How does memory mapped I/O (MMIO) work on ARM architectures? - arm

I would like to understand how the MMIO works on ARM architecture.
I realized that ARM provides 1:1 mapping from physical address to specific peripheral.
For example, to manage the GPIOX on arm, for example in Raspberry Pi, the processor accesses the specific physical addresses (seems that preconfigured by the manufacturer?) without configuring some registers beforehand.
I thought that there are some specific BAR register that arbitrates the read/write request to specific physical addresses to peripherals. However, when I check the spec for BCM2835 (Raspberry pi 3), the physical addresses are translated by another MMU called VC/ARM MMU. Is it a common design to have another MMU that translates the physical addresses to bus addresses in ARM architecture?
Also, I was wondering how the SMMU (IOMMU in x86) is utilized in this concept. I found one article mentioning that the VC/ARM MMU is an example of SMMU but I think that is not true? When I check some monitor code & kernel driver code implementation (not raspberry pi), it seems that the SMMU is also mapped to specific physical addresses and the monitor/kernel uses those addresses to initialize and communicate with SMMU. If the arm architecture utilize VC/ARM MMU as an SMMU, how that physical address mapping for SMMU itself can be accessed to initialize the SMMU..?
Lastly, I thought that all peripherals are managed by the SMMU. If some peripherals are always mapped to fixed physical addresses, what is the role of SMMU? Why some peripherals are communicated with PE (CPU) through fixed physical addresses, and some are communicated with SMMU..? How exactly the peripherals and PE (Processors) can communicate in ARM architecture..?

I am just answering your questions. There are many things wrong with some assumptions you have, which Old Timer tries to clarify.
Is it a common design to have another MMU that translates the physical addresses to bus addresses in ARM architecture?
No. Broadcom has an architecture license. They designed there own HDL code for the ARM CPU and system details can be different. In fact, it is quite common for even direct license (using ARM HDL) that the systems differ from vendor to vendor.
If the arm architecture utilize VC/ARM MMU as an SMMU, how that physical address mapping for SMMU itself can be accessed to initialize the SMMU?
If some peripherals are always mapped to fixed physical addresses, what is the role of SMMU? Why some peripherals are communicated with PE (CPU) through fixed physical addresses, and some are communicated with SMMU..? How exactly the peripherals and PE (Processors) can communicate in ARM architecture..?
The typical solution to this is 'TrustZone'. Here, the access is defined as having a 'secure' or 'normal' access. The master (CPU) tags the access and either the peripheral or a bus access controller permits or prohibits access to the peripheral. These are best statically mapped at boot time and locked.
By defining permitted use cases, the peripheral/master access patterns can be defined for the system. The complication is 'dynamic' peripherals and masters. The ARM TrustZone CPU is dynamic. A 'world switch' changes the CPU access and there are attacks on the communication interface between 'normal' and 'secure' worlds.
The ARM AXI/AHB buses were originally designed for embedded devices. PCs in contrast have dynamic buses ISA->EISA->PCMIA->PCI (etc.) These addresses are typically dynamic. Note However, this bus structure has an expense. So some of your question is like asking why isn't ARM just like an x86 PC. They had different goals and they are different. You can't put a new grahpics card into your cell phone.
Handling ARM Trustzones
Explanation of arm Bus architecture
ARM Differences from PC
Note: It is from the modular nature of the PC system which was part of why the PC dominated Apple, Commodore, Atari, etc. in my opinion (the other aspect was piracy), contrary to others who think the answer is Microsoft. The hardware matters.


Is virtual memory used when using Port-mapped I/O?

If I have a Memory-mapped I/O device, and I want to write to a register for this device located at address 0x16D34, the 0x16D34 address is actually a virtual address, and the CPU will translate it to a physical address first, and then write the data to the physical address.
But what about Port-mapped I/O devices (for example: a serial port), so if I want to write to a register for a serial port located at address 0x3F8, is the 0x3F8 address a physical address or a virtual address?
Edit: I am on x86 architecture.
Port-mapped I/O on x86/x86-64 (most other modern architectures don't even support it) happens in an entirely separate address space. This address space is not subject to memory mapping, so there are no virtual port addresses, only physical ones. Special in and out instructions must be used to perform port I/O, simple memory access (e.g. with mov) can't access this separate address space. Access protection based on privilege level is possible; most modern OSes prevent user space processes from accessing I/O ports by default.
For details, you can for example check the chapter "INPUT/OUTPUT" of Intel's "Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Developer's Manual: Vol. 1" (chapter 18 as of this writing).
Note that in the early days of x86, port addresses were hardwired in each device, including ISA add-in cards. If you were lucky, the card had a set of jumpers for selecting one of a limited set of possible port ranges for the device, in order to avoid range clashes between devices. Later, Plug & Play was introduced to make the selection dynamically during system boot. PCI further refined this, so that I/O BARs can pretty much be mapped anywhere within the 0x0000-0xffff address space by the operating system and/or firmware. Port-mapped I/O is now strongly discouraged when designing new hardware due to its many inherent limitations.
It seems your question would be the differences between memory-mapped I/O and Port-mapped IO. There normally two methods for processor to connect external devices, which are memory-mapped or port mapped I/O.
Memory-mapped I/O
Memory-mapped I/O uses the same address space to address both memory and I/O devices. So when an address is accessed by the CPU, it may refer to a portion of physical RAM, but it can also refer to memory of the I/O device (Based on Memory-mapped I/O on Wiki).
The value 0x16D34 in your first example would be virtual memory, and would be mapped to the physical memory. The I/O device would refer the same physical memory as well to allow the access from CPU.
Port mapped I/O
Port mapped I/O uses a separate, dedicated address space and is accessed via a dedicated set of microprocessor instructions. For 0x3F8 in your second example, it's the address of the own address specific to Memory and I/O devices. It's not the address shared between memory and I/O devices as we previously mentioned in Memory-mapped I/O. You might get more detailed in Memory-mapped IO vs Port-mapped IO

Boot process in android devices

I was reading this informative blog post here about the booting process on x64. In what ways is the booting process on ARM different? I had a look at Raspberry pi and it seems that the GPU is what executes before control is handed over to ARM processor. Are there any similar resources you have come across for ARM processors?
Just like the x86 boot process is documented in documents available at arm boot process is documented at as is any other processor documented.
The full sized (non-cortex-m) arm cores start by executing at address zero for reset. There is one instruction location for reset, one for data abort, undefined instruction, etc. Similar to an interrupt vector table but instead of an address there is an instruction there ideally a branch.
processors historically have some non-volatile ram mapped into the boot space or vector table or whatever, then volatile ram if any elsewhere. x86 historically near the top of ram, arm at the bottom.
ARM does not make chips like intel, it designs processor cores which other folks that make chips include in their chip designs instead of having to design their own cores and maintain compilers, etc. So the chip vendor can solve the boot process in a number of ways, some have something non-volatile mapped low then after booting you can swap in ram to that address space, whatever. In the case of the Raspberry Pi chips which are made by broadcom, they have their own gpu which actually boots the chip, it eventually reads a file assumed to be the linux kernel and root file system, but doesnt have to be. It places that file in ram (by default) in the place where a linux kernel would be loaded by a bootloader like redboot or uboot, in this case by the gpu's arm loader. the gpu then places a few breadcrumbs including the reset instruction(s) required to branch into the linux kernel (generally a very trivial thing), then release reset on the arm core allowing it to boot. so basically the arm sees only ram which is kind of nice, but that is somewhat atypical for arm or other processors to do that. Normally the main processor boots from non-volatile storage (eeprom, flash, etc) and then itself loads linux or whatever and branches to it.
A number of other processor types will have an interrupt vector table, including the arm cortex-m series which are thumb instruction set only cores. they are designed to be microcontrollers and not carry as much overhead, so the first address slot is actually meant to be filled with the init value for the stack pointer, then the second is the address for reset, and then a zillion others. The hardware is designed to preserve registers for you so that you can have the address to C functions right in the table and not have to have "some assembly required" wrappers written by you or the folks that ported the toolchain to this platform. Other processor types will just have a vector table and some assembly is required to be wrapped around interrupts and such.

Coherently understand the software-hardware interaction with regard to DMA and buses

I've gathered some level of knowledge on several components (including software and hardware) which are involved in general DMA transactions in ARM based boards, but I don't understand how is it all perfectly integrated, I didn't find a full coherent description about this.
I'll write down the high level of the knowledge I already have and I hope that someone could fix me where I'm wrong and complete the missing parts so the whole picture would be clear. My description starts with the userspace software and drills down to the hardware components. The misunderstood parts are in italic-bold format.
The user-mode application requests to read/write from some device, i.e. makes I/O operation.
The operating system receives the request and hand it to the appropriate driver (every OS has its own mechanism to do this, I don't need a further drill down here but if you want to share insights here you are welcome)
The driver which is on charge to handle the I/O request, has to know the address to which the device is mapped to (since I'm interested in ARM based boards, afaik there is only memory-mapped I/O and no port I/O). In most of the cases (if we consider smartphone-like boards) there is a linux kernel that parses the devices addresses from the device-tree which is given from the bootloader at the boot time (the modern approach), or the linux is precompiled for the specific model family and board with the device addresses within it (hardcoded in its source code) (in older and obsolete? approach). In some cases (happens a lot in smartphones) part of the drivers are precompiled and are just packaged into the kernel, i.e. their source is closed, thus, the addresses correspond to the devices are unknown. Is it correct?
Given that the driver knows the address of the relevant registers of the device it want to communicate with, it allocate a buffer (usually in the kernel space) to which the device would write its data (with the help of the DMA). The driver needs to inform the device about the location of that buffer, but the addresses that the devices work with (to manipulate memory) are different from the addresses that the drivers (cpu) work with, hence, the driver needs to inform the device about the 'bus address' of the buffer it has just allocated. How does the driver inform the device about that address? How popular is to use an IOMMU? when using IOMMU is there one hardware component that manages addressing or one per device?
Then the driver commands the device to do its job (by manipulating its registers) and the device transfers output data directly to the allocated buffer in the memory. Here I'm confused a bit with the relation of device-driver:bus:bus-controller:actual-device. Take for example some imaginary device which knows to communicate in the I2C protocol; the SoC specify an I2C bus interface - what is this actually? does the I2C bus has some kind of bus controller? Does the cpu communicate with the I2C bus interface or directly with the device? (i.e. the I2C bus interface is seamless). I guess that someone with some experience with device drivers could answer this easily..
The device populates a DMA channel. Since the device is not connected directly to the memory but rather is connected through some bus to the DMA controller (which masters the bus), it interacts with the DMA to transfer the required data to the allocated buffer in the memory. When the board vendor uses ARM IP cores and bus specifications then this step involves transactions over a bus from the AMBA spec (i.e. AHB/multi-AHB/AXI), and some protocol between the device and a DMAC on top of it. I would like to know more about this step, what actually happens? There are many specifications for DMA controller by ARM, which one is the popular? which is obsolete?
When the device is done, it sends an interrupt, which travel to the OS through the interrupt controller, and the OS's interrupt handler direct it to the appropriate driver which now knows that the DMA transfer is completed.
You've slightly conflated two things here - there are some devices (e.g. UARTs, MMC controllers, audio controllers, typically lower-bandwidth devices) which rely on an external DMA controller ("DMA engine" in Linux terminology), but many devices are simply bus masters in their own right and perform their own DMA directly (e.g. GPUs, USB host controllers, and of course the DMA controllers themselves). The former involves a bunch of extra complexity with the CPU programming the DMA controller, so I'm going to ignore it and just consider straightforward bus-master DMA.
In a typical ARM SoC, the CPU clusters and other master peripherals, and the memory controller and other slave peripherals, are all connected together with various AMBA interconnects, forming a single "bus" (generally all mapped to the "platform bus" in Linux), over which masters address slaves according to the address maps of the interconnect. You can safely assume that the device drivers know (whether by device tree or hardcoded) where devices appear in the CPU's physical address map, because otherwise they'd be useless.
On simpler systems, there is a single address map, so the physical addresses used by the CPU to address RAM and peripherals can be freely shared with other masters as DMA addresses. Other systems are more complex - one of the more well-known is the Raspberry Pi's BCM2835, in which the CPU and GPU have different address maps; e.g. the interconnect is hard-wired such that where the GPU sees peripherals at "bus address" 0x7e000000, the CPU sees them at "physical address" 0x20000000. Furthermore, in LPAE systems with 40-bit physical addresses, the interconnect might need to provide different views to different masters - e.g. in the TI Keystone 2 SoCs, all the DRAM is above the 32-bit boundary from the CPUs' point of view, so the 32-bit DMA masters would be useless if the interconnect didn't show them a different addresses map. For Linux, check out the dma-ranges device tree property for how such CPU→bus translations are described. The CPU must take these translations into account when telling a master to access a particular RAM or peripheral address; Linux drivers should be using the DMA mapping API which provides appropriately-translated DMA addresses.
IOMMUs provide more flexibility than fixed interconnect offsets - typically, addresses can be remapped dynamically, and for system integrity masters can be prevented from accessing any addresses other than those mapped for DMA at any given time. Furthermore, in an LPAE or AArch64 system with more than 4GB of RAM, an IOMMU becomes necessary if a 32-bit peripheral needs to be able to access buffers anywhere in RAM. You'll see IOMMUs on a lot of the current 64-bit systems for the purpose of integrating legacy 32-bit devices, but they are also increasingly popular for the purpose of device virtualisation.
IOMMU topology depends on the system and the IOMMUs in use - the system I'm currently working with has 7 separate ARM MMU-401/400 devices in front of individual bus-master peripherals; the ARM MMU-500 on the other hand can be implemented as a single system-wide device with a separate TLB for each master; other vendors have their own designs. Either way, from a Linux perspective, most device drivers should be using the aforementioned DMA mapping API to allocate and prepare physical buffers for DMA, which will also automatically set up the appropriate IOMMU mappings if the device is attached to one. That way, individual device drivers need not care about the presence of an IOMMU or not. Other drivers (typically GPU drivers) however, depend on an IOMMU and want complete control, so manage the mappings directly via the IOMMU API. Essentially, the IOMMU's page tables are set up to map certain ranges of physical addresses* to ranges of I/O virtual addresses, those IOVAs are given to the device as DMA (i.e. bus) addresses, and the IOMMU translates the IOVAs back to physical addresses as the device accesses them. Once the DMA operation is finished, the driver typically removes the IOMMU mapping, both to free up IOVA space and so that the device no longer has access to RAM.
Note that in some cases the DMA transfer is cyclic and never "finishes". With something like a display controller, the CPU might just map a buffer for DMA, pass that address to the controller and trigger it to start, and it will then continuously perform DMA reads to scan out whatever the CPU writes to that buffer until it is told to stop.
Other peripheral buses beyond the SoC interconnect, like I2C/SPI/USB/etc. work as you suspect - there is a bus controller (which is itself a device on the AMBA bus, so any of the above might apply to it) with its own device driver. In a crude generalisation, the CPU doesn't communicate directly with devices on the external bus - where a driver for an AMBA device says "write X to register Y", that just happens by the CPU performing a store to a memory-mapped address; where an I2C device driver says "write X to register Y", the OS usually has some bus abstraction layer which the bus controller driver implements, whereby the CPU programs the controller with a command saying "write X to register Y on device Z", the bus controller hardware will go off and do that, then notify the OS of the peripheral device's response via an interrupt or some other means.
* technically, the IOMMU itself, being more or less "just another device", could have a different address map in the interconnect as previously described, but I would doubt the sanity of anyone actually building a system like that.

Explaination of ARM (especifically mobile) Peripherals Addressing and Bus architecture?

I will first say that I'm not expert in the field and my question might contain misunderstanding, in which case, I'll be glad if you correct me and attach resources so I can learn further details.
I'm trying to figure out the way that the system bus and how the various devices that appear in a mobile device (such as sensors chips, wifi/BT SoC, touch panel, etc.) are addressed by the CPU (and by other MCUs).
In the PC world we have the bus arbitrator that route the commands/data to the devices, and, afaik, the addresses are hardwired on the board (correct me if I'm wrong). However, in the mobile world I didn't find any evidence of that type of addressing; I did find that ARM has standardized the Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture, I don't know, though, whether that standard applied for the components (cpu-cores) which lies inside the same SoC (that is Exynos, OMAP, Snapdragon etc.) or also influence peripheral interfaces. Specifically I'm asking what component is responsible on allocating addresses to peripheral devices and MMIO addresses?
A more basic question would be whether there even exist a bus management in the mobile device architecture or maybe there is some kind of "star" topology (where the CPU is the center).
From this question I get the impression that these devices are considered as platform devices, i.e., devices that are connected directly to the CPU, and not through a bus. Still, my question is how does the OS knows how to address them? Then other threads, this and this about platform devices/drivers made me confused..
A difference between ARM and the x86 is PIO. There are no special instruction on the ARM to access an I/O device. Everything is done through memory mapped I/O.
A second difference is the ARM (and RISC in general) has a separate load/store unit(s) that are separate from normal logic.
A third difference is that ARM licenses both the architecture and logic core. The first is used by companies like Apple, Samsung, etc who make a clean room version of the cores. For the second set, who actually buy the logic, the ARM CPU will include something from the AMBA family.
Other peripherals from ARM such as a GIC (Cortex-A interrupt controller), NVIC (Cortex-M interrupt controller), L2 controllers, UARTs, etc will all come with an AMBA type interface. 3rd party companies (ChipIdea USB, etc) may also make logic that is setup for a specific ARM bus.
Note AMBA at Wikipedia documents several bus types.
APB - a lower speed peripheral bus; sort of like south bridge.
AHB - several versions (older north bridge).
AXI - a newer multi-CPU (master) high speed bus. Example NIC301.
ACE - an AXI extension.
A single CPU/core may have one, two, or more master connection to an AXI bus. There maybe multiple cores attached to the AXI bus. The load/store and instruction fetch units of a core can use the multiple ports to dispatch requests to separate slaves. The SOC vendor will balance the number of ports with expected memory bandwidth needs. GPUs are also often connected to the AXI BUS along with DDR slaves.
It is true that there is no 100% standard topology; especially if you consider all possible future ARM designs. However, typical topologies will include a top level AXI with some AHB peripherals attached. One or multiple 2nd level APB (buses) will provide access to low speed peripherals. Not every SOC vendor wants to spend time to redesign peripherals and the older AHB interface speeds maybe quite fine for a device.
Your question is tagged embedded-linux. For the most part Linux just needs to know the physical addresses. On occasion, the peripheral BUS controllers may need configuration. For instance, an APB may be configure to allow or disallow user mode. This configuration could be locked at boot time. Generally, Linux doesn't care too much about the bus structure directly. Programmers may have coded a driver with knowledge of the structure (like IRAM is fasters, etc).
Still, my question is how does the OS knows how to address them?
Older Linux kernels put these definitions in a machine file and passed a platform resource structure including interrupt number, and the physical address of a register bank. In newer Linux versions, this information is included with Open Firmware or device tree files.
Specifically I'm asking what component is responsible on allocating addresses to peripheral devices and MMIO addresses?
The physical addresses are set by the SOC manufacturer. Linux platform support will use the MMU to map them as non-cacheable to some un-used range. Often the physical addresses may be very sparse so the virtual remapping pack more densely. Each one incurs a TLB hit (MMU cache).
Here is a sample SOC bus structure using AXI with a Cortex-M and Cortex-A connected.
The PBRIDGE components are APB bridges and it is connected in a star topology. As others suggests, you need to look a your particular SOC documentation for specifics. However, if you have no SOC and are trying to understand ARM generally, some of the information above will help you, no matter what SOC you have.
1) ARM does not make chips, they make IP that is sold to chip vendors who make chips. 2) yes the amba/axi bus is the interface from ARM to the world. But that is on chip, so it is up to the chip vendor to decide what to hook up to it. Within a chip vendor you may find standards or habits, those standards or habits may be that for a family of parts the same peripherals may be find at the same addresses (same uart peripheral, same spi peripheral, clock tree, etc). And of course sometimes the same peripheral at different addresses in the family and sometimes there is no consistency. In the intel x86 world intel makes the processors they have historically made many of the peripherals be they individual parts to super I/O parts to north and south bridges to being in the same package. Intels processor success lies primarily in reverse compatibility so you can still access a clone uart at the same address that you could access it on your original ibm pc. When you have various chip vendors you simply cannot do that, arm does not incorporate the peripherals for the most part, so getting the vendors to agree on stuff simply will not happen. This has driven folks crazy yes, and linux is in a constant state of emergency with arm since it rarely if ever works on any platform. The additions tend to be specific to one chip or vendor or nuance not caring to check that the addition is in the wrong place or the workaround or whatever does not apply everywhere and should not be applied everywhere. The cortex-ms have taken a small step, before the arm7tdmi you had the freedom to use whatever address space you wanted for anything. The cortex-m has divided the space up into some major chunks along with some internal addresses (not just the cortex-ms this is true on a number of the cores). But beyond a system timer and maybe a interrupt controller it is still up to the chip vendor. The x86 reverse compatibility habits extend beyond intel so pcs have a lot of consistency across motherboard vendors (partly driven by software that they want to run on their system namely windows). Embedded in general be it arm or mips or whomever puts stuff wherever and the software simply adapts so embedded/phone software the work is on the developer to select the right drivers and adjust physical addresses, etc.
AMBA/AXI is simply the bus standard like wishbone or isa or pci, usb, etc. It defines how to interface to the arm core the processor from arm, this is basically on chip, the chip vendor then adds or buys from someone IP to bridge the amba/axi bus to pci or usb or dram or flash, etc, on chip or off is their choice it is their product. Other than perhaps a few large chunks the chip vendor is free to define the address space, and certainly free to define what peripherals and where. They dont have to use the same usb IP or dram IP as anyone else.
Is the arm at the center? Well with your smart phone processors you tend to have a graphics coprocessor, so then you have to ask who owns the world the arm, the gpu, or someone else? In the case of the raspberry pi which is to some extent one of these flavor of processors albeit older and slower now, the gpu appears to be the center of the world and the arm is a side fixture that has to time share on the gpu's bus, who knows what the protocol/architecture of that bus is, the arm is axi of course but is the whole chip or does the bridge from the arm to gpu side also switch to some other bus protocol? The point being is the answer to your question is no there is no rule there is no standard sometimes the arm is at the center sometimes it isnt. Up to the chip and board vendors.
not interested in terminology maybe someone else will answer, but I would say outside an elementary sim you wont have just one peripheral (okay I will use that term for generic stuff the processor accesses) tied to the amba/axi bus. You need a first level amba/axi interface that then divides up the address space per your design, and then using amba/axi or whatever bus protocol you want (generally you adapt to the interface for the purchased or designed IP). You, the chip vendor decides on the address space. You the programmer, has to read the documentation from the chip vendor or also board vendor to find the physical address space for each thing you want to talk to and you compile that knowledge into your operating system or application per the rules of that software or build system.
This is not unique to arm based systems you have the same problem with mips and powerpc and other cores you can buy in ip form, for whatever reason arm has dominated the world (there are many arm processors in or outside your computer for every x86 you own, x86 processors are extremely low volume compared to arm based). Like Gates had a desktop in every home, a long time ago ARM had a "touch an ARM once a day" type of a thing to push their product and now most things with a power switch and in particular with a battery has an arm in it somewhere. Which is a nightmare for developers because there are so many arm cores now with nuances and every chip vendor and every family and sometimes members within a family are different so as a developer you simply have to adapt, write your stuff in a modular form, mix and match modules, change addresses, etc. Making one binary like windows does for example that runs everywhere, is not in any way a wise goal for arm based products. Make the modules portable and build the modules per target.
Each SoC will be designed to have its own (possibly configurable) memory map. You will need to read the relevant technical reference manual to get the exact details.
Examples are:
Raspeberry pi datasheet (pdf)

Memory space of ARM microprocessors

In ARM microprocessors, is the only available memory space the 37 or so general and status registers, or is there a separate accessible memory space within the microprocessor chip?
For example, in the Atmel AVR microcontroller, to my understanding, the memory is mapped internally within the same chip, with data memory, program memory (containing program memory) and EEPROM memory. Does the same apply to ARM microprocessors, or does a microcontroller with an ARM microprocessor require separate external memory?
Your interpretation of the Atmel AVR architecture is not quite correct.
Of course it's possible to integrate memory of virtually any kind on the same die as the CPU core. However, that doesn't mean you can compare flash memory available on one such integrated system to registers on another.
A CPU core needs a memory interface and that's all that counts: Flash is slower than registers. So if you connect Flash to an ARM processor it will behave similar (in the same order of magniture regarding speed) as the on-board Flash of the AVR.
Besides, ARM is solely an IP (design concept) and licenced by numerous companies which build efficient peripherals and sometimes also memory around the core. So you will find chips with an ARM core and on-board memory on the market.
(I simplified things a bit in the above description but I was focusing on trying to point out where I think you misunderstand how the two processors compare.)
Below link talks a lot about how memory management is done in ARM processor. Hope it helps
