Import a text file content that contains statements that are intended to be in a zeppelin notebook, in multiple cells - apache-zeppelin

Accompanying a book I'm learning from, are files like this one, obviously depicting a Zeppelin notebook content:
// COMMAND ----------
// in Scala
val myRange = spark.range(1000).toDF("number")
// COMMAND ----------
// in Scala
val divisBy2 = myRange.where("number % 2 = 0")
// COMMAND ----------
// COMMAND ----------
// in Scala
val flightData2015 = spark
.option("inferSchema", "true")
.option("header", "true")
// COMMAND ----------
// COMMAND ----------
// COMMAND ----------
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "5")
// COMMAND ----------
// COMMAND ----------
// COMMAND ----------
// in Scala
val sqlWay = spark.sql("""
FROM flight_data_2015
val dataFrameWay = flightData2015
// COMMAND ----------
spark.sql("SELECT max(count) from flight_data_2015").take(1)
// COMMAND ----------
// in Scala
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.max"count")).take(1)
// COMMAND ----------
// in Scala
val maxSql = spark.sql("""
SELECT DEST_COUNTRY_NAME, sum(count) as destination_total
FROM flight_data_2015
ORDER BY sum(count) DESC
// COMMAND ----------
// in Scala
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.desc
.withColumnRenamed("sum(count)", "destination_total")
// COMMAND ----------
// in Scala
.withColumnRenamed("sum(count)", "destination_total")
// COMMAND ----------
But how may I load such a text file as a notebook, if it is intended for,
a way where each // COMMAND ------- would be splat into a Zeppelin cell?
From what I can see in Zeppelin, I can only:
either import a notebook file, but then its of .json kind or .ipynb.
or paste the whole content of my file into a single cell, then split it manually.
How can I handle this kind of file the most conveniently?


Apache Flink - streaming app doesn't start from checkpoint after stop and start

I have the following Flink streaming application running locally, written with the SQL API:
object StreamingKafkaJsonsToCsvLocalFs {
val brokers = "localhost:9092"
val topic = "test-topic"
val consumerGroupId = "test-consumer"
val kafkaTableName = "KafKaTable"
val targetTable = "TargetCsv"
val targetPath = f"file://${new".").getCanonicalPath}/kafka-to-fs-csv"
def generateKafkaTableDDL(): String = {
|CREATE TABLE $kafkaTableName (
| `kafka_offset` BIGINT METADATA FROM 'offset',
| `seller_id` STRING
|) WITH (
| 'connector' = 'kafka',
| 'topic' = '$topic',
| 'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092',
| '' = '$consumerGroupId',
| 'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset',
| 'format' = 'json'
def generateTargetTableDDL(): String = {
|CREATE TABLE $targetTable (
| `kafka_offset` BIGINT,
| `seller_id` STRING
| )
| 'connector' = 'filesystem',
| 'path' = '$targetPath',
| 'format' = 'csv',
| 'sink.rolling-policy.rollover-interval' = '10 seconds',
| 'sink.rolling-policy.check-interval' = '1 seconds'
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.createLocalEnvironmentWithWebUI()
val settings = EnvironmentSettings.newInstance()
val tblEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env, settings)
As you can see, the checkpointing is enabled and when I execute this application I see that the checkpoint folder is created and populated.
The problem that I am facing with is -- when I stop&start my application (from the IDE) I expect it to start from the same point it stopped in the previous execution but instead I see that it consumes all the offsets from the earliest offset in the topic (I see it from the new generated output files that contain zero offset although the previous run processed those offsets).
What am I missing about checkpointing in Flink? I would expect it to be exactly once.
Flink only restarts from a checkpoint when recovering from a failure, or when explicitly restarted from a retained checkpoint via the command line or REST API. Otherwise, the KafkaSource starts from the offsets configured in the code, which defaults to the earliest offsets.
If you have no other state, you could instead rely on the committed offsets as the source of truth, and configure the Kafka connector to use the committed offsets as the starting position.
Flink's fault tolerance via checkpointing isn't designed to support mini-cluster deployments like the one used when running in an IDE. Normally the job manager and task managers are running in separate processes, and the job manager can detect that a task manager has failed, and can arrange for a restart.

Python3 - IndexError when trying to save a text file

i'm trying to follow this tutorial with my own local data files:
CNTK tutorial
i have the following function to save my data array into a txt file feedable to CNTK:
# Save the data files into a format compatible with CNTK text reader
def savetxt(filename, ndarray):
dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
if not os.path.exists(dir):
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
print("Saving", filename )
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
labels = list(map(' '.join, np.eye(11, dtype=np.uint).astype(str)))
for row in ndarray:
row_str = row.astype(str)
label_str = labels[row[-1]]
feature_str = ' '.join(row_str[:-1])
f.write('|labels {} |features {}\n'.format(label_str, feature_str))
print("File already exists", filename)
i have 2 ndarrays of the following shape that i want to feed the model:
(1976L, 15104L)
(1976L, 15104L)
Then i try to implement the fucntion like this:
# Save the train and test files (prefer our default path for the data)
data_dir = os.path.join("C:/Users", 'myself', "OneDrive", "IA Project", 'data', 'train')
if not os.path.exists(data_dir):
data_dir = os.path.join("data", "IA Project")
print ('Writing train text file...')
savetxt(os.path.join(data_dir, "Train-128x118_cntk_text.txt"), train)
print ('Writing test text file...')
savetxt(os.path.join(data_dir, "Test-128x118_cntk_text.txt"), test)
and then i get the following error:
Writing train text file...
Saving C:/Users\A702628\OneDrive - Atos\Microsoft Capstone IA\Capstone data\train\Train-128x118_cntk_text.txt
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-24-b53d3c69b8d2> in <module>()
7 print ('Writing train text file...')
----> 8 savetxt(os.path.join(data_dir, "Train-128x118_cntk_text.txt"), train)
10 print ('Writing test text file...')
<ipython-input-23-610c077db694> in savetxt(filename, ndarray)
12 for row in ndarray:
13 row_str = row.astype(str)
---> 14 label_str = labels[row[-1]]
15 feature_str = ' '.join(row_str[:-1])
16 f.write('|labels {} |features {}\n'.format(label_str, feature_str))
IndexError: list index out of range
Can somebody please tell me what's going wrong with this part of the code? And how could i fix it? Thank you very much in advance.
Since you're using your own input data -- are they labelled in the range 0 to 9? The labels array only has 10 entries in it, so that could cause an out-of-range problem.

Remove garbage(#,$) value from any string and drop records that contains only garbage(#,$) value with multiple occurances in multiple columns

I tried below code for drop records that contains garbage value with multiple occurrences and multiple columns,But I want to remove garbage value form string with multiple occurrences in multiple columns.
Sample Code :-
filter_list = ['$','#','%','#','!','^','&','*','null']
def filterfn(*x):
remove_garbage = list(chain(*[[filter not in elt for filter in
filter_list] for elt in x]))
return(reduce(lambda x,y: x and y, remove_garbage, True))
filter_udf = f.udf(filterfn, BooleanType())
original = original.filter(filter_udf(*[col for col in compulsory_fields]))
In this example "original" is my original dataframe and "compulsory_fields" this is my array(it stores as multiple columns).
Sample Input :-
id name salary
# Yogita 1000
2 Neha ##
3 #Jay$deep## 8000
4 Priya 40$00&
5 Bhavana $$%&^
6 $% $$&&
Sample Output :-
id name salary
3 Jaydeep 8000
4 priya 4000
Your requirements are not completely clear to me, but it seems you want to output records that are valid after removing the "garbage" characters. You can achieve this by adding a clean_special_characters udf that removes the special characters before running your filter_udf:
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
from itertools import chain
from pyspark.sql.functions import regexp_replace,col
from pyspark.sql.types import BooleanType,StringType
rdd = sc.parallelize((
('2', 'Neha', '##'),
('3', '#Jay$deep##','8000'),
('4', 'Priya', '40$00&'),
('5', 'Bhavana', '$$%&^'),
('6', '$%','$$&&'))
original = rdd.toDF(['id','name','salary'])
filter_list = ['$','#','%','#','!','^','&','*','null']
compulsory_fields = ['id','name','salary']
def clean_special_characters(input_string):
cleaned_input = input_string.translate({ord(c): None for c in filter_list if len(c)==1})
if cleaned_input == '':
return 'null'
return cleaned_input
clean_special_characters_udf = f.udf(clean_special_characters, StringType())
original = original.withColumn('name', clean_special_characters_udf(
original = original.withColumn('salary', clean_special_characters_udf(original.salary))
def filterfn(*x):
remove_garbage = list(chain(*[[filter not in elt for filter in
filter_list] for elt in x]))
return(reduce(lambda x,y: x and y, remove_garbage, True))
filter_udf = f.udf(filterfn, BooleanType())
original = original.filter(filter_udf(*[col for col in compulsory_fields]))
This outputs:
| id| name|salary|
| 3|Jaydeep| 8000|
| 4| Priya| 4000|

Scala read only certain parts of file

I'm trying to read an input file in Scala that I know the structure of, however I only need every 9th entry. So far I have managed to read the whole thing using:
val lines = sc.textFile("hdfs://moonshot-ha-nameservice/" + args(0))
val fields = => line.split(","))
The issue, this leaves me with an array that is huge (we're talking 20GB of data). Not only have I seen myself forced to write some very ugly code in order to convert between RDD[Array[String]] and Array[String] but it's essentially made my code useless.
I've tried different approaches and mixes between using
.flatMap() and
however nothing actually put my collected "cells" into the format that I need them to be.
Here's what is supposed to happen: Reading a folder of text files from our server, the code should read each "line" of text in the format:
exchange, stock_symbol, date, stock_price_open, stock_price_high, stock_price_low, stock_price_close, stock_volume, stock_price_adj_close
and only keep a hold of the stock_symbol as that is the identifier I'm counting. So far my attempts have been to turn the entire thing into an array only collect every 9th index from the first one into a collected_cells var. Issue is, based on my calculations and real life results, that code would take 335 days to run (no joke).
Here's my current code for reference:
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
object SparkNum {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// Do some Scala voodoo
val sc = new SparkContext(new SparkConf().setAppName("Spark Numerical"))
// Set input file as per HDFS structure + input args
val lines = sc.textFile("hdfs://moonshot-ha-nameservice/" + args(0))
val fields = => line.split(","))
var collected_cells:Array[String] = new Array[String](0)
//println("[MESSAGE] Length of CC: " + collected_cells.length)
val divider:Long = 9
val array_length = fields.count / divider
val casted_length = array_length.toInt
val indexedFields = fields.zipWithIndex
val indexKey ={case (k,v) => (v,k)}
println("[MESSAGE] Number of lines: " + array_length)
println("[MESSAGE] Casted lenght of: " + casted_length)
for( i <- 1 to casted_length ) {
println("[URGENT DEBUG] Processin line " + i + " of " + casted_length)
var index = 9 * i - 8
println("[URGENT DEBUG] Index defined to be " + index)
collected_cells :+ indexKey.lookup(index)
println("[MESSAGE] collected_cells size: " + collected_cells.length)
val single_cells = collected_cells.flatMap(collected_cells => collected_cells);
val counted_cells = => (cell, 1).reduceByKey{case (x, y) => x + y})
// val result = counted_cells.reduceByKey((a,b) => (a+b))
// val inmem = counted_cells.persist()
// // Collect driver into file to be put into user archive
// inmem.saveAsTextFile("path to server location")
// ==> Not necessary to save the result as processing time is recorded, not output
The bottom part is currently commented out as I tried to debug it, but it acts as pseudo-code for me to know what I need done. I may want to point out that I am next to not at all familiar with Scala and hence things like the _ notation confuse the life out of me.
Thanks for your time.
There are some concepts that need clarification in the question:
When we execute this code:
val lines = sc.textFile("hdfs://moonshot-ha-nameservice/" + args(0))
val fields = => line.split(","))
That does not result in a huge array of the size of the data. That expression represents a transformation of the base data. It can be further transformed until we reduce the data to the information set we desire.
In this case, we want the stock_symbol field of a record encoded a csv:
exchange, stock_symbol, date, stock_price_open, stock_price_high, stock_price_low, stock_price_close, stock_volume, stock_price_adj_close
I'm also going to assume that the data file contains a banner like this:
The first thing we're going to do is to remove anything that looks like this banner. In fact, I'm going to assume that the first field is the name of a stock exchange that start with an alphanumeric character. We will do this before we do any splitting, resulting in:
val lines = sc.textFile("hdfs://moonshot-ha-nameservice/" + args(0))
val validLines = lines.filter(line => !line.isEmpty && line.head.isLetter)
val fields = => line.split(","))
It helps to write the types of the variables, to have peace of mind that we have the data types that we expect. As we progress in our Scala skills that might become less important. Let's rewrite the expression above with types:
val lines: RDD[String] = sc.textFile("hdfs://moonshot-ha-nameservice/" + args(0))
val validLines: RDD[String] = lines.filter(line => !line.isEmpty && line.head.isLetter)
val fields: RDD[Array[String]] = => line.split(","))
We are interested in the stock_symbol field, which positionally is the element #1 in a 0-based array:
val stockSymbols:RDD[String] = => record(1))
If we want to count the symbols, all that's left is to issue a count:
val totalSymbolCount = stockSymbols.count()
That's not very helpful because we have one entry for every record. Slightly more interesting questions would be:
How many different stock symbols we have?
val uniqueStockSymbols = stockSymbols.distinct.count()
How many records for each symbol do we have?
val countBySymbol = => (s,1)).reduceByKey(_+_)
In Spark 2.0, CSV support for Dataframes and Datasets is available out of the box
Given that our data does not have a header row with the field names (what's usual in large datasets), we will need to provide the column names:
val stockDF ="/tmp/quotes_clean.csv").toDF("exchange", "symbol", "date", "open", "close", "volume", "price")
We can answer our questions very easy now:
val uniqueSymbols ="symbol").distinct().count
val recordsPerSymbol = stockDF.groupBy($"symbol").agg(count($"symbol"))

Zend Config Ini - Cannot parse array

I cannot get the value of an array in an ini file.
Here's the ini file: = Core
module.version = 1
module.package = 'Core Modules'
module.dependency[] = Dep1
module.dependency[] = Dep2
module.dependency[] = Dep3
Here's the code I use to parse it:
$ini = new Zend_Config_Ini('/path/to/module.ini');
The following works fine:
echo $ini->module->name;
This, however, causes an error ('Call to a member function toArray() on a non-object'):
Also, this returns null:
If I change the ini file to: = Core
module.version = 1
module.package = 'Core Modules'
dependency[] = Dep1
dependency[] = Dep2
dependency[] = Dep3
I can access the array by using:
I want the 'module.' prefix, however, because other config data will be in the file.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
You should specify a section in the top of the config. Something like this:
module.dependency[] = Dep1
module.dependency[] = Dep2
module.dependency[] = Dep3
Now this will do ok:
$ini = new Zend_Config_Ini('/path/to/module.ini', 'production');
