ReactJS array from usestate is still empty after setTimeout - reactjs

please I'm solving one problem (just learning purposes). I'm using useState() hook and then, after some timeout I want add next items into array from remote fetch.
My code snippet look like:
const [tasks, setTasks] = useState([]);
const url = '';
// asnynchronous call. Yes, it's possible to use axios as well
const fetchData = async () => {
try {
let tasksArray = [];
await fetch(url)
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => {, index) => {
// first letter uppercase
const taskName = +;
tasksArray.push({ id: index, name: taskName });
console.log('Added tasks:' + tasks.length);
setTasks(_.isEmpty(tasks) ? tasksArray : [...tasks, tasksArray]);
} catch (error) {
console.log('error', error);
useEffect(() => {
// Add additional example tasks from api after 5 seconds with
// fetch fetchData promise
setTimeout(fetchData, 5000);
}, []);
Code works fine with useEffect() hook. But in async function my array is empty when I add some tasks within five seconds and it will be replaced by fetched data and one empty
I added Butter and Milk within 5 seconds to my Shopping list
But after timeout my tasks array will be replaced by remote fetched data.
And as you can see, tasks array lenght is 0 (like console.log() says)
Please, can you exmplain me, why my tasks array is empty if there exists 2 items before 5 seconds.
Of course, I'm adding my tasks to the list normally after hit Enter and handleSubmit
const handleSubmit = (e) => {
//creating new task
id: [...tasks].length === 0 ? 0 : Math.max( => + 1,
name: newTask,
isFinished: false,
Thanks for help or explain. It the problem that useEffect is called after rendering? Of this causing async behavior?

I could not understand your code fully correctly but my guess is
the fetchData function you have declared might refer to the tasks at the time of declaration.
so every time you call fetchData you might not see the changed tasks state...
if this is the case try using useCallback with the dependency tasks...
what useCallback does is it stores the function in memory and if smth in dependency changes the function's logic changes to dependencies you declared.
If you have used eslint, calling a function inside useEffect will give you error similar to below
The ‘fetchOrg’ function makes the dependencies of useEffect Hook (at line 6) change on every render. Move it inside the useEffect callback. Alternatively, wrap the ‘fetchOrg’ definition into its own useCallback() Hook

Your code is confusing. You can place everything inside an useEffect, and I believe the thing you are trying to achieve is a long poll query. (for that you use setInterval() and you have to clear the function in useEffect
my solution for you:
const [tasks, setTasks] = useState([]);
const url = '';
const request = {method: GET, Headers: {"Content-type":"application/json"}}
useEffect(() => {
function fetchData(){
fetch(url, request).then(res => res.json().then(data => {, index) => {
const taskName = +;
setTasks((prevState) => ([...prevState,{ id: index, name: taskName }]));
const interval = setInterval(() => {
}, 5000)
return () => clearInterval(interval)
}, []);
please do not forget two things:
This approach is only good when you have 5 to 10 simultaneous clients connected since it is not performance effective on the backend, I would recommend instead an alternative based on realtime communication (with the listening for new events.
please do not forget to specify the {method, headers, body) in the fetch function


Using useEffect properly when making reqs to a server

I have a handleRating function which sets some state as so:
const handleRating = (value) => {
prevRating: [...companyClone.prevRating, { user, rating: value }]
setTimeout(() => {
}, 600);
I think also have a function which patches a server with the new companyClone values as such:
const updateServer = async () => {
const res = await axios.put(
my updateServer function gets called in a useEffect. But I only want the function to run after the state has been updated. I am seeing my console.log when I load my page. Which i dont want to be making reqs to my server until the comapanyClone.prevRating array updates.
my useEffect :
useEffect(() => {
}, [companyClone.prevRating]);
how can I not run this function on pageload. but only when companyClone.prevRating updates?
For preventing function call on first render, you can use useRef hook, which persists data through rerender.
Note: useEffect does not provide the leverage to check the current updated data with the previous data like didComponentMount do, so used this way
Here is the code example.

React useEffect infinite loop fetching data from an api

Hi I'm trying to make a twitter clone app. I am using React on the client side and Express on the server side and PostgreSQL as my database. So here's the problem, I'm trying to use the useEffect like this:
const [tweets, setTweets] = useState([]);
const getTweets = async () => {
const res = await api.get("/posts", {
headers: { token: localStorage.token },
useEffect(() => {
}, [tweets]);
I have no idea why it's looping infinite times, am I using it correctly though? I want the tweets to be updated every time I post a tweet. It's working fine but it's running infinite times. I just want it to re-render if a tweet got posted.
Here's my server code for getting all the posts:
async all(request: Request, response: Response, next: NextFunction) {
return this.postRepository.find({
relations: ["user"],
order: {
createdAt: "DESC",
The problem is every time you change the tweets it executes useEffect and changes the tweets and so long and so forth, so it's natural that it loops infinitely, the solution is to add a trigger that you set to true when a tweet gets posted, so the solution would be like this
const [tweets, setTweets] = useState([]);
const [isFetching, setIsFetching] = useState(false);
const getTweets = async () => {
const res = await api.get("/posts", {
headers: { token: localStorage.token },
useEffect(() => {
}, [isFetching]);
and set some logic to use setIsFetching(true) in order to execute the useEffect
PS: if you use an empty array in useEffect, it would execute only when the component is mounted (at the start)
useEffect(() => {
}, [tweets]); // [tweets means that hook works every time 'tweets' state changes]
so your getTweets function set tweets => as tweets are changed hook works again => call getTweets => ... = infinite loop
if you want to download tweets, use empty array instead - hook will work once then
Pass empty array as a second arg for calling it once otherwise for changing it on every tweet change it will re-trigger, so whenever state will change only then it will be re-rendered like Tarukami explained. One thing you can do is check the length like mentioned below so not to compare the whole object but just the length
useEffect(() => {
}, [tweets.length]);
This might raise an error react-hooks/exhaustive-deps lint error (that's a bypass you can use it).
But if you want more tighter check you can compare the ids on each re-render (create a hash/key/id from all element in the array and compare them on each render) like so [tweet id here]) // Only re-subscribe if id changes

React: how can I process the data I get from an API before I render it out?

I have no issues fetching the data from an API using useEffect. That works fine.
The problem is that I need to apply some processing to the data before I actually render it out (in this case, I need to shuffle the array that I receive).
I tried a million different ways, but I just can't find the right place to write that logic. Basically, it won't work anywhere.
What is the right way of going about this?
you can do everything with data before setState.
is useEffect when you fetched data from Api, shuffle it and then do setState.
little example:
useEffect(() => {
axios.get("").then(response => {
const data = shuffle(;
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
await axios.get("").then(response => {
const data = shuffle(;
return () => {
// Clean up func
}, []); //[] will prevent infinite API calling.

I cannot collect data from API using Axios + React

I'm beginner with React. I have 2 different cases where I'm using React Hooks which I cannot receive the data from my local API properly.
Case 1:
export const RegisterT = () => {
const [test, setTest] = useState()
const addrState = {}
axios.get('', { addrState })
.then(res => {
It works with the state test displaying correctly the content from the API but I don't know why/how the Axios continues calling the API infinity - endless. (Ps: the very first call it returns undefined, then the next ones it works) What am I doing wrong?
To fix this I've tried to use useEffect like this (Case 2):
export const RegisterT = () => {
const [test, setTest] = useState()
const addrState = {}
useEffect(() => {
axios.get('', { addrState })
.then(res => {
}, [])
Now the Axios works only once but no data is coming from the API. Maybe I should use async/wait for this case but I cannot make it work. Does anyone know how to fix that (Case 1 or/and Case 2)?
Updating the state is an asynchronous operation. So the state is not really updated until the next time the component gets rendered. If you want to capture the correct state, you can either console.log( or wrap that inside the useEffect hook with test as dependency.
export const RegisterT = () => {
const [test, setTest] = useState()
const addrState = {}
// effect only runs when component is mounted
useEffect(() => {
axios.get('', { addrState })
.then(res => {
}, []);
// effect runs whenever value of test changes
useEffect(() => {
}, [test]);
That way it is guaranteed that the console.log runs when the value of test is updated.
Also the reason the API request is invoked once is you have not mentioned anything in the dependency array. [] empty dependency array runs the effect when the component is mounted for the first time.
async/await is just a wrapper around Promise object. So they would behave similarly.
The solution with useEffect is good. If you don't use it each render will call the request. This is the same if you put there console.log with any information. The reason why you don't see the data in the useEffect is that the value of the state is not updated in current render but in the next which is called by setter of the state. Move the console.log(test); after useEffect to see the data. On init it will be undefined but in the next render, it should contain the data from the request.

React hook missing dependency

I'm hoping someone can explain to me the correct usage of React hook in this instance, as I can't seem to find away around it.
The following is my code
useEffect(() => {
}, [page, perPage, order, type])
// This is a trick so that the debounce doesn't run on initial page load
// we use a ref, and set it to true, then set it to false after
const firstUpdate = React.useRef(true);
const UserSearchTimer = React.useRef()
useEffect(() => {
firstUpdate.current = false;
}, [search])
function _debounceSearch() {
UserSearchTimer.current = setTimeout( async () => {
async function _getUsers(query = {}) {
if(type) query.type = type;
if(search) = search;
if(order.orderBy && order.order) {
query.orderBy = order.orderBy;
query.order = order.order;
} = page+1;
query.perPage = perPage;
try {
await get(query);
catch(error) {
So essentially I have a table in which i am displaying users, when the page changes, or the perPage, or the order, or the type changes, i want to requery my user list so i have a useEffect for that case.
Now generally I would put the _getUsers() function into that useEffect, but the only problem is that i have another useEffect which is used for when my user starts searching in the searchbox.
I don't want to requery my user list with each and every single letter my user types into the box, but instead I want to use a debouncer that will fire after the user has stopped typing.
So naturally i would create a useEffect, that would watch the value search, everytime search changes, i would call my _debounceSearch function.
Now my problem is that i can't seem to get rid of the React dependency warning because i'm missing _getUsers function in my first useEffect dependencies, which is being used by my _debounceSearch fn, and in my second useEffect i'm missing _debounceSearch in my second useEffect dependencies.
How could i rewrite this the "correct" way, so that I won't end up with React warning about missing dependencies?
Thanks in advance!
I would setup a state variable to hold debounced search string, and use it in effect for fetching users.
Assuming your component gets the query params as props, it would something like this:
function Component({page, perPage, order, type, search}) {
const [debouncedSearch, setDebouncedSearch] = useState(search);
const debounceTimer = useRef(null);
// debounce
useEffect(() => {
if(debounceTime.current) {
debounceTime.current = setTimeout(() => setDebouncedSearch(search), DEBOUNCE_DELAY);
}, [search]);
// fetch
useEffect(() => {
async function _getUsers(query = {}) {
if(type) query.type = type;
if(debouncedSearch) = debouncedSearch;
if(order.orderBy && order.order) {
query.orderBy = order.orderBy;
query.order = order.order;
} = page+1;
query.perPage = perPage;
try {
await get(query);
catch(error) {
}, [page, perPage, order, type, debouncedSearch]);
On initial render, debounce effect will setup a debounce timer... but it is okay.
After debounce delay, it will set deboucedSearch state to same value.
As deboucedSearch has not changed, ferch effect will not run, so no wasted fetch.
Subsequently, on change of any query param except search, fetch effect will run immediately.
On change of search param, fetch effect will run after debouncing.
Ideally though, debouncing should be done at <input /> of search param.
Small issue with doing debouncing in fetching component is that every change in search will go through debouncing, even if it is happening through means other than typing in text box, say e.g. clicking on links of pre-configured searches.
The rule around hook dependencies is pretty simple and straight forward: if the hook function use or refer to any variables from the scope of the component, you should consider to add it into the dependency list (
With your code, there are couple of things you should be aware of:
1.With the first _getUsers useEffect:
useEffect(() => {
}, [page, perPage, order, type])
// Correctly it should be:
useEffect(() => {
}, [_getUsers])
Also, your _getUsers function is currently recreated every single time the component is rerendered, you can consider to use React.useCallback to memoize it.
2.The second useEffect
useEffect(() => {
firstUpdate.current = false;
}, [search])
// Correctly it should be
useEffect(() => {
firstUpdate.current = false;
}, [firstUpdate, _debounceSearch])
