append json output before saving into file - arrays

I am trying to curl some URL which returns a json file, as follows
now I am trying to save these value in file with a variable assigned to it.
need output in file as
thanks in advance.

You could use implode to create the letters by array index, which is provided in .key when to_entries is applied to an array.
jq -r 'to_entries[] | "\([.key + 97] | implode)=\(.value)"'
To provide individual names, you can introduce an array of names and use transpose to make the alignment:
jq -r '
[["Price", "Amount", "Value", "Tax"], .]
| transpose[] | "\(first)=\(last)"
Note: The list could also be provided from outside jq:
using a JSON array
jq -r --argjson names '["Price", "Amount", "Value", "Tax"]' \
'[$names, .] | transpose[] | "\(first)=\(last)"'
using positional parameters
jq -r '[$ARGS.positional, .] | transpose[] | "\(first)=\(last)"' \
--args Price Amount Value Tax


Assigning an Array Parsed With jq to Bash Script Array

I parsed a json file with jq like this :
# cat test.json | jq '.logs' | jq '.[]' | jq '._id' | jq -s
It returns an array like this : [34,235,436,546,.....]
Using bash script i described an array :
# declare -a msgIds = ...
This array uses () instead of [] so when I pass the array given above to this array it won't work.
([324,32,45..]) this causes problem. If i remove the jq -s, an array forms with only 1 member in it.
Is there a way to solve this issue?
We can solve this problem by two ways. They are:
Input string:
// test.json
"keys": ["key1","key2","key3"]
Approach 1:
1) Use jq -r (output raw strings, not JSON texts) .
KEYS=$(jq -r '.keys' test.json)
echo $KEYS
# Output: [ "key1", "key2", "key3" ]
2) Use #sh (Converts input string to a series of space-separated strings). It removes square brackets[], comma(,) from the string.
KEYS=$(<test.json jq -r '.keys | #sh')
echo $KEYS
# Output: 'key1' 'key2' 'key3'
3) Using tr to remove single quotes from the string output. To delete specific characters use the -d option in tr.
KEYS=$((<test.json jq -r '.keys | #sh')| tr -d \')
echo $KEYS
# Output: key1 key2 key3
4) We can convert the comma-separated string to the array by placing our string output in a round bracket().
It also called compound Assignment, where we declare the array with a bunch of values.
ARRAYNAME=(value1 value2 .... valueN)
KEYS=($((<test.json jq -r '.keys | #sh') | tr -d \'\"))
echo "Array size: " ${#KEYS[#]}
echo "Array elements: "${KEYS[#]}
# Output:
# Array size: 3
# Array elements: key1 key2 key3
Approach 2:
1) Use jq -r to get the string output, then use tr to delete characters like square brackets, double quotes and comma.
KEYS=$(jq -r '.keys' test.json | tr -d '[],"')
echo $KEYS
# Output: key1 key2 key3
2) Then we can convert the comma-separated string to the array by placing our string output in a round bracket().
KEYS=($(jq -r '.keys' test.json | tr -d '[]," '))
echo "Array size: " ${#KEYS[#]}
echo "Array elements: "${KEYS[#]}
# Output:
# Array size: 3
# Array elements: key1 key2 key3
To correctly parse values that have spaces, newlines (or any other arbitrary characters) just use jq's #sh filter and bash's declare -a. (No need for a while read loop or any other pre-processing)
// foo.json
{"data": ["A B", "C'D", ""]}
str=$(jq -r '.data | #sh' foo.json)
declare -a arr="($str)" # must be quoted like this
$ declare -p arr
declare -a arr=([0]="A B" [1]="C'D" [2]="")
The reason that this works correctly is that #sh will produce a space-separated list of shell-quoted words:
$ echo "$str"
'A B' 'C'\''D' ''
and this is exactly the format that declare expects for an array definition.
Use jq -r to output a string "raw", without JSON formatting, and use the #sh formatter to format your results as a string for shell consumption. Per the jq docs:
The input is escaped suitable for use in a command-line for a POSIX shell. If the input is an array, the output will be a series of space-separated strings.
So can do e.g.
msgids=($(<test.json jq -r '.logs[]._id | #sh'))
and get the result you want.
From the jq FAQ (
𝑸: How can a stream of JSON texts produced by jq be converted into a bash array of corresponding values?
A: One option would be to use mapfile (aka readarray), for example:
mapfile -t array <<< $(jq -c '.[]' input.json)
An alternative that might be indicative of what to do in other shells is to use read -r within a while loop. The following bash script populates an array, x, with JSON texts. The key points are the use of the -c option, and the use of the bash idiom while read -r value; do ... done < <(jq .......):
while read -r value
done < <(jq -c '.[]' input.json)
++ To resolve this, we can use a very simple approach:
++ Since I am not aware of you input file, I am creating a file input.json with the following contents:
"keys": ["key1","key2","key3"]
++ Use jq to get the value from the above file input.json:
Command: cat input.json | jq -r '.keys | #sh'
Output: 'key1' 'key2' 'key3'
Explanation: | #sh removes [ and "
++ To remove ' ' as well we use tr
command: cat input.json | jq -r '.keys | #sh' | tr -d \'
Explanation: use tr delete -d to remove '
++ To store this in a bash array we use () with `` and print it:
KEYS=(`cat input.json | jq -r '.keys | #sh' | tr -d \'`)
To print all the entries of the array: echo "${KEYS[*]}"

jq - How to concatenate an array in json

Struggling with formatting of data in jq. I have 2 issues.
Need to take the last array .rental_methods and concatenate them into 1 line, colon separated.
#csv doesn't seem to work with my query. I get the error string ("5343") cannot be csv-formatted, only array
jq command is this (without the | #csv)
jq --arg LOC "$LOC" '.last_updated as $lu | .data[]|.[]| $lu, .station_id, .name, .region_id, .address, .rental_methods[]'
"last_updated": 1539122087,
"ttl": 60,
"data": {
"stations": [{
"station_id": "5343",
"name": "Lot",
"region_id": "461",
"address": "Austin",
"rental_methods": [
I'd like the output to end up as:
Using #csv:
jq -r '.last_updated as $lu
| .data[][]
| [$lu, .station_id, .name, .region_id, .address, (.rental_methods | join(":")) ]
| #csv'
What you were probably missing with #csv before was an array constructor around the list of things you wanted in the CSV record.
You could repair your jq filter as follows:
.last_updated as $lu
| .data[][]
| [$lu, .station_id, .name, .region_id, .address,
(.rental_methods | join(":"))]
| #csv
With your JSON, this would produce:
... which is not quite what you've said you want. Changing the last line to:
map(tostring) | join(",")
results in:
This is exactly what you've indicated you want except for the terminating punctuation, which you can easily add (e.g. by appending + "," to the program above) if so desired.

jq won't allow to iterate over results

In code below I'm trying to match values from a bash array with values from json array using jq.
PROJECTS=$(curl -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${GITLAB_TOKEN}" "${GITLAB_URL}/api/v4/projects")
for GITLAB_TAG in "${GITLAB_TAGS[#]}"; do
| jq --arg gitlab_tag "$GITLAB_TAG" '[ .[] | select(.tag_list[] | contains($gitlab_tag)) ]'`
PROJECTS=$(echo "$PROJECTS" | jq -r '.[]')
Consider the following JSON payload as a sample API response:
This works only partially, because I can't iterate over results ($PROJECTS).
printf "${PROJECTS[0]}" prints the whole array.
Am I missing something here?
It appears that you should be using index/1 to check .tag_list (not .tag_list[]):
[ .[] | select(.tag_list | index($gitlab_tag))
jq has no knowledge of bash array variables. For these, you therefore have two basic options: 1) use bash to iterate over the bash array variable (calling jq as often as necessary); 2) present the contents of the bash array variable in a way that jq can handle.
There are many variations of (2). Consider for example:
$ a=(a "b c")
$ printf "%s\n" "${a[#]}" | jq -R | jq -s
"b c"

Parse netdata json output (mulltiple arrays) with jq

I'm trying to use jq to combine two arrays and running into a bit of trouble.
I'm attempting to parse out the data from netdata ( and the two pieces of data within the json response that I"m interested in are both part of an array. The first array is labels for the datapoints in the second array.
Sample Input
If you want to grab fresh data yourself to test against, you can use the following:
curl -s -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json'
'' | jq '.result.labels,[]'
I've tried to use map() as well as trying to assign vars to both arrays and then print out the objects together, but have been unsuccessful (below).
| jq '.result.labels as $labels |[] as $data |[] | Label: $labels[.], data: $data[.]}'
I appreciate anyone's insight in advance as I'm a little stuck, and would prefer to be able to do this all in jq rather than using for loops in bash (if possible).
Expected Ouput
"time": "1460728600",
"guest_nice": "0",
You haven't specified exactly how you want the arrays to be combined, but one approach is to use transpose, which in this case is effectively a kind of zip. For example:
$ jq -n -c '[["a","b"], [1,2]] | transpose'
yields: [["a",1],["b",2]]
If you wanted an array of objects, then with the same input,
transpose | map( { (.[0]) : .[1] } )
would yield: [{"a":1},{"b":2}]
If your jq does not have transpose, here is its definition:
# transpose a possibly jagged matrix, quickly;
# rows are padded with nulls so the result is always rectangular.
def transpose:
[range(0; (map(length) | max)) as $j
| [range(0; length) as $i | .[$i][$j] ] ] ;
Alternatively, if you would prefer a very brief zip:
def zip: [range(0; .[0]|length) as $i | [.[0][$i], .[1][$i]]];
Here is a solution that handles the general case where the first array contains the key names and the following arrays contain values using transpose and from_entries
{h:.[0], v:.[1:][]} # {h:[keys], v:[values]}
| [.h, .v] # [ [keys], [values] ] ...
| [ transpose[] | {key:.[0], value:.[1]} ] # [ {"key":key, "value":value}, ... ]
| from_entries # { key:value, key:value, ... }
For example, if this filter is in filter.jq and data.json contains
then the command
jq -M -s -c -f filter.jq data.json

Why jq array returns length is greater than actual no of array items

i have a json file
"file" : {
"a" : 1,
"b" : 2
I am using jq to count number of keys file value have in this json object.
then using on bash
arr=($(cat jsonfile.json | jq '.file' | jq -r 'keys'))
echo ${#arr[#]}
here i get output 4 whereas there is only 2 keys a,b
Why is that so, and how do i get arr only have two elements a and b.?
To understand why you get an array of 4 elements, look at the output of the sub-shell:
cat jsonfile.json | jq '.file' | jq -r 'keys'
This produces:
Each line there becomes an element of the array -> 4 lines.
Try this instead:
jq -r '.file | keys | .[]' jsonfile.json
I also simplified your original expression. (Thanks #JeffMercado!)
