Embed Plotly Dash components in React - reactjs

Good day.
I have done some visualizations with Plotly in Python, but I have very limited experience with Plotly Dash. I have a React app in which I want to embed Plotly Dash components that my colleague created in Python. Is there a way to do that?
I see that you can use React to make Dash components, but I have Dash components that I want to embed in my React app.
Is that possible?
Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

It's a weird question, but to summarize it, no, you can't use a Dash component in React.
One thing that is very important to understand is that DASH COMPONENTS are REACT COMPONENTS.
So, reproducing a Dash component in React is very easy (mainly if you're using CSS classes in your project)... In the links below, you can better understand how the Dash components are created using React:
I hope that this can be useful to make you a better understanding... Let me know if something is not too clear;


How to convert Figma project to React using Anima?

I've been stuck to convert the Figma project given by one of my client, to React using Anima. I've tried but, finding it hard to implement. Any resources or suggestions is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance
I also struggled with anima, but in the end I managed to get some React code exported. They have some documentation in the Advanced section of the Guides.
See if you have better success with Desech Studio which also imports figma and exports react.
Here's their github repo for react.
You can try the pxCode plugin, which also converts Figma into React component.
pxCode support some React features such as
pure component
naming props

What is styled component in ReactJS?

I recently heard that there is a component called styled component in ReactJS. This question was asked me during one of my interview.
If anyone has an idea, kindly explain.
Traditionally you'd do the styling of your react app using css or a preprocessor like SASS or LESS. An alternative, that is becoming more popular recently, is to place the styling of your components within your JS.
Styled Components is one of the many packages that enable you to do this: https://www.styled-components.com/
Other examples include cssinjs: http://cssinjs.org/ or glamorous: https://glamorous.rocks/

React Native Redux Multi Form / Text Input

I am newbie in react native. So i need your help right now. Can you show me some source code about handling multiform in react native? In redux surely. I have added one more parameters in actions, reducers and the component but still not working.
This is a topic so widely documented that should not be asked here, but since you have take a look at:
Even though hey are for react all the concepts are appliable.
Please, this is just the first results of a google search, use it.

React Native - Navigation between different views

I just approached to react native/react and are a bit confused...I specify that I have a background with angularjs, cordova, ect...Now I have a problem...I'm reading Flux and I want to use it in my application because it improve the structure with the unidirectional data flow.
The most important decision is the navigation in my app, so in the documentation of native react I found the component "Navigator". Now I don't understand if I can use the Navigator and Flux together or one excludes the other.
if you have informations, advices or examples, it's welcome. Thanks.
Infact you can use combination of both. Here is one library that and provides a router API on top of Navigator. https://github.com/aksonov/react-native-router-flux
You can use RN Navigator and Flux together, they're not excluding each other. Here is few navigation articles, that might help you:
You can find they're all stating that you can use Flux actions to dispatch events, update navigation bar buttons and screens content etc.
I'm not using Flux, but on your place I would try to read react-native-router-flux code, read articles and try to buid flux-navigator myself with all that aknowledged ^^. Good luck, I hope this will help you :)

Share Component/Logic between React and React-Native

Im trying to create an application targettng both web and mobile. The idea is to create react components that differ on how they render but share the logic.
React v.014 blog post stated "we’re splitting the main react package into two: react and react-dom. This paves the way to writing components that can be shared between the web version of React and React Native.
The react package contains React.createElement, .createClass, .Component, .PropTypes, .Children, and the other helpers related to elements and component classes. We think of these as the isomorphic or universal helpers that you need to build components."
I've found a great example (http://blog.benoitvallon.com/projects/a-mobile-desktop-and-website-app-with-the-same-code/) that uses the same concept and accomplished the result (react-native 0.13.6 and react 0.14.2).
In this code, you will see nothing special just a smart idea on how to extend react-native naming conventions system to include a web version. The minute I upgrade to latest react-native, it complaints about any component that uses React.Component from the react package instead of react-native.
This is confusing since 0.14 release seem to indicate that was exactly the point moving fw. Let React create components, let react-dom deal with the DOM and let react-native deal with ios/android views.
I think this is a brilliant idea but I cant seem to pass this particular problem. Any thoughts, ideas will be greatly appreciated.
The transition to make react native work this way is underway but incomplete. See AMA.
We are working hard to stop using our fork such that people can use require('react') and work the same as require('react-native'), this will make it possible for all the third party plugins to work on both places without doing anything.
Right now we can't use relay on the open source version of react-native without forking it, which is a huge shame and we're working on fixing that.
