What is the difference between Databricks and Spark? - database

I am trying to a clear picture of how they are interconnected and if the use of one always require the use of the other. If you could give a non-technical definition or explanation of each of them, I would appreciate it.
Please do not paste a technical definition of the two. I am not a software engineer or data analyst or data engineer.

These two paragraphs summarize the difference quite good (from this source)
Spark is a general-purpose cluster computing system that can be used for numerous purposes. Spark provides an interface similar to MapReduce, but allows for more complex operations like queries and iterative algorithms. Databricks is a tool that is built on top of Spark. It allows users to develop, run and share Spark-based applications.
Spark is a powerful tool that can be used to analyze and manipulate data. It is an open-source cluster computing framework that is used to process data in a much faster and efficient way. Databricks is a company that uses Apache Spark as a platform to help corporations and businesses accelerate their work. Databricks can be used to create a cluster, to run jobs and to create notebooks. It can be used to share datasets and it can be integrated with other tools and technologies. Databricks is a useful tool that can be used to get things done quickly and efficiently.
In simple words, Databricks has a 'tool' that is built on top of Apache Spark, but it wraps and manipulates it in an intuitive way which is easier for people to use.
This, in principle, is the same as difference between Hadoop and AWS EMR.


Zeppelin over Superset

I have been using zeppelin for a couple of years, now superset is gaining more attention for better Visualization features etc. so I am trying to understand exact differences and also help if someone is looking to select a BI tool.
I have listed a few unique features based on initial reading on superset, it would be really appreciated if anyone can contribute more to the list .
Most big data cluster integration support (Spark, flink etc)
Inline code execution using paragraphs
Multi language supports
As I am not a proper user of superset,I would like to know more unique features of Zeppelin and these features are not possible or hard to do in Superset.
Also I got below details from apache wiki, but I don't see these can be unique factor except leveraging notebooks style
Apache Zeppelin is an indirect competitor, but it solves a different use case.
Apache Zeppelin is a web-based notebook that enables interactive data analytics. It enables the creation of beautiful data-driven, interactive and collaborative documents with SQL, Scala and more. Although a user can create data visualizations using this project, it leverages a notebook style user interfaces and it is geared towards the Spark community where Scala and SQL co-exist
Fundamentally, Zeppelin and Superset take significantly different viewpoints on the data workflow.
Zeppelin is centered around the [computational notebook interface][1], which enables you to write code fragments, run them and internalize the output, and iterate & expand. Zeppelin notebooks then focus on working with 20+ programming [languages and interpreters][2]. Zeppelin can also query popular databases using the JDBC connector.
Superset is centered around the BI use case and ships with a SQL IDE and a no-code chart builder. The important difference here is that Superset can only query data from SQL speaking databases. Superset, unlike Zeppelin, doesn't enable you to run arbitrary code from a variety of programming languages.
The use cases, workflows, and design choices are very different between both of these tools. Superset wants to enable end-users & analysts and SQL ninjas to create dashboards (that others in an organization may consume). Zeppelin wants to level up data scientists & programmers to analyze data, and is less focused on building dashboards for the rest of the organization to consume.
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notebook_interface#:~:text=A%20notebook%20interface%20(also%20called,and%20text%20into%20separate%20sections.
[2]: https://zeppelin.apache.org/supported_interpreters.html

What is difference between Titan and Neo4j graph database?

I had worked on relational database; but now want to learn about graph database. I came to know that these two are graph database. What is difference between these two databases. What should we prefer among them?
One approach is to simply try to choose one database over the other. For example, you might quickly search around to find that Titan has been forked to JanusGraph where it is more actively maintained. In your research you may find that there are other open source graph databases as well like OrientDb, ChronoGraph, or Sqlg as well as commercial alternatives like Microsoft's CosmosDb, DSE Graph or IBM Graph. How do you decide now?
There is a graph framework that ties together all of these graphs including Neo4j/Titan (and more than those listed here): Apache TinkerPop. TinkerPop provides an abstraction over different graph databases and graph processors allowing the same code to be used with different configurable backends. This pattern is quite similar to the one you find in SQL with JDBC which helps make your code vendor agnostic.
You can try all of the different supported graph databases before you make a choice and you can do this type of prototyping/benchmarking fairly quickly with the Gremlin Console. You will be able to make self-informed choice as to what is the best way to go for your project.
It occurs to me as I come to the end of this post that I haven't directly answered your question. If you are just getting started and are just interested in learning about graph databases, then I likely wouldn't recommend starting with Titan/JanusGraph as it requires a bit of configuration to get started (schemas, backend selection, etc). Start with TinkerGraph or Neo4j using the Gremlin Console to try out some simple graph traversals and go from there.
Titan was originally backed by Aurelius, which was bought by DataStax in 2015. This move was designed to give DataStax a jump-start into the Graph DB world, as they now offer their own "DSE Graph" enterprise product. Titan was since been forked (as previously mentioned) into JanusGraph.
The nice thing about Titan/Janus (IMO) is that it is "pluggable" with other existing back-end and search technologies. So it will "play nice" with things like Cassandra, HBase, Hadoop, Solr, and ElasticSearch.
The drawback is that the community support is tough. The Titan project has been effectively killed, and Janus scores a whopping 0.23 on DBEngines. That makes it the 16th most-popular Graph DB (231st overall), which is pretty low.
Neo4j is backed by Neo Technology, and is regarded as the front-runner in the Graph DB community (score of 38.52 right now, 1st graph DB and 21st overall). It is open source, but controlled by Neo Technologies so they can dictate a difference in feature set between open source and enterprise.
The nice thing about Neo4j is that they have a lot of tutorials and learning aids built right-in to the Neo4j Browser, which is a nice, user-friendly web interface. Their documentation is top-notch, easy to read and search through, and they have a pretty good following here on Stack Overflow.
Neo4j Browser screenshot:
The drawback of Neo4j, is that some features (like clustering) are only available in the enterprise version. But if you work for a big company who doesn't mind shelling-out $ for an enterprise license, that may not be a big deal.
Consistency: Titan/Janus is a part of the "eventual consistency" crowd, while Neo4j aims to be strong-consistent (especially in a causal clustering scenario). Although consistency can be tuned with configuration in both, with Titan/Janus that can be dependent on your choice of pluggable backend (ex: typically strong-consistent with HBase, while eventually consistent with Cassandra).
If you're just starting to learn graph databases and modeling, you can't go wrong with Neo4j. Simply download/install the community edition, run it, and execute :play movies as your first command (tutorial that walks you through loading, modeling, and querying movie relationships).
If you have some experience with graph, and you don't mind troubleshooting/googling to figure out things (like how to set the max frame size for Thrift), then you could probably do some really cool things with Titan.
Try each out, and see which one works for you.
There are far more than two graph databases - there are dozens. That being said, there are two with real market share: Neo4j and Titan/JanusGraph. But there are dozens of other graph datases, each with interesting strengths for different specific application spaces. That being said, I wouldn't dig into all of the niche players to start with - learning the basic idea of graph databases can be done with one of the two lead players.
Neo4j is the most mature, with the most nicely packaged install and documentation, tons of reference code, and support from a wide range of partners.
Titan/JanusGraph is the next most popular, as it's free/open source and has very strong support (e.g. IBM, Google, Hortonworks, AWS, ...). There's a recent complexity in that the leaders of the Titan project were acquired, freezing the Titan project. But the community forked the project into JanusGraph. So while JanusGraph is a new project, it's literally the same Titan code, with even broader industry support than Titan had.
Related to the two is the language used to work with the graphs. Neo4j uses its proprietary language, Cypher, while nearly everyone else uses Gremlin, and the TinkerPop open source tool set (which is a part of the Apache set of open source projects). Nearly all graph databases, including Neo4j, support Gremlin and TinkerPop. So, for example, you can use either Cypher or Gremlin to query Neo4j, though Neo (and some other proprietary graph database vendors) support Gremlin as a second-class citizen, so to speak. For example, you can connect to Neo using Gremlin from the (external) Gremlin console, but you can't use Gremlin in the (very nice) Neo4j console.
Note that there are many graph databases that support Gremlin other than Titan/JanusGraph. One new entrant that's very interesting is Microsoft's Azure Cosmos DB, which is a managed graph database that's "cheap and easy" if you use Azure already. And there are several vendors that provide managed JanusGraph.
For personal learningk I'd say that Neo4j is the easiest to set up and learn - you download and run it, and open a web browser onto their web-based console, which only takes a few minutes. That being said, if you're comfortable on a command line JanusGraph only took a half hour to install and get running for me, so it's not too hard.
For learning the concepts Neo4j is great. Neo4j's query language, Cypher, and JanusGraph's query language, Gremlin, are semantically identical, just spelled differently, so you'll learn the concepts either way.
For building a real system, either could work (and there are many successful following both approaches).
For which you choose, you'll want to think about whether you want to be strategically tied to a single vendor (Neo4j) or in a broader standards-based community. There's comfort level in picking the market leader with the most mature product - Neo4j. And there's a comfort level in picking open standards with strong industry support - JanusGraph. So IMO there's no "wrong" answer - people using either one are happy and successful. But since you have to pick, you'll need to think about which you're more comfortable with long-term.
Neo4j uses native graph technology.
Native graph technology ensures that data is stored efficiently by writing nodes and relationships close to each other.
It optimizes the graph DB.
With native graph technology, processing becomes faster because it uses index-free
adjancey. That means each node directly references its adjacent nodes.
Titan (Now JanusGraph) uses non-native graph technology.
In non-native we use different storage backends like Cassandra, HBase
With non-native processing becomes slowers compared to native because database uses
many types of indexs to link nodes together.

Which community edition graph database supports high-available cluster and has good online query performance?

I am currently building a knowledge graph for an e-commerce company, and it mainly consists of the product category hierarchies, properties, and relations among them. Besides the common relational queries, we care about the following points very much:
Master-slave cluster support. This graph database will be used for online search query processing, so high availability is crucial to us. The data volume won't be as big as millions of nodes, so we don't need a distributed cluster that can span data across multiple machines. Still, rather we may need multiple machines that can be read simultaneously, and the service won't go down even if one of the machines is offline.
Fast online query performance. Reasoning about relations can be done offline, so the performance is not that important. But we need to do a lot of online queries like "find the nodes whose property P equals to value V", so we need good performance for online query processing. This database will be read-intensive and won't be changed very much after it's initialization.
Community and documentation. Since our team is new to the field of a graph database, so we expect user-friendly documentation for deployment and development and an active community for solving problems.
Based on the requirements above, I investigated some candidates:
Neo4j. We first tried Neo4j since it's the most popular one in the field. Actually, I liked it, especially the Cypher query language. But we are about to abandon it because the community edition does not support any cluster, and currently, we don't have the budget to pay for the enterprise edition.
OrientDB. OrientDB is like the second most popular one on the market, and it seems to support cluster in its community edition. I use the word "seems" because it is not clearly stated on its website. Can anyone clear this out? Besides, I found a negative article about OrientDB which makes me hesitate: http://orientdbleaks.blogspot.jp/2015/06/the-orientdb-issues-that-made-us-give-up.html
Titan. Titan is also great, but since its original company has been acquired and its original developers are developing a different product, its future development and maintenance are in doubt.
ArangoDB. This one seems to be very fast, according to the performance report(https://www.arangodb.com/2015/10/benchmark-postgresql-mongodb-arangodb/), but I don't know if its online query processing ability is good enough, and its support for the cluster is also unknown to me.
As for documentation and community, I really have no idea since these are the kind of things that you only get to know after you start doing it.
To sum up, based on my requirements, I think OrientDB and ArangoDB maybe my candidates, but I don't know which one to choose because of the points I stated above. Or perhaps is there any other right candidate that I'm missing?
Max working for ArangoDB here. ArangoDB does not only do online queries for graphs, but due to its multi-model nature you can mix graph queries with document queries (using secondary indexes), key lookups and joins. It has a sophisticated query engine with an optimizer that is fully aware of the ArangoDB cluster structure and can optimize and distribute query executions across all instances.
In a cluster, sharding, synchronous replication and self-healing are all fully automatic with configurable parameters. Deployment of an ArangoDB cluster is particularly simple (literally two clicks) on Apache Mesos or DC/OS, but is also relatively straightforward with other orchestration frameworks. ArangoDB on DC/OS additionally allows you to scale up and down via the graphical user interface or REST API calls, and failed tasks are automatically replaced.
As to the performance, all our benchmarks show a very good performance, the just released Version 3.1 even has vertex centric indexes, which is particularly important for graph queries.
We do our best to provide extensive documentation, which you find at https://www.arangodb.com/documentation/ . We have a user manual, a manual for our query language AQL as well as one for the HTTP/REST API. Furthermore, we have tutorials, frequently asked questions, a "Cookbook" for standard tasks, and we try to answer questions on StackOverflow and github issues in a timely manner.
All of this is included in the Community Edition, which is available with the Apache 2.0 open source license.
If you have more questions, do not hesitate to reach out to our team or to me personally.
OrientDB Community Edition is a free open source software, built upon by a community of developers and is constantly improving. Features such as horizontal scaling, fault tolerance, clustering, sharding and replicating aren’t disabled in OrientDB community.
For more information about cluster, take a look at the official OrientDB guide: http://orientdb.com/docs/last/Tutorial-Clusters.html
Hope it helps.
Neo4j enterprise edition can be used under the AGPL license. I am surprised a lot of people arn't aware this. If you are using Neo4j Enterprise as a server and communicating with it via REST or bolt protocol (Apache Licensed), then you don't have to worry about releasing the code of the system connecting to it under AGPL.
If you are using it embedded, then you to adhere to AGPL, but then why would you need Neo4j enterprise in that situation?
Remember to clone and compile Neo4j Enterprise from github if you plan on using it under AGPL, don't download trial.
Neo Technology gives great support and that is what you are essentially paying for for the enterprise subscription.

What are the approaches to the Big-Data problems? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Let us consider the following problem. We have a system containing a huge amount of data (Big-Data). So, in fact we have a data base. As the first requirement we want to be able to write to and to read from the data base quickly. We also want to have a web-interface to the data-bases (so that different clients can write to and read from the data base remotely).
But the system that we want to have should be more than a data base. First, we want to be able to run different data-analysis algorithm on the data to find regularities, correlations, abnormalities and so on (as before we do care a lot about the performance). Second, we want to bind a machine learning machinery to the data-base. Which means that we want to run machine learning algorithms on the data to be able to learn "relations" present on the data and based on that predict the values of entries that are not yet in the data base.
Finally, we want to have a nice clicks based interface that visualize the data. So that the users can see the data in form of nice graphics, graphs and other interactive visualisation objects.
What are the standard and widely recognised approaches to the above described problem. What programming languages have to be used to deal with the described problems?
I will approach your question like this: I assume you are firmly interested in big data database use already and have a real need for one, so instead of repeating textbooks upon textbooks of information about them, I will highlight some that meet your 5 requirements - mainly Cassandra and Hadoop.
1) The first requirement we want to be able to write to and to read from the database quickly.
You'll want to explore NoSQL databases which are often used for storing “unstructured” Big Data. Some open-source databases include Hadoop and Cassandra. Regarding the Cassandra,
Facebook needed something fast and cheap to handle the billions of status updates, so it started this project and eventually moved it to Apache where it's found plenty of support in many communities (ref).
Big Data and NoSQL: Five Key Insights
NoSQL standouts: New databases for new applications
Big data woes: Which database should I use?
Cassandra and Spark: A match made in big data heaven
List of NoSQL databases (currently 150)
2) We also want to have a web interface to the database
See the list of 150 NoSQL databases to see all the various interfaces available, including web interfaces.
Cassandra has a cluster admin, a web-based environment, a web-admin based on AngularJS, and even GUI clients.
150 NoSQL databases
Cassandra Web
Cassandra Cluster Admin
3) We want to be able to run different data-analysis algorithm on the data
Cassandra, Hive, and Hadoop are well-suited for data analytics. For example, eBay uses Cassandra for managing time-series data.
Cassandra, Hive, and Hadoop: How We Picked Our Analytics Stack
Cassandra at eBay - Cassandra Summit
An Introduction to Real-Time Analytics with Cassandra and Hadoop
4) We want to run machine learning algorithms on the data to be able to learn "relations"
Again, Cassandra and Hadoop are well-suited. Regarding Apache Spark + Cassandra,
Spark was developed in 2009 at UC Berkeley AMPLab, open sourced in
2010, and became a top-level Apache project in February, 2014. It has
since become one of the largest open source communities in big data, with over 200 contributors in 50+ organizations (ref).
Regarding Hadoop,
With the rapid adoption of Apache Hadoop, enterprises use machine learning as a key technology to extract tangible business value from their massive data assets.
Getting Started with Apache Spark and Cassandra
What is Apache Mahout?
Data Science with Apache Hadoop: Predicting Airline Delays
5) Finally, we want to have a nice clicks-based interface that visualize the data.
Visualization tools (paid) that work with the above databases include Pentaho, JasperReports, and Datameer Analytics Solutions. Alternatively, there are several open-source interactive visualization tools such as D3 and Dygraphs (for big data sets).
Data Science Central - Resources
Big Data Visualization
Start looking at:
what kind of data you want to store in the Database?
what kind of relationship between data you got?
how this data will be accessed? (for instance you need to access a certain set of data quite often)
are they documents? text? something else?
Once you got an answer for all those questions, you can start looking at which NoSQL Database you could use that would give you the best results for your needs.
You can choose between 4 different types: Key-Value, Document, Column family stores, and graph databases.
Which one will be the best fit can be determined answering the question above.
There are ready to use stack that may really help to start with your project:
Elasticsearch that would be your Database (it has a REST API that you can use to write them to the DB and to make queries and analysis)
Kibana is a visualization tool, it will allows you to explore and visualize your data, it it quite powerful and will be more than enough for most of your needs
Logstash can centralize the data processing and help you process and save them in elasticsearch, it already support quite few sources of logs and events, and you can also write your own plugin as well.
Some people refers to them as the ELK stack.
I don't believe you should worry about the programming language you have to use at this point, try to select the tools first, sometimes the choices are limited by the tools you want to use and you can still use a mixture of languages and make the effort only if/when it make sense.
A common way to solve such a requirements is to use Amazon Redshift and the ecosystem around it.
Redshift is a peta-scale data warehouse (it can also start with giga-scale), that exposes Ansi SQL interface. As you can put as much data as you like into the DWH and you can run any type of SQL you wish against this data, this is a good infrastructure to build almost any agile and big data analytics system.
Redshift has many analytics functions, mainly using Window functions. You can calculate averages and medians, but also percentiles, dense rank etc.
You can connect almost every SQL client you want using JDBS/ODBC drivers. It can be from R, R studio, psql, but also from MS-Excel.
AWS added lately a new service for Machine Learning. Amazon ML is integrating nicely with Redshift. You can build predictive models based on data from Redshift, by simply giving an SQL query that is pulling the data needed to train the model, and Amazon ML will build a model that you can use both for batch prediction as well as for real-time predictions. You can check this blog post from AWS big data blog that shows such a scenario: http://blogs.aws.amazon.com/bigdata/post/TxGVITXN9DT5V6/Building-a-Binary-Classification-Model-with-Amazon-Machine-Learning-and-Amazon-R
Regarding visualization, there are plenty of great visualization tools that you can connect to Redshift. The most common ones are Tableau, QliView, Looker or YellowFin, especially if you don't have any existing DWH, where you might want to keep on using tools like JasperSoft or Oracle BI. Here is a link to a list of such partners that are providing free trial for their visualization on top of Redshift: http://aws.amazon.com/redshift/partners/
BTW, Redshift also provides a free trial for 2 months that you can quickly test and see if it fits your needs: http://aws.amazon.com/redshift/free-trial/
Big Data is a tough problem primarily because it isn't one single problem. First if your original database is a normal OLTP database that is handling business transactions throughout the day, you will not want to also do your big data analysis on this system since the data-analysis you will want to do will interfere with the normal business traffic.
Problem #1 is what type of database do you want to use for data-analysis? You have many choices ranging from RDBMS, Hadoop, MongoDB, and Spark. If you go with RDBMS then you will want to change the schema to be more compliant with data-analysis. You will want to create a data warehouse with a star schema. Doing this will make many tools available to you because this method of data analysis has been around for a very long time. All of the other "big data" and data analysis databases do not have the same level of tooling available, but they are quickly catching up. Each one of these will require research on which one you will want to use based on your problem set. If you have big batches of data RDBMS and Hadoop will be good. If you have streaming types of data then you will want to look at MongoDB and Spark. If you are a Java shop then RDBMS, Hadoop or Spark. If you are JavaScript MongoDB. If you are good with Scala then Spark.
Problem #2 is getting your data from your transactional database into your big data storage. You will need to find a programming language that has libraries to talk to both databases and you will have to decide when and where you will be moving this data. You can use Python, Java or Ruby to do this work.
Problem #3 is your UI. If you decide to go with RDBMS then you can use many of the available tools available or you can build your own. The other data storage solutions will have tool support but it isn't as mature is that available for the RDBMS. You are most likely going to build your own here anyway because your analysts will want to have the tools built to their specifications. Java works with all of these storage mechanisms but you can probably get Python to work too. You may want to provide a service layer built in Java that provides a RESTful interface and then put a web layer in front of that service layer. If you do this, then your web layer can be built in any language you prefer.
These three languages are most commonly used for machine learning and data mining on the Server side: R, Python, SQL. If you are aiming for heavy mathematical functions and graph generation, Haskell is very popular.

Building OLAP style applications with SalesForce/Apex

We are considering moving a planning and budgeting app to the Salesforce platform. The existing app is built on a dimensional data model, and has extensive ad-hoc query capability implemented through star joins.
We see how the platform will allow us to put together the data entry screens quickly, but the underlying datamodel and query languages do not seem suitable for our reporting requirements.
Is it possible to have fast and flexible reporting with this platform? If not, how cumbersome is it to extract the data on a regular basis to bring it into an analytical application?
Hmm - I guess I answer my own question? The relative silence on this (even with bounty- who wants to have anything to do with something that is ignored on stackoverflow?) is a kind of answer.
So - No, this platform is not well suited for applications that have any kind of ROLAP requirements. I guess shame on me for asking a silly question, but I welcome any responses...
Doing native, fast, OLAP-like queries: possible, but somewhat cumbersome since SFDC is basically a traditional-style RDBMS with somewhat limited joining capability within its native reporting. You can do OLAP-like things with custom code but it can get cumbersome if you are used to using established high-end OLAP solutions.
Extracting data from SFDC to use in other applications: really easy and supported across a number of technologies, the most common is extracting CSV files or using the data web service. There are tools like the SFDC data loader which also let you extract/load data via command line or UI. That's probably what I would recommend to a client who has pre-existing expertise in a given analysis tool.
I would not attempt to build an OLAP data model in salesforce. The limitations in both the joins and roll-up of data from child to parent make it difficult to implement a star schema with aggregations.
There are some products such as IQ 20/20 that can integrate with salesforce and provide near real time business intelligence functionality.
Analytical snapshots can also help as they provide a way to build aggregate tables. The snapshots pull data from a report and can be scheduled to run periodically. The different salesforce editions give different features regarding the scheduling so it is best to check the limits for your edition before going too far into the design.
