How do I customize the MUI DataGrid footer components? - reactjs

I am using the MUI V5 DataGrid component in my App and I want to customize the Footer component on the datagrid component but can't find any docs on how to go about it. This is the current default footer:
I want to achieve something resembling this:
Is there a way to reorganize the individual components and customize the styling as such? Any help is highly appreciated.

this sample code you can use for a custom footer in data grid MUI v5
first, you write your pagination component with full logic when the client clicked on the page, like this :
const RoundedPagination = () => {
return (
<Stack spacing={2}>
shape="rounded" page={page + 1} onChange={handleChange} count={props.numberOfPages}
renderItem={(item) => (
color: 'main.0',
components={{previous: ArrowRightRoundedIcon, next: ArrowLeftRoundedIcon}}
then you use this component in data grid like this :
<Grid container item justifyContent={'center'} alignItems={'center'} md={12}>
Pagination: RoundedPagination,
hope you get your answer good luck ;)


Display an img when rows are empty in MUI datagrid

I'm using MUI V.5 with React.
And I would like to display an image in my grid, when rows are empty (when the user search for a product into the grid and can't find any result).
But I don't know how to access to this part sin filas (img reference)
enter image description here
{products ? (
<Box component="div" style={{ width: '100%' }}>
) : (
You can define a new component and override NoRowsOverlay component of MUI datagrid like this:
const MyCustomNoRowsOverlay = () => (
<img src="/no-items-found.jpg" alt="no-item" />
NoRowsOverlay: MyCustomNoRowsOverlay
You can take a look at this sandbox for a live working example of this solution.

Mapping Horizontal divider using Material UI react

I'm working on menu component storybook where i have mapped icon & text , problem is i have horizontal divider in between , how do i Map it with icons & text.From below code i'm getting divider at the bottom of the Menu. I'm trying to achieve as it is in the image. In the storybook i have to map few menu variants as in mui, for that i cannot hardcode divider, if there is any way i can manage it with Map or any other method. Thanks.
export const Menu= ({ icons }) => {
return (
<Paper sx={{ width: 320, maxWidth: '100%' }} >
{ => (
<ListItemIcon fontSize="small">{item.icon}</ListItemIcon>
<Typography variant="body2" color="text.secondary">{item.typography}</Typography>
<Divider /> /* how do i map this */
</Paper >
icons: [
{ icon: <ContentCut fontSize="small" />, typography: "⌘X", label: "Cut" },
{ icon: <ContentCopy fontSize="small" />, typography: "⌘C", label: "Copy" },
If you want the divider to be just one then don't map over it . thats the purpose of the .map() method.
and To Acheive the required results i just removed <Menu></Menu> Component and Just Kept the <Papper></Papper> Component
Notes :
In terms of how to Map the Divider with the below example ,you can just wrap it in a empty react fragment<></> and map over the <MenuItem></MenuItem> .
Only issue is that youll get an error in your key props which will say its not unique it can be fixed by assigning index key like the example below and wrap the <MenuItem></MenuItem> Component in It. However thats not best practice ,
<React.Fragment></React.Fragment> Is better practice according to Keyed Fragment React 18 Docs to add a key prop However that's giving a New Error in MUI.
Thats not an issue since were mapping over the MenuItem Component , However if we use for example in #Nathan Comments <React.Fragment key={index}></React.Fragment> or my previous answer to use <></> we would be mapping over the React.Fragment Itself or the empty fragment and would get a new error MUI: The Menu component doesn't accept a Fragment as a child. Uncomment the Examples in the Sandbox Check the sandbox console.
Check Code Code SandBox
export const MenuIcon = ({ menuicons }) => {
return (
<Paper sx={{ width: 320, maxWidth: "100%" }}>
{, index) => (
<MenuItem key={item + index}>
<ListItemIcon fontSize="small">{item.icon}</ListItemIcon>
<Typography variant="body2" color="text.secondary">
<Divider />
<ListItemIcon fontSize="small">
ClipBoard <ContentCopyIcon fontSize="small" />
Empty Fragment Syntax React Docs
Stack OverFlow Question MUI Icons - as props
.map() method Syntax - MDN Docs

Customize MUI Gridtoolbar

I'm using MUI Datagrid and i wanna know if there is a way to customize the gridtoolbar with custom buttons and text.
I imagine that you know, thak to enable the toolbar you need to add the Toolbar: GridToolbar to the grid components prop - like
Toolbar: GridToolbar,
So, if you want to custom, and add others things, you must compose your own toolbar, for example:
function CustomToolbar() {
return (
<GridToolbarColumnsButton />
<GridToolbarFilterButton />
<GridToolbarDensitySelector />
<GridToolbarExport />
And do the same thing:
Toolbar: CustomToolbar,

Material-UI Data-Grid: How pass parameter to custom toolbar?

I am defining a custom toolbar in datagrid (Material-UI) following (see:
I started from this example:
I want to show or hide toolbar with transition.
As we can't passing custom props to component:
components={{ Toolbar: CustomToolbar }}
So i have used context API like this:
export function CustomToolbar(props: GridBaseComponentProps) {
const classes = useToolbarStyles();
const toolbarContext = useContext(ToolbarContext);
return (
<Collapse in={toolbarContext.toolbar}>
<GridToolbarContainer className={classes.root}>
<GridColumnsToolbarButton />
<GridFilterToolbarButton />
<GridDensitySelector />
<GridToolbarExport />
It works but is it any better solution ?
You should be able to use the componentsProps prop of DataGrid to pass in any additional props (see, ex.
components={{ Toolbar: CustomToolbar }}
componentsProps={{ toolbar: { myCustomProp: 8 } }}

Using the Controller components, what is needed to show the Label in the TextFields?

Using React-admin, I am using the ShowController component, which gives me more freedom to customize the ShowView. However, I would like to keep seeing the labels in the TextFields, but, they are gone.
This piece of code shows how I am using the ShowController and, it works partially: only show the record values, not the labels (I also tried without the prop "label", it doesn't work neither).
const OrderShow = props => {
return (<ShowController {...props}>
{controllerProps => {
return (
<Grid container spacing={8}>
<Grid item xs={3}>
<TextField label="ID" source="id" {...controllerProps} />
What is missing to show the labels as in the ShowView standard component?
TextFields' labels are usually filled by their source property.
If you want to use <ShowController> component with custom layout, I suggest you to create another custom component and use it inside of <Show>, <ShowView> or <SimpleShowLayout>.
I wrapped the fields with SimpleForm component to be able to show their labels and hide the Toolbar with custom CardActions.
const FormToolbar = () => (
<CardActions style={{display: 'none'}}>
const FormDiv = ({controllerProps, ...props}) => (
<Grid container spacing={24}>
<Grid item xs={12}>
<SimpleForm toolbar={<FormToolbar/>}>
<TextField {...props} record={controllerProps.record} source="name"/>
const OrderShow = props => (
<ShowController {...props} title="Order">
{controllerProps =>
<Show actions={<ShowActions pageType="show" />} {...props} {...controllerProps}>
<FormDiv controllerProps={controllerProps} />
export default OrderShow;
