React setState inside useEffect async - reactjs

I am attempting to perform a series of Axios requests inside the useEffect() of a react component. I am aware that these requests are asynchronous, and I should maintain a piece of "loading" state that specifies if series of requests have been completed.
const [state, updateState] = useState([])
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true)
useEffect(() => {
let innerstate = [] => {"<URL>", {
raw_narrative: single_response[index].response
.then((response) => {
}, []);
if (loading)
return (<h3> Loading </h3>)
else {
return (<h3> Done </h3>)
I would expect the output from the above code to be a list containing the data of each response. Unfortunately, I think that data only arrives midway through the console.log() statement, as initially an empty list [] is logged, however the list is expandable- therein my expected content is visible.
I am having a hard time doing anything with my state at the top, because the list length is constantly 0, even if the response has already loaded (loading == false).
How can I assert that state has been updated? I assume the problem is that the loading variable only ensures that a call to the updateState() has been made, and does not ensure that the state has actually been updated immediately thereafter. How can I ensure that my state contains a list of response data so that I can continue doing operations on the response data, for example, state.forEach().

You're not awaiting any of the requests, so updateState will get called before any of the responses have had time to come back. You'll be setting the state as [] every time. You also need to return your or the data won't get passed to .then
There are lot of nicer ways to handle this (I'd recommend looking at the react-query library, for example). However, to make this work as it is, you could just use Promise.all(). Something like:
useEffect(() => {
Promise.all( =>
.post('<URL>', { raw_narrative: single_response[index].response })
.then(response =>
.catch(error => {
// A single error occurred
// you can throw the error here if you want Promise.all to fail (or just remove this catch)
// `then` will only be called when all promises are resolved
.then(responses => updateState(responses))
// add a `.catch` if you want to handle errors
.finally(() => setLoading(false));
}, []);


What is the best way to execute a function after TWO or more async functions finish in React?

I have two functions that run asynchronously getting data from the API. Both of them are called from their own useEffect().
I have a third function that needs to run once those two functions have been fully completed.
How can this be accomplished?
Both of the async functions look like this:
useEffect(() => {
}, [fiscalYear]);
useEffect(() => {
}, [fiscalYear]);
const fetchBudgetsData = async () => {
const res = await getBudgets(orgID, `${parseInt(fiscalYear)}`, '', budgetType);
if (isErrorResponse(res)) {
const fetchBudgetBucketsData = async () => {
if (orgID === undefined) {
const res = await getBudgetBuckets(orgID, fiscalYear);
if (isErrorResponse(res)) {
Whenever the budget data or bucket data is updated, I want to call another function that checks for errors. However when the page loads, I need it to wait for both of those functions to be finished before it checks for errors.
Edit #2:
After some debugging, it looks like the issue might have to do with when React updates the state. Since I am trying to check for errors in data saved in the state.
One way could be chaining Promises.
Promise.all([ApiCall1, ApiCall2])
// At this point two promises above will be resolved
.then(() => ApiCall3)
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I discovered the issue was caused by how React chooses when to update the state and not how I was calling these functions asynchronously.
I was able to call my Error check function by hooking it into the output of the data fetch calls. This makes sure that the error check only runs when either the budgets or buckets are edited and finished being changed.
useEffect(() => {
}, [budgets, budgetBuckets]) //Update errors whenever we edit budgets or buckets

after axios get my setState hooks doesn't run

I have a lot of functions like this, using the same approach, and they all run fine.
But this one is going me crazy.
My code is:
const [match,setMatch] = useState(null);
.then((res) => {
status =;
const test = match;
If I debug the program and break at setMatch(status), the content of is correct: is an array, and each element contains a mix of values and objects as show in the screenshot below.
But when I execute the setMatch(status) the result is that the match state variable doesn't change: it remains null as set the first time.
Can someone provide some suggestion?
From your question, I dont know what could likely affect your code from running. But this is the common pattern when handling asynchronous request.
It is expected that it should be executed in the useEffect hook right after it is painted
const Component = () => {
const [match,setMatch] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
.then((res) => {
status =;
.catch((err) => handleError(err));
}, [path]) // assuming that the path changes otherwise if you are running this once, leave the array empty
return (<div> {(match.length > 0)? 'Loading': {renderYourLogicHere} </div>)

Setting state inside a promise inside a useEffect hook in React

I've been trying to figure out why my code doesn't work for an hour now. So basically I want to fetch some data from a MySQL database, my serverside code is working as expected but whenever I try to fetch it in the client with the following code setting the state fails:
const [data, setData] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
const loadData = () => {
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => {
setData(data); // data is undefined but when consoled-out it's in proper form
}, [data]);
data is an array of objects. I assume I can't pass setState in a promise because I've added a conditional for rendering the data so even if it's null it just won't render but I receive a TypeError: is not a function (it would be great if someone could explain how this happens).

React useEffect causing infinite re-render despite passing argument to dependency array

The 'myPosts' has an object with multiple posts inside it.. I wanted the user profile to immediately show the post after it is uploaded so I passed 'myposts' in the dependency array.
But the problem is that the component is re-rendering infinitely. How can I make it so that it re-renders once, only when a new post is uploaded? I can't understand why passing 'myposts' in the array is causing infinite renders instead of only once.
const [myposts, setPosts] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
fetch('/mypost', {
headers: {
cookie: 'access_key',
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((data) => {
// console.log(data);
}, [myposts]);
When fetch resolves, it modifies myposts, which triggers a fetch because it is listed as dependency of useEffect, which modifies myposts, and so it continues...
It seems that myposts depends on the result of the fetch, not the other way around. So I would suggest removing myposts from the dependency list.
The useEffect hook is called when myposts gets updated. In the final .then of your fetch, you're updating it via setPosts. The best way to fix this is by making the dependency array an empty array.
But this won't solve the issue of updating posts from the server, but this can also be done in a periodic function with setInterval. This would result in something like the code below.
const [myposts, setPosts] = useState([]);
const update = fetch('/mypost', {
headers: {
cookie: 'access_key',
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((data) => {
// console.log(data);
useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(update, 30000)
return () => clearInterval(interval)
}, []);

useEffect not respecting promise and returns null

I'm trying to useEffect when my component first loads. UseEffect has a call to a firebase function but it's returning null and I can't figure out why.
const [emails, setEmails] = useState({
reports: [],
savedReports: [],
useEffect(() => {
.then(returnedEmails => {
setEmails(prevEmails => ({
savedReports: [returnedEmails.val()]
}, []);
Here I make a call to a firebase method which returns the values. I've confirmed there's values in that endpoint. The above returns null. It appears as if the console log is logging BEFORE the call finishes executing. However I'm not sure why since console.log is in then. Console.log isn't the important part but then it creates null under my state also.
When I do this:
useEffect(() => {
.then(returnedEmails => {
setEmails(prevEmails => ({
savedReports: [returnedEmails.val()]
}, [emails.savedReports]);
I can view the console.log with the data but this kicks into an infinite loop.
Changing [emails.savedReports] to [emails] also returns null
This can be broken down into two question but whatever helps me achieve the result of setting the state to the firebase call works for me. One would be why is the useEffect not waiting for then to complete? The other would be if [emails.savedReports is updated then shouldn't it stop executing useEffect? However I can resolve this is cool with me.
You are making request when you are getting your props.orgId
useEffect(() => {
if(props.orgId){ // if you receive your orgId then an then your request will be call
.then(returnedEmails => {
setEmails(prevEmails => ({
savedReports: [returnedEmails.val()]
}, [props.orgId]);
