SSO Setup for a Saas Application - azure-active-directory

I am looking for some advice regarding "SSO" Setup.
My development team is building a reactjs+node js `Saas Application.
Within this application, we will provide an Option so the user can set up an SSO SAML Authnicaiton by providing
idP metadata
Entity ID
Binding location
Adding Certificate
I have tried to use several services like auth0 but these are extremely expensive services to use. Do any of you know any service which can be set very easily and very cost consciously?

Here are a few open-source alternatives you can try.
SAML Jackson
In the settings page, add a page to enter the SALM metadata.
On the login page, ask the users to enter their company email address or tenant id and redirect the users to IdP based on that.


How to authenticate a Windows Forms client using SAML?

I have been looking into using an identity provider (IDP) to provide user authentication for a Windows Forms client. The user credentials will be hosted by Auth0. After creating a trial account with Auth0 I have downloaded a sample C# Windows Forms client application that can be used to authenticate to the Auth0 IDP using OpenID Connect ("OIDC"). The WinForms sample application pops up a web browser component, displays the Auth0 login screen, I login to the Auth0 IDP (having setup some test credentials in Auth0) and the WinForms application then is sent an authentication token. All well and good, and if I try to login a second time I no longer need to enter my credentials.
However... the company that I will be fetching authentication data from in production would like to use SAML. Is there any way to do this? Based on what I have read, SAML needs a "Service Provider" that will receive credentials from the IDP. The Service Provider is (typically?) a web site. That does not seem to match very well with what I am trying to do (authenticate a windows client). Is there any way of using SAML to do essentially what I have done using OIDC (fetch authentication information for a user from an IDP)? Would I need to develop a separate Service Provider component for this?
Sounds like what you've done so far is fine architecturally:
A modern desktop app following OIDC standards
This puts you in a good position architecturally, where:
Your app gets tokens from Auth0 using OIDC
Auth0 can reach out and do federated authentication with other standards based identity providers, which could be SAML, OIDC, WS-Federation or anything else
This can be done without changing any code in your app - and your app does not need to understand SAML
Feels like you need to set up a federated connection from Auth0 to the SAML Service Provider, and most commonly this involves these steps:
You give the partner your Entity Id and Response URL, to post tokens to
They give you am Entity Id, Public Key Certificate and request URL
You configure rules around account linking, so that users can be matched between their system and yours
There are prerequisites though, and the external identity provider needs to be SAML 2.0 compliant. My Federated Logins Article may help you to understand the general concepts, though I do not drill into SAML details here.

Why Saml is the default option for registering Salesforce as an Enterprise Application is AAD

I am trying to integrate Salesforce with AAD, so I see two available options, either Saml or OpenId Connect.. I do not know which one is better, but I prefer OpenId Connect since it seems to be more modern. So I tried to register Salesforce App in AAD and Saml was the default options, so why is Saml the default option ?! is it better or what? Please note that I am building an API and I need to allow authentication and authorization with Single Sign On.
The Azure AD app gallery contains many popular applications that are already pre-configured to work with Azure AD as an identity provider. These applications will be available in the Enterprise applications and have SAML to perform SSO. Any application which is added directly from the Gallery the default method is SAML based SSO , password based SSO etc.. which depends upon the applications.
Kindly check the difference between the App Registration and Gallery application in Azure portal from the link
In order to get more detailed explanation about SSO types and protocols kindly check the document to get more detailed explanation.
If you have any further queries kindly let me know.

What's the best way to authenticate a user in a .net core 2 API programatically using Azure Active Directory

I'm working on an application that has an angular 6 front end and a .net core 2.0 back-end and am trying to set it up so that my application authenticates users via Azure active directory. The issue is that I want the .net core back-end to do all the authentication programmatically when I have the front end pass an email and password. Everything that I've seen so far online suggests to have the front end redirect to the Microsoft login page but we are using our application as a boiler plate project and want to be able to change the type of authentication easily in the back-end without having to change the angular front-end. Does anyone know how I could go about this?
You can use Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant .The process will like that you collect the user credentials in Angular app and post to .net core back end , then finish the authentication in back-end app with user's credential. But that is not recommended because The ROPC flow requires a high degree of trust and user exposure and you should only use this flow when other, more secure, flows can't be used.
Also :
The Microsoft identity platform endpoint only supports ROPC for Azure AD tenants, not personal accounts. This means that you must use a tenant-specific endpoint ({TenantId_or_Name}) or the organizations endpoint.
Personal accounts that are invited to an Azure AD tenant can't use ROPC.
Accounts that don't have passwords can't sign in through ROPC. For this scenario, we recommend that you use a different flow for your app instead.
If users need to use multi-factor authentication (MFA) to log in to the application, they will be blocked instead.
Reference :

Identity Server + resource owner credentials + authenticator

I'm working on setting up a new SSO application. I would like to use ASP.NET Identity as a database to store the users data. I have a ReactJs application hosted on Node.JS and a .Net Web Api2 application. I want to protect thsi Web Api 2 using Identity Server with users from its database. In further development I'm going to create a mobile application.
I'm able to create an identity database with some users and use Resource Owner credentials, but I have couple of questions if anyone could help:
Why is Resource Owner Credentials not recommended? My current workflow is to hit the api with client&user&password and obtain a token which I store in web layer and use in Web Api requests. Web Api validates the tokens and identify the user. I read on IS page that's not recommended then what's the recommended scenario to authenticate the user?
How can I create an authenticator for mobile? Should I create my own certificate issue, store it in database as a thumbprint and use access token for that?
In short, Resource Owner requires the credentials to be passed through the application itself, also RO doesn't give you SSO. Here's a longer answer. The recommended scenario is to use hybrid flow with PKCE enabled.
Look up TOTP. I believe it is implemented in AspNetCore.Identity with some examples.

How to use ADFS 2.0 with asp mvc 4

I am writing a MVC 4 web app and want to use the new WIF and ADFS to Authenticate users. I also want to provide a profile page for users to "self serve" changes like phone number or maiden name.
I am looking for resources/tutorials (a good book) to show me how to wire it all up.
Users will be stored in active directory so I'm guessing that I should use the ADMembershipProvider for some of this. I believe there is a profile store attached to ADFS (or I can set one up) and I want to know if its good practice to interact with it directly or is the an API that with let me add claims etc.
Finally, how does all this fit into the new WebSecurity stuff?
You asked for books on the subject of ADFS. You could try the patterns and practices book A Guide to Claims-Based Identity and Access Control.
In terms of the ADMembershipProvider, you don't need it.
ADFS under the hood handles the AD integration, You configure claims rules which determine which attributes ADFS extracts out of AD.
In terms of editing the user in AD, this is an Identity Manager scenario. ADFS is a STS so it doesn't handle this. You need to do this directly e.g. Howto: (Almost) Everything In Active Directory via C#. Be aware that you need an AD login that enables write access to do this. This is a different credential set to the set that allows you to login to ADFS.
ADFS just provides the login screen. Out the box you don't get any self-service functionality. You need to customise the ADFS screen yourself e.g. AD FS 2.0 Sign-In Pages Customization Overview.
