Can we create a fancy animated website using Salesforce? - salesforce

I have created many websited using html, css, javascript and have used animation tools like gsap.
Recently I have switched to Salesforce platform. So can anyone tell me that if we create fancy animated Websites using Salesforce?


Google Form Editor in iFrame?

I am currently working on a project that exposes Google Docs and Forms to a React frontend using Oauth and iFrames. I am able to embed doc, sheet and slide editors with no issues, but no luck with Google forms (I assume it may not permit editing when embeded), so I have come here to ask if anyone has had any luck doing this.
Whilst it is trivial to embed a Google form itself, I am not able to find a way to access the Google form editor within an iframe as it simply throws a 403. For docs I create an iframe for a given document and suffix the following query params: ?embedded=true&authuser=<EMAIL_ADDRESS>&oauth_token=<OAUTH2_TOKEN>. however this does not work for forms.
Is anyone aware of any work around to access the form editor via iframe? otherwise I will have to create a frontend wrapper for the forms API which is not ideal.

How to make a site with, WordPress handling the UI and ReactJS handling the Front-End logic

ReactJS allows us to create user interfaces. Word Press allows us to build websites, whose buttons, list, color, styles can be customized, with a minimal(to no) knowledge in coding.
I have a web site up and running with ReactJS, where the backend is done in NodeJS and ExpressJS.
But the UI is just a basic one.
I want to build a new site where WordPress handles the UI, like the color, style, size etc of components like Button, Tables, List, headings etc and a person with minimal-to no knowldge in coding should be able to drag and drop or customize the website UI, and the ReactJS should handle all the front-end logic and the backend would be handled by NodeJS and ExpressJS.
Is it possible to do so?? Which frameword or word-press plugin should I use. How can I achieve this.
Good day, Hari.
I can try to help you.
1)Wordpress has now Gutenberg block editor withs use React to create UI logic.
So its very easy to create buttons with colors and style the text in 3 clicks.
At the backend we still have wordpress PHP scripts.
2)Another solution is that Wordpress allow to include your React code to your theme with webpack file
please follow this link to see Demo theme
3)Next solution is Frontify its a framework to connect Wordpress + React
The Let me know if it helps you.

Responsive design using reactJs

I'am using Reactjs for the first time and I want to make my website responsive .
So, Is there a library helps me to get a responsive design ?
thank you.
So this isn't something that React will do for you as building a responsive site is something more along the css that you decide to use.
What I would recommend you adding to your react project is another project like bootstrap which will give you the power to create a responsive website. It also has a lot of other basics that you can use in your project to build upon. Specifically for the responsive overview you will want to check out this link =>

I have a angular website and want to use ionic to create the mobile apps. Whats the easiest way?

I have a website that is created in Angular 4 (with Lumen as the Rest API) that has a responsive design.
The website works on desktop & mobile browser fine but now I want to create the mobile applications.
What is the easiest way to wrap ionic around my existing Angular website to create the mobile applications? The mobile applications will need camera, location, bar-scanning, etc. So I cant just webkit or webview the mobile applications, I would need the plugins from ionic / cordova.
It depends if you want to use any Ionic Components, so if you want to make visual changes to your app, or not.
If you have already created your application and it works/looks fine on mobile, there is no need to use Ionic. Ionic provides visual components to build hybrid apps that look like native apps, but if you don't need them, there is no need to use Ionic. Instead you can just use cordova, which allows you to take your existing webapp and simply add the native features like camera, location, etc. to it.
If you want to change your app and give it a native feel with Ionic, then it really depends on what kind of app you have and how big it is. It's not an easy task to take your existing app and put it "inside" Ionic. It might be easier to just create a new project and copy over the logic, but rebuild everything UI related with Ionic Components.

Make a website mobile ready

I have a website and i want this to be mobile ready. I found Kurogo very helpful for static website. But this is not useful when i have a website where there are many forms and all. which is the best way to convert a website mobile ready where it has many forms, add, edit , update forms and all. I use php/mysql for my application.
you can always try to use bootstrap or zurb foundation and then load the css using a media query
