I am trying to deploy my portfolio website built with react. I am using github pages to deploy the page.
This is the website I used when I got a 404 error in deploying. https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/23058
This is the website I am trying to deploy: https://shivam242001.github.io/
On opening the site I initially see the 404 error in the console and when I click refresh I see this in the console
This is the git repo: https://github.com/Shivam242001/Shivam242001.github.io
I really need some help, I have been stuck on this for way too long. Thanks in advance
Because you set the wrong home page
"homepage": "https://github.com/Shivam242001/website.git"
It should be
"homepage": "https://shivam242001.github.io"
Please refer to this: https://github.com/gitname/react-gh-pages#4-add-a-homepage-property-to-the-packagejson-file
So I've managed to publish my React app to GitHub pages, but the page shows up blank. There are no known errors that I can tell as of now. Here is a link to the master branch: https://github.com/SarahACollins/Portfolio/tree/master and to the website https://sarahacollins.github.io/Portfolio/ . I am building the site from the gh-pages branch; I'm not sure if I'm supposed to but if I build the website from the master branch, I receive a 404 error where the page is just not found. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
GitHub Pages screenshot
Here is the link to my React project https://github.com/Count-T/blogfrontend, I ran npm run build and put that folder into netlify but when I check the app it only shows a blank page. I don't know is the problem is react-router but I already put a file to redirect netlify to index.html. This is my second time uploading a project onto netlify but my previous project did not use react-router-dom. Any help would be much appreciated thanks!
Link to netlify website: https://tonyliblog.netlify.app/
Here is an image of the website
I do see an error "Cannot convert undefined or null to object" in the console on the netlify site. I don't know if that could help you to pin down the issue. Did it run without any problem in your local env? Are you using any environment variables/ Keys to access your API?
I have created a site using CRA, If I run build it all works fine on Github-pages, but when I attempt to run the site through my Netlify account it shows up a blank page. It's connecting to the site as the html is showing with my React page. but there is no content. The Repo in Github has a client folder in which is my build folder. I have tried everything to get this working, am I missing something simple?
This is my Package.json file:
My Netlify settings point to the correct directory:
There is also a 404 error showing when the page loads:
I changed the homepage of my package.json file to "." and then on netlify changed the settings to not see npm warnings as errors which I think was blocking the site compiling. This was done by adding CI=false on the build command on netlify.
Everything is now working
All the examples I see online have you deploy to a subdomain (for example https://username.github.io/my-app). But how do you deploy to the homepage when using React? In my package.json file I have "homepage": "http://username.github.io/" and I'm using npm run deploy however my site doesn't show up, instead a React information file displays.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I figured out what I need to do after reading the 'Github Pages' section of this website: https://create-react-app.dev/docs/deployment/.
I've tried following the github documentation and this video tutorial to a T https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dq6EkzoZp4w and yet when ever I try and visit my site I simply get a 404 error, this a link to the gh-page repo https://github.com/Jseto97/jseto.me/tree/gh-pages. Not sure what i'm doing wrong.
check this, it is very good tutorial to deploy react app on github pages https://medium.freecodecamp.org/surge-vs-github-pages-deploying-a-create-react-app-project-c0ecbf317089