why does ether provider return nothing when refreshing page on a react website? - reactjs

I have been creating a front end to interact with a smart contract. The smart contract that I has been one that I deployed on test network. The way I am setting up the provider uses the 'ether' library and the provider that I use is infura.
async function loadWeb3() {
// console.log('hit');
if (window.ethereum) {
setProvider(`await new ethers.providers.InfuraProvider('rinkeby',API_KEY)`);
The above function is how I try to set the provider to a useState. The connection to the contract works when I am running it on a local host and change some aspect of the react app and save and thus updates the react app on the host. Although this does not work when I choose to refresh the page. Instead when I check the output of
await new ethers.providers.InfuraProvider('rinkeby',API_KEY)
The returned value is " ", I am able to see this by printing it on the console, but when I print it using the above steps of saving some change while in development the output is instead
"InfuraProvider {_isProvider: true, _events: Array(0), _emitted: {…}, disableCcipRead: false, formatter: Formatter, …}"
I am using a useEffect within the component to call the function "loadWeb3". I have not found a way to fix this or why this would be happening. Any help is appreciated :)


getInitialProps causing ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error on my live site, but not on my local version

So, I've been trying to implement cookies on my website, to keep track of a list of JavaScript objects, so the page stays consistent when the user comes back to it. I've been following this tutorial here.
On my local machine, using npm run dev on localhost:3000, it works absolutely perfect. However, when I push the commit to GitHub, it builds on Vercel without any issue, but when I try and access the live website on the internet, it gives me a 'ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS' error.
I'm pretty confused as to why it would work perfectly fine on my locally hosted site, but freaks out and does not work when it's put into production.
I think I have narrowed the problem down to getInitialProps because when I comment out the implementation in my index.js file, it still doesn't work, but when I comment out getInitialProps, it works again.
Here is the code I think may be the problem.
Home.getInitialProps = async ({req, res}) => {
const data = parseCookies(req)
if (res) {
if (Object.keys(data).length === 0 && data.constructor === Object) {
res.writeHead(301, { Location: "/" })
return {
data: data && data,
And here is the code for that parseCookies method, which is imported as
import { parseCookies } from "../helpers/index"
within my index.js
import cookie from "cookie"
export function parseCookies(req) {
return cookie.parse(req ? req.headers.cookie || "" : document.cookie)
I'm super confused at this point, I've walked myself through the code a dozen times now and still have no idea what I might be doing wrong. Any help would be much appreciated! And please lemme know if there's anymore info I can provide!
The ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error occurs because Object.keys(data).length === 0 && data.constructor === Object returns true when no cookies are set and you access the homepage. When this happens the redirect takes you back to / (the homepage) which then makes the check again and a new redirect occurs, and so on.
Locally, you probably have cookies set, so you don't experience the issue. However, when you access the website hosted on Vercel, no cookies are present initially, which triggers the infinite redirect cycle.
To fix the issue simply remove the logic from the homepage, since that's the redirect destination. You can still have it on other pages and redirect to the homepage, though.

How to access the React Query `queryClient` outside the provider? e.g. to invalidate queries in Cypress tests

Is it possible to access my app's React Query queryClient outside React?
In my some of my Cypress tests I fetch or mutate some data but then I'd like to invalidate all/part of the queryClient cache afterwards.
Is that possible?
I have tried importing the "same" queryClient that is used in the app, but it doesn't work.
ℹ️ I include these fetch/mutations in my tests merely to allow me to bypass convoluted steps that user's would normally take in the app which already have Cypress tests.
You can add a reference to queryClient to window, then invoke it's methods in the test.
From #АлексейМартинкевич example code,
import { QueryClient } from "react-query";
const queryClient = new QueryClient();
if (window.Cypress) { // only during testing
window.queryClient = queryClient;
export queryClient;
In the test
cy.window().then(win => { // get the window used by app (window in above code)
win.queryClient.invalidateQueries(...) // exact same instance as app is using
I believe that importing will give you a new instance, you must pass a reference to the app's active instance.
Just read your comment which says exactly this - leaving answer as a code example.
You can store query client as a separate module/global variable. demo

Sentry for micro frontends

Is there any possibility to initialise Sentry twice on a page? Use case would be error tracking for parts of the app that are inserted as microfrontend.
So errors happen in this part of the app should be send to the teams own sentry project. I also wonder if there is any way filter the errors so only the ones that are relevant for the microfrontend are send and others are filtered out. Could we use reacts error boundaries for that?
Looks like there is a way to initialize something called Hub with a second dsn like this:
import {BrowserClient, Hub} from '#sentry/browser';
const client = new BrowserClient({
dsn: 'micorFrontEndSntryInstance'
const hub = new Hub(client)
this hub can passed to an ErrorBoundary wrapping your component.
In every componentDidCatch we can then send the error to the micro frontends sentry:
componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {
this.props.hub.run(currentHub => {
currentHub.withScope((scope) => {
All the code is from this example implementation.

Is there a way to track a user active time spent in the React web application via Google Analytics?

Let's say an user with user_id(1000) and email(user101#example.com) logged into the reactjs based web application and browsed a few pages for 2mins and then moved to other application tabs/windows for 30mins and came back to the web application and browsed the app for 5more mins on April 1st 2021.
I would like track/get this user's time spent report in the Google Analytics report saying user101#example.com with user_id(1000) has spent 7mins on April 1st 2021. Is there a way to track the same via GA if possible with react-ga, if it is possible how can we do it?
As of now with react-ga I'm tracking the userid property like the below:
If it is not possible via Google Analytics, is there any service provider that has this kind of feature?
Note: I have gone through existing q/a but unable to find/figure out the solution.
I was able use another tracker Riveted, which by it's definition:
Riveted helps fix this by measuring the amount of time users are
actively engaged (e.g., clicking, scrolling, using the keyboard) and
then reporting the data to Google Analytics in frequent intervals.
More on it's page.
While Riveted is written with a direct global variable, we need to work around to make it available for the react project using exports-loader.
Here is what I could achieve:
Get the riveted.js locally as a file
Ensure to install the exports-loader via npm install exports-loader --save
Import the same with the location of revited.js as:
import riveted from 'exports-loader?exports=riveted!./riveted.js';
After you have initialised ReactGA.initialize(configs);
If you check the source code of riveted, you will notice it's using the same ga object of window.ga and thus the google analytics once initialised via ReactGA.initialize should be enough.
The react-ga provides an ability to extend ga. They state ga can be accessed via ReactGA.ga() method. This gives developers the flexibility of directly using ga.js features that have not yet been implemented in ReactGA. No validations will be done by ReactGA as it is being bypassed if this approach is used.
Then the ga allows writing a custom plugin
So with all that here is what the code looks like:
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import ReactGA from '../../src';
import riveted from 'exports-loader?exports=riveted!./riveted.js';
export default class App extends PureComponent {
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context);
this.state = {
reactGaInitialised: false,
initReactGA = (event) => {
const { configs } = this.state;
// Send initial test view
function TrackerCustomPlugin() {
this.riveted = riveted;
TrackerCustomPlugin.prototype.init = riveted.init;
let ga = ReactGA.ga();
ga('provide', 'riveted', TrackerCustomPlugin);
ga('require', 'riveted');
ReactGA.plugin.execute('riveted', 'init', {
reportInterval: 10, // Default: 5
idleTimeout: 20, // Default: 30
nonInteraction: true // Default: true
Here is how the events are sent to GA from my local:
And the GA Dashboard showing Time Spent:

How to make initial authenticated request with token from local storage?

I'm using vanilla flux with some utils for communicating with my APIs.
On initial page load I'd like to read some token from local storage and then make a request to my API to get my data.
I've got a LocalStorageUtils.js library for interacting with window.localStorage. My container component handles all login/logout actions and reads the current user on page load.
componentWillMount() {
LocalStorageUtils reads the value and brings it into Flux via ServerAction similar to the flux chat example.
get(key) {
var value = window.localStorage.getItem(key);
if (value) {
ServerActionCreators.receiveFromLocalStorage(key, value);
That puts the user into my UserStore and into my views where I can show the username and some logout link, etc.
I also have ApiUtils.js for requesting data from the server. So the question is: Where do I tell my ApiUtils that I have a logged-in user at initial page load?
I could call some method inside ApiUtils from my LocalStorageUtils but that does not feel right.
Or do I have to make another round trip whenever I get a change event inside my container component?
You should pass the user as data to your ApiUtils class and removing the need from being concerned about how your ApiUtils is used.
var ApiUtils = function () {
this.get = function (endpoint, data) {
return theWayYouSendAjaxRequests.get(endpoint).setData(data);
// Wherever your ApiUtils is used.
var api = new ApiUtils();
api.get('/me', {user: userFromStore});
I found a solution that works and feels right.
As getting data from local storage is synchronous there is no need to pipe it through Flux via ServerActionCreators. Simply use LocalStorageUtils to get the current user and call the login method with that user. The login Action is the same you would use when a user initially logs in. login triggers getting new data from server. The new data is saved in my DataStore and the user is saved to my UserStore.
Thanks for all hints at Twitter and at https://reactiflux.slack.com/.
