Django+React AWS LightSails Ubuntu deployment not using js - reactjs

this is my first deployment, I have gone so far as to create and configure Ubuntu instance on lightsails following official guide. However, I run into problems when instead of an empty project I use my own Django hosting React frontend.
My project works on my computer and if I start up django's production server thorugh runserver but does not run at all if I use gunicorn to run it with:
gunicorn my_app.wsgi --bind --workers 4
It seems that it cannot find proper filepaths of any static files but I do not undertstand how to configure it to use it since Django already has all the right paths.
One of the errors in the browser console:
Refused to execute as script because "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff" was given and its Content-Type is not a script MIME type.
How can I start fixing it, I do not understand why it does not see the any files.


React: deployment with serve in production mode

I have an reactjs application that I have deploy on my web server.
I build my app (So it's create a build folder) and when I want to start it with ~/.npm-packages/bin/serve -s ./build -l tcp:// it work (with work dir set to react/, build is here react/build but we can see all source code on my page, that theory not possible in production mode.
If I set the work dir to react/build it return a 404 error.
Inside build folder
It doesn't return any other error unfortunately.
Update: I only stock build folder and it work, but we can always see source code even its in production mode.
If I change to react/build, react/build/static or other, it display 404.
If you are using npm's serve (the default for create-react-app, which I am assuming you are using), that second argument is the directory to serve:
$ serve --help
$ serve} [-l listen_uri [-l ...]] [directory]
By default, serve will listen on and serve the
current working directory on that address.
-s, --single Rewrite all not-found requests to `index.html`
But serve is meant for development serving. It works fine for production of a small static site, but consider another production-proven web server.
Your unminified source should not be kept on a production server, at all. You should deploy just the build files to production.

How to access Google Cloud Bucket from development Environment

I am trying to access my Google Cloud Bucket from development environment but when I write import statement I get error
from import storage
Command I use to run server with bucket flag app.yaml --default_gcs_bucket_name ABC-test-bucket
Error I get
File "C:\Users\ABC\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\platform\google_appengine\lib\setuptools-0.6c11\", line 565, in resolve
raise DistributionNotFound(req) # XXX put more info here
DistributionNotFound: google-cloud-storage
I think I completed all the steps like creating bucket, downloading client library using pip i.e.
pip install GoogleAppEngineCloudStorageClient -t <your_app_directory/lib>
I am new to GAE projects(Using Webapp2 Python framework for server) so I will really appreciate any pointers and help
The library you're using is not the correct one. You need the one below, as per the documentation:
pip install --upgrade google-cloud-storage

How to run managed-vm-gae example code locally

I followed this tutorial
to get a Bigtable client up and running in Google Managed VMs. But is there a way to run this locally? Reason is that deploying the code remotely in development is a pain.
Normally I can use to run GAE app locally. But when I run it, I'm getting this error:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Jetty ALPN has not been
properly configured.
Which means we need to include ALPN library? Since our codebase is in Java 7, I used this ALPN version: 7.1.3.v20150130.
I then tried again with this: --jvm_flag=-Xbootclasspath/p:/Users/shouguoli/tmp/alpn-boot-7.1.3.v20150130.jar
still getting this error:
Caused by:$CallNotFoundException:
The API package 'urlfetch' or call 'Fetch()' was not found.
How do you get it to work locally?
The sample was updated last week. It's based on the java 8 compat runtime, which means that you have access to most of the App Engine API's including Users, Task Queues, and Datastore.
There is a new Netty TCNative module that uses Boring SSL.
To use it with the pom.xml in the sample, do:
mvn clean -Pmac jetty:run -Dbigtable.projectID=<your-project> -Dbigtable.clusterID=<your-cluster><your-zone>
To use on Windows, use -Pwindows instead of -Pmac. For linux, omit the Profile -P as it's the default.
To deploy:
mvn clean gcloud:deploy -Dbigtable.projectID=<your-project> -Dbigtable.clusterID=<your-cluster><your-zone>
NOTE - it is advisable to do the clean between running locally and running remotely as the TCNative module is currently specific to the platform the code runs on.
We are in the process of updating all of our samples to use TCNative, we hope to have this by 3/10/16.

How can I debug a Dart AppEngine app

I'm now able to run a Dart app using
gcloud --verbosity debug preview app run app.yaml
and also to deploy and run on AppEngine
gcloud --verbosity debug preview app deploy app.yaml
but I haven't found a way to connect a debugger to the Dart app running on the development server.
I found but still couldn't find a way to make it work.
See also!topic/cloud/OK1nJtg7AjQ
Update 2015-02-27
The app can be run without Docker and then be debugged like any Dart command line application:
The API server is part of the App Engine SDK, and we are using it for
running tests in the appengine package. If you look at
you will see that it expects the environment variable
The API server is in /platform/google_appengine/
and takes a number of arguments. I just tested running it like this:
$ $CLOUD_SDK/platform/google_appengine/ \ -A
dev~test-application \ --api_port 4444 \ --high_replication \
--datastore_path /tmp/datastore
To run an app engine application outside the normal development server
requires that a number of environment variables are set. This worked
for my application:
$ GAE_LONG_APP_ID=test-application \ GAE_MODULE_NAME=default \
API_HOST= \ dart bin/server.dart
In the Dart Editor you cannot set environment variables for each
launch configuration, so they have to be set globally before starting
the Dart Editor. In WebStorm it is possible to have run configuration
specific environment variables.
This simple setup will of cause not support everything the normal
development server support. Some of the issues are:
Only one application at the time as it is always listening on port
8080 (can easily be made configurable) * The users API (mocking this
shouldn't be that difficult) * The modules API * No health-checks
(should not be a problem) * All HTTP headers are direct from the
client (no x-appengine- headers) * The admin web interface is not
available * Probably other stuff as well
This is all experimental, but it is one solution for a simpler
developer setup, which of cause does not match the deployment
environment as closely as the development server.
Running the API Server using Docker is also possible as the image
google/cloud-sdk with the Cloud SDK is on
Use the following Dockerfile
FROM google/cloud-sdk EXPOSE 4444 ENTRYPOINT
["/google-cloud-sdk/platform/google_appengine/", \
"-A", "dev~test-application", \ "--api_port", "4444", \
"--high_replication", \ "--datastore_path", "/tmp/datastore"]
Build and run
$ docker build -t api_server . $ docker run -d -p 4444:4444 api_server
Change API_HOST above to (of wherever your Docker
containers are) and run.
Regards, Søren Gjesse
Update 2014-11-27
Debugging from DartEditors debugger started working with the bleeding Dart build 1.8.0.edge_042017.
I assume that the next dev build (probably 1.9.0-dev1.0) will include the related fixes as well?
Detailed steps how this works can be found here:
Build a custom Docker image with the latest Dart dev build 1.8.0-dev.4.6.
The Dart team is actually preparing an easy way to do this yourself (see
Installe the latest bleeding_edge on the host system (using this script or manual download from
Add this to the app.yaml file
DBG_ENABLE: 'true'
# disable health-checking because this is so annoying during debugging
enable_health_check: False
See How to disable health checking for `gcloud preview app run` for more details about customizing health checking.
Launch the server code of your app with glcoud --verbosity debug app run app.yaml or glcoud --verbosity debug app run app.yaml index.yaml
Wait until the Docker container is ready (check with docker ps if the Command column shows a value starting with /dart_runtime/dart_
Open DartEditor
Open Menu Run > Remote Connection...
Connect to: Command-line VM
Host: localhost if you dont use boot2dockeror the IP address returned by the commandboot2docker ip`
Port: 5005
Select Folder... select the directory which contains the source code of your project.
Click OK
Set breakpoints and continue as usual.
A first step is using the Observatory which includes a browser based debugger UI.
To make this work add the following lines to the app.yaml file
forwarded_ports: ["8181"]
This might be useful as well to make the server.dart wait until we had the chance to set breakpoints using the observatory.
DART_VM_OPTIONS: '--pause-isolates-on-start'
boot2docker gives us the Docker ip ( and after starting with gcloud preview app run app.yaml we can connect to which should open the Observatory GUI.

"ImportError: No module named _ssl" with from Google App Engine

"In the Python runtime, we've added support for the Python SSL
Library, so you can now open secure connections to remote services
such as Apple's Push Notification service."
This quote is taken from a recent post on the Google App Engine blog.
If you want to use native python ssl, you must enable it using the libraries configuration in your application's app.yaml file where you specify the library name "ssl" . . .
These instructions are provided for developers through the Google App Engine documentation.
The following lines have been added to the app.yaml file:
- name: ssl
version: latest
This much is in line with the advice provided through the Google App Engine documentation.
I have tried running my project in three different configurations. Two are working, and one is not.
Working ...
After I upload my application to Google App Engine, and run my project through the live server, everything works fine.
Working ...
When I run my project with runserver and include the Google App Engine SKD in my PYTHONPATH, everything works fine.
Not Working ...
However, when I run my project with, I get the following error:
ImportError at /
No module named _ssl
Request Method: GET
Request URL: http://localhost:8080/
Django Version: 1.4.3
Exception Type: ImportError
Exception Value:
No module named _ssl
Exception Location: /usr/local/lib/google_appengine_1.7.7/google/appengine/tools/devappserver2/python/ in load_module, line 856
Python Executable: /home/rbose85/Code/venvs/appserver/bin/python
Python Version: 2.7.3
Python Path:
Server time: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 11:23:49 +0000
For the current GAE version (1.8.0 at least until 1.8.3), if you want to be able to debug SSL connections in your development environment, you will need to tweak a little bit the gae sandbox:
add "_ssl" and "_socket" keys to the dictionary _WHITE_LIST_C_MODULES in /path-to-gae-sdk/google/appengine/tools/devappserver2/python/
Replace the file provided by google in /path-to-gae-sdk/google/appengine/dis27 from the file from your Python framework.
IMPORTANT: Tweaking the sandbox environment might end up with functionality working on your local machine but not in production (for example, GAE only supports outbound sockets in production). I will recommend you to restore your sandbox when you are done developing that specific part of your app.
The solution by jmg works, but instead of changing the sdk files, you could monkey patch the relevant modules.
Just put something like this on the beginning of your project setup.
# Just taking flask as an example
app = Flask('myapp')
if environment == 'DEV':
import sys
from import sandbox
sandbox._WHITE_LIST_C_MODULES += ['_ssl', '_socket']
from lib import as patched_socket
sys.modules['socket'] = patched_socket
socket = patched_socket
I had to use a slightly different approach to get this working in CircleCI (unsure what peculiarity about their venv config caused this):
import os
if os.environ.get('SERVER_SOFTWARE', '').startswith('Development'):
import imp
import os.path
import inspect
from import sandbox
sandbox._WHITE_LIST_C_MODULES += ['_ssl', '_socket']
# Use the system socket.
real_os_src_path = os.path.realpath(inspect.getsourcefile(os))
psocket = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(real_os_src_path), '')
imp.load_source('socket', psocket)
I had this problem because I wasn't vendoring ssl in my app.yaml file. I know the OP did that, but for those landing here for the OP's error, it's worth making sure lines like the following are in your app.yaml file:
- name: ssl
version: latest
Stumbled upon this thread trying to work with Apples Push notification service and appengine... I was able to get this working without any monkey patching, by adding the SSL library in my app.yaml, as recommended in the official docs, hope that helps someone else :)
I added the code to as listed by Spain Train, but had to also add the following code as well to get this to work:
phttplib = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(real_os_src_path), '')
imp.load_source('httplib', phttplib)
You can test if ssl is available at your local system by opening a python shell and typing import ssl. If no error appears then the problem is something else, otherwise you don't have the relevant libraries installed on your system. If you are using a Linux operating system try sudo apt-get install openssl openssl-devel or the relevant instructions for your operating system to install them locally. If you are using windows, these are the instructions.
