Cannot add a promise implementation on jest mock function outside test block - reactjs

const mockedLogin = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve()); //does not work if implementation is done here: "cannot read then of undefined"
jest.mock("../../hooks/useAuth", () => {
return () => ({
login: mockedLogin,
test("submitting the form calls onSubmit with username and password", async () => {
mockedLogin.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve()); //works fine here
render(<Login />);
const username = "name";
const password = "i need no password";
await userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText(/username/i), username);
await userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText(/password/i), password);
await"button", { name: /submit/i }));
I am trying to mock login function returned by a custom hook.
The login function returns a promise.
If I use mockImplementation inside the test block it works fine but if I use it outside of the test block mockedLogin returns undefined.

Have you tried:
const mockedLogin = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue();


getting issue in jest unit testing for login

i have created login page,which works fine, when i created unit test for that module with jest, i am getting issue, it doesn't return promiss when login api calls, here is my code for react and jest respectively, i am not getting console for console.log("after login"); can anyone please check my code and help to resolve this issue ?
validateAll(formData, rules, message).then(async () => {
console.log("before login");
const login = await authApi.login(app, email, password)
console.log("after login");
if (login && login.error && login.error !== null) {
ToastAlert({ msg: login.error.error || login.error.message, msgType: 'error' });
} else {
ToastAlert({ msg: 'You have successfully logged in', msgType: 'success' });
import { resolve } from "./resolve";
import * as Realm from "realm-web";
function auth() {
const register = async (app: any, data: object) => {
return await resolve(
.then((response: any) => response)
const login = async (app: any, email: string, password: string) => {
const credentials = await Realm.Credentials.emailPassword(email, password);
return await resolve(
.then((response: any) => response)
const confirmUser = async (app: any, data: object) => {
return await resolve(
.then((response: any) => response)
const logout = async (app: any) => {
return await resolve(
.then((response: any) => response)
return {
const authApi = auth();
export default authApi;
unit test
test('login with correct username and password', async () => {
const initialState = {
email: '',
password: '',
error: {
email: "",
password: ""
const mockStore = configureStore();
let store;
store = mockStore(initialState);
const { getByText,getByLabelText } = render(
<Provider store={store}>
<Authenticate />
// fill out the form
fireEvent.change(screen.getByLabelText('Email'), {
target: {value: '***'},
fireEvent.change(screen.getByLabelText(/Parola/i), {
target: {value: '****#123'},
const loginAwait = screen.getByText(/Authentificare/i);
// wait for the error message
const alert = await screen.findByRole('alert')
expect(alert).toHaveTextContent(/You have successfully logged in/i)
As mentioned in the comments you can't make real requests in jest. You have 2 big options to solve your issue:
Option 1.1: As was mentioned in the comment (and shown in the link) you can mock your request library (in your case is not axios, is Realm.Credentials.emailPassword, but you probably also have to mock the app.logIn part) :
Just replace Realm, for example, you should add something like this to your unit test:
const Realm = require("realm-web");
test('login with correct username and password', async () => {
Realm.Credentials.emailPassword.mockResolvedValue({token: "test-token"})
WARNING: As mentioned above this by itself most likely won't fix your problem since you have to also mock app.logIn (however assuming app.logIn is just calling under the hood Realm.App.logIn you might be able to mock that too by adding:
Realm.App.logIn.mockResolvedValue({user: {...})
(Realm.App might need to be Realm.App())
If Realm.Credentials.emailPassword throws an error you might need to define them first when defining jest.mock("realm-web"). So something like :
jest.mock("realm-web", () => ({
App: (config) => {
return {
logIn: jest.fn()
Credentials: {
emailPassword: jest.fn()
or you can just mock the library at the beginning using something like:
jest.mock("realm-web", () => ({
App: (config) => {
return {
logIn: (token:string) => ({user: {...}})
Credentials: {
emailPassword: (email: string, password:string) => ({token: "test-token"})
If this is not the case you need to figure how to mock that as well (is kind of hard to properly fix your issue without a working example). But assuming you are doing something like app = new Realm.App(...) you might want to check how to mock new Function() with Jest here. If you get to this, you will most likely need a hybrid solution (to mock both new Realm.App and Realm.Credentials.emailPassword)
You could also try to mock the entire module at once, at the beginning of the test file using something like:
jest.mock("realm-web", () => ({
App: (config) => {
return {
logIn: (token:string) => ({user: {...}})
Credentials: {
emailPassword: (email: string, password:string) => ({token: "test-token"})
OBS: adjusments might be required. This is just an example.
Also please be aware that this will create a mock for all the tests following the execution of this code.
Option 1.2:
You could also use a similar strategy to mock your authApi (you have some examples on how to mock a default export here). Just make sure you mock the the login function from it (and if there is any other function from the api -> like confirmUser used on the same test mock that as well). This option would be easier to implement but it's really up to what you want your test to cover. Also a hybrid might be mocking the app part together with Realm.Credentials.emailPassword.
Option 2: You might find an existing solution. Here are some interesting links:
github Realm mock
react native example from mogoDB page -> this won't work copy-pasted, but might serve as inspiration.
Another maybe somehow related question would be How to fake Realm Results for tests. It is not answering your question but might also help a little.

How to mock AWS Auth.sign up/in API inside reactJs project

I'm starting with AWS-Cognito and the reactJs app, the service is working very well.
I want to test this function using react-testing-library and Jest.
I don't know how to mock the response Promise received from Auth.signUp(email, password) API
const Handelsregister = async (event) => {
try {
const user = await Auth.signUp(email, password);
console.log("Registred user info", user);
} catch (e) {
My test file looks like this :
it('should render sign up component', async function () {
const handleRegisterSpy = jest.fn();
const user = {
email: '',
pwd: 'SignUp#2022'
const {getByTestId} = render(<Authentication screen={1} setScreen={setScreenSpy()} handleRegister={handleRegisterSpy()}/>);
const email = getByTestId("email");
const passwd = getByTestId("pwd");
const signUp = getByTestId("btnSignUpField");
fireEvent.change(email, {target: {value: user.emailValue}});
fireEvent.change(passwd, {target: {value: user.pwdValue}});
expect(email).toHaveAttribute("type", "email");
expect(passwd).toHaveAttribute("type", "password");
My question is, how can I mock the Auth.SignUp behavior to test both responses
mockResolvedValue and mockRejectedValue

How to mock async call in React functional component using jest

I am testing a functional component that has a submit button that makes an async call to an api. The async call is located within a custom hook. As per standard testing practices, I have mocked the hook, so that my mock will be called instead of the actual async api:
jest.mock("../../../CustomHooks/user", () => ({
useUser: () => ({
error: null,
loading: false,
forgotPassword: <SOMETHING HERE>
I know that my forgotPassword function is called because when I change it to forgotPassword: "", I get an error in my test stating that forgotPassword is not a function.
A very simple representation of the function that is called when my submit button is clicked is this:
import { useUser } from "../../../CustomHooks/user"
const SomeComponent = () => {
....state and other things etc....
const { error, loading, forgotPassword } = useUser()
const submit = async () => {
await forgotPassword(emailValue);
setState(prevState => {
return {
content: "code"
NOTE: My call to the async function await forgotPassword... is wrapped in a try/catch block in my code, but I have left this out for clarity.
In production, when the submit button is pressed, the async call occurs, and then the state should be switched, thus rendering some other components. My test looks to see if these components have been rendered (I am using react testing library for this).
The problem that I am having is that no matter what I place in the placeholder of the first code block, my test will always fail as the setState block is never reached. If I remove the await statement, then the setState block is hit and the component that I want to appear is there as the state has changed. However, obviously this will not work as intended outside of the test as the actual call is asynchronous. Here are some of the approaches that I have tried that do not work:
forgotPassword: () => {
return Promise.resolve({ data: {} });
forgotPassword: jest.fn(() => {
return Promise.resolve();
forgotPassword: jest.fn(email => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (email) {
} else {
As I have said already, if I remove the await statement, then the state changes and the component appears, and hence the test passes. However, for obvious reasons, this is not what I want.
Extra Info
Here is a simplified version of my test:
it("changes state/content from email to code when submit clicked", () => {
const { getByTestId, getByText, debug } = render(<RENDER THE COMPONENT>);
const submitButton = getByTestId("fpwSubmitButton");
const emailInput = getByTestId("fpwEmailInput");
fireEvent.change(emailInput, {
target: { value: "" }
const codeInput = getByTestId("CodeInput");
To anyone who encounters this same problem, I found three ways that this can be solved (the preferred method is Option 3). All methods use a simple mock function that replaces the <SOMETHING HERE> of the first code block in my question. This can be replaced with () => {}:
jest.mock("../../../CustomHooks/user", () => ({
useUser: () => ({
error: null,
loading: false,
forgotPassword: () => {}
Option 1
The first approach is to wrap your test code that relies on an async function in a setTimeout with a done callback:
it("changes state/content from email to code when submit clicked", done => {
const { getByTestId, debug } = render(<RENDER THE COMPONENT>);
const submitButton = getByTestId("fpwSubmitButton");
const emailInput = getByTestId("fpwEmailInput");
fireEvent.change(emailInput, {
target: { value: "" }
setTimeout(() => {
const codeInput = getByTestId("CodeInput");
Notice on the top line the done call back, as well as the test code wrapped in setTimeout at the bottom, and then invoking the callback within the setTimeout to tell jest that the test is done. If you don't call the done callback, the test will fail as it will timeout.
Option 2
The second approach is to use a function called flushPromises():
function flushPromises() {
return new Promise(resolve => setImmediate(resolve));
it("changes state/content from email to code when submit clicked", async () => {
const { getByTestId, debug } = render(<RENDER THE COMPONENT>);
const submitButton = getByTestId("fpwSubmitButton");
const emailInput = getByTestId("fpwEmailInput");
fireEvent.change(emailInput, {
target: { value: "" }
await flushPromises();
const codeInput = getByTestId("CodeInput");
Notice the flushPromises() function at the top, and then the call site towards the bottom.
Option 3 (Preferred Method)
The final method is to import wait from react-testing-library, set your test as asynchronous and then await wait() whenever you have async code:
import { render, fireEvent, cleanup, wait } from "#testing-library/react";
it("changes state/content from email to code when submit clicked", async () => {
const { getByTestId, debug } = render(<RENDER THE COMPONENT>);
const submitButton = getByTestId("fpwSubmitButton");
const emailInput = getByTestId("fpwEmailInput");
fireEvent.change(emailInput, {
target: { value: "" }
await wait()
const codeInput = getByTestId("CodeInput");
All of these solutions work because they wait for the next event loop before executing the test code. Wait() is basically a wrapper around flushPromises() with the added benefit of including act(), which will help to silence test warnings.
try something like this
forgotPassword: jest.fn( async email => {
return await new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
if ( email ) {
resolve( email );
} else {
reject( "Error" );
} );
} );
If it doesn't work let me know.

How do I properly test for a rejected promise using Jest?

import { createUser } from '../services';
handleFormSubmit = () => {
this.setState({ loading: true });
.then(() => {
loading: false,
.catch(e => {
error: e,
it('rejects...', () => {
const Container = createUserContainer(CreateUser);
const wrapper = shallow(<Container />);
return wrapper.instance().handleFormSubmit()
.catch(e => {
console.log("State: ", wrapper.state());
export const createUser = function() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
The test does force the code to go into the catch in the method. So the state does get set to 'error'.
But in my test, it doesn't do what I expect and wait for the Promise to reject before it tests for the state change.
I'm not sure what to try here, should I be using async/await?
So it's the createUser method I want to wait for but I'm not sure my implementation allows for this.
You should do something like this:
it('rejects...', () => {
const Container = createUserContainer(CreateUser);
const wrapper = shallow(<Container />);
return expect(wrapper.instance().handleFormSubmit()).rejects.toEqual('error');
I think it is cleaner this way. You can see this approach in the official docs.
It's important to note that .rejects (and .resolves) returns a promise, which is returned in the example above so that jest knows to wait on it. If you don't return it, you MUST await it:
it('rejects...', async () => {
const Container = createUserContainer(CreateUser);
const wrapper = shallow(<Container />);
await expect(wrapper.instance().handleFormSubmit()).rejects.toEqual('error');
The test fails because it's not aware that the subject is asynchronous. It can be fixed by using a done param or making the test function async.
Note it's also necessary to set the number of expected assertions so that the test will fail even if the catch branch is not taken.
async/await style:
it('rejects...', async () => {
const Container = createUserContainer(CreateUser);
const wrapper = shallow(<Container />);
await wrapper.instance().handleFormSubmit()
.catch(e => {
console.log("State: ", wrapper.state());
Older style done param:
it('rejects...', done => {
const Container = createUserContainer(CreateUser);
const wrapper = shallow(<Container />);
.catch(e => {
console.log("State: ", wrapper.state());
Asynchronous Testing Reference
expect.assertions reference
Your code looks correct. Why do you say that it doesn't wait for the Promise to reject? The only difference I would make would be to make use of Jest's mocking capability, so change
export const createUser = function() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const services = require('../services');
const createUser = jest.spyOn(services, "createUser");
it('rejects...', () => {
There's no need to have a separate Mock file
In your code handleFormSubmit function should return Promise on which you can wait in your test. Also you need to return truthful data from success and error callback to resolve and reject the promise respectively.
handleFormSubmit = () => {
this.setState({ loading: true });
return createUser()
.then(() => {
loading: false,
return true;
.catch(e => {
error: e,
throw e;
Here in your actual code you have caught the error in catch handler and trying to catch it further in out test case code. Hence catch can not be chained further, while you can chain then multiple times.
For reference go through Promise documentations:

spyOn fail even if the spy was called

In my component I have ...
onSubmit = (e) => {
const { history, versionStore } = this.props;
.then(() => history.push('/'));
On my test...
it('after successfully submit should redirect to / page', () => {
const spy = jest.spyOn(minProps.history, 'push')
.mockImplementation((path) => {
console.log('called with ', path); // IS CALLED!
const wrapper = shallow(<Add.wrappedComponent {...minProps} />);
fetchMock.postOnce('/api/version', { name: 'v1' });
wrapper.setState({ formData: { name: 'v1' } });
wrapper.find('form').simulate('submit', { preventDefault: jest.fn() });
The test fail with
called with /
Expected mock function to have been called with: ["/"]
But it was not called.
your redirect is inside of asynchronous code and you are testing it in a synchronous manner, meaning when the test executes the promise is not resolved yet. I would tackle this in one of 2 ways
1 - test your submit function w/o the event, then you can return the promise and test the redirection after the promise chain is successful
2 - mock versionStore.add to be synchronous and immidattly execute it's then function.
