Uppy ReactJs - handle access to microphone/webcam in iframe - reactjs

First post after decades as a frequent visits, thanks all for the help throughout the years!
Im building a solution that will require webcam/microphone access.
The solution will be running in an iframe in another system.
We cant controll the attributes on the iframe to add allowed="..." and our solution is (and must) hosted on another domain.
IE, we cant show the promt for the user allowing access to webcam/mic
We want to use Uppy webcam in an popup window, but, as we noticed, the actual promt for access occurs in the "mainpage" and not the popup, so we cant seem to reach it.
If we run the solution when its not in an cross-origin iframe (new tab), everything works perfectly!
Any suggestions on how to work around this issue?


Redirect from one PWA to another PWA shows the address bar

So, here's the problem: I have two sites with PWA configured and both are working just fine, Site-A and Site-B.
And what I would like to do is, when I'm visiting Site-A via the standalone app, to redirect it to Site-B.
Although the redirection works without any problem, Site-B is loading with the address bar visible. Is there any way to prevent this and show Site-B full screen too?
Thank you everyone!
Kind regards,
In Feb 2021, there's no way to do this, but it's coming.
Chrome and Edge are working on something called Declarative Link Capturing that will allow you to do this, but it's still in design/development. You can follow along on the Chromium tracking bug #1163398

How do I get my button to redirect to a web page within the app?

So far, I have it so that when a user presses a button, a browser opens and redirects the user to my desired url. However, I want this to happen within the app instead of a web tab. How can I do this?
Use the BrowserComponent, just add it to the center of a border layout form and set the URL for that component. Check out the list of main components in Codename One within the developer guide.
Define a xml layout containing a widget called webview. Then in your activity you implement a listener to your button which invokes that xml with the desired page to load inside your webview. Google to find some code and return here with your code problems, if you find some. If this will be the case, open new questions provinding detailed info about your matters then we can help more. Best.
EDIT: Excuse me, just now, re-reading your question I think I really understand it, and the solution is very simple, just a line of code (to instruct your app to open a webpage inside your webview, and not the regular browser, outside your app). Try this:
wv = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.myWebView);
wv.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient()); // needed to open url inside our webview, otherwise it will open at the default browser

Using a custom domain on GAE. Won't let me past Step 4

I'm trying to use a custom domain with a static site hosted on AppEngine. Once I get into Google Apps to add the domain, I just get stuck on this page. Basically, I can't get past Step 4 as per the instructions here. I click "Accept" and hit the activate button but the page just refreshes. I spent about a half hour on the phone with "Lewis" from Google phone support and he eventually told me to try App Engine support lol. During the support call we attempted to get this to work multiple times using both the latest Chrome and FF browsers with cookies/cache, etc. cleared.
No reputation, so no screenshot but like I said, the problem is at Step 4 where you have to accept GAE's terms.
Looks like similar problem here. Anyone have the same problem and/or know of a solution? Thanks
You can try other way to activate, like a html page.
I have used this method to activate.
My activated page seems those:
By html to activate => //i.stack.imgur.com/t3nM1.png ;
By operators to activate =>//i.stack.imgur.com/fZTWH.png;
Can you see them?
By the way, I am in China, so, these uploaded images that I can not see them.

How to load data at launching Chrome App?

What's the best practice of loading data at launching Chrome App?
The landing page of my Chrome App is dependent on some configuration data, which I've stored in the chrome local storage. However, reading chrome local storage is an asynchronous process. Hence, after the App has launched, there is a period of time when the landing page doesn't show correctly.
To avoid this blank time (due to the asynchronous process of reading local storage), I'm thinking about reading data at background JS. However, I haven't googled out what's the best practice to do it.
Anybody has any comments? Thanks.
just listen to the onLaunched event
chrome.app.runtime.onLaunched.addListener(function() {
// load your data
Here's one piece of helpful suggestion I've got from the Google Group. Share here so that someone with the same problem might refer to it:
You can read from chrome.storage in the background page and open the window when the data is ready. However, the user experience might be even worse, because instead of the incorrect landing page, you have no user feedback at all.
The usual (and easy to implement) solution is to show your landing page with some visual feedback during data loading, like a spinning wheel with a "Loading" label. If you UI really requires the data to show up, you can add this visual indicator as an opaque div on top of the whole window.
Some people use splash screens, but I don't think it adds to the user experience.

Silverlight Notification API in-browser

I'd like to use the Notification API to create toast notifications for a Silverlight app designed to run both in and out of the browser, but the NotificationWindow class is only available OOB.
Does there exist anything that can replicate the behaviour inside the app? My idea is to have a container in the bottom right of the screen overlaying all other content. Then, create a wrapper which detects OOB-mode, passing params to the Notification API if possible, or populating and showing my own container if not. Is there anything that does this available?
It seems strange that MS chose not to implement something like this, as has been pointed out before.
Displaying a notification in browser is simple. You just need to use a popup and make it appear in the right place. See the following post as an example.
Now the difference with that approach is that the notification will show inside the browser. In OOB it shows outside the window and it's visible even if the windows is minimized. Due to security reasons it's not possible to directly do this.
Out of interest, Chrome Applications like Tweetdeck and Gmail, are able to display notifications outside of the browser. I think this might be a possiblity, but not exactly a Silverlight and cross browser solution.
