How to stop page faults from slowing C program with mmap? - c

I am developing a program that involves making reads and writes to a file on parallel pthreads in C. The program mmaps a portion of the file (which is always a multiple of the page size) into different pages and then creates assignments for each thread on the system that contain an array of pointers to the start of various pages that have been mapped. Each thread is then given an assignment of pages that must be transformed with a function, and the main thread waits until all the other threads finish their work on the pages. Then, it will mmap the next portion of the file and repeat the thread dispersal and execution process. I have noticed that as pages continue to load, their loading time increases significantly. I believe that page faults are taking longer and longer as more data is edited. I have done various testing indicating that the first hit on a page is what slows the transformation of the pages down increasingly more and more. I realize this is likely the operating system slowing things down, any ideas on what is going on and how I can increase speed?
I am working on a 16gb RAM, 4 core (1 thread per core) machine. Below, you will find a simpler version of my program where a function called simpleMod is setting the first byte of each page of the file to 0. disperseFunction splits up the file into the max amount that can be mmaped at once and runFunction does the actual thread dispersal. For a 1gb file, it take ~0.3 seconds. For and 8gb file, it takes ~35 second showing the drastic time increase. I did try madvise for sequential reads. Here is the code:
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define BYTE_COUNT 4096
#define LONG_COUNT 512
#define DEFAULT_MAX_LOAD 1073741824
#define PTR_ADD(ptr, off) ((void *) (((size_t) (ptr)) + ((size_t) (off))))
//the blocks that are read to be changed
union block {
uint_fast64_t longs[LONG_COUNT];
char bytes[BYTE_COUNT];
} block;
//pointers to positions in file
typedef struct job {
void *start;
} job;
//what each thread has to do
typedef struct assignment {
job *jobs;
unsigned long long jobCount;
} assignment;
unsigned int threadsPerCore;
unsigned int threadCount;
unsigned long long maxLoad;
This function takes in a function and distributes it to threads
#param loadSize is how many bytes to distribute
#param offset is how many bytes into file to start at
#param fd is the file descriptor
#param assignments is the assignments array to utilize
#param threads is the threads array to dispatch to
#param function is the function to be dispatched
The load size and offset must be multiples of 4096
int runFunction(unsigned long long loadSize, unsigned long long offset, int fd,
assignment assignments[], pthread_t threads[], void *(*function)(void *)) {
//get pointer to location in file
void *fileBytes = mmap(NULL, loadSize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, offset);
if(fileBytes == MAP_FAILED) { //check for error
printf("Could not open file\n");
return 1;
//calculate distribution data
unsigned long long chunkCount = loadSize / BYTE_COUNT;
unsigned long long chunksPerThread = chunkCount / threadCount;
unsigned long long remainingChunks = chunkCount - chunksPerThread * threadCount;
unsigned long long addPerAssignemnt = (remainingChunks + (threadCount - 1)) / threadCount;
//get jobs counts and malloc sapce in assignments
for(int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) {
assignments[i].jobCount = chunksPerThread;
if(remainingChunks == 0) {
assignments[i].jobCount += remainingChunks;
remainingChunks = 0;
} else if(remainingChunks >= addPerAssignemnt) {
assignments[i].jobCount += addPerAssignemnt;
remainingChunks -= addPerAssignemnt;
assignments[i].jobs = malloc(sizeof(job) * assignments[i].jobCount);
//then assignments need to be filled with jobs
//sequential memory blocks deployed to threads
unsigned long long done = 0;
unsigned int t;
for(t = 0; t < threadCount; t++) { //cycle through dimensions
for(unsigned long long j = 0; j < assignments[t].jobCount; j++) {
//setup new job
job *newJob = &assignments[t].jobs[j];
newJob->start = PTR_ADD(fileBytes, done + j * BYTE_COUNT);
done += assignments[t].jobCount * BYTE_COUNT;
//setup threads for function
for(t = 0; t < threadCount; t++) {
pthread_create(&threads[t], NULL, function, &assignments[t]);
for(t = 0; t < threadCount; t++) {
pthread_join(threads[t], NULL);
//free the jobs
for(t = 0; t < threadCount; t++) {
//unmap mem
munmap(fileBytes, loadSize);
}//end runFunction
This function breaks up the file into chunks no greater than the max size and then disperses that chunk to the threads
#param function is the function to disperse
#param threads are the threads to disperse onto
#param assignments is the assignments array to ultize
#param fd is the file descriptor
#param fileSize is the size of the file described by fd
int disperseFunction(void *(*function)(void *), pthread_t threads[],
assignment assignments[], int fd, unsigned long long fileSize) {
//only load up to certain amount of file at time
for(unsigned long long lc = 0; lc < fileSize / maxLoad; lc++) {
runFunction(maxLoad, maxLoad * lc, fd, assignments, threads, function);
//run remainder
unsigned long long lastSize = fileSize % maxLoad;
if(lastSize) {
runFunction(lastSize, fileSize - lastSize, fd, assignments, threads, function);
return 0;
void *simpleMod(void *data) {
//get assignment info
//assignments are a struct that hold an array of jobs (which are pointers) and the job count
assignment *assignmentPtr = data;
assignment currentAssignment = *assignmentPtr;
job *jobList =;
unsigned long long jobCount = currentAssignment.jobCount;
//setup tracking vars
job currentJob;
union block *chunk;
//go through jobs one by one and set first byte to 0
for(unsigned long long j = 0; j < jobCount; j++) {
currentJob = jobList[j];
chunk = currentJob.start;
chunk->bytes[0] = 0;
}//end for each job
return NULL;
int main() {
threadCount = 4; //just an example for my four thread system
assignment assignments[threadCount];
pthread_t threads[threadCount];
struct stat statBuf;
int fd = open("8g", O_RDWR);
fstat(fd, &statBuf);
//run simpleMod over file
disperseFunction(simpleMod, threads, assignments, fd, statBuf.st_size);
Thank you in advance and please let me know any other information I can provide.


Editing mmaped file of size greater than 2gb in parallel in C is slowing speeds

I am implementing an encryption algorithm that I have designed in C. The algorithm is able to work in parallel using multiple threads. Without going into detail about the algorithm, the basic flow of the program is that the file to be encrypted is mmaped one gigabyte at a time with void *fileBytes = mmap(NULL, loadSize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, offset);. Then 8 threads are created and the 1 gb chunk is split up into 4096 byte blocks. These blocks are dispersed to the 8 threads and are all independent of each other. They are dispersed by passing an array of pointers to the start of each block to the threads. Then, the transformations are made to the blocks and when all the threads are finished, the memory is munmaped and the next gigabyte (or less if there is less than a gb of the file remaining) is prepared to be sent to the threads for encryption.
The code I am using to create the threads is:
for(t = 0; t < threadCount; t++) {
pthread_create(&threads[t], NULL, function, &assignments[t]);
for(t = 0; t < threadCount; t++) {
pthread_join(threads[t], NULL);
I am noticing that for files under 2 gb, this works extremely fast (1 second approx. for 1 gb) and approximately 250-300% cpu is being used on my 4 core intel machine running linux. However, for files over 2 gb the time greatly increases and the cpu usage decreases to approx. 30-40%. For example, an 8 gb file takes approximately 1m 24s. Does anyone have any idea why this may be happening? I realize that this is a very brief overview of my program so please let me know what other information I can provide.
Thank you in advance
I have tested a simple file modification where the first byte of each page is set to 0. 1 gb takes approximately 0.2 seconds but 8 gb takes approximately 30 seconds. Bellow is the code and fileSimpleEdit is the function that starts it. simpleMod changes the first byte and is to act in place of the encryption.
void *simpleMod(void *data) {
//get assignment info
//assignments are a struct that hold an array of jobs (which are pointers) and the job count
assignment *assignmentPtr = data;
assignment currentAssignment = *assignmentPtr;
job *jobList =;
unsigned long long jobCount = currentAssignment.jobCount;
//setup tracking vars
job currentJob;
union block *chunk;
//BYTE_COUNT is 4096
union block {
uint_fast64_t longs[LONG_COUNT];
char bytes[BYTE_COUNT];
} block;
//go through jobs one by one and set first byte to 0
for(unsigned long long j = 0; j < jobCount; j++) {
currentJob = jobList[j];
chunk = currentJob.start;
chunk->bytes[0] = 0;
}//end for each job
return NULL;
int runFunction(unsigned long long loadSize, unsigned long long offset, int fd,
assignment assignments[], pthread_t threads[], void *(*function)(void *)) {
//get pointer to location in file
void *fileBytes = mmap(NULL, loadSize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, offset);
if(fileBytes == MAP_FAILED) { //check for error
printf("Could not open file to be encrypted\n");
return 1;
// malloc the jobs
unsigned long long chunkCount = loadSize / BYTE_COUNT;
unsigned long long chunksPerThread = chunkCount / threadCount;
unsigned long long remainingChunks = chunkCount - chunksPerThread * threadCount;
unsigned long long addPerAssignemnt = (remainingChunks + (threadCount - 1)) / threadCount;
for(int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) {
assignments[i].jobCount = chunksPerThread;
if(remainingChunks == 0) {
assignments[i].jobCount += remainingChunks;
remainingChunks = 0;
} else if(remainingChunks >= addPerAssignemnt) {
assignments[i].jobCount += addPerAssignemnt;
remainingChunks -= addPerAssignemnt;
assignments[i].jobs = malloc(sizeof(job) * assignments[i].jobCount);
//then assignments need to be filled with jobs
unsigned int t = 0;
unsigned long long index = 0; //the job index within assignment;
//assign chunks as jobs to assignments
for(unsigned long long c = 0; c < chunkCount; c++) { //cycle through dimensions
//setup new job
job *newJob = &assignments[t].jobs[index];
newJob->start = PTR_PLUS_BYTES(fileBytes, c * BYTE_COUNT);
//update assignment
if(t == threadCount - 1) {
t = 0;
} else {
//setup threads for fucntion
for(t = 0; t < threadCount; t++) {
pthread_create(&threads[t], NULL, function, &assignments[t]);
for(t = 0; t < threadCount; t++) {
pthread_join(threads[t], NULL);
//free the jobs
for(t = 0; t < threadCount; t++) {
//unmap mem
munmap(fileBytes, loadSize);
}//end runFunction
int disperseFunction(void *(*function)(void *), pthread_t threads[],
assignment assignments[], int fd, unsigned long long fileSize) {
struct timeval start, end;
//only load up to certain amount of file at time
for(unsigned long long lc = 0; lc < fileSize / maxLoad; lc++) {
runFunction(maxLoad, maxLoad * lc, fd, assignments, threads, function);
//run remainder
unsigned long long lastSize = fileSize % maxLoad;
runFunction(lastSize, fileSize - lastSize, fd, assignments, threads, function);
return 0;
int fileSimpleEdit(char *targetFile) {
//get file size
int fd = open(targetFile, O_RDWR);
struct stat statBuf;
fstat(fd, &statBuf);
unsigned long long originalSize = statBuf.st_size;
threadCount = 8;
pthread_t threads[threadCount];
//pad the file
unsigned short paddingSize = BYTE_COUNT - (originalSize % BYTE_COUNT);
FILE *unpaddedFile = fopen(targetFile, "a");
if(unpaddedFile == NULL) {
printf("Could not open file to be encrypted\n");
return 1;
//create padding
uint_fast8_t padding[paddingSize];
memset(&padding, 1, paddingSize);
//write padding
fwrite(&padding, 1, paddingSize, unpaddedFile);
//open file after its padded
fd = open(targetFile, O_RDWR);
fstat(fd, &statBuf);
unsigned long long fileSize = statBuf.st_size;
//next setup assignments array
assignment assignments[threadCount];
disperseFunction(simpleMod, threads, assignments, fd, fileSize);
return 0;
} //end fileEncrypt

C threads corrupting each other

So I've got a weird issue that I don't quite understand why it is happening. In md4checker, I launch n pthreads that get and check an MD4 hash. In md4.c, I generate an MD4 hash. If I set n threads to 1, it works flawlessly. It generates the MD4 hash with perfect accuracy (I ran it in a loop for 1,000,000 tries and not a single time did it fail). However, when I run this same code with n threads as 2 (or higher) it fails a lot and randomly.
The md4.c file is derivative of another I found online but I tweaked it a little because the original md4.c had a memory leak (and running 50,000,000+ hashes made that leak fill up 16GB of RAM in about 15 minutes). If it was just a matter of it not working, I'd know where to start but I'm genuinely at a loss as to where and why multiple threads corrupt each other here.
edit: If I add usleep(100) to the worker thread in md4checker.c, it cuts the failure rate to 10% of what it normally does.
md4checker.c (works when running just one):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
#include "md4.c"
struct data{
char hash[33];
int done;
void *worker(void *ptr) {
int count=0;
char hash[33];
strcpy(hash, ((struct data *)ptr)->hash);
hash[32] ='\0';
char *md4;
int fails =0;
int runs =1000;
while(count < runs) {
md4 = MD4("cbff7", 5);
if(strcmp(md4, hash) != 0) {
((struct data *)ptr)->done = 1;
printf("Done. Failed %d/%d times.\n", fails, runs);
void runprocs(int procs) {
printf("Running process on %d thread(s)\n", procs);
struct data d ={
.hash = "4e0d289576880188d4b968fe626bccef\0",
.done =0
pthread_t threads[procs];
void *ptr =&d;
for(int i=0; i<procs; ++i) {
int rc = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, worker, ptr);
while (!d.done) {
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc < 2) return -1;
After running this four times the output I got was:
Run one:
Running process on 1 thread(s)
Done. Failed 0/1000 times.
Running process on 2 thread(s)
Done. Failed 490/1000 times.
Done. Failed 489/1000 times.
Running process on 4 thread(s)
Done. Failed 941/1000 times.
Done. Failed 883/1000 times.
Done. Failed 847/1000 times.
Done. Failed 473/1000 times.
Run two:
Running process on 1 thread(s)
Done. Failed 0/1000 times.
Running process on 2 thread(s)
Done. Failed 19/1000 times.
Done. Failed 17/1000 times.
Running process on 4 thread(s)
Done. Failed 953/1000 times.
Done. Failed 891/1000 times.
Done. Failed 884/1000 times.
Done. Failed 850/1000 times.
Run three:
Running process on 1 thread(s)
Done. Failed 0/1000 times.
Running process on 2 thread(s)
Done. Failed 431/1000 times.
Done. Failed 371/1000 times.
Running process on 4 thread(s)
Done. Failed 931/1000 times.
Done. Failed 928/1000 times.
Done. Failed 720/1000 times.
Done. Failed 703/1000 times.
Run four:
Running process on 1 thread(s)
Done. Failed 0/1000 times.
Running process on 2 thread(s)
Done. Failed 82/1000 times.
Done. Failed 84/1000 times.
Running process on 4 thread(s)
Done. Failed 909/1000 times.
Done. Failed 928/1000 times.
Done. Failed 790/1000 times.
Done. Failed 808/1000 times.
The first line in each set is perfect (done from main thread). Then it runs it 1,000 times in two new threads and they both print the failed/run result (as you can see in the code above). So why the random number of fails? I'm very confused here, lol. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
char *MD4(char *, int); //this is the prototype you want to call. Everything else is internal.
static uint32_t *MD4Digest(uint32_t *w, int len);
static void setMD4Registers(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t);
static uint32_t changeEndianness(uint32_t);
static void resetMD4Registers(void);
static uint32_t stringToUint32(char *);
static const char *BASE16 = "0123456789abcdef=";
#define F(X,Y,Z) (((X)&(Y))|((~(X))&(Z)))
#define G(X,Y,Z) (((X)&(Y))|((X)&(Z))|((Y)&(Z)))
#define H(X,Y,Z) ((X)^(Y)^(Z))
#define LEFTROTATE(A,N) ((A)<<(N))|((A)>>(32-(N)))
#define MD4ROUND1(a,b,c,d,x,s) a += F(b,c,d) + x; a = LEFTROTATE(a, s);
#define MD4ROUND2(a,b,c,d,x,s) a += G(b,c,d) + x + (uint32_t)0x5A827999; a = LEFTROTATE(a, s);
#define MD4ROUND3(a,b,c,d,x,s) a += H(b,c,d) + x + (uint32_t)0x6ED9EBA1; a = LEFTROTATE(a, s);
static uint32_t A = 0x67452301;
static uint32_t B = 0xefcdab89;
static uint32_t C = 0x98badcfe;
static uint32_t D = 0x10325476;
void Concat(char **out, int olen, char* second, int slen) {
if(*out == NULL ) {
*out = malloc(1);
*out[1] = '\0';
char *old = *out; // Grab the original string.
//int len = (sizeof(char)*((strlen(old)+strlen(second)+1))); // Get the length of the combined strings plus 1 for \0
*out = malloc(olen+slen+1); // Create the new char array to hold the combined strings.
memset(*out, 0, olen+slen+1); // Set all bits to zero in new array.
char *p = *out; // We'll use p to track position for writing the values.
//strcpy(p, old); // Copy the original string to p;
memcpy(p, old, olen);
p += olen; // Move p forward by the length of old.
//strcpy(p, second); // Copy the second string to p
memcpy(p, second, slen);
free(old); // Free old to prevent memory leak.
int Expand(char **out, int amt) {
int len = strlen(*out)+amt; // Get the length of the array + expand amount \0
char *new; // Create a new pointer.
new = malloc(sizeof(char)*len); // Create the new char array
memset(new, 0, sizeof(char)*len); // Set all bits to zero in new array.
strcpy(new, *out); // Copy the original string to new array;
free(*out); // Free the original memory to prevent leak
*out = new;
return len; // Return the new memory size
char *base16Encode(char *in, int len){
char *out = malloc(len*2);
int i,j;
for(i=0; i<len; i++){
out[j++]=BASE16[((in[i] & 0xF0)>>4)];
out[j++]=BASE16[(in[i] & 0x0F)];
return out;
uint32_t stringToUint32(char *c){
uint32_t l;
int i;
for(i=0; i<4; i++){
l = l|(((uint32_t)((unsigned char)c[i]))<<(8*(3-i)));
return l;
char *uint32ToString(uint32_t l){
char *c = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)+1);
memset(c, 0, sizeof(uint32_t)+1);
int i;
for(i=0; i<4; i++){
c[i] = (l >> (8*(3-i))) & 0xFF;
return c;
char *MD4(char *str, int temporaryvar){
uint64_t mlen=strlen(str); // Get the length of str + 1 for \0
uint64_t slen=mlen;
char *m = malloc(mlen+1); // Create a pointer to manipulate data and give it an array of size mlen
strcpy(m, str); // Copy str to m
m[mlen] = '\0'; // Set the last value to 0.
unsigned char *oneByte = malloc(sizeof(char));
oneByte[0] = 0x80;
Concat(&m, mlen, oneByte, 1); // Add the 1 byte.
int i, wlen;
if(i<0) i+=64;
mlen = Expand(&m, i);
uint32_t *w = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*(mlen/4+2));
for(i=0; i<mlen/4; i++){
w[i++] = (slen<<3) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
w[i++] = (slen>>29) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
for(i=0; i<wlen-2; ++i){
uint32_t *hash = MD4Digest(w,wlen);
char *digest = malloc(1);
memset(digest, 0, 1);
for(i=0; i<4; i++){
Concat(&digest, sizeof(uint32_t)*i,uint32ToString(hash[i]), sizeof(uint32_t));
// Don't forget to free up your memory.
return base16Encode(digest, sizeof(uint32_t)*4);
uint32_t *MD4Digest(uint32_t *w, int len){
//assumes message.len is a multiple of 64 bytes.
int i,j;
uint32_t X[16];
uint32_t *digest = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*4);
uint32_t AA, BB, CC, DD;
for(i=0; i<len/16; i++){
for(j=0; j<16; j++){
return digest;
uint32_t changeEndianness(uint32_t x){
return ((x & 0xFF) << 24) | ((x & 0xFF00) << 8) | ((x & 0xFF0000) >> 8) | ((x & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
void setMD4Registers(uint32_t AA, uint32_t BB, uint32_t CC, uint32_t DD){
void resetMD4Registers(void){
setMD4Registers(0x67452301, 0xefcdab89, 0x98badcfe, 0x10325476);
So why the random number of fails?
The MD4 code presented is not thread safe, and you are adding a bit of thread-unsafety of your own.
Observe in particular variables A, B, C, and D in file md4.c. These are declared at file scope and without the _Thread_local qualifier, so they have static storage duration and are shared by all threads in the process. These are modified during the computation, so you have data races involving all of these. The resulting behavior is undefined, and it shouldn't be hard to imagine how it might mess things up if multiple threads were clobbering the values that each other had written in those variables.
As for your own code, with each call to runprocs(), the main thread and each new one created all share the same struct data object, which the threads read and modify and the main thread reads, all without synchronization. This also causes undefined behavior, though it looks like this could be rescued by engaging a mutex or other synchronization mechanism.
Additionally, the MD4 code appears to be deterministic -- given the same input, it will always (if run single-threaded to avoid undefined behavior) produce the same output. It is therefore unclear what you seek to accomplish by running it in multiple threads on the same input.
Also, the while(!d.done) loop is pointless and poor form. You should be joining each thread via pthread_join() to clean up its resources after it, and since that has the (primary) effect of waiting for the thread to terminate, you don't need to also roll your own wait for termination.

Multithreaded reading/doing things with chars from character array in C

I am trying to read a character array that contains the contents of many large files. The character array is going to be quite large, because the files are large, so I want to do it using multithreading (pthread). I want the user to be able to designate how many threads they want to run. I have something working, but increasing the number of threads does nothing to affect performance (i.e. 1 thread finishes just as fast as 10). In fact, it seems to be just the opposite: telling the program to use 10 threads runs much slower than telling it to use 1.
Here is the method for slicing up the character array according to the number of threads the user passes to the program. I know this is wrong, I could use some advice here.
//Universal variables
int numThreads;
size_t sizeOfAllFiles; // Size, in bytes, of allFiles
char* allFiles; // Where all of the files are stored, together
void *zip(void *nthread);
void *zip(void *nThread) {
int currentThread = *(int*)nThread;
int remainder = sizeOfAllFiles % currentThread;
int slice = (sizeOfAllFiles-remainder) / currentThread;
// I subtracted the remainder for my testing
// because I didn't want to worry about whether
// the char array's size is evenly divisible by numThreads
int i = (slice * (currentThread-1));
char currentChar = allFiles[i]; //Used for iterating
while(i<(slice * currentThread) && i>=(slice * (currentThread-1))) {
// Do things with the respective thread's
// 'slice' of the array.
return 0;
And here is how I am spawning the threads, which I am almost positive that I am doing correctly:
for (int j = 1; j <= threadNum; j++) {
k = malloc(sizeof(int));
*k = j;
if (pthread_create (&thread[j], NULL, zip, k) != 0) {
for (int i = 1; i <= threadNum; i++)
pthread_join (thread[i], NULL);
This is all really confusing for me so if I could get some help on this, I'd greatly appreciate it. I specifically am struggling with the slicing part (cutting it up correctly), and with not seeing performance gains by using more than one thread. Thanks in advance.
I'm starting by throwing a test program at you:
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <time.h>
EnlargeBuffer(char ** const buffer_pointer,
size_t * const buffer_size)
char * larger_buffer = realloc(*buffer_pointer,
2 * *buffer_size);
if (! larger_buffer) {
larger_buffer = realloc(*buffer_pointer,
*buffer_size + 100);
if (! larger_buffer) {
return false;
*buffer_size += 100;
} else {
*buffer_size *= 2;
*buffer_pointer = larger_buffer;
printf("(Buffer size now at %zu)\n", *buffer_size);
return true;
ReadAll(FILE * const source,
char ** pbuffer,
size_t * pbuffer_size,
size_t * pwrite_index)
int c;
while ((c = fgetc(source)) != EOF) {
assert(*pwrite_index < *pbuffer_size);
(*pbuffer)[(*pwrite_index)++] = c;
if (*pwrite_index == *pbuffer_size) {
if (! EnlargeBuffer(pbuffer, pbuffer_size)) {
return false;
if (ferror(source)) {
return false;
return true;
CountAs(char const * const buffer,
size_t size)
unsigned count = 0;
while (size--)
if (buffer[size] == 'A') ++count;
return count;
main(int argc, char ** argv)
char * buffer = malloc(100);
if (! buffer) return 1;
size_t buffer_size = 100;
size_t write_index = 0;
clock_t begin = clock();
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
printf("Reading %s now ... \n", argv[i]);
FILE * const file = fopen(argv[i], "r");
if (! file) return 1;
if (! ReadAll(file, &buffer, &buffer_size, &write_index))
return 1;
clock_t end = clock();
printf("Reading done, took %f seconds\n",
(double)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
begin = clock();
unsigned const as = CountAs(buffer, write_index);
end = clock();
printf("All files have %u 'A's, counting took %f seconds\n",
(double)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
This program reads all files (passed as command line arguments) into one big large char * buffer, and then counts all bytes which are == 'A'. It also times both of these steps.
Example run with (shortened) output on my system:
# gcc -Wall -Wextra -std=c11 -pedantic allthefiles.c
# dd if=/dev/zero of=large_file bs=1M count=1000
# ./a.out allthefiles.c large_file
Reading allthefiles.c now ...
(Buffer size now at 200)
(Buffer size now at 3200)
Reading large_file now ...
(Buffer size now at 6400)
(Buffer size now at 12800)
(Buffer size now at 1677721600)
Reading done, took 4.828559 seconds
All files have 7 'A's, counting took 0.764503 seconds
Reading took almost 5 seconds, but counting (= iterating once, in a single thread, over all bytes) took a bit less than 1 second.
You're optimizing at the wrong place!
Using 1 thread to read all files, and then using N threads to operate on that one buffer isn't going to bring you places. The fastest way to read 1 file is to use 1 thread. For multiple files, use 1 thread per file!
So, in order to achieve the speedup that you need to show for your assignment:
Create a pool of threads with variable size.
Have a pool of tasks, where each task consists of
read one file
compute it's run-length encoding
store the run-length encoded file
let the threads take tasks from your task pool.
Things to consider: How do you combine the results of each task? Without requiring (costly) synchronization.

Changing parts of arrays/structs/.. in threads without blocking the whole thing, in pure c

I want to modify some (not all) fields of an array (or structs) in multiple threads, with out blocking the rest of the array as the rest of it is being modified in other threads. How is this achieved? I found some answers, but they are for C++ and I want to do it in C.
Here is the code I got so far:
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define TARGET 10000
int target;
typedef struct zstr{
int* array;
int place;
int run;
pthread_mutex_t* locks;
void *countup(void *);
int main(int argc, char** args){
int al;
printf("%d %d\n", al, target);
zstr* t=malloc(sizeof(zstr));
t->array=calloc(al, sizeof(int));
t->locks=calloc(al, sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));
int* rua=calloc(al, sizeof(int));
pthread_t id[4*al];
for(int i=0; i<al; i++)
pthread_mutex_init(&(t->locks[i]), NULL);
for(int j=0; j<4*al; j++){
int st=j%al;
pthread_create(&id[j], NULL, &countup, t);
for(int k=0; k<4*al; k++){
pthread_join(id[k], NULL);
for(int u=0; u<al; u++)
printf("%d\n", t->array[u]);
return 0;
void *countup(void* table){
zstr* nu=table;
pthread_mutex_lock(nu->locks + nu->place);
pthread_mutex_trylock(nu->locks + nu->place);
pthread_mutex_unlock(nu->locks + nu->place);
return NULL;
Sometimes this works just fine, but then calculates wrong values and for quiet sort problems (like the default values), it takes super long (strangely it worked once when I handed them in as parameters).
There isn't anything special about part of an array or structure. What matters is that the mutex or other synchronization you apply to a given value is used correctly.
In this case, it seems like you're not checking your locking function results.
The design of the countup function only allows a single thread to ever access the object, running the value all the way up to target before releasing the lock, but you don't check the trylock result.
So what's probably happening is the first thread gets the lock, and subsequent threads on the same mutex call trylock and fail to get the lock, but the code doesn't check the result. Then you get multiple threads incrementing the same value without synchronization. Given all the pointer dereferences the index and increment operations are not guaranteed to be atomic, leading to problems where the values grow well beyond target.
The moral of the story is to check function results and handle errors.
Sorry, don't have enough reputation to comment, yet.
Adding to Brad's comment of not checking the result of pthread_mutex_trylock, there's a misconception that shows many times with Pthreads:
You assume, that pthread_create will start immediately, and receive the values passed (here pointer t to your struct) and it's content read atomically. That is not true. The thread might start any time later and will find the contents, like t->run and t->place already changed by the next iteration of the j-loop in main.
Moreover, you might want to read David Butenhof's book "Programming with Posix Threads" (old, but still a good reference) and check on synchronization and condition variables.
It's not that good style to start that many threads in the first place ;)
As this has come up a few times and might come up again, I have restructured that a bit to issue work_items to the started threads. The code below might be amended by a function, that maps the index into array to always the same area_lock, or by adding a queue to feed the running threads with further work-item...
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
* Macros for default values. To make it more interesting, set:
* Please note, that NUM_AREAS must be <= ARRAY_LENGTH.
#define ARRAYLENGTH 10
#define TARGET 100
#define INCREMENTS 10
#define NUM_AREAS 2
#define THREADS 5
/* These variables are initialized once in main, then only read... */
int array_len;
int target;
int num_areas;
int threads;
int increments;
* A long array that is going to be equally split into number of areas.
* Each area is covered by a lock. The number of areas do not have to
* equal the length of the array, but must be smaller...
typedef struct shared_array {
int * array;
int num_areas;
pthread_mutex_t * area_locks;
} shared_array;
* A work-item a thread is assigned to upon startup (or later on).
* Then a value of { 0, any } might signal the ending of this thread.
* The thread is working on index within zstr->array, counting up increments
* (or up until the target is reached).
typedef struct work_item {
shared_array * zstr;
int work_on_index;
int increments;
} work_item;
/* Local function declarations */
void * countup(void *);
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
int i;
shared_array * zstr;
if (argc == 1) {
array_len = ARRAYLENGTH;
target = TARGET;
num_areas = NUM_AREAS;
threads = THREADS;
increments = INCREMENTS;
} else if (argc == 6) {
array_len = atoi(argv[1]);
target = atoi(argv[2]);
num_areas = atoi(argv[3]);
threads = atoi(argv[4]);
increments = atoi(argv[5]);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s len target areas threads increments", argv[0]);
assert(array_len >= num_areas);
zstr = malloc(sizeof (shared_array));
zstr->array = calloc(array_len, sizeof (int));
zstr->num_areas = num_areas;
zstr->area_locks = calloc(num_areas, sizeof (pthread_mutex_t));
for (i = 0; i < num_areas; i++)
pthread_mutex_init(&(zstr->area_locks[i]), NULL);
pthread_t * id = calloc(threads, sizeof (pthread_t));
work_item * work_items = calloc(threads, sizeof (work_item));
for (i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
work_items[i].zstr = zstr;
work_items[i].work_on_index = i % array_len;
work_items[i].increments = increments;
pthread_create(&(id[i]), NULL, &countup, &(work_items[i]));
// Let's just do this one work-item.
for (i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
pthread_join(id[i], NULL);
printf("Array: ");
for (i = 0; i < array_len; i++)
printf("%d ", zstr->array[i]);
return 0;
void *countup(void* first_work_item) {
work_item * wi = first_work_item;
int inc;
// Extract the information from this work-item.
int idx = wi->work_on_index;
int area = idx % wi->zstr->num_areas;
pthread_mutex_t * lock = &(wi->zstr->area_locks[area]);
for (inc = wi->increments; inc > 0 && wi->zstr->array[idx] < target; inc--)
return NULL;

Multiple producer single consumer with Circular Buffer

Need help in getting the following to work.
I have a multiple producer threads (each writing say 100 bytes of data) to ringbuffer.
And one single reader(consumer) thread ,reads 100 bytes at a time and writes to stdout.(Finally i want to write to files based on the data)
With this implementation ,I get the data read from ring buffer wrong sometimes. see below
Since the ringbuffer size is small it becomes full and some part of data is loss.This is not my current problem.
** Questions:
On printing the data thats read from ringbuffer ,some data gets
interchanged !!I'm unable to find the bug.
Is the logic/approach correct ? (or) Is there a
better way to do this
#define RING_BUFFER_SIZE 500
struct ringbuffer
char *buffer;
int wr_pointer;
int rd_pointer;
int size;
int fill_count;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ringbuffer.h"
int init_ringbuffer(char *rbuffer, struct ringbuffer *rb, size_t size)
rb->buffer = rbuffer;
rb->size = size;
rb->rd_pointer = 0;
rb->wr_pointer = 0;
rb->fill_count = 0;
return 0;
int rb_get_free_space (struct ringbuffer *rb)
return (rb->size - rb->fill_count);
int rb_write (struct ringbuffer *rb, unsigned char * buf, int len)
int availableSpace;
int i;
availableSpace = rb_get_free_space(rb);
printf("In Write AVAIL SPC=%d\n",availableSpace);
/* Check if Ring Buffer is FULL */
if(len > availableSpace)
return -1;
i = rb->wr_pointer;
if(i == rb->size) //At the end of Buffer
i = 0;
else if (i + len > rb->size)
memcpy(rb->buffer + i, buf, rb->size - i);
buf += rb->size - i;
len = len - (rb->size - i);
rb->fill_count += len;
i = 0;
memcpy(rb->buffer + i, buf, len);
rb->wr_pointer = i + len;
rb->fill_count += len;
printf("w...rb->write=%tx\n", rb->wr_pointer );
printf("w...rb->read=%tx\n", rb->rd_pointer );
printf("w...rb->fill_count=%d\n", rb->fill_count );
return 0;
int rb_read (struct ringbuffer *rb, unsigned char * buf, int max)
int i;
printf("In Read,Current DATA size in RB=%d\n",rb->fill_count);
/* Check if Ring Buffer is EMPTY */
if(max > rb->fill_count)
printf("In Read, RB EMPTY - RETURN\n");
return -1;
i = rb->rd_pointer;
if (i == rb->size)
i = 0;
else if(i + max > rb->size)
memcpy(buf, rb->buffer + i, rb->size - i);
buf += rb->size - i;
max = max - (rb->size - i);
rb->fill_count -= max;
i = 0;
memcpy(buf, rb->buffer + i, max);
rb->rd_pointer = i + max;
rb->fill_count -= max;
printf("r...rb->write=%tx\n", rb->wr_pointer );
printf("r...rb->read=%tx\n", rb->rd_pointer );
printf("DATA READ ---> %s\n",(char *)buf);
printf("r...rb->fill_count=%d\n", rb->fill_count );
return 0;
At the producer you also need to wait on conditional variable for the has empty space condition. The both conditional variables should be signaled unconditionally, i.e. when a consumer removes an element from the ring buffer it should signal the producers; when a producer put something in the buffer it should signal the consumers.
Also, I would move this waiting/signaling logic into rb_read and rb_write implementations, so your ring buffer is a 'complete to use solution' for the rest of your program.
As to your questions --
1. I can't find that bug either -- in fact, I've tried your code and don't see that behavior.
2. You ask if this is logic/approach correct -- well, as far as it goes, this does implement a kind of ring buffer. Your test case happens to have an integer multiple of the size, and the record size is constant, so that's not the best test.
In trying your code, I found that there is a lot of thread starvation -- the 1st producer thread to run (the last created) hits things really hard, trying and failing after the 1st 5 times to stuff things into the buffer, not giving the consumer thread a chance to run (or even start). Then, when the consumer thread starts, it stays cranking for quite some time before it releases the cpu, and the next producer thread finally starts. That's how it works on my machine -- it will be different on different machines, I'm sure.
It's too bad that your current code doesn't have a way to end -- creating files of 10's or 100's of MB ... hard to wade through.
(Probably a bit later for the author, but if anyone else searches for a "multiple producers single consumer")
I think the fundamental problem in that implementation is what rb_write modifies a global state (rb->fill_count and other rb->XX) w/o doing any synchronization between multiple writers.
For alternative ideas check the:
