HawtIO ActiveMQ table refresh rate - apache-camel

I'm running HawtIO (version 2.14.3) within Apache Karaf.
I very frequently use the ActiveMQ table view to inspect the queue sizes etc.
In this version however, the table refreshes so fast that it's hard to use.
It goes like:
Blank screen for 2 seconds
Display the table for 0.5 seconds
Blank screen for 2 seconds
and repeat...
Is there a way to set the refresh interval(or maybe disable it entirely)?
I know that in older versions of HawtIO this was a setting in the UI.

Check out jbertram's comment on disable web console refreshing. Probably it's the same setting for you.


SvelteKit adapter-static: Support incremental build enabling generating only a specific page instead of entire site

We have some medium website (> pages) and would like to prerender the entire site. Upon content changes in some external system, we would like to update only the specific page which contains the updated content and deploy the updated version of the page as static html page to some publishing service (webserver, CDN, Netlify, etc.).
I have seen that SvelteKit supports this SSG rendering approach through the adapter-static but as far as I've seen it always builds all the pages/routes for every build. This is currently a blocker because if an editor updates some content it takes more than 15 minutes (rough estimate if you have around 1500 pages) to see this update online.
Is there already some possibility to simply build some specific page or route?
Looks like that this is still an open feature request and to be discussed there: https://github.com/sveltejs/kit/issues/2369

Suggested ways to take a screenshot of a react page

I have a react app that serves a live dashboard to clients (SPA).
Within that dashboard, I have what you might call a 'summary' page that gives the user a periodic summary (in a timeframe of their choosing).
Some of those users, want to receive a periodic report (a screesnhot of that summary) as PDF to their emails.
My struggle is with the report generation part - one thing that I'm trying is do is have an automated process login to my webpage and take a screenshot.
However, it feels not best-practice, and causes issues (the page has an MFA that I somehow need to bypass, etc.) .
Bottom line, I was wondering if there is a known process to do what I'm looking for.

Oracle ADF - Redirect link is not working

I am developing a simple application using ADF comes with basic CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete). In this case, as you can see, I have dragged a link to the 1st column which is highlighted in yellow.
So whenever I deploy it and click that, it is supposed to redirect me to the Edit page where client will allow to make commit:
I did make sure the Action of link is associated with the Edit page (as highlighted in yellow above). However, the link wouldn't redirect me anywhere, no response.This is the unbounded task flow:
Okay so I have found out the solution. Due to the default setting, the application will be deployed on IE and this message will prompt out. As you can see, the message is mentioning about browser's compatibility. My IE is version 11.6, I'm not sure what's the issue here since my IE is kinda latest version but this message still pops out and affects the redirect link from working. However, simply copy the application URL to Google Chrome and run should fix this issue. Hope this helps in future.
If the two pages in the Unbounded Task Flow, then Add WildCard Control Flow Rule
and connect the two pages with the WildCard.
Or you can use the Popup instead of opening a new page for edit

IntelliJ automatic updating of jsp files in GAE module stops working with server parameters --address=

I have a GAE module on IntelliJ and when I after I edit the jsp files in it I can just go to the web browser, hit refresh and the changes show up. The other day I needed to access this from a different computer so I added --address= to the server parameters and after that changes to the jsp stopped showing up on the browser until I did a server restart. I removed the option and it started working again. Added it again and it stopped working, repeated several times, always the same result.
So how I can access the server from another computer yet have the ability to make changes and have those changes show up on the web browser without a server restart?
I am using an exploded war, and I have "update classes and resources" on both "on update" and "on frame deactivation".
This is with IntelliJ 13 on OSX 10.9
There are two ways to make iDEA update the runtime project:
Automatic via on frame deactivation, which means that IDEA updates project when you switch to another app (usually browser), i.e. when IDEA looses window focus. This works "automagically" while you test on the same computer, because you usually switch between IDEA and browser (or mobile emulator).
Manually via on update, which requires you to manually click the update button (the green circular arrows) in IDEA inside the running project pane.

Google glass clear cache

I was trying to resize an image to fit into a timeline template. (if it matters, I'm using the html attribute of the timeline) However, it was not rendering it properly. I got frustrated. Then I figured out that glass is using the same image. I just changed the name of the image and the url and it worked. Is there a way to clear the cache ? There might be a scenario where you change images on the server side and have the same timeline item (say a pinned item) access them at some other time interval. Thoughts ?
Request submitted in issue tracker
There's no built in feature that triggers the timeline to clear it's cache, but it does respect the cache headers that you set. During development, use cache control headers to prevent the image from being cached.
If this isn't possible, you can work around this by adding a random GET parameter to the end of the image URL when you insert the card into your user's timeline.
All that being said, this seems like a useful development feature. You may want to request it in the API issue tracker.
put the same answer on your g+ but here it goes:
If you can enable adb, try using "adb reboot recovery" and see if you can get the option to pop up there.
Usually to get a menu up in recovery you have to press power and the up volume key (which i would assume would be the only other key on glass in this case) at the same time. then the volume key(s) scroll through options and the power button selects one.
Let me know if it works out.
