How can i delete width in react - bootstrap class? - reactjs

I'm doing an internet-store, and i have a problem with top panel. I tried everything to fix it, but only when i change class row in dev tools i can get result.
row>* {
flex-shrink: 0;
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
padding-right: calc(var(--bs-gutter-x) * .5);
padding-left: calc(var(--bs-gutter-x) * .5);
margin-top: var(--bs-gutter-y);
i need to delete width from this class, but i don't know how to do it. If u can help me, it will be cool.
oh, if i replace component for nothing change.
<Row className="mt-2">
<Col md={3}>
<TypeBar />
<Col md={9} >
<BrandBar />
<DeviceList />
const BrandBar = observer(() => {
const {device} = useContext(Context);
return (
<Row className="d-flex">
{ =>
style={{cursor: 'pointer'}}
className='p-2 align-items-center'
onClick={() => device.setSelectedBrand(brand)}
border={ === ? 'danger' : 'light'}

When using bootstrap's containers always follows the Container > Row > Col order.
The class row>* is intended to select the cols, but instead is selecting your card.
Try doing like so
const BrandBar = observer(() => {
const { device } = useContext(Context);
return (
//Add a Container here
<Row className="d-flex">
{ => (
//Add a Col here
style={{ cursor: 'pointer' }}
className="p-2 align-items-center"
onClick={() => device.setSelectedBrand(brand)}
border={ === ? 'danger' : 'light'}


Calculate total call duration In React Component using starttime and endtime props

I need to display the total time of call, the timelineData has already been getting from the props, I have tried to calculate the same using EndDate-StartDate but this logic does not seem to be correct.
import React from 'react'
import { Timeline, Typography, Col, Row } from 'antd'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
const { Text } = Typography
export class DispositionTimeline extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Row className="dispopage">
<Col span={24}>
<Col className="timeLineItem" span={24}>
<Row color="transparent">
<Col span={14}></Col>
paddingLeft: '8px',
fontWeight: '500'
Start Time
paddingLeft: '8px',
fontWeight: '500'
End Time
<br />
{this.props?.timeLineData?.map((value, index) => {
return (
paddingRight: '16px'
<Col span={5}>
{/* {value.startTime} */}
{ !== 'End Call' && value.startTime}
<Col span={5}>
{ === 'End Call' && value.startTime}
{value.endTime ? ` ${value.endTime}` : ''}
{this.props?.secondAgent?.anotherAgent === 'Primary Agent' ? (
<Col className="timeLineEnd" span={18}>
<Text>Total Call Duration</Text>
<Col className="timeLineEnd timeLineEndRight" span={6}>
<Text> {[...this.props?.timeLineData].pop()?.startTime}</Text>
) : (
export const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
return {
timeLineData: ownProps?.timeLineData ? ownProps.timeLineData : state.timeLineData?.timeLineData,
totalDuration: state?.timeLineData?.payload,
secondAgent: state?.secondAgent?.secondAgent
export default connect(mapStateToProps, null)(DispositionTimeline)
The expression {[...this.props?.timeLineData].pop()?.startTime} is only displaying the startTime of Call. but I want to show the total time, I,e difference between end time and start time

react render using map on Grid

I'm trying to build a page that shows the weather in all the locations mentioned in a list.
I want to render a card for each location and sort the cards next to each other so every row will contain 5 location cards [][][][][],
currently, it renders only one under the other in a column:
how can I solve this?
(weather.favoritesWeather is a list that contains all the data which needs).
const FavoriteWeatherCards =
(favoriteLocation) => (
<Row className="justify-content-md-center">
<Col md={3} >
<SmallConditionsCard data={favoriteLocation} />
return <div>
code :
const SmallConditionsCard = ({data}) => {
const { location, weather } = data;
let history = useHistory();
const handleClick = () => {
return (
sx={{ background: 'ghostwhite' }}
<Typography align="center" variant="h5">
<CardContent sx={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>
sx={{ maxHeight: 200, maxWidth: 200 }}
<Typography variant="h6">{weather[0].WeatherText}</Typography>
<Typography variant="p">
{formatTemp(weather[0].Temperature.Metric.Value, celcius)}
<Button size="small" onClick={handleClick}>Learn More </Button>
this is the result now:
If you are using react-bootstrap you need your container
const FavoriteWeatherCards =
(favoriteLocation) => (
<Row className="justify-content-md-center">
<SmallConditionsCard data={favoriteLocation} />
return <Container>
In case that you want to render something using material UI grid could be something like this
const FavoriteWeatherCards =
(favoriteLocation) => (
<Grid item xs={3}>
<SmallConditionsCard data={favoriteLocation} />
return <Grid container spacing={2}>

React Router does not switch pages

I have a search bar and when I type in smth I see fetch movie list. then I click on the details button to see a description of according film, url changes but new component does not render. IDK why. Just when I click on according card item and as soon as I refresh the page it shows me the rendered Details page. Another issue that I receive props and param (imdbID) How to show all the details that were passed by props - {films}
function App() {
const [searchText, setSearchText] = useState('')
const [films, setFilms] = useState([])
const url = `${searchText}`
const onTextChange = async (e) => {
const res = await axios.get(url)
const history = createMemoryHistory()
return (
<h1 className='mt-4'>MovieStore</h1>
style={{width: '90%', margin: '0 auto'}}
placeholder='Try look for harry... or whatever film you like...'
className='mt-4 mb-4'
<Row style={{color: "#000"}}>
{ films?.map(item => {
return (
<Col lg={3} md={3} sm={12} key={item.imdbID} >
<Card style={{height: 'calc(100% - 10px)' }}>
<Card.Img variant="top" src={item["Poster"]} style={{ objectFit: 'cover' }}/>
<Link to={`/film/${item.imdbID}`}><Button variant="primary">Details</Button></Link>
<Route exact path='/film/:imdbID' render={(props) => <DetailPage films={films} {...props} />}/>
Here is my details page
const DetailsPage = ({films}) => {
const history = useHistory();
const location = useLocation();
const { id } = useParams()
console.log('props', id)
return (
<Card style={{ width: '50%' }} className='mt-4'>
<Card.Title>Movie title: {id}</Card.Title>
<Button style={{background: '#CE0A03', border: 'none' }} variant="primary" onClick={() => history.goBack() }>Go on main page</Button>
If you want to render this component and hide other then use the switch in react-router.
<Route exact path='/'>
<h1 className='mt-4'>MovieStore</h1>
style={{width: '90%', margin: '0 auto'}}
placeholder='Try look for harry... or whatever film you like...'
className='mt-4 mb-4'
<Row style={{color: "#000"}}>
{ films?.map(item => {
return (
<Col lg={3} md={3} sm={12} key={item.imdbID} >
<Card style={{height: 'calc(100% - 10px)' }}>
<Card.Img variant="top" src={item["Poster"]} style={{ objectFit: 'cover' }}/>
<Link to={`/film/${item.imdbID}`}><Button variant="primary">Details</Button></Link>
<Route exact path='/film/:imdbID' render={(props) => <DetailPage films={films} {...props} />}/>

how to hide one div when another div is active in react js

i have two div login and forget password. i want on forget password login block should be hide and when login block needed forget block should be hidden. Now i able to handle forgot password block , but login block i am not able to handle. I want login block hide on click of forgot button. I have written my own code below. Can some one please suggest me how can i do that.
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import useForm from 'react-hook-form';
import { Redirect } from 'react-router-dom';
import './loginForm.css';
const { Header, Content, Footer } = Layout;
const LoginForm = () => {
const [forgotPass, setForgotPass] = useState(false);
if (redirect) {
return <Redirect to={routePaths.DASHBOARD} push />;
return (
<Header className="header">
<img src={logo} className="logo" />
<span className="lft">
<MessageOutlined />
<Content className="content-screen">
<Col xs={24} sm={24} md={8} />
<Col xs={24} sm={24} md={8}>
<div id="loginDiv" className="screen">
<Card title="Login to Relocatte" headStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#69c0ff', border: 1 }}>
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
{/* <h2 style={{textAlign: 'center'}}>Login</h2> */}
<Col style={{ padding: 10 }}>
<Input size="large" placeholder="Enter User Email Here..." onChange={(e) => setValue('email',} />
<ErrorTag errors={errors} name="email" />
<Col style={{ padding: 10 }}>
<Input type="password" size="large" placeholder="Enter User Password Here..." onChange={(e) => setValue('encryptedPassword',} />
<ErrorTag errors={errors} name="encryptedPassword" />
<Col span={7} style={{ padding: 15 }} className="forget">
Sign Up
<Col span={7} style={{ padding: 10 }}>
<Input style={{ cursor: 'pointer' }} type="submit" value="Login" className="login-form-button" shape="round" icon="rollback" />
<Col span={10} style={{ padding: 15 }} className="forget">
<a href="#" onClick={() => setForgotPass(!forgotPass)}>Forgot Password</a>
{/* <button onClick={() => setForgotPass(!forgotPass)}>Forgot Password</button> */}
<Col xs={24} sm={24} md={8}>
{/* forgot div goes here */}
&& (
<div className="screen">
<Card title="Forgot Password" headStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#69c0ff', border: 1 }}>
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
{/* <h2 style={{textAlign: 'center'}}>Login</h2> */}
<Col style={{ padding: 10 }}>
<Input size="large" placeholder="Enter Registered Email Here..." onChange={(e) => setValue('',} />
<ErrorTag errors={errors} name="" />
<Col span={12} style={{ padding: 10 }}>
<Input style={{ cursor: 'pointer' }} type="submit" value="Send Reset Link" className="login-form-button" shape="round" icon="rollback" />
<Col span={10} style={{ padding: 15 , textAlign: "right"}} className="forget">
<a href="#" onClick={() => setForgotPass(!forgotPass)}>Login</a>
{/* <button onClick={() => setForgotPass(!forgotPass)}>Forgot Password</button> */}
<Footer className="footer-back">
<Col xs={24} sm={24} md={12} className="foot-child-1">
All Right Reserved© 2020 Relocatte
<Col xs={24} sm={24} md={12} className="foot-child-2">
<span>Privacy Policy</span>
<span> | </span>
<span>Term & Conditions</span>
export default LoginForm;
Hi Please check this example:
import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react';
const LoginForm = () => {
const [forgotPass, setForgotPass] = useState(false);
function handleLogin(event) {
function handleForgot(event) {
function handleReset(event) {
alert('Your password is reset');
return (
{forgotPass ?
Username: <input/> <br/>
<button onClick={handleReset}>Reset Password</button>
Username: <input/> <br/>
Password: <input/> <br/>
<button onClick={handleLogin}>Login</button>
<button onClick={handleForgot}>Forgot Password</button>
export default LoginForm;
There are 2 ways of doing it
Using ternary operator
return (<div className="container">
{forgotPass ? <div>Forget password div </div> : <div> Login Div</div>}
Using CSS
return (<div className="container">
<div className={forgotPass ? "show" : "hide"}>Forget password div </div>
<div className={!forgotPass ? "show" : "hide"}> Login Div</div>}
in your css:
.show { display: 'block' }
.hide { display: 'none' }

react calls function for each item in array

I'm quite stuck on how to execute a function for a specific, and not execute it for all items within the array.
The scenario
upon clicking show more comments, it shows more comments for each item in the array.
For example
and this
How can i make it so that upon show more comments, it shows more comments for that post only.
here is the current code, in which the logic is happening.
{post.Comments.length > 0 ? (
<Typography style={{padding: "10px 0px", margin: "20px 0px"}}>Commments</Typography>
<CommentList showMore={showMore} comments={post.Comments} />
{/* if show more hide show more button and show show less comments button */}
{/* {isPost === ? ( */}
{post.Comments.length > 3 && showLessFlag === false && (
<Button onClick={ e => showComments(e,} variant="outlined" component="span" color="primary">
Show More Comments
{post.Comments.length > 3 && showLessFlag === true && (
<Button onClick={ e => showLessComments(e)} variant="outlined" component="span" color="primary">
Show Less Comments
{/* ):(
)} */}
<Grid item={true} sm={12} lg={12} style={{ padding: "30px 0px"}}>
<Typography>No Commments Yet</Typography>
import Avatar from "#material-ui/core/Avatar";
import Button from "#material-ui/core/Button";
import Divider from "#material-ui/core/Divider";
import Grid from "#material-ui/core/Grid";
import Paper from "#material-ui/core/Paper";
import Typography from "#material-ui/core/Typography";
import DeleteOutlineOutlinedIcon from "#material-ui/icons/DeleteOutlineOutlined";
import FavoriteIcon from "#material-ui/icons/Favorite";
import FavoriteBorderIcon from "#material-ui/icons/FavoriteBorder";
import moment from "moment";
import React, { Fragment, useState } from "react";
import OurLink from "../../common/OurLink";
import CommentList from "../../forms/commentList/CommentList";
import CommentForm from "../../forms/comment/CommentForm";
export default function PostList(props: any) {
const [isComment, setIsComment] = useState(false);
const [showMore, setShowMore] = useState(3)
const [showLessFlag, setShowLessFlag] = useState(false);
const [comment_body, setCommentBody] = useState('');
const [isPost, setIsPost] = useState(null);
const writeComment = (id) => {
setIsComment(isComment ? "" : id);
const showComments = (e, id) => {
// setIsPost(isPost ? "" : id)
const showLessComments = (e) => {
const commentSubmit = (e: any, id:number) => {
const formData = {
postId: id
if(comment_body.length > 6 ){
alert("Comment must be at least 6 characters")
const { posts, currentUser} = props;
return posts.length > 0 ? (, i) => (
<Fragment key={i}>
<Grid item={true} sm={12} md={12} style={{ margin: "20px 0px" }}>
<Paper style={{ padding: "20px",}}>
<Typography variant="h5" align="left">
<OurLink to={{
pathname: `/post/${}`,
state: { post },
<Grid item={true} sm={12} md={12} style={{ padding: "30px 0px"}} >
<Typography align="left">{post.postContent.slice(0, 30)}</Typography>
display: "inline-block",
margin: "-10px -20px",
padding: "0px 30px 0px 20px",
<Typography display="inline" variant="subtitle1" align="left">
<Typography align="right">Likes: {post.likeCounts}</Typography>
{/* <span
style={{ cursor: "pointer" }}
onClick={() => props.likePost(}
{" "}
Like this post
<div style={{ margin: "20px 0px", cursor: "pointer" }}>
<span onClick={() => props.dislikePost(}>
Dislike this post
</div> */}
<Grid container={true} spacing={1} style={{ padding: "20px 0px"}}>
<Grid item={true} sm={10} lg={10} md={10} style={{ padding: "0px 0px"}}>
<Typography align="left">
{currentUser && currentUser.user && post.userId === ? (
<span style={{cursor: "pointer"}} onClick={() => props.deletePost(}>
<DeleteOutlineOutlinedIcon style={{ margin: "-5px 0px"}} color="primary" /> <span>Delete</span>
) : (
<Grid item={true} sm={2} lg={2} style={{ padding: "0px 15px"}}>
<Typography align="right">
{post.likedByMe === true ? (
<span style={{ cursor: "pointer"}} onClick={() => props.dislikePost(}>
<FavoriteIcon style={{ color: "red" }}/>
) : (
<span onClick={() => props.likePost(}>
style={{ color: "red", cursor: "pointer" }}
<Typography variant="h6" align="left">
<Grid item={true} sm={12} lg={12} style={{ paddingTop: "40px"}}>
<Button onClick={() => writeComment(} variant="outlined" component="span" color="primary">
{isComment === ? "Close" : "Write A Comment"}
{isComment ===
? (
commentChange={e => setCommentBody(}
onSubmit={e => commentSubmit(e,}
: null}
{post.Comments.length > 0 ? (
<Typography style={{padding: "10px 0px", margin: "20px 0px"}}>Commments</Typography>
<CommentList showMore={showMore} comments={post.Comments} />
{/* if show more hide show more button and show show less comments button */}
{/* {isPost === ? ( */}
{post.Comments.length > 3 && showLessFlag === false && (
<Button onClick={ e => showComments(e,} variant="outlined" component="span" color="primary">
Show More Comments
{post.Comments.length > 3 && showLessFlag === true && (
<Button onClick={ e => showLessComments(e)} variant="outlined" component="span" color="primary">
Show Less Comments
{/* ):(
)} */}
<Grid item={true} sm={12} lg={12} style={{ padding: "30px 0px"}}>
<Typography>No Commments Yet</Typography>
) : (
<Grid item={true} md={8}>
<Typography>No Posts yet</Typography>
import Divider from "#material-ui/core/Divider";
import List from "#material-ui/core/List";
import ListItem from "#material-ui/core/ListItem";
import Typography from "#material-ui/core/Typography";
import Button from "#material-ui/core/Button";
import Grid from "#material-ui/core/Grid";
import moment from "moment";
import React, { Component } from "react";
const CommentList = (props: any) => {
<div style={{ overflow:"scroll"}}>
{props.comments.slice(0, props.showMore).map((comment, i) => (
<div key={i}>
<List style={{ paddingBottom: "20px"}}>
<ListItem alignItems="center" style={{ padding: "0px"}}>
<Typography color="primary" align="left">
<Typography style={{ padding: "0px 0px"}} variant="caption" align="left">{}</Typography>
<Typography style={{fontSize: "12px"}} variant="body1" align="left">{moment(comment.createdAt).calendar()}</Typography>
<Divider variant="fullWidth" component="li" />
export default CommentList;
I pretty much just moved the show/show less logic to the commentlist component, and made this component into to a react hook component, instead of a state less component.
so now we have
Similar issue
how to prevent duplicate onChange values within map loop
import Divider from "#material-ui/core/Divider";
import List from "#material-ui/core/List";
import ListItem from "#material-ui/core/ListItem";
import Typography from "#material-ui/core/Typography";
import Button from "#material-ui/core/Button";
import Grid from "#material-ui/core/Grid";
import moment from "moment";
import React, { Component, Fragment, useState } from "react";
export default function CommentList(props: any) {
const [showMore, setShowMore] = useState(3)
const [showLessFlag, setShowLessFlag] = useState(false);
const showComments = (e) => {
const showLessComments = (e) => {
return (
{props.comments.slice(0, showMore).map((comment, i) => (
<div key={i}>
<List style={{ paddingBottom: "20px" }}>
<ListItem alignItems="center" style={{ padding: "0px" }}>
<Typography color="primary" align="left">
<Typography style={{ padding: "0px 0px" }} variant="caption" align="left">{}</Typography>
<Typography style={{ fontSize: "12px" }} variant="body1" align="left">{moment(comment.createdAt).calendar()}</Typography>
<Divider variant="fullWidth" component="li" />
{props.comments.length > 3 && showLessFlag === false ? (
<Button onClick={e => showComments(e)} variant="outlined" component="span" color="primary">
Show More Comments
) : (
{props.comments.length > 3 && (
<Button onClick={e => showLessComments(e)} variant="outlined" component="span" color="primary">
Show Less Comments
postList(after clean up)
{post.Comments.length > 0 ? (
<Typography style={{ padding: "10px 0px", margin: "20px 0px" }}>Commments</Typography>
<CommentList comments={post.Comments} />
{/* if show more hide show more button and show show less comments button */}
) : (
<Grid item={true} sm={12} lg={12} style={{ padding: "30px 0px" }}>
<Typography>No Commments Yet</Typography>
