Array only update once after setState - reactjs

I have a problem trying to update an array in a setState.
First of all, I have an array in the main component called "myCourses", that have the information about the courses from a student. Then, I have a modal component, which opens after a click event. The modal receives "myCourses" from main and modify when some conditions are true, and the array is updated.
The problem occurs after the setStateMyCourses in modal component, because the cards only renders once, after a few intents with the same patron (open the modal, do the same things and the courses not changes visually, when in the first intent the element is removed).
Here I detach some code of the project.
Main component:
const [myCourses, setMyCourses] = useState([]);
UseEffect(() => {
{ => {Card name = {}}
{condition && <ModalComponent myCourses={myCourses} setMyCourses={setMyCourses}/>}
In ModalComponent I have the following:
const myCoursesAux = myCourses
myCoursesAux.splice(index, 1);

You should never mutate state directly, instead use the updater function form of setState to modify the array without mutating it. Have a look at this documentation for reference
setMyCourses(prev => prev.filter((_,i) => i !== index))

Sorry for the dealy, and thanks again for the reply. I found the problem yesterday. The problem was in the first condition when I call for the modal component.


React losing state when component re-renders

I'm building an application that has a quizz section.
It's only meant to display one question at a time, and they're coming from an API as an array of questions.
I'd like to have a mechanism on the main Quizz component that would know which question is currently being displayed and, when there's a correct answer, move on to the next question.
It works fine for the first question, but once I arrive at the second question, React re-renders my component and my state is reset.
function Quizz() {
const [selectedQuestion, setSelectedQuestion] = useState(0);
const handleQuestionAnswer = useCallback((isRejection) => {
setSelectedQuestion(selectedQuestion + 1);
}, [setSelectedQuestion]);
return {, i) => {
if (i === selectedQuestion) {
return (
<Question data={question} clickCallback={handleQuestionAnswer} key={i} />
The Question component passes the callback to a child, which then invokes the function.
handleQuestionAnswer is closing over the initial state value. Use a functional state update to correctly update from previous state instead of whatever is closed over in callback scope.
const handleQuestionAnswer = useCallback((isRejection) => {
setSelectedQuestion(selectedQuestion => selectedQuestion + 1);
}, [setSelectedQuestion]);
See Functional Updates for more details.
General "Rule of Thumb": If the next React state value depends on the previous state value, i.e. incrementing a count, use a functional state update.
Your handleQuestionAnswer useCallback seems to have the wrong dependencies, you probably meant selectedQuestion instead of setSelectedQuestion.
As you used the wrong dependencies, your handleQuestionAnswer does not 'update' and is only binded to selectedQuestion=0 (as setSelectedQuestion never update)
configured eslint might have help you notice this issue, so it is worth taking time to set it up !

React context not being up to date in a Timeout

I am using react app context to store an array of "alerts objects" which is basically any errors that might occur and I would want to show in the top right corner of the website. The issue I am having is that the context is not being up to date inside a timeout. What I have done for testing is gotten a button to add an alert object to the context when clicked and another component maps through that array in the context and renders them. I want them to disappear after 5 seconds so I have added a timeout which filters the item that got just added and removes it. The issue is that inside the timeout the context.alerts array seems to have the same value as 5 seconds ago instead of using the latest value leading to issues and elements not being filtered out. I am not sure if there's something wrong with my logic here or am I using the context for the wrong thing?
onClick={() => {
const errorPopup = getPopup(); // Get's the alert object I need
context.setAlerts([errorPopup, ...context.alerts]);
setTimeout(() => {
(element) => !==,
}, 5000);
onClick={() => {
const errorPopup = getPopup(); // Get's the alert object I need
context.setAlerts([errorPopup, ...context.alerts]);
setTimeout(() => {
context.setAlerts(alerts => [
(element) => !==,
}, 5000);
This should fix it. Until react#17 the setStates in an event handler are batched ( in react#18 all setStates are batched even the async ones ), hence you need to use the most fresh state to make the update in second setAlerts.
To be safe it's a good practice using the cb syntax in the first setState as well.
I think the fix would be to move context.setAlerts(...) to a separate function (say removePopupFromContext(id:string)) and then call this function inside the setTimeout by passing the errorPopup.Id as parameter.
I'm not sure of your implementation of context.setAlerts, but if it's based on just setState function, then alternatively, you could do also something similar to how React let's you access prevState in setState using a function which will let you skip the creation of the extra function which may lightly translate to:
setContext(prevContextState =>({
alerts: prevContextState.alerts.filter(your condition)

How do I prevent unnecessary, repetitive side-effects from my React useEffect hook?

I am having trouble preventing unnecessary side-effects from a useEffect hook linked to a component that gets re-rendered/reused multiple times after being clicked. I want the side-effect to trigger an action once, but it is being triggered for every render.
I'm building a task viewer that displays nested task data. Please see screenshot #1 for reference.
For context, the main display shows the main tasks (see Event Data) and renders a clickable button if the task has sub-events. When this button is clicked, the selected main task is displayed at the top of the hierarchy view (see Event Hierarchy) and its sub-events are displayed below the hierarchy in a separate pane (see Event Details).
Like the main tasks, if these sub-events in 'Event Details' have their own sub-events, they are also rendered with a clickable button. When this sub-event button is clicked, this clicked sub-event is added to the bottom of the hierarchy, where the clicked main task is already displayed in bold. This selected sub-event's sub-events then replace the content in the 'Event Details' pane.
As the user clicks through the nested data, the clicked sub-event is added to the bottom of the hierarchy so that the user has an idea of where he is in the nested data and its sub-events displayed in 'Event Details'. All 'Event Hierarchy' and 'Event Details' data is cleared when the user selects a new main event or selects a new page.
The hierarchy events are held in an array managed via useState and every time another sub-event is clicked, it is added to this array. That's the idea, at least.
My problem is this:
If I place my setHierarchy function inside a useEffect hook with the selectedTask as dependency, it renders the selectedTask in the hierarchy instantaneously, but the button component that triggers setHierarchy is re-rendered for every sub-event being displayed in 'Event Details' (as I want each event to be clickable) and in doing so, it adds that many copies of the event to my hierarchy array. This happens even though I am checking to see if the hierarchy array already contains the selected subevent before adding it. See result in screenshot #2.
I have tried various configurations of checking the array, but I cannot seem to stop it from adding these copies to and subsequently displaying them in the Hierarchy.
If I place the setHierarchy function inside my click handler, only one single event is added, but it executes before the selectedSubEvent has been updated. This means the hierarchy array is empty upon first render and stays one click 'behind' ie. a specific event is only displayed upon the following click event, after the click that selected it.
This is all done inside my ExpandSubEvents button component (see code below) and also managed via a context provider.
I have tried moving the setHierarchy into a separate function, inside a useCallback, and triggering it from both the clickHandler and the useEffect that sets the selectedSubEvent. This did not resolve the issue.
I've also tried useRef to try and link it to the latest state. I'm not sure that's even doable/correct.
What am I doing wrong here? I am fairly new to coding, so any input on this would be much appreciated.
Sidenote: I suspect that my setup is perhaps beyond the intended scope of useContext. Is it? What can I do to make improvements? Is this perhaps in any way responsible for my issue?
Thank you for taking your time to read this far. I appreciate it!
ExpandSubEvents Component
import React, { useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useMemo } from 'react';
import SubEventContext from '../../store/sub-event-context';
import classes from './ExpandSubEvents.module.css';
const ExpandSubEvents: React.FC<{
id: number;
subEvents: number;
}> = React.memo((props) => {
// Extract context
const subEventCtx = useContext(SubEventContext);
const {
} = subEventCtx;
// Get id of event for when it is clicked
const id = React.useMemo(() =>, []);
let eventIds: number[] = useMemo(() => [], []);
if (hierarchy) {
for (const event of hierarchy) {
// Set CSS classes to style button if it has sub-events
let subEventQuantity = props.subEvents;
let importedClasses = `${classes['sub-event-button']}`;
if (subEventQuantity === 0) {
importedClasses = `${classes['no-sub-events']}`;
// Push the event to the Hierarchy display
// NOTE Tried moving the setHierarchy to a separate function, but it did not make a difference
// const triggerHierarchy = useCallback(() => {
// if (!eventIds.includes(id))
// setHierarchy((prevState) => [...prevState, ...selectedSubEvent]);
// }, [eventIds, id, selectedSubEvent, setHierarchy]);
// Respond to subevent button click event
const clickHandler = useCallback(() => {
// This setHierarchy works, but executes before the selectedSubEVent has been updated
// Furthermore, if a new subevent is selected, it checks if the NEW clicked one has been added
// BUT sends the OLD event still in selectedSubEvent to the hierarchy before IT has been updated
// meaning that the check does not stop the same event being added twice
if (!eventIds.includes(id))
setHierarchy((prevState) => [...prevState, ...selectedSubEvent]);
}, [
// NOTE Tried useRef to get setHierarchy to use the latest selectedSubEvent
// const subEventRef = useRef<Event[]>([]);
// subEventRef.current = hierarchy;
// Trying to setHierarchy directly from its own useEffect
// useEffect(() => {
// if (!eventIds.includes(id))
// setHierarchy((prevState) => [...prevState, ...selectedSubEvent]);
// }, [eventIds, hierarchy, id, selectedSubEvent, setHierarchy]);
// Filter the event from the subEvent array and set it to selectedSubEvent
useEffect(() => {
subEvents.filter((subEvent) => === subEventParentId)
}, [setSelectedSubEvent, subEventParentId, subEvents]);
return (
<button onClick={clickHandler} className={importedClasses}>
export default ExpandSubEvents;

How can I access React state in my eventHandler?

This is my state:
const [markers, setMarkers] = useState([])
I initialise a Leaflet map in a useEffect hook. It has a click eventHandler.
useEffect(() => {
map.current ='mapid').setView([46.378333, 13.836667], 12)
map.current.on('click', onMapClick)
}, []
Inside that onMapClick I create a marker on the map and add it to the state:
const onMapClick = useCallback((event) => {
console.log('onMapClick markers', markers)
const marker = Leaflet.marker(event.latlng, {
draggable: true,
icon: Leaflet.divIcon({
html: markers.length + 1,
className: 'marker-text',
}).addTo(map.current).on('move', onMarkerMove)
setMarkers((existingMarkers) => [ ...existingMarkers, marker])
}, [markers, onMarkerMove])
But I would also like to access the markers state here. But I can't read markers here. It's always the initial state. I tried to call onMapClick via a onClick handler of a button. There I can read markers. Why can't I read markers if the original event starts at the map? How can I read the state variables inside onMapClick?
Here is an example:
When you click in the map and have a look at the console you see that the markers array in onMapClick stays empty while it gets filled in the useEffect that listens for markers.
React state is asynchronous and it won't immediately guarantee you to give you the new state, as for your question Why can't I read markers if the original event starts at the map its an asynchronous nature and the fact that state values are used by functions based on their current closures and state updates will reflect in the next re-render by which the existing closures are not affected but new ones are created, this problem you wont face on class components as you have this instance in it, which has global scope.
As a developing a component , we should make sure the components are controlled from where you are invoking it, instead of function closures dealing with state , it will re-render every time state changes . Your solution is viable you should pass a value whatever event or action you pass to a function, when its required.
Edit:- its Simple just pass params or deps to useEffect and wrap your callback inside, for your case it would be
useEffect(() => {
map.current ='mapid').setView([46.378333, 13.836667], 12)
map.current.on('click',()=> onMapClick(markers)) //pass latest change
}, [markers] // when your state changes it will call this again
for more info check this one out , it will help you for longer term !!!
Long one but you'll understand why this is happening and the better fixes. Closures are especially an issue (also hard to understand), mostly when we set click handlers which are dependent on the state, if the handler function with the new scope is not re-attached to the click event, then closures remain un-updated and hence the stale state remains in the click handler function.
If you understand it perfectly in your component, useCallback is returning a new reference to the updated function i.e onMapClick having your updated markers ( the state) in its scope, but since you are setting the 'click' handler only in the beginning when the component is mounted, the click handler remains un-updated since you've put a check if(! map.current), which prevents any new handler to be attached on the map.
// in sandbox map.js line 40
useEffect(() => {
// this is the issue, only true when component is initialized
if (! map.current) {
map.current ="mapid4").setView([46.378333, 13.836667], 12);
Leaflet.tileLayer({ ....}).addTo(map.current);
// we must update this since onMapClick was updated
// but you're preventing this from happening using the if statement
map.current.on("click", onMapClick);
}, [onMapClick]);
Now I tried moving map.current.on("click", onMapClick); out of the if block, but there's an issue, Leaflets instead of replacing the click handler with the new function, it adds another event handler ( basically stacking event handlers ), so we must remove the old one before adding the new one, otherwise we will end up adding multiple handlers each time onMapClick is updated. For which we have the off() function.
Here's the updated code
// in sandbox map.js line 40
useEffect(() => {
// this is the issue, only true when component is initialized
if (!map.current) {
map.current ="mapid4").setView([46.378333, 13.836667], 12);
Leaflet.tileLayer({ ....
// remove out of the condition block
// remove any stale click handlers and add the updated onMapClick handler'click').on("click", onMapClick);
}, [onMapClick]);
This is the link to the updated sandbox which is working just fine.
Now there's another Idea to solve it without replacing click handler each time. i.e some globals, which I believe is not really too bad.
For this add globalMarkers outside but above your component and update it each time.
let updatedMarkers = [];
const Map4 = () => {
let map = useRef(null);
let path = useRef({});
updatedMarkers = markers; // update this variable each and every time with the new markers value
const onMapClick = useCallback((event) => {
console.log('onMapClick markers', markers)
const marker = Leaflet.marker(event.latlng, {
draggable: true,
icon: Leaflet.divIcon({
// use updatedMarkers here
html: updatedMarkers.length + 1,
className: 'marker-text',
}).addTo(map.current).on('move', onMarkerMove)
setMarkers((existingMarkers) => [ ...existingMarkers, marker])
}, [markers, onMarkerMove])
} // component end
And this one works perfectly too, Link to the sandbox with this code. This one works faster.
And lastly, the above solution of passing it as a param is okay too! I prefer the one with updated if block since it's easy to modify and you get the logic behind it.

Reactjs, is setState needed here, changing value of an object in state

My question is, is it ok to not use setState in this situation or if I should, how would I go about it?
I'm creating a sportsbetting app.
On the list of games, when a user clicks on Denver Broncos -3, a bet slip is created. This also calls
setState({gameSelected:[item]}) in the Parent Component.
It stores that object and adds to it using the spread operator when more bets are clicked.
I pass down that data to betSlip.js file.
side note
Some of the data in the gameSelected object has :
On betSlip.js I am looping through that data and displaying it.
Relevant code inside the loop.
<input type="text" placeholder="Risk" onChange={(e)=>this.handleBet(e,item)}/>
<input type="text" placeholder="Win" value={}/>
This function is inside betSlip.js
handleBet = (e,item) =>{
//function to calculate moneyline bet
let calcBet =(bet)=>{
let newAmount =(100/item.juice)*bet;
return newAmount
} = calcBet(bet)
Yes, you should be using setState here to update Otherwise, React is not aware of the mutation on item and does not rerender. Since item is a prop, you should treat it as immutable from within betSlip.js and update through an event handler in the parent component where item is maintained. Your betSlip.js component could have an onWinUpdate handler that is called within handleBet as this.props.onWinUpdate(item, calcBet(bet)). Then, the parent component can have a function handleWinUpdate(item, bet) that updates the state. I would also keep things immutable in handleWinUpdate by doing something like this:
handleWinUpdate(item, bet) {
this.setState(state => ({
gameSelected: => {
if (i === item) {
return { ...i, win: bet };
} else {
return i;
Notice that we are setting gameSelected to a new array and replacing item in that array with a new copy of item, but with a new win value. No objects are ever mutated.
Even though you don't have to use immutability here, I find it easier to reason about and it opens the door for performance gains later using things like React.PureComponent that rely on immutability.
