Where to find data sources for music recomendation engine? - graph-databases

For my high-school thesis, I'd like to create a recommendation engine. I would like to use a graphdatabase for this task.
I've read some blog posts on this topic, but I got stuck at the first step. Finding good source of data. I've found Spotify Million Playlist Dataset, but Id like to use some more recent data. Does the data source for this exist? Tidal, YouTube, Spotify, Apple, Deezer are my top candidates.
I've asked the same question in Music Fan beta without any luck.
Is the Spotify Million Playlist Dataset the only dataset that I can use?


Free realtime stockprice data and how to add stock charts like realworld trading app

I currently planning for build a stock trading app using react for study purpose. Is there is any api that can give realtime stock price data and if you can please suggest me a good charting package for my project.
As your question is vague, it all depends on what you want to achieve. From my experience in working in wealth management, you will not find a reliable API and especially realtime for free.
If you're making a PoC, you might want to use EOD data which is usually available for free.
EOD API shortlist:
Yahoo finance
If you really need reliable realtime data, you might want to have a look at :
The lists written above are not exhaustive and i have no interest in any of those API's listed. Just run a proper google search and I am sure you will find what fits you.
Beside, concerning the data visualisation library your tags mention django and reactjs. It is not very clear if you want to display data from a ui framework or from django directly. Therefore I will list what I know the most :
Hope my answer will give you some lights.

List of Spotify song urls/numbers?

I am working on a music game website and I am using the Spotify play button. This takes spotify track numbers/urls and I am looking for a huge list of them with which to populate my database. Does anyone know where I could find such a list? Or do I have to write a script to try and scrape them?
Well, there are many millions of tracks in Spotify so that'd be a pretty unmanageable list.
More importantly, scraping the Spotify catalog like this is very much against Spotify's API Terms of Service, and if you try it you'll find yourself rate limited pretty fast.
Instead, consider asking users of their game to search for something - searching for a user-supplied string and caching the results of the search doesn't break the Terms of Service.

Freebase: Is it worth it to base my company's entire database on it?

I'm with a company that is building a venue / artist database for live music and recently came across Freebase. It looks very compelling, even if the data isn't there for new, up-and-coming bands. For those of you who have worked with Freebase, I have a couple questions:
Are there downsides to integrating all of the data entry with Freebase? We are not looking to sell or privatize this information.
What are the weaknesses of Freebase, with regards to usability?
Disclosure: I work on Freebase at Google.
The music data in Freebase is one of our strongest areas and is going to continue to get broader and richer as we continue to load more datasets. For example, we import data from MusicBrainz, clean it up and match the topics against existing topics in Freebase to avoid duplicates.
In terms of downsides, you should be prepared to work with a lot of data. For example, Freebase currently has 4 musical artists named "John Smith" which may or may not be useful for your application but you'll still need to figure out which one(s) map to the John Smith that your users are interested in. We call this "reconciliation" and its necessary so that your app knows precisely which topics to query the API for.
Since you mentioned music venues I should also point out that while Freebase has a lot of data about places, we don't yet have a geosearch API so you'd need to roll your own if that's something you need.
Since anyone can edit Freebase, you should also consider using as_of_time to protect your site against vandalism.
Freebase is great for developers because you can easily jump in and clean up bad data or add missing topics. However, one area that has always been a challenge is loading large amounts of data from outside of Google. We've built the OpenRefine which allows folks to upload datasets, but these datasets must pass a QA process that takes some time to complete. Its necessary to have these QA processes to maintain the level of quality in Freebase, but it does slow down the process of loading large datasets.
I really hope that you choose to make use of Freebase music data to build your company. I know that there are already a number of music startups happily using our data.

Sites similar to Mathematics Genealogy Project

I am working on data of Mathematics Genealogy Project. I collect all information about students and advisors and do some query processing on that data. To be precise, I crawl all the HTML pages from the root URL of Mathematics Genealogy Project http://www.genealogy.ams.org/ and collect all information that I need and query on that. For experimental purposes, I need some more data on net which is available in similar format.
Can anybody suggest good websites which I can crawl for some interesting information. any data other than genealogy is also welcome but it should have at least some heirarchy.
Thanks for all your suggestions.
There is a list of such sites at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academic_genealogy. For instance, http://academictree.org/.

need sample data for e-commerce class project

In my CS course project this fall, we have to build a little eCommerce app (like Amazon, eBay, etc). We are free to build any type of eCommerce/store app. Since I don't have a preference for what app to build, perhaps it may be easier to decide based on freely available sample data for the store. So is there some freely available dataset available that represents a set of products, like groceries, movies, books, cars, apps, electronics, weapons, library, etc? It doesn't have to be real but as long as it can save me a few hours of entering data, it will be worthwhile. An open data format for the dataset would be useful, a MySQL database would be great.
Perhaps I should use the Northwind database from MSSQL?
Is there a "Northwind" type database available for MySQL?
I haven't looked at all the reference in this post but it looks promising: Where can I find sample databases with common formatted data that I can use in multiple database engines?
Any suggestions eCommerce sample datasets?
At this link you can find some e-commerce datasets in Comma-Separated Values format, namely some snapshots of Amazon, Google Products, ABT and Buy.
You can try the nopCommerce sample data. Download from http://nopcommerce.codeplex.com. During installation, tick the "create sample data" box. You can then use the data within your own application. The schema is pretty easy to understand.
