Missing type property on running https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/places - azure-active-directory

I need to get all the conference rooms and reservable spaces in a tenant.
I believe List Places API is what I need to use (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/place-list?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http). How do I differentiate between conference rooms and reservable spaces?
I don't see a property in the response that indicates:  '"Type": "Room" or "Space"
In my demo tenant, I created a reservable space by running PowerShell command:  
New-Mailbox xxx -Room | Set-Mailbox -Type Workspace  
On running
Get-Place xxx | fl
I see Type as 'Space'  
I created a room by running PowerShell command: 
New-Mailbox yyy -Room
On running
Get-Place yyy | fl
I see Type as 'Room'
However I don't see Type property on running
on Graph Explorer. What am I missing?

I have reproduced in my environment and got expected results as below:
Alternatively, you can use microsoft graph as below
AFAIK, there will be no type in output, but if you want to get types such as rooms and spaces you can use below queries:
If you want get the spaces available you can below query:
To find rooms use below request and I followed Microsoft-Document :
To get room list you can also use below request and I followed Microsoft-Document:


AD User Array CSV search and analyze error

i want to search to an exported Active Directory list but i got one problem.
AD Files looks like this and its saved as CSV-File (I added a Header to the file)
This is a example (there are 37 more entrys like ARV in the "where" is shoreted it for better view) of the Code im trying to run:
$Datei = Import-Csv "C:\FILESPATH\AD-list.csv"
$Datei | where {$_.CN -notmatch "ARV" -and $_.CN -notmatch "BBN"} | Out-GridView -Title "Site Info"
This shows me all the items with no ARV in it, thats what i want.
BUT it ignores also the items which looks like this:
Because ARV is in the name the item is not shown.
I need a way to check if the first 3 letter ARV than its okay and he can ignore it but i also need him to show me names with ARV in it to check the name rules. ( Department-PCNAME ) and not (BLABLA-PC-DEPARTMENT-NAME)
I Hope its clear what iam asking and what my problem is ^^
If I understand correctly, you would like to ignore items starting with ARV. This should work (simplified, only where section is important here):
#{CN='PR122ARVO7'} | where { !$_.CN.StartsWith('ARV') }

QRadar, parsing Log

I want to parse some application log, I did a lot of regex that works correctly with notepad++ and the website www.regex101.com .
But when I apply them in QRadar they don't match nothing.
For example
12/2/2017 9:53:58,4040007,blablablbla,blablabla --- Abonnement Mobile N° : 0663016666 | balbalbal | 03/06/2006 11:11:22 --- Soldes,
I did this regex (?<=---)\s+[A-Za-z+ \/\w+0-9._%+-]+(?=(\sN°|\s\sN°|\sID)) to match Abonnement mobile it works correctly , but it doesn't match anything in QRadar.
QRadar does not accept all regex configurations. When you try parsing something you can use extract property field to check. Here is a regex that works fine in my system.
this regex will work if only "Abonnement Mobile" field is includes letters or digits. If you want to catch "Abonnement Mobile N°" you can use this regex and this will work whatever comes in this field.

filling attribute with concatenated string

I am looking for a way to concatenate a string and put it in one active directory user account object, to be precise, in altsecurityidentities.
The value to be input will be as following:
" which is constant, and (firstName)(whitespace)(lastname) (custom value which can be taken from another attribute, which is in form x.yyyyyyyy.z (what matters to me is yyyyyyy part (.substring(2,8)) works like charm here.
I'd like to do it for several accounts that are listed in variable of type TypeName: Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADUser.
So that it can be set for all accounts under $accounts variable.
So far I have the code to create the attribute value for one account listed in there:
$accounts | %{'constant value'+$.givenname+' '+$.surname+' '+'('+$(($_.attributename).substring(2,8))+')'}
This, i'd like to put in altsecurityidentities attribute value, log to event viewer success and errors
You're almost there really just need to apply the value to the desired field:
$accounts | ForEach-Object { Set-ADUser -Identity $_ -Add #{altsecurityidentities = "constant value $($_.givenname) $($_.surname) ($($_.attributename.substring(2,8)))"} }
I have tidied up your code by embedding the variables in a string rather than using concatenation, which is much cleaner.

How to store an array returned by javascript function split in Selenium IDE

Not a developer, new to Selenium IDE, and yes, limited to sticking with IDE only. Appreciate any and all help.
Trying to grab a password from an email generated upon Password Reset so the script can then log in with the new password.
Thought I'd do a split on a delimiter in the email content, Trim as necessary to grab the password. Running into problems with how to store the returned array. In order to do what I'm thinking, I need to store it back into an array that Selenium can traverse.
storeText | css=body | emailText
getEval | storeResults = javascript{storedVars['emailText'].split("delimiter")}
The getEval throws an "missing ; before statement" exception. Using method store instead of getEval works (and moving storeResults to a target), but then the results are typecast as a string. I feel I'm missing something very basic here.
I think the keyword javascript must be omitted
For me the following code works:
storeText | //*[#id="_currentProduct"] | myText
getEval | alert(storedVars['myText'])
When run the alertbox has the value of myText.
Thanks for the response. I came to the same conclusion. Here's the working code:
getEval | storeResults = storedVars['emailText'].split("delimiter")
Was able to access the stored value this way:

is the distinguishedName order in ActiveDirectory strict?

I'm trying to convert the distinguishedName of a Domain into the address for the domain and am wondering if the order is strict. They all seem to be (after using the Active Directory explorer http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb963907.aspx to explore ActiveDirectory...). I just haven't found anywhere which states the order is strict...
so, I'm hoping that:
is always equal to
or could safety.company.com be stored in ActiveDirectory with any of the following etc:
Ultimately when passed the DC=...string, I want to be able to do the following to store the address:
Dim ADPath As String = "DC=safety,DC=company,DC=com"
Dim DomainAddress As String = ADPath.Replace(",DC=",".").Replace("DC=","")
Not the easiest text to read (for me anyway) but this MSDN page does describe that the path from left to right is a hierarchical path that uniquely describes the object.
"A DN is a sequence of relative distinguished names (RDN) connected by commas."
source: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366101%28VS.85%29.aspx
