you all items from date 1 (obviously choose your own format here), with id "someid" and any name. It seems funny that you emit id's before names, and without having more information about what you're actually trying to accomplish, it's hard to advise your general data model. If ID is a "type" id meaning that many items share the same ID then this makes sense. If ID is a unique per item ID, then it does not. In that case, you'd want to emit "name" before ID...
Edit 1
As per your comment, to do a range of dates you do this:
startkey=[1] endkey=[5,{}] group_level=2
You will get everything from date 1 to date 5 grouped by id ie. apples, oranges etc. I use this exact technique in a very large scale production application. I actually formatted the dates as an easily human readable integers of the format yyyymmdd, so 20140624 would sort to the top. If I want everything from the start of the month till now grouped by my group ids, I call
startkey=[20140601] endkey=[20140624,{}] group_level=2
It works perfectly and as far as I can tell that's what you're looking to do. I also have a third key layer "detail" which allows me to provide a deeper level of grouping for items that need it. I can then call
startkey=[20140601, "someid"] endkey=[20140624, "someid",{}] group_level=3
To drill to the detail level for a particular id, or just use the previous query with group_level=3 if I want the details for every id. I'm certain you can make this work - I've solved this exact problem in a production application using the techniques described.
Edit 2
If you want to group all apples regardless of date, then you'll need to let apples be the first element in the key. You can then get all apples over all time as a single row in the view result using group_level=1, and Apples over a date range using group_level=2. The difference here is that you'll only be able to do the group_level=2 query on a single item type at a time. If you want the best of both worlds, you unfortunately just need to make 2 views. That's just how key ordering works... If you need fast response times for both types of queries, all item types over a date range, and all of a particular item not grouped by date, I believe 2 views is the only way to achieve that.
Another thing to note is about your reduce function. Wherever possible it is highly recommended that you use the built in reduce functions. They're implemented in erlang and are highly optimized compared to custom javascript reduce functions.
In your case, just replace your reduce function with this
Easy hey?
If you post more info about your application, data model etc. then I'd be happy to help out more with your database design.

SPSS :Loop through the values of variable

I have a dataset that has patient data according to the site they visited our mobile clinic. I have now written up a series of commands such as freqs and crosstabs to produce the analyses I need, however I would like this to be done for patients at each site, rather than the dataset as whole.
If I had only one site, a mere filter command with the variable that specifies a patient's site would suffice, but alas I have 19 sites, so I would like to find a way to loop through my code to produce these outputs for each site. That is to say for i in 1 to 19:
1. Take the i th site
2. Compute a filter for this i th site
3. Run the tables using this filtered data of patients at ith site
Here is my first attempt using DO REPEA. I also tried using LOOP earler.
However it does not work I keep getting an error even though these are closed loops.
Is there a way to do this in SPSS syntax? Bear in mind I do not know Python well enough to do this using that plugin.
*LOOP #ind= 1 TO 19 BY 1.
DO REPEAT #ind= 1 TO 20.
****8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Select the Site here.
COMPUTE filter_site=(RCDSITE=#ind).
FILTER BY filter_site.
**********************Step 3: Apply the necessary code for tables
*********Participation in the wellness screening, we actually do not care about those who did FP as we are not reporting it.
COUNT BIO= CheckB (1).
* COUNT FPS=CheckF(1).
* COUNT BnF= CheckB CheckF(1).
1 ' Has the Wellness screening'
0 'Does not have the wellness screening'.
1 'Has the First patient survey'.
1 'Has either Wellness or FPS'
2 'Has both surveys done'.
*************************Use simple math to calcuate those who only did the Wellness/First Patient survey FUB= F+B -FnB.
*******************************************************Executive Summary.
***********Blood Pressure.
******************Waist Circumference.
************************ Heamoglobin.
******************************************************************************I Lifestyle and General Health.
MISSING VALUES Gender GroupDep B8 to B13 ('').
******************Graphs 3.1
Is this just Frequencies you are producing? Try the SPLIT procedure by the variable RCDSITE. Should be enough.
SPLIT FILES allows you to partition your data by up to eight variables. Then each procedure will automatically iterate over each group.
If you need to group the results at a higher level than the procedure, that is, to run a bunch of procedures for each group before moving on to the next one so that all the output for a group will be together, you can use the SPSSINC SPLIT DATASET and SPSSINC PROCESS files extension commands to do this.
These commands require the Python Essentials. That and the commands can be downloaded from the SPSS Community website ( if you have at least version 18.
Jon Peck
A simple but perhaps not very elegant way is to select from the menu: Data/Select Cases/If condition, there you enter the filter for site 1 and press Paste, not OK.
This will give the used filter as syntax code.
So with some copy/paste/replace/repeat you can get the freqs and all other results based on the different sites.
