I have a React application (called MyApp) which has a dependency (called Dep, also in React). I own both the applications.
In Dep, I have used dynamic imports at multiple places for lazy loading. I build it using rollup, and the code is properly split as I want it to. I then create an npm package and use it as a dependency in MyApp.
Now I build MyApp using webpack, but the issue is that webpack bundles everything in Dep. I want it to still remain split so that I can load my webpages faster.
What am I doing wrong?
I have a React project created with npx create-react-app where I implemented a handful React Components. I don't really see this project as an "React application", as it's just a personal library of Components I consume in another project, an HTML web application rendered using server-side technologies. My goal is to gradually replace parts of this application with React components. I don't really envision it becoming a single React application, my plan is just to replace the parts I think make sense to be developed with React.
I have no issue implementing these components - I'm using Storybook to organize the independent modules. But I'm struggling with the build process.
If I run npm run build I create a single application, based on the original React application code bootstrapped by create-react-app, which I essentially abandoned in favor of the Storybook setup. If I add the files generated by npm run build my project, I can't get React to render my components properly.
I managed to get a manual build process to work:
In my HTML project I add https://unpkg.com/react#16/umd/react.production.min.js and https://unpkg.com/react-dom#16/umd/react-dom.production.min.js
For each of my React components source files, I run npx babel --presets react-app/prod src/MyComponent.js -o build/mycomponent.js
Then I combine all the npx babel outputs in a single components.js file, adjusting some repeated functions that appear on the top of all files, and suppressing the import and export statements.
I load the component.js file in my HTML project, and I can create my components using plain JS:
React.createElement(MyComponent, {param: value}, null),
Is there a better process to build my components to a single JS file I could consume in my HTML application?
As you expected, the project should be a reusable module/ UI library (say the name is my-ui) for other projects. I did the similar thing before and just introduce my approach here. First, export the components as normal. Second, create an index.js. Third, import and export those components you exported. Fourth, if you are familiar with webpack, use index.js as the entry in webpack.config.js to bundle the entire project as one file. You can publish this package, or just use it locally.
Then in other projects, import my-ui, you can use any component exported from that module.
I noticed there is much code added to the bundled js for a simple lit-element based web component, and react components set react as a peer dependency so only one react runtime is bundled, since web components are framework-agnostic, if i used lit-element in my project and i'm using another external WC built with lit-element, will lit-element be bundled twice?
It depends on your bundler, but in most cases the bundler will detect that all those WCs have the same dependency and bundle it only once.
(Of course, that only happens if you import the other documents in source format, using npm, as it's the good practice, and not in bundled/dist format)
I am new to npm, react and webpack but I have a question. In npm how do you prevent a library from being included production package file?
For example, I am just building a very small component in react and on the site where I am going to place my small component. The problem is Jquery library and bootstrap is already being called in the masterpage of the site and I didn't want to call the same library again in my small application production build but I still want to use them during development(because I am only testing it on local and jquery is not called there). TIA
Appreciate your time ready this and hope I got to learn more from you. By the way I created the app using create-react-app but I already 'ejected' it, so its using the webpack 3
Take a look at Webpack externals
You can have two webpack configs, on the dev config you include the package as normal, but for your production config add externals for jquery, so it uses the global one already on the page
The ability you're looking for is named Code splitting
React loadable may be a good option for you as well
I am attempting to publish a small library of react UI components. These components have dependencies: Matarial UI, React Rotuer, etc;
When I build my code I get a warning about exceeding the recommended bundle size. I am at 451Kib. When I analyze my bundle I notice that 96.1% of it is dependencies that have been added to the bundle from node_modules.
Since I am only going to be publishing a handfull of components that are also going to be imported with webpack, is there a way to exclude the dependencies from my bundle and have them packaged in the bundle of any app that uses my components?
I think I need to use code-splitting, or lazy-loading, or something, but I am not sure of the proper way to get started.
Pieces of Advice I can give you:
Use webpack-node-externals to exclude node_modules from bundle. If your code depends on packages that won't be included in the user app - use whitelist to bundle them as well.
Also mark Matarial UI, React Rotuer (and probably react) as peerDependecies in package.json.
I'm trying to use webpack with my angular-meteor application. Unfortunately the meteor build fails with the following error:
While determining active plugins:
error: conflict: two packages included in the app (pbastowski:angular-babel and webpack:webpack) are both trying to handle *.js
The angular-meteor package has a dependency on pbastowski:angular-babel for ES2015 support, while webpack uses the babel-loader. Any idea how I can avoid this conflict?
This is a Meteor message that will appear when two Meteor packages try to add a Meteor compiler plugin for the same file extension, in this case ".js".
Option 1
Remove webpack:webpack from your project. Do you really need webpack in your Meteor project? Meteor bundles everything for you, so, there is no need to use webpack, as such. If you want to use ES6 modules then consider using pbastowski:systemjs.
meteor remove webpack:webpack
I don't know your reasons for using webpack, but I thought I'd mention this option.
Option 2
You can configure pbastowski:angular-babel to not compile ".js" files by adding the line below to babel.json in your Meteor project's root folder. However, if you do this, Babel will only compile ".es6.js" files and not ".js" files.
"extensions": ["es6.js"]
Some people here are trying to say that Webpack is useless but they really don't know much about it.
It can helps you bundle a lot better your assets.
You can bundle better your CSS and even have local CSS (css that is not applied globally but only in a section of your page)
You can do code splitting and not serve your entire app on the first page load
You can have hot-reloading with no page refresh (at least with React ;))
You can use angular and Webpack together without any problem. Here is what you need to do:
meteor remove angular
meteor add angular-meteor-data
meteor add angular-templates
The only missing piece then is ng-annotate and luckily, there is a few ways. You can use the ng-annotate-loader or ng-annotate-webpack-plugin in your Webpack config file.