How to search all links in messenger conversation? - facebook-messenger

I'd like to find some usefull link I sent to a friend maybe year ago, but so far with no success. I tried http, https, www, /, ... but nothing lists that one, maybe it starts without protocol specified, I dunno. In whatsapp there is this functionality, msg has nothing. Or am I missing some step?


Serve Files From Naked Root Domain

I run Google Ads on my Google-App-Engine-hosted website (, and they tell me I need to have an "ads.txt" file served from the root domain (i.e., as opposed to
My DNS is hosted on Gandi, and I created their "ALIAS" record (which I think just does CNAME flattening or something similar) to alias "" to "" I chose "" because that's what I CNAMEd "" to (many years back), and that CNAME has been working fine.
However, now when I visit "", I get an "HTTP 301 Moved" to "", and as far as I can tell, this response isn't coming from any code I wrote (I've looked through my code and don't see anything that would redirect this). Furthermore, there is a "Server: ghs" header in the response from "", whereas if I visit "", which works fine, the response includes the header "Server: Google Frontend". I'm not sure if there is some hint of my problem in the difference between those two Server headers.
Anyway, I'm not sure exactly what's going wrong. It could be a DNS issue. I say this because "dig" comes back with the IP, whereas "dig" comes back with "", so maybe one of these really is a "ghs" server and the other is a "Google Frontend" server (I'm not sure the difference) and this "ALIAS" DNS solution just isn't going to work.
More likely though I feel like maybe there is just some settings problem with my App itself where it's not set up to allow the apex domain "", and if I change that setting it will start working?
I have gone through the steps on When I view the "Custom Domains" for my project, I see "" and "", but I don't see the naked domain "". However, when I try to add it on that page, it tells me that "" is already mapped to a project, so I'm not sure what to make of that.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
This seems like an issue with your domain provider.
You can use this tool that might help you contact the domain provider with detailed info.
If they insist it's not an issue on their side (I strongly believe it is), then you should contact Google Cloud Platform Support so a deeper inspection can be made on your project.
If you're also using G Suites for your domain, the criminal is G Suites' Domain -> Redirect. If it is, it's a pity that Google does not let us turn off the so-called feature.
Since G Suites use as the same entry point as App Engine, you have no chance to solve this other than moving your site outside Google services or stop using G Suite.

Importing apache logs into piwik

I am in the process of switching my site analytics from GA to Piwik and would like to incorporate all the historic data that I can. I have already concatenated the full trail of apache log files I have in my possession. However, what I do next is not at all clear to me and the Piwik documentation does not help. It says something along the lines of
python /path/to/piwik/misc/log-analytics/ --url= access.log
I have my concatenated log file, all.logs, in the log-analytics folder. I would have thought that I just need to issue
python /path/to/piwik/misc/log-analytics/ all.logs
but that throws up an error message. When I provide the URL to the site in question too I get an error saying that it gets back an HTML document (naturally) which it does not like.
I'd be most grateful to anyone who might be able to put me on the right track here.
I think --url= let's you set the URL of Piwik, not your website.

Sending threaded email from Google App Engine

I've got an app that's sending email from AppEngine, but each email looks like it's a unique message. Instead I want related emails to be threaded in my email client. Is there a specific header/format I need to use?
These emails are not necessarily in response to another email, so I don't have a Message-ID to plug into References. I've tried using a natural key in References and In-Reply-To to no avail.
I was able to thread a list of emails just by using the In-Reply-To header with your format <msg-identifier#host>.
Supposedly, msg-identifier is the identifier to the message you're replying to, but as you're not replying to any message but sending all of them out of thin air, creating a new ID and using it in all the emails you send will also do the trick.
I got this working by using both References and In-Reply-To with the format <identifier#systemname>. Maybe it'll work with less; I made several changes at once. If someone chimes in with that kind of detail I'll happily accept their answer instead of mine.

.Net Windows Form Client. Capturing Request/Response SOAP from ASMX webservice

before i decided to post this question i went thru several articles and questions in here... none of those seem to be a solution for me.... or i am doing something wrong.
I went thru this article, suggested in this site
that's not working. Not even the source code i downloaded.
then i found this other article...
This is simple.
I have a client (winform)... interacts with a webservice i have no control over, and i need to be able to capture the soap request and response. i followed like 5 tutorials so far, soapextensions, soapattributes, etc, etc... nothing seems to work for me. i have modified app.config, done everything by the book... nothing.
Question... Does anyone have a WORKING example of this? the two examples i found don't work :)
I am using Visual Studio 2010.
Have you tried using tracing in the config file as described in the MSDN articles How to: Configure Network Tracing and Configuring Tracing?
Simply use a "Service Reference" instead of a "Web Reference" then see WCF Tracing.
SOAP extensions need to be registered on the service side (that's why all posts asking you to do configuration inside web.config).
If you want to print out the SOAP messages inside your WinForms client, you will have to call web service in the "raw" way,
#James demonstrates System.NET tracing, which is another way to see the SOAP messages in an external log file, but that's only useful for troubleshooting, as you won't receive the tracing data inside your client.

How can I read Yahoo! Mail using JavaMail?

Using JavaMail, I am able to read and download mails from Gmail, but it is not working for I've tried it in all the possible ways I know, but nothing is working. While searching, I learned that Yahoo Mail does not provide POP3 for free users, so I tried IMAP, but it is also not working.
there is a workaround for this, please see
for No7. Use menu link Forwarding instead of POP Access
