MUI TextField(multiline) having a helper text and characters remaining limit - reactjs

I am trying to make a textarea component with MUI and I have got the following designs -
Design - 1
Desgin - 2
I don't think they can be achieved in any way with the TextAreaAutosize of MUI -
I have seen MUI Textfield multiline prop maybe I can use that because I will have a helperText to at least achieve something from the design like in the codesandbox -
Will it be the right solution???


MUI DatePicker - How can I change YearPicker styling

I was just trying out DesktopDatePicker component and experimenting a bit with it's costumization and noticed I couldn't find any information on how to style YearPicker from DesktopDatePicker.
To costumize PickersDay, for instance, I can use renderDay prop and render a StyledPickersDay.
However for YearPicker, I don't see a renderYear or anything similar :/
enter image description here
For context, I wanted to change the color from blue to orange
Is there a different way to do this or it just hasn't been implemented yet?
You can edit the CSS in the YearPicker component:

How to use Material UI Grid spacing prop properly in nested grids?

I am trying to create a Basic Layout with React using Material UI Grid component.
I am following official documentation but the spacing prop seems very confusing and there is very less information available or its unclear in documentation.
When i am trying to nest Grid to create the layout, the negative margins added by the spacing prop confusingly pulling the items and breaking the UI.
Below is the very simple Layout in trying to do
I finally managed to do it with some very complex nestings and custom styles using sx prop as shown below in the codesandbox.
But I am wondering, for a simple use case as this do I really need to write custom styles?!!
What is the cleanest and recommended way to use Nested Grids in Material UI with Spacing ?

Textfield compared to using a Table

I'm learning how to use React and Material UI, and I'd like to build the following component:
For the component, I'd like the number below the header to be clickable. I would like to know, would stacking 2 Text Field components, or would using a Table component be better for achieving this?

How do you even use ant design's ConfigProvider in React?

I see in the antd docs, there is option to use ConfigProvider, where I can customize some styles or some behaviors.
In my case I want to customize outline style of elements(when I focus on input, it gives blue outline ring, so I just wanna make it green).
I wrapped my whole App inside ConfigProvider. But I can't find any example of code of actual customizing.
Any help will be appreciated :)

How to force antd tabs to be full height even if no content (with React and styled components)

I have a react app that uses ant design and styled components and am trying to get antd tabs to render the full height available but setting height to 100% or min-height to 100% is not working, however if I set 100vh it works... but this (of course) does not give the result I want because the component I am trying to render is not the full height of the screen.
Does anyone have experience with ant design that might have a good trick? I've looked at some solutions here on stack overflow but they do not seem to work. One was to use a row and col (here). I've also read through issues on github that suggest to target the specific antd classes like this one but it also does not seem to work.
Finally, I have a code sandbox link here that I have taken directly from ant design's site and added a style prop to the TabPane, setting the height and background (just to be able to see the effect) if someone would like to fiddle with it.
Please chime in if you have experience and a definite solution or even a suggestion at this point. Thanks in advance.
you can do with height : 100vh property .with appropriate padding .
here is the code sandbox link for the same .
