Recaptcha is not valid in Microsoft Teams tab app - reactjs

I have a tab app which uses a popup window (microsoftTeams.tasks.startTask) to login the user. This popup window contains an iframe to my actual website login. This login flow completely works in the web version of Microsoft Teams (it saves the cookie and logs in the user), but it doesn't in the desktop app. The iframe in the Teams popup window gives me this error: {"error":"recaptcha_not_valid"}.
What can be the problem?


Having an issue with Msal Login Popup displaying login landing page

I've integrated Azure AD in our CRA but I'm having an issue sometimes where clicking the Login button opens the login popup with the login page instead of Microsoft Login. (Pictured Below)
We're using the React-MSAL with React 18.
Login Issue
Has anyone had this issue before?

Login using Azure from a Capacitor built app opens a new login window outside the app

I am using capacitor 3.0 to build a native iOS app with React.
The app's user is expected to login first.
I want the user's login to be handled by Microsoft Azure ActiveDirectory B2C and followed this tutorial to set this up:
Furthermore, Microsoft offers a Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL,, which for a login redirects to a screen managed by to take the username and password. This is a standard login interface by Microsoft, which can be custom-branded but I have not made that change. Just using the standard MS UI.
This redirect works fine in a Web/desktop browser as it opens the Microsoft login screen within the same page without opening a new browser window.
However, when accessing the login from within the Capacitor built iOS app, the user is taken to an external browser for the login, which breaks the user experience.
Any ideas on why capacitor launches a browser for login when this is not the case with the regular React web browser (non-Capacitor)?

How to set up IIS active directory with react application

I have the react application that uses JWT token and when user wants to access server he will be asked to put his name and password and will get token as a response. I have my custom loging page.
Now we have the requirement to authenticate users against Active directory of IIS. So users that are already authenticated on their computers should not be asked again for credentials.
I see window with login (not mine but from browser)
this window keep asking me for the credentials. I do not see any outgoing requests from this window.
Question: How I can control behavior of this window from my react application? Maybe there is some libraries for this purposes. I need to set up react application or IIS and hide this window and allow user to login silently if he already authenticated.

Microsoft edge is not prompting for user authentication

I have an angular js application, which is working perfectly fine in IE/Chrome. But i see that in Microsoft Edge browser it is opening the web portal, but on clicking other pages which requires windows authentication, it is not showing the credential window pop-up. "HTTP401: DENIED - The requested resource requires user authentication." Console error is displayed. Whereas this is working as expected in other browsers like IE/Chrome. web.config file is used for enabling user authentication for few pages in a web portal application. Does anyone know why Edge is behaving different?

Is there a way to send parameters from angular login page to Kibana iframe dashboard?

i'm new to the ELK stack , so i have an angular web application that displays iframe kibana dashboard , so my problem is that kibana asks for user and password in the application and i have already a login page in the web app so the user has to enter his credentials twice , is there a way that i can pass parameters to the iframe kibana dashboard so the user won't have to log in to kibana?
If Kibana and Your Application is on the same domain, you can use javascript to submit login form inside iFrame from your application's page where you are loading kibana in iFrame.
By this, you can log in to the Kibana inside iFrame.
